Nice one, Chiara

Published: May 12, 2009 at 11:50pm
Chiara for MEP

Chiara for MEP

Well, that was a class act, wasn’t it? You all know I’m not biased because I can’t stand the Eurovision Song Contest, so when I say she was in a league of her own, I mean it.

Admittedly, I heard most of the competition from another room, where their tinny, banging, whiny sounds nearly drove me up the wall.

It wasn’t just Chiara’s voice. There’s just something so appealing about a big girl with sexy confidence when contrasted with all those cookie-cutter weenie sensual-free-zone try-hards in their tight ‘n’ tacky clothes.

I like this lady.

34 Comments Comment

  1. tony pace says:

    and so say all of us !

  2. Bonzo says:

    lol @ cookie-cutter weenie sensual-free-zone try-hards

  3. Mark Ellul says:

    Talent is always attractive. She reminds me so much of Alison Moyet, not just because of her singing abilities but also because of the insults she had to endure due to her size. Of course, she persevered and went on to become a soul diva in her own right.

    On Thursday I’m dying to see how it will turn out for the Dutch clowns – hope they are as good as Chiara when and where it matters (

    Godspeed Ms Vox

    • Gattaldo says:

      Gosh Mark, where’s your sense of humour? One thing I can say for Gordon – he was the first to have the courage to criticise the Russian authorities for banning the gay march and to refer to previous violence directed towards Russian gays. The others are either too absorbed in the whole charade or prefer not to miff this year’s host.

  4. Pat says:

    After moving to Malta it became frighteningly apparent that there are three subjects which should be avoided at all cost: politics, religion and the Eurovision Song Contest. I have broken the first two on too many accounts, I shall not make the mistake of breaking the third (I actually did once and was threatened with a beating).

    • Andrea says:

      Once I got so involved (actually brainwashed and emotionally blackmailed;-) in this song contest business through my Maltese friends that I WATCHED (which I never did) the contest and VOTED for Chiara…..and I even was in Germany at that time.

    • john says:

      Yes, things can get violent. There was one occasion when the Maltese song was neck and neck for first place right up to the final vote. It fell to Macedonia to cast the final vote. The Macedonian jury gave high points to our opponents and none to us – so we lost out. There happened to be an establishment in St. Paul’s Bay called Macedonia restaurant – Maltese owned and run. Nevertheless, an avenging horde descended on the place that night and trashed it.

      • Peter Camilleri says:

        The bit about the Macedonia restaurant is a complete urban myth of course. Everyone seems to know a cousin of a friend of their aunt’s husband who happened to be there on the night, and who swore they saw it happen before their own eyes … but actually it never did.

      • Amanda Mallia says:

        Seeing that the Macedonia restaurant – if I am not mistaken – belonged at the time to Sammy Cremona, maybe Daphne could verify if what you are saying is true.

  5. Joseph Micallef says:

    Apart from all the things about her, if only the volumes of her voice and music where better balanced on TV, the rest might have as well packed and left. The voice is incredible…well nothing to add.

    • elio says:

      Chiara’s voice is excellent, however the song sucks big time……. this is the Eurovision SONG contest not the Eurovision Vocalist contest……so having a great voice is an asset but not essential for success……remember “Lordy” the scandinavian metal band?…….the most important factor is how effective the eurosong bozoz were at making deals and canvassing support….

  6. George Azzopardi says:

    Well done Chiara, you made us proud! Excellent voice and confidence. Fingers crossed for Saturday. “What if we” WIN on Saturday?

  7. Neil Dent says:

    I settled in Malta in the early ’90s and had to suffer all kinds of abuse from friends and colleagues thanks to the ‘Mary Spiteri’ incident, wherein my birth country failed to award her any points. International relations almost collapsed – at least within my office and local watering hole.

    My insistence that the Eurovision Song Contest had been largely ignored and ridiculed in the UK for donkey’s years (Terry Wogan was already correctly predicting who would vote for whom even back then), and that ‘we’ had not snubbed Malta out of pure spite fell on deaf ears.

    I hate the Eurovision Song Contest with a passion but I will say this much: when massive talents such as Chiara and Ira show up and manage a 2nd or 3rd place among such blatant political back-scratching, it’s nothing short of a resounding victory for Malta in my book.

