FAA – listen up: they're not Gobelins tapestries
James Tyrrell, Francesca Meilaq (my Fatal Attraction stalker) and Astrid Vella all think the St John’s tapestries were made at the Les Gobelins manufactory, when they weren’t even made in France. Look at this rubbish. Hadn’t they better find out what the damn tapestries are before they tell the owners how to look after them? Unbelievable. X’injoranza bazwija.
A study to maximise space within St. John’s might find space to hang the Gobelins tapestries within the Cathedral or museum while other exhibits like church vestments and manuscripts can be moved elswhere.Re. the EU programmes on sustainable tourism and competitiveness, due to aspects of dehumidifying and cooling underground chambers, the project is environmentally unsustainable and carries an element of risk for the Gobelins Tapestries. St. John’s Cathedral does not need to enter the frenetic world of competitiveness since most visitors to Malta are already paying visitors to the Cathedral.
the project is environmentally unsustainable and carries an element of risk for the Gobelins Tapestries.http://gozonews.com/letters/update-on-st-johns-projects-faa-and-foe/
Re. the EU programmes on sustainable tourism and competitiveness, due to aspects of dehumidifying and cooling underground chambers, especially the cisterns, the project is environmentally unsustainable and carries an element of risk for the Gobelins Tapestries.The collection was never a single entity but acquired over the centuries and may be exhibited according to its subject matter, with the Gobelins tapestries better accommodated within St. John’s museum, while other collections, restoration laboratories, offices and research rooms can be accommodated nearby.
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The first time I came across the goblins was in Noddy – you know, the little man with a red and yellow car. They used to stalk people who wouldn’t say their tapestries came from Flanders. Nasty lot.
Kev, As far as I can remember Noddy isn’t a goblin.
You should check the wiki character section. It’s hilarious how many people can be associated with them. The Skittles are like bowling pins and love to be knocked down. They frequently run out in front of Noddy’s car so he will hit them and knock them over.
No, Grahamsey, Noddy was not a goblin and I did not say so. If anyone here remembers Noddy’s two goblins, one of them was none other than Sarkozy.
Maybe Mr Plod could keep us all in order. I remember that the bad guys were always the Golliwogs – is it still permitted nowadays or has Enid Blyton been classified as a rascist?
Skittles remind me of the Maltese who just walk across a road completely ignoring any approaching vehicle.
Kevin Ellul Bonici – Fejn Daphne ghandha ragun, dejjem tipprova twaqqa’ kollox ghac-cajt (biex ma’ nghidlekx kellm’ohra), biex dak li jkun jinsa x’kien l-argument originali.
Jekk ma’ ghandhekx x’taghmel b’hinek, forsi tista’ tibda taghmel xi xoghol volontarju. Hekk, tkun qed thalli n-nies bi kwiethom u tkun qed taghmel il-gid ukoll, flokk tipprova tfixkel min ma’ jaqbilx mieghek.
Waqajt fil-livell ta’ Denis Catania.