Sharon mietet ghall-barrani
April 4, 2009 at 6:49pm
What is there left to say? Sic transit gloria mundi. Being 90+ is no excuse for wearing the same set of fishermen’s fatigues day in, day out for the last three years, while obsessing about money and trying to scrounge even more. We used to put his large belts and bad clothes down to defiance and a chip on his shoulder. Maybe the man was just too damned stingy to buy some decent outfits.
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You’re very right. But it’s not like you’re a style icon yourself either.
[Daphne – Shows how much you know.]
No my dear, Green Velvet shows how much YOU know.
[Daphne – A long green velvet jacket is fabulous, especially when made by a very skilled designer. The difference is that at 5’8″ I can carry it off and your average Maltese midget can’t, which is why you will only very rarely see that kind of thing worn by Maltese women – of my height and taller. You’re probably one of those midgets who are restricted to jeans issikkat u naqa top iswed. There is only one place where you could have seen that jacket, at a party packed with the most drably dressed collection of people I have seen in a long time – not a single colour or beautiful fabric to be seen. Eat my dust. And green velvet is not a proper noun so ditch the capitals.]
Mentioning styles, did you see what Michelle wore last Saturday morning? Black and that stupid small hat. My God.
[Daphne – Black in the morning? For a celebration? Small hats are allowed, but not black.]
Harsu madwarkom u taraw
ufficji moderni
li hadna minghand dawn
li weghdu s-sitt siggu,
wara li kev u jien
slogan taghhom
ghamilnieh taghna.
Sa jtellaghna
jafda fina
wara li baghtejna
ipprevedejna dizastru u inkwiet.
U issa allarieda
l-Ewropa saret mehtiega.
M’ghadux hakkiem min fethilna l-karus
M’ghadux superstate min se jaghtina l-flus
lill-MEPs Maltin.
Gdibna ghalxejn
dwar il-hakma tal-barrani
issa ghal Brussels ahna t-tnejn.
Il-wicc taghna t-tnejn
hemm minn xebbhu mal-warrani
OK, I’ve run out of inspiration.
Prosit Baxxter, and to think I had dismissed you as a fool some days ago!
Re. “issa ghal Brussels ahna t-tnejn” – funny, but it could be the other way round.
Glad to oblige. We plebs have to have our laughs, you know. But honestly, why the background music?
you should also try your hand at poetry. Maybe it will work for you too and those who had dismissed you as a fool will change their minds. One way or another.
Pity there’s no sound! I guess that when Joseph went to greet Mintoff, the latter told him “Int min is-Z*** int?” !!!
Is the music from Gensna? That stuff almost literally gives me nightmares as it reminds me too much of the 1980s. I just turned 40 and so was only in my teens at the time but whenever I see Mintoff and anything to do with him I’m filled with dread.
[Daphne – Yes, it’s from Gensna. Mietna ghall-barrani….]
Considering that the outfit appears to be rubberised, it must really stink. (Or maybe he’s trying to prove that he’s a real dick in a johnny outfit …)
Hey, this is the same man who as prime minister had Malta’s coat-of-arms designed to include a dghajsa, a xitla tal-bajtar tax-xewk u xemx taqli l-bajd! No wonder his clothing is outdated, cheap and devoid of any stylish ideas. Remember him wearing bermuda shorts to his office in Castille? No class. Never had any. Has he paid his water and electricity bills lately?
Hi people, just to let you know, I have found a fantastic job with Roberta Metsola Tedesco Trikkas’s campaign team. Her HQ is a 20-min. drive away, so I’m very happy. My first job is to spam the Internet with links to her website: – it might look a little hollow but they’re really working hard on it. The quotes in the top box are very inspiring.
One last think. Do not disturb Roberta Metsola DeTesco Trickus for the next two days. She’s currently doing the research on the ECJ, the Charter and the Lisbon treaty, because the last statement in her press release came out rather confused and people might think she is not sure whether what Xerinn tan-No2EU is true or false.
Don’t miss the coming debate where RMTT is expected to thrash SEB! It’s coming soon- date and channel unknown to me yet, since I’m low on the need-to-know list.
PS – cause RMTT’s link to open in a new window so people can check it later and not leave your salon. Good video, by the way, but who is that old man?
[Daphne – Tell your wife’s advisers to pull it. It’s not doing her any favours. What was she thinking of? You’d better watch out for that old man. It looks like she’s thinking of making him her next husband.]
Do you think I should tell my boss, Roberta Metsola DeTesco Trickus to take pictures with the old man? I hear he’s still very much loved by the thousands. Roberta has already got thousands of ‘Gift of Life’ supporters in her bag, but a few more thousands would help.
[Daphne – Try to work out what got Louis Grech, Joseph Muscat and John Attard Montalto elected. It wasn’t pictures with Mintoff.]
Hemm hut tal-ilma helu, u ohrajn tal-ilma bahar. And in politics, hames snin is a very, very long time.
[Daphne – Yes, and 30 years is even longer, so trying to get votes off Mintoff’s back is not going to work.]
