Qisna bus tal-linja

Published: February 26, 2009 at 12:06am

This was reported today.

Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando has argued that Malta should declare it is ‘full up’ and take fresh measures to deter landings by illegal migrants.

Goodbye, green politics and liberal values. Hello, posturing populism. And the next bandwagon is….what?

19 Comments Comment

  1. Hat-tip to Jeffrey for being the first to jump on the bandwagon.

    Every. single. time.

  2. Emanuel Muscat says:

    Next,is the same bandwagon but with Arrigo on it too!And in May/June there will be many more on the same bandwagon:the more the merrier,at least they are highlighting the biggest problem we have and suggesting solutions.

  3. Jaymz says:

    Well at least one person in the current administration is awake, even if I don’t particularly rate him. We are full up but it seems Gonzo is still in hibernation and not in touch with reality.

    [Daphne – Did he SMELL THE COFFEEEEEE???!!! when he woke, and was it TOLLERABLE?]

  4. Andrea says:

    Full up?
    Fed up with Energiser Denis:

    Denis Catania (15 minutes ago)
    These people in Kirkop have a reason to be concerned and scared. People waking up at 3:00 AM to soldiers carrying guns looking for escapees. Listen to this Mayor, the numbers have become to high for the community to help.Malta is full up.
    The facebook group Save Malta from Illegal Immigration 1 and 2 sends out emergency alerts to all members every time there is an escape for the safety of the Maltese people, legal immigrants and tourists alike.

  5. Andrea says:

    Maybe ‘somebody in Canada and Mainland Europe’ has any use for Easter peeps as well:

    Denis Catania (13 hours, 55 minutes ago)
    @J Martinelli: JPO doesn’t need to go to our shores and send the arriving boats back. The government has to tell the EU we are full and refuse to pick them up. We need to tell the EU enough is enough. The Eu needs to pick them up and bring them to mainland Europe.
    Later we will deport the illegals already in Malta. Unless Canada and Mainland Europe want to help and take them. There is millions of open square miles of land in Canada. J Martinelli talk to somebody in Canada maybe you can influence the Canadian government.

  6. Harold says:

    No Daphne we do not need any more illegal immigrants. We do not need trouble. we already have such trouble rousers in our midst. Any additional foreigners will be too much. And it should be a shame on those who are in favour of these klandestini. Unless you are devoid of any logic you will accept the fact that our country is in financial ruins, its population is overflowing and we need to export some of us to Australia or to Europe and these illegals are costing us millions which we need very much for an operazzjoni tal-bazwa as your darlin Mintoff used to say it, we need it to buy anti cancer drugs which cost millions, we need this money to start immediately the women screening programme which is still under wraps. So how can one accept your and Malta Today’s logic to accept these klandestini with all their sanitary problems and what not.

    [Daphne – Quite frankly, if somebody could be found to ship out all the useless, ill-educated, mentalita bazwija Maltese and replace them with hard-working immigrants, this island would be in clover – and I would be happier. The average Maltese thinks out of the seat of his pants. Malta doesn’t survive because of ‘the skills of its workforce.’ It survives despite its workforce.]

  7. Moggy says:

    It’s becoming pretty crowded on the bandwagon…….

  8. Corinne Vella says:

    Andrea: Dennis Catania hasn’t realised that immigrants in Malta are already in the EU.

  9. A. Attard says:

    “Malta doesn’t survive because of ‘the skills of its workforce.’ It survives despite its workforce”

    I really like this quote. Can I print it and stick it on my notice board?

    [Daphne – Go ahead. And while you’re at it, tack up a dictionary so that they can use it.]

  10. Sybil says:

    [Daphne – Quite frankly, if somebody could be found to ship out all the useless, ill-educated, mentalita bazwija Maltese and replace them with hard-working immigrants, this island would be in clover – and I would be happier. The average Maltese thinks out of the seat of his pants. Malta doesn’t survive because of ‘the skills of its workforce.’ It survives despite its workforce.]

    Joseph Muscat when he was an MEP did vote in favour of giving the vote to immigrants. Wonder if the average Maltese was thinking from the back of his pants a year ago during general election time.

  11. A. Attard says:

    In my case (mostly girls in their early 20s) I might need an alphabet chart and an abacus too.

  12. cikki says:

    I though Harold was joking or quoting someone else. How many Harolds do we have in Malta? I’m beginning to think only about 5% of us are not anti immigrants, anti-Jews and anti commonsense, logic and normality.

    [Daphne – No, he’s a real, live follower of Enoch Powell, except that he probably doesn’t know who he was.]

  13. Joseph Mifsud says:

    Daphne, If many of us maltese, and I am happy to be one of them ta’ mentalita bazwija ,are to be replaced by hardworking/well-educated illegal immigrants as stated by you than you should fetch your citizen somewhere else. Take as an example a case of the smaller form the society,a typical maltese family. If a member of this family is not hardworking or ill-educated no one dreams of replacing this member with another one who is hardworking or well educated.

    [Daphne – I love the way you people think in terms of parables and metaphors, comparing the family with the state and your house with state territory. I’ve noticed that a lot of people seem to have trouble grasping abstract concepts, but shouldn’t we have moved on from the days of Dom Mintoff and his hectoring from the backs of lorries? You can’t compare the family to the state, or your house to the state’s territory. They are two different constructs entirely.]

  14. of prayers and some... says:

    No profanation, no disrespect to religious beliefs…but

    Our Father, Who art in cuckoo land,
    Harold be Thy Name.

  15. Harry Purdie says:

    Of prayers and some,

    Excellent. The ensuing is not to profane.

    Let’s continue:

    Harold’s kingdom come,
    As it is in Harold’s land,
    Give us this day Harold’s daily blessing,
    As it is in Harold’s land.

  16. Vanni says:

    Was driving along this morning and saw this sticker on the car in front of me. Thought I’d share it with you:

    Wir sind alle Ausländer – fast überall!
    Faschos sind alle Arschlöcher – Überall!

    We are all Foreigners – nearly everywhere!
    Fascists are all Ar#h#les – Everywhere!

  17. Andrea says:


    Where did you drive along? Exactly the same words are written on a wall next to my house in Munich.

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