Long. Drawn. Out.

Published: February 20, 2009 at 4:14pm

Forget prods and wires and connecting your toes directly to the grid. The Maltese government, the opposition and the unions have between them devised a new way of using electricity to torture people. What a protracted affair this has turned out to be.

Public rally against utility rates next week
A public rally is being held at the Workers’ Memorial Building at 5.30 p.m. today week in protest at the postponement of the revision of the water and electricity rates to mid-March.
The rally is being organised by the 11 unions fighting the new water and electricity rates.
Senior unions’ officials will address the public.

The news has been greeted with enthusiasm in the grotto.

Simon Hili (16 minutes ago)
Take us all to the streets! It’s about time the unions start showing their teeth to this arrogant government who’s running roughshod over its citizens. Let us show the whole world that we are not all lambs oblivious of the fact that we are being herded to the slaughter.

Mark Portelli (27 minutes ago)
good.another outing…

Balloons, burgers, hot-dogs u daqxejn Hop Leaf and the stage is set for a fabulous time to be had by all. Meanwhile, the rest of us will be looking longingly at those electric prods.

6 Comments Comment

  1. Amanda Mallia says:

    “The rally is being organised by the 11 unions fighting the new water and electricity rates.”

    How do they plan to fight them? With batons? With tear gas?

  2. me says:

    Carnival balls have started earlier this year.

  3. John Schembri says:

    Now one does not need to think very hard to conclude that there will be Joseph and Jason, wearing jeans and blazer, ‘mingling ‘ with the crowd at the rally. We should not forget the mass produced A2-sized ‘posters’ printed in bold black letters, stuck to 20 mm PVC pipe with cable-ties…….”ISSA DAQSHEKK” , “IL-POPLU MA’ JIFLAHX IKTAR”, “FEJNHOM IL-BOZOZ?”, “IL-HADDIEM TMATTAR”, “WE WILL ROCK YOU” .
    With or without the rally we still have to face the same reality: we are going to have lower tariffs when Austin says so. Are these eleven unions posing as the liberators who will rid us of Caesar on the Ides of March? Will there be a soothsayer in this (wrong) crowd?

  4. R Detra says:

    Carnival is extended by another week, no?

  5. Marku says:

    At least now they can stop bitching that Gonzi still has not sent them “their” bozza tad-dawl.

  6. Tony Pace says:

    Remember we had commented about St John’s Cathedral Foundation losing the public affairs game. Frankly I think so did Austin Gatt vis-a-vis the utility rates. One was an obvious lack of healthy debate (prior to your contributions), whilst Austin’s was a total communication eff up. Seriously someone must be accountable.
    As someone said on Super 1, “dasester”.

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