It’s called reinventing oneself – a good euphemism for being blatantly opportunistic – but hey, if Triccas can do it with Gift of Life, why can’t Sharon Ellul Bonici do it with old Dom? People weren’t that friendly with him back in 1998 though, were they? Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis.
Not sure I’d call him a zmagat. Last September I saw him launch himself into the sea at his favourite swimming spot. Not a bad effort at all for a 92-year old. Still alert; actually seemed in better shape than some people half his age.
[Daphne – If you think that’s alert at 92, it’s because you never met my grandmother at 97, all dressed up complete with painted fingernails and some very firm views on the European Union, a referendum in which she voted. One of the signs of zmagagni is letting go of your personal hygiene and personal appearance. I couldn’t sit next to the man in court; he stank. I suspect swimming is about the only source of water that body ever sees.]
The encrusted dirt acts like a support, kind of an internal zimmer frame
MikeC – And what would you know about that?
I remember my biology. It’s like cockroaches, instead of a spine they have an exoskeleton.
Kevin , ghandi rispett kbir lejn Louis imma JM u JAM jekk taghsarom ma’ johrog xejn. Il-votant din id-darba se jivvota lil min hu genwin u hadem ghal Malta, mhux ‘il min ikun kapaci joghoqod jikkwota hafna dokumenti u cifri ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropeja. Il-votant se jsaqsi “Int x’ghamilt ghal-pajjizek dawn l-ahhar snin?” It-tnejn li hadmu ghal Malta kienu Louis u Simon, l-ohrajn qadu jistudjaw xi lingwa , iduru l-clubs u l-pajjizi minn fuq daharna. Kien hemm min qal il-Birgu li Mintoff hiereg ghal-MEP…….wahdu. Jitla ‘hands down’, kif jghidu tan-nemex. Imbghad daqshekk ‘photo shoots’ ta’ ‘all smiles Sharon’ mal-Perit.Sthajjiltha meta Mintoff mar ghal-photo shoot mal-Papa Gwanni Pawlu t-tieni qabel l-elezzjoni ta’ l-1981.
Xkemb, “genwin u hadem ghal Malta”? I am too cynical to take you seriously here, but cannot really comment because people still have a very twisted impression of what the EP is and which are the best ways to go about serving as an MEP. People have the impression that we should send the ‘ambassadorial’ types, you know, the diplomats li ‘ma jwaqqawniex ghan-nejk’. And yet, the EP is something else, even if brimming with those types. I have been working inside this EP since April 2003 – I think my view can be counted on.
Izda ssemmili lil hadd please ghax iggieghlni naqla kull ma qilt.
Lill Kevin: Siehbi, thawwadnix, ghax jien minghalija dawk it-tnejn deheru li hadmu naqa’! U ahfirli imma kont insejt il-bicca tax-xoghol ghal Malta ta’ Joseph meta beda jkellimhom bil-Malti? Jew ta’ meta Johnny mar mal-mara sal-Messiku fuq xoghol importanti ta’ Unjoni. Min jaf kemm ha b’idejn irgiel u ghafas swaba? Tghidlix li Louis maghhom ukoll, ghax kieku zgur ghal xi mara nivvota!
Maybe some one should start a competition or on-line poll
“What did Mintoff tell JM when he pointed at him at their meeting during the 31st March 2009 celebrations ? “
I agree with amrio that when Joseph comes over to Mintoff, Dom does not even look at him, he points to the lady who comes to greet him. Joseph is taken aback as he expects a huge hug and some kisses and quickly turns away!
I can just imagine what Mintoff said to his companion when Joey came along. Dan minn hu dan? DAN MINN HU? Dan hadli posti fit -tmun tal-lejber? U halluni hej!
This was a great opportunity for the wife to show that even she ‘died for the barrani’……and she’s not afraid of some photo ops with the old warhorse either. All’s fair in elections and votes, it seems.
But, if memory proves me right, I remember Sharon in 1986 being pro-PN, if not a staunch PN supporter. Wonder what happened then? Did some Moscow red run off Kev when he met her soon afterwards? Who knows.
@ Marika Mifsud: empathise with Mintoff and you get this kind of reply.
“Aw ja gustuz, dana kif taghmel festa ta’ Jum il-Hesien minghajr ma tistieden LILI li hloqt din il-festa tant ghaziza ghalina l-laburisti? Qisu qed taghmel festin ta’ gheluq snin missierek u tinsa tistieden lil-missierek li tant hadem ghalik! Int bhal ta’ qablek, mur u hallini bi kwieti. Nirrak tinzel ix-xita u ma’ ssibx umbrella.” Old Dom sees a woman approaching him and says “Aw sabiha, x’minnek kemm ili ma’ narak? Ejja ha naghnqekwahda kbira. Kif inhi ommok?”
Sorry it should be ” Aw muntun……” not “gustuz”
What exactly is the point of this video?
To show that Sharon Ellul Bonici is still a faithful suldat tal-azzar. And to provide a bit of comic relief.
