What a jerk
Vince Farrugia prides himself on his pragmatism. To others, it just looks like good old-fashioned opportunism. He wants to become an MEP. He has no chance of being elected as an independent candidate. So he chose the Nationalist Party because it happened to be more opportune (and he wasn’t ashamed of saying so in an interview).
But he doesn’t really want to be a Nationalist candidate. He doesn’t think of himself as a Nationalist candidate. And he doesn’t want others to think of him as a Nationalist candidate. The scenario he is painting is that of an independent candidate using the Nationalist Party to get what he wants.
His campaign calling-cards do not bear the Nationalist Party logo. Can you imagine? The campaign cards of a party candidate without the party emblem. Instead, he’s using the logo of the European People’s Party. All you see on those cards is Farrugia in a freshly-darkened wig, the slogan ‘Your strong voice in Europe’ (somebody should tell him there’s a difference between loud and strong) and the Maltese flag. And then, in very, very fine print, you can just about pick out the words ‘Partit Nazzjonalista’.
He’s ashamed of the party which has accepted him on its ticket.
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I’m not really following this issue but my 2 cents is: It takes two to tango. Farrugia is an opportunist, but what does that make the Nationalist Party? Why did they accept him? Please enlighten me.
[Daphne – Who knows? I certainly don’t.]
Daphne, just for your information on his facebook profile I can see the PN logo clearly and he has many photos near the black flag and with Gonzi. His ‘political views’ are Nationalist Party.
[Daphne – Really? Then he must be another one of those who uses hindsight rather than foresight when taking political decisions.]
Hi Daphne, why is it ‘an MEP’ and not ‘a MEP’?
[Daphne – Because of the way it’s pronounced.]
The more I hear Vince Farrugia speak the more I like him. He’s got fire in the belly. He doesn’t beat about the bush. Gonzi asked him to be his party’s candidate and Muscat asked him too. [Daphne – The Labour Party categorically did not invite Farrugia to contest on its ticket. The party has denied that twice.] Even though he comes from an MLP background he preferred the Nationalist Party because he thinks he can work with that party. He is a very valid candidate, and a cut above the other candidates of both parties or maybe of the same mettle of Simon and Mr Grech. [Daphne – I imagine they would consider that an insult, as would I.]
Fuq din hadd ma jiehdok bis-serjeta, Daphne. But on behalf of Vince, thank you for the free publicity.
[Daphne – Never make the mistake of listening only to your group. It’s why elections are lost and the marketing of products fails.]
@ Daphne: I think you are misjudging the person. If Joseph denies it even for a million times I would still believe Mr Farrugia’s version. He is being specific about dates and places and he has witnesses. Mr Farrugia doesn’t give much importance to these petty politics (after all we know that certain MEP hopefuls would rather be with the opposing party). All he speaks about is how to bring work to our country.
[Daphne: I find it interesting that you call the prime minister ‘Gonzi’, the opposition leader ‘Joseph’ and the PN EP candidate ‘Mr Farrugia’.]
Daphne, have you noticed how many mistakes there are in Marlene Mizzi’s ‘personal information’ posted on her website?
[Daphne – Yes; it’s a shame. That sort of thing lets her down.]
Don’t think this guy could be ashamed of anything. He is a pompous opportunist.
I wouldn’t say Vince Farrugia is an opportunist. From what I read, the party asked him, GRTU members asked him, and for all I know he had no choice. So he cannot even be blamed for doing his best not to be elected.
“Daphne – The Labour Party categorically did not invite Farrugia to contest on its ticket. The party has denied that twice” Since when do you believe a word the Muscat leadership couple state? I do not trust either Farrugia or Muscat, and hence I do not know who is telling the truth about what they discussed privately. However, I would not be surprised if Muscat, being an opportunist, chased Vincent Farrugia.
The Times article on Vincent Farrugia is written by Kurt Sansone. I would take it with a pinch of salt. Before reading any of his articles, I constantly ask myself what might be his hidden agenda.
[Daphne – The Labour Party’s denial had the unmistakable ring of truth about it. As for Kurt Sansone, ditto.]
And to lighten the atmosphere, here’s a game of spot-the-difference (in toupees, that is):
Daphne, maybe when the Labour Party denies it thrice the cock will crow. And they will know that they have sinned. There were witnesses to both conversations, witnesses who offered to put this record straight and witnesses who even you know and are familiar with.
[Daphne – Witnesses to what? A bit of kidding around like ‘ghaliex ma’ tikkontestax maghna?’. You have to be nuts to take that seriously. If a party leader wishes to ask somebody to contest an election on the party ticket, he doesn’t do it at a social occasion with ‘witnesses’ – for which read fellow guests – present. You get summoned to the party leader’s office.]
Out of common decency Vince has refused to let them get enmeshed in this. If you had any doubt about Vince’s way of thinking do the gentlemanly thing and meet him to straighten it out. [Daphne – Gentlemanly thing?!] Since when did Labour’s mutterings have a ring of truth about them? As for his cards, don’t blame him for the design. Blame me. [Daphne – Prosit, lajf.] He wasn’t afraid to go to Bormla and speak the way he did last Sunday. Many Nationalists are going to give him their vote because he is honest enough not to wear masks. [Daphne – But he’s not honest enough not to wear wigs. And it would be Nationalists who give him their vote. After all, he is standing with the Nationalist Party. I’m sure he’ll get lots of votes. So did Alfred Sant. It didn’t mean he was a suitable candidate for prime minister. As for Joseph Muscat….ahem. A jackass, pure and simple.]