  8. B says:

    The song is cheesy.

  9. eric says:

    I think she can do even better because her first notes weren’t perfect, but she’s got that something that sends shivers down your spine, and like you Daphne I’m not a fan of the Eurovision Song Contest. However, I still think that some cookie-cutter weenie sensual-free-zone try-hards will win because like it or not looks count.

  10. Mario Debono says:

    Ha nghida bil-Malti. Kellna bzonn nhobbu lil pajjizna bhal ma nhossuna kburin meta xi hadd imur tajjeb fil-Eurovixin. Kellna bzonn inhossu dik il “pride” f’pajjizna kull meta nitfghu iz-zibel barra, inhallu xi mandra wara xi barbikju, nisparaw fuq xi ghasfur protett, nuru lil barranin kemm nafu nkunu slavag, maledukati u hamalli, meta nisirqu xi turist, meta nisirqu xi pjanta minn xi rawndebawt, meta nhallu t-tfaljarmu l-karti mal-art, meta narmu ( narmi) xi loqom tas-sigarett barra………..

    U kellna bzonn inknu kburin anke b’haddiehor li ghamel success…..Jospeh Calleja per ezempju. Miriam Gauci ohra. Alex Manche. Semmu iktar.

  11. Lino Cert says:

    If all fails she could sell the song rights to Nintendo. Chants of “What if Wii” could yet dominate worldwide TV screens this Christmas.

  12. C. Fenech says:

    Well done, and good luck for the final, Chiara.

  13. mat555 says:
    probably the best part of the show was this!!!

    • amrio says:


      You mean the TATU show? Wonderful! Is it OK to have a ‘thing’ for that bubbly redhead?

  14. Tim Ripard says:

    Nice one Carrick! Liverpool – the SECOND most successful side in English footie. 18 league titles but only 7 FA Cups!

  15. Vanni says:

    Been following this festival of kitsch, what with cheesy jokes and inane remarks delivered by idiotic hosts trying to convince us that there is chemistry flowing between them. Am I the only one who find these people unamusing, or is this old age?

    BBC3 presenter said that it cost Russia 30m to stage this event. I wonder how Malta will rustle up that kind of cash?

  16. Jenny says:

    Good luck tonight, Chiara!

  17. Edward Clemmer says:

    I hope the technical problems of the semi-final performance will have been resolved for Chiara’s performance tonight. She couldn’t hear herself singing. At one moment, when she moved her head to the rythmn, her movements over-anticipated her musical entry. If she can retain naturalness, and the clarity and dynamic variation of her exquisite voice, adding personality to a flawless performance, she will have achieved all she can do in a horserace of eight-ten honest contenders. I like to compare Chiara to my highest regard for Mama Cass. I enjoyed her duo with Joseph Calleja. Perhaps, Chiara can combine the best of Miriam Gauci and Mama Cass–but Chiara’s voice, of her own, is often simply angelic. I just hope she has everything going her way with her performance–and anything can go wrong. With a suberb performance, and a very high-quality show, it would make for a satisfying evening, regardless of the outcome. Best wishes.

  18. Marcus says:

    There were less than a handful of real songs in this competition, of which Malta’s song was in the first 2 positions. The perfomance was flawless. All Maltese people are going to be disappointed, not because Malta didn’t win, but because the points rewarded were such a poor reflection of the actual merit due. Many people will be clamouring for Malta to drop out of the Eurovision song contest. However, one should bear in mind that Malta made it well into the finals as opposed to other countries. To me Malta’s song was so beautiful that we can hold our head up high and disount the contest as a travesty of fairness of true talent. In my mind Malta has won all possible honours. Thank-you Chiara, you have truly done me proud. I hope my compatriots are able to see things in my same perspective and take this farce in their stride as they do so many other more serious ones in the local political sphere.

  19. Peppina says:

    Well done, Chiara – you just have shown what we thought from the very beginning – it was all voice but no song. I think there is a whole mafia behind the this song for Europe. What is needed is a total clean-out – committee and judges. We need fresh young minds and judges and also new songwriters. We are tired of seeing the same old people again and again – ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

  20. Tal-Muzew says:

    Infaqet il-buzzieqa!

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