‘….I couldn’t sit next to the man in court; he stank. I suspect swimming is about the only source of water that body ever sees’
Maybe my suspicion is right: he still has not paid his water bills.
Kemm huma persuni foloz.
Ghaziza Daphne
Fil-hajja jista jkun hemm nies li ma jahmlukx ghalxejn, biss pero fil-kaz tieghek il-hafna nies li ma jahmlukx bir-ragun ta’ ghax il-hdura li ghandek kemm ghal partit laburista u ghal partitarji, hija xi haga li jmissek tisthi tiftaha fil berah, illum sinjorina vergni qeghdin fit 2009 ta’, [Daphne – Jien m’iniex sinjorina u lanqas vergni.] u ha naddi kumment fuq Mrs Muscat l-ilbies li kienet liebsa nhar is-sibt ma kienx iswed izda ahdar skur bhal qoxra ta wiccek, u li kieku kienet liebsa l-iswed, kien addattat xorta ghal filghodu [Daphne – L-anqas xejn. Li tilbes iswed ghal celebrazzjoni ta’ ferh, specjalment filghodu, hija pastazata kbira li jaghmluha biss l-injoranti Maltin. Imma nhossni kburija li Michelle Muscat libset bhal qoxra ta’ wicci.] jekk ma tafx tkomplix turi l-antipatija li tezisti go fik, jiena kont se nissugerixxilek tistaqsi lil dak id-designer li ghandek int full-time mieghek ha tara x jghidlek. Ha nistaqsik xi haga pls. Shocking pink u vjola skur imorru flimkien? [Daphne – Iva, imorru sew flimkien. Fil-fatt huma tnejn mill-favoriti tieghi.]
Xtaqt nistaqsik ukoll ghalli jista jkun ta’ ghax m inhix “cert” fis-60’s int u l familja tieghek kontu tieklu sa ma tixbghu??? [Daphne – Il-familja tieghi kienet tiekol sa kemm tixbha anke tlett sekli ilu, ahseb u ara fis-sittinijiet u issa.] insomma ghandi d-dubji tieghi jekk tiekolx sa ma tixba illum ahseb u ara dak iz-zmien
Insomma ghaziza ha nhallik ta’.
u ahjar titghallmu daqsxejn tilbsu jew ghall-inqas jekk ma tkunux certi ma titkellmux int u xi 4 carlatani li jkollok hawn ma saqajk. [Daphne – Allahares kullhadd kien jilbes ta’ cacu bhall-mara tal-leader, habib.]
Bye Bye Happy Easter insomma l festa tieghek ix xahar ta’ NOVEMBRU hahahahaha mur inhasel hasla ja mdellka ragel ta 92 sena qed tghajjar missek tisthi gabna fuq saqajna jew ma tafx eeeeeeeeee ghax jien naf ta li lilek l-ewwel wahda gabek fuq saqajk [Daphne – Le, fil-fatt l-oppost, ghax l-ewwel haga li ghamel l-ex leader tieghek kien li seraq bank shih b’konsegwenzi serji ghall-familja tieghi. U ninnota li 35-sena wara Mintoff, int xorta wahda bqajt hamallu u njorant. Ma tantx ghamlek nies, Mintoff.]
As for the latter Bormliz one who wrote, all I have to say is make no one your god my frecnd. Politicians are in the public eye so criticism will come to them good or bad. But considering your type the only criticism you consider to be good is the one against Gonzi PN.
As for all this talk about clothes, Daphne may I remind you, being 50 now I can say I lived through the 70s and 80s. As a young man I longed to buy some decent clothes, but not even proper jeans were available, let alone brand names, Diesel? What’s that? I even remember a time when we were about five boys going to a disco and to our surprise all were dressed in the same outfit.
There was not much choice of clothes in the shops either: you go into a disco and more than half the men are wearing the same outfits. Girls might have made their own so they had a better choice. So how can you blame our dear Mintoff for wearing the same clothes? Maybe it brings him the nostalgia of the seventies? At least we were able to go to Catania to buy clothes, yes, but we were only allowed about LM36 or less and above that we were checked upon by customs.
Maybe at the time I tried not to see things as being too bad because I was Labour, but I knew things couldn’t go on that way, and have never stopped voting PN since 1981. Mintoff stole my youth, that’s all I can say, and not just because of clothes but other stuff like music records. Vinyls were pretty popular those days but our dear Mintoff wanted to put a quota on how many were allowed to enter our shores at a time.
I remember when A Day At The Races by Queen came out. All the record shop had was four copies – would you believe it? And in those days there was a large demand for them. Let alone there was a rumour once that records by foreign artists might not be entering our shores anymore so that we would be forced to support Maltese talent instead.
The list may go on and on, I know that a lot of time has passed since then, but most of those in power at the time are still around talking of corruption and abuse today. And besides that, what of my stolen youth? Oh yes, and the latest buzzword “progressivi” – ha, even dear old Karmenu used it in his Paci u Progress slogan during the eighties campaign.