Mario, did you act as his image consultant too? That horrible shirt, the lack of tie, the angled pose. He looks like a perfect git. And since when is he “Vincent”?
What were they thinking at PN headquarters?
Mario Debono – “As for his cards, don’t blame him for the design. Blame me.”
So can we also safely assume that the overnight change of toupee was also your doing, seeing that it happened shortly after this comment to you?
“Amanda Mallia Monday, 2 March 1952hrs
Mario Debono – “And please, do not go on about toupees”
(I’m butting in, whether you like it or not.) The least he could do, once bothering to wear one, is to have it “age” with him, rather than wearing one that colour, which he probably thinks is youthful, while there are white bits sticking out beneath.”
Il-“brillantine” fuq il-parokka suggeriment tieghek ukoll, Fijsu?
[Daphne – Except that it didn’t age, Mand, but became more youthful. As if men in their 60s have naturally dark hair….and he dyed the white tufts beneath, too.]
I love it! I simply love it! If you click on http://www.vincefarrugia.eu expecting to see what Vince Farrugia promises to deliver, you are faced with a “work in progress sign”. Maybe his ideas have yet to hatch from beneath his thatch.
Mario Debono – “...maybe when the Labour Party denies it thrice the cock will crow. And they will know that they have sinned. There were witnesses to both conversations, witnesses who offered to put this record straight and witnesses who even you know and are familiar with.”
Let the sinners thrice repent, and give the cock a break deserved. For Allah is thy witness and theirs! Let the Vincent begin!
[Daphne – Not to be crass, but with all these crowing cocks, surely you’re given next year’s Nadur revellers some jolly good ideas?]
There she goes again with the “parrokkjalizmu” arguments. Very convincing, Daph! Sometimes you try to be naive: which party leader in his right senses would ask a prospective candidate formally to the party offices? [Daphne – Of course they do. That’s what their offices are for: meetings.]
Gonzi for example “asked” Vince: “int imissek tohrog maghna” after some formal meeting, not in the PN HQ. Simon’s non-candidacy for PN general secretary was discussed at Gonzi’s home. [Daphne – Because they’re close. If they weren’t close, it would have been his office. Inviting people to your home for a discussion is a sign of intimacy and trust. It’s several steps up from inviting them to your office – surely you see that.] And you still prefer to believe a “jackass’s version”? [Daphne – Yes, I do. Even liars and jackasses tell the truth sometimes. The important thing is to know when they’re doing it.]
Vince Farrugia is credible and does not beat around the bush. [Daphne – I can’t agree with you. Somebody who went out of his way to sabotage this country’s chances for EU membership in 1996, who nearly left my sons without an EU passport – to take it to a personal level – will never have my respect, not even if he gets down and grovels an apology, which he has never done. The Nationalist Party may have found it politically expedient to bring him on board for the Calvary leading to the referendum, and I agree completely with that move because needs must when the devil drives. But that doesn’t mean that he has credibility or deserves respect. Let those who voted for Sant in 1996, as he encouraged them to do, vote for him now. Jitla sparat.] And both political parties saw his potential because of his popularity. [Daphne – Yes, the sort of popularity he used in 1996: spare me.]
I believe he made mistakes in his public life as a GRTU head but he surely defended them with good arguments and a lot of energy. [Daphne – Ar’hemm hej. Something tells me that this Vince is more popular with men than with women. I wonder why. Maybe because women – as all married men know – have elephantine memories and the ability to recall past wrongs in catalogued detail?]
I’ve seen Sharon Ellul Bonici’s EP campaign adverts in a newspaper. Among several photos there is one with Dr Gonzi and one with with Dr Muscat. The one with the prime minister is larger and more prominent than the one with Dr Muscat, which is relegated at the far bottom.
[Daphne – Perhaps her husband will explain. Ejja, Kev.]
Since Vincent Farrugia has aligned himself to the PN does he share that party’s ideals? If one has to assess him on his recent performances – he doesn’t.
@ david farrugia – “I’ve seen Sharon Ellul Bonici’s EP campaign adverts in a newspaper. Among several photos there is one with Dr Gonzi and one with with Dr Muscat. The one with the prime minister is larger and more prominent than the one with Dr Muscat, which is relegated at the far bottom.”
Life is usually less complicated than that, David. The picture with The Gonz is rectangular, while the one with the former poodle is squarish. The graphic designer fitted them nicely. Moreover, “far bottom” means more recent. So there, a serious answer to a zestful question.
[Daphne – Of course they do. That’s what their offices are for: meetings.]
Not only meetings, Daph – Mela insejt meta’ Jowey ippoza b’harqa tal-Pampers f’idejh f’xi ufficcju (probabilment f’dak tal-“glasshouse”) ghal ritratt ta’ xi gazzetta ftit xhur ilu (biex juri kemm hu “hands-on father”)?
Interesting how Mr Ellul Bonici calls his wife’s boss “former poodle”. Is that how he addressed Muscat at his wife’s campaign launch? This is the stuff of tabloid headlines.
Isn’t it ironic when you think he’s the same guy of Maltafly? Former inspector of police Kevin Ellul Bonici’s Photoshop skills regarding the Lilliputian poodle surely can’t be forgotten.