Where was Muscat when he missed the president's farewell dinner? Jiltaqa mas-sindku ta' Modica

Published: May 19, 2009 at 9:26pm
Hallih imur jiffonda dak Eddie. Ahna ghal ghand is-sindku ta' Modica. Ejja, Joseph!

Hallih imur jiffonda dak Eddie. Ahna ghal ghand is-sindku ta' Modica. Ejja, Joseph!

You’ve read about Anglu and Joseph’s jaunt to Anglu’s second home in Sicily (“heqq, mort holitej mall-familja”). Now read all about where the prime-minister-in-waiting was when he was supposed to be at the president’s farewell dinner, hosted by the prime minister: meeting the mayor of Modica.

He’s a nice man. I met him myself when I went over to research a magazine feature. But still. These two clowns just have to be kidding.

Notiziario Locale: Joseph Muscat incontra Antonello Buscema

Visita di cortesia di Joseph Muscat al Sindaco di Modica Antonello Buscema. Joseph Muscat è stato Parlamentare Europeo fino al 2008. Alle elezioni politiche di Malta di alcuni mesi fa, è stato eletto parlamentare e subito dopo Leader del Partito Laburista; a questo punto ha scelto di occuparsi della politica attiva della Sua Malta ed ha lasciato il Parlamento Europeo. Muscat era accompagnato dal Suo Vice Leader Angelo Farrugia, avvocato e parlamentare anche Lui, oltre a fare parte della Commissione Elettorale Europea nella veste di osservatore politico internazionale, nonché Negoziatore Ufficiale della Comunità per i Paesi Arabi. …………………….

19 Comments Comment

  1. P Shaw says:

    …”Suo Vice Leader Angelo Farrugia, avvocato e parlamentare anche Lui, oltre a fare parte della Commissione Elettorale Europea nella veste di osservatore politico internazionale, nonché Negoziatore Ufficiale della Comunità per i Paesi Arabi.” …………………….

    This suffix to his name seems to be very important and a significant highlight of his career. The whole cv comes with the name now.

    Reminds me of KMB in the eighties before he became prime minister. He had so many official titles, that the Xandir Malta newscaster used to spend a whole minute going through the list before uttering his name.

  2. Amanda Mallia says:

    @ Daphne – “He’s a nice man. I met him myself when I went over to research a magazine feature”

    Anglu must have been thrilled had the mayor mentioned that he’d met you …

  3. Mario DeBono says:

    So instead of being here to do his duty with the President of Malta, Muscat went to meet a relative nonentity like the Mayor of Modica. Are these people for real or not? And if Anglu wanted a casetta di villeggiatura, couldn’t he have patriotically bought a flat in Gozo?

    [Daphne – They’re up and coming, Mario! They’re mittelkless! They want a house in Sqallija. And for all you know, he has a place in Gozo too. The one doesn’t exclude the other.]

  4. Mario DeBono says:

    And is that claptrap about Farrugia true……Chief Negotiator for the EU with the arab world? I mean, would you send Anglu for something like that? Most probably his bumbling would have precipitated another war.

    [Daphne – As if. Dik paprata ohra minn tieghu, bhal bejgh tal-voti tad-drogati bis-Sej bhala xhud.]

    • Antoine Vella says:

      Mario, he claims to be negotiator for an organisation calling itself the European Electoral Commission. The name sounds like something official of the EU but it has nothing to do with it. A google search yielded practically no information on this EEC.

  5. david s says:

    I shudder to think that these clowns will be governing Malta in 2013. Can you figure out a cabinet from among this lot ?

  6. B says:

    picture this situation:

    joseph having lunch al fresco on a restaurant’s terrace with Modica’s mayor, eating a burger and holding a light conversation.

    Muscat: quanti turisti ricevete ogni anno a Modica?

    mayor: Ma, piu o meno 2oo, ooo. Ci visitano anche maltesi. In fatti, non molto tempo fa mi sono concesso per una intervista con una elegantissima giornalista maltese… (joseph’s radar takes notice but he keeps on eating) .. si chiama… mi sembra.. def… (joseph stops chewing, somehow this syllable seems familiar) def (his face starts turning red).. ah si defni caruana galizia ..OUCH!

    [Daphne – I wasn’t remotely elegant at the time. I had broken my right arm 24 hours earlier and was attractively encased in plaster.]

  7. Darren says:

    Daphne, plaster or not, I am sure your dress sense is light years ahead of Joey’s.

  8. mf says:

    “…è stato eletto parlamentare “???

    [Daphne – Muscat had to tell them something, right? “I’m in parliament because a Super One henchman’s brother gave up his seat for me and I tried to find him another job in return,” doesn’t quite cut it.]

  9. Can anyone mention one local politician with dress sense?

  10. Antoine Vella says:

    In the photo on this page Farrugia is apparently delivering one of his “ferocious speeches”..

    Either that or he’s about to sneeze.

  11. Harry Purdie says:

    Daphne, a little off topic, however, another indication of the deviousness of this bunch. I just received an email from my niece in Toronto, wondering why she received an email from Edward Scicluna, the Labour MEP candidate, blethering on about the Maltese deficit! How in hell’s name did he get that email address? I am the only one on the rock who converses with her! Are they now hacking into private emails? What a sordid, risible bunch of miscreants.

    • Andrea says:

      You don’t have to hack an account these days since people use networks like Facebook, MySpace or Twitter. You don’t even have to sign in yourself to get plenty of information, just through Google search. Most of those users don’t even protect their profiles. Once I tested Facebook for a couple of weeks and was surprised who appeared on my ‘people you might know’ list. Even Sharon Ellul Bonici and Joseph Muscat were around. Scary that was.

      Once you have a name it is easy to find out the related email address, with help from a ‘people search machine’.

      • Harry Purdie says:

        OK, however, why would some old political hack, holding forth on Malta’s deficit, email a Canadian citizen who has no vote or interest in the MEP elections? She is bewildered, bemused and pissed off!

  12. Jason says:

    “L’Onorevole Farrugia si è messo a disposizione di fare da “abbasciatore” per convincere gli investitore Maltesi ad operare da Giarratana. Si è discusso delle varie iniziative che verranno messe in atto per raggiungere lo scopo. La eventuale nascita di realtà economiche operative porterebbe un notevole beneficio occupazionale a Giarratana.”

    So now instead of them working to get investment to Malta so that jobs would be created in Malta they are going to work to have Maltese invest in Sicily and create jobs in Sicily.

    A proper PL ‘qassata’.

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