This is what Technocrat Marlene and Technocrat Edward voted for in 2003

Published: June 2, 2009 at 2:08pm

I’ve just watched Marlene Mizzi’s promotional video on YouTube. She sits there and talks convincingly about what she’s going to do and not do in ‘Europe’. She presents herself as a sort of mini Bill Gates.

Then I went to and read Edward Scicluna’s blog, where he talks as though he has the solution to all of Malta’s ills.

And then I watched this video, and thought: this is what Marlene and Edward voted for in 2003. If it were me, I would have crawled under a stone and stayed there.

As for Joseph Muscat, just look at him go. Is that a white plastic bracelet he’s wearing?

As for Sant, I remember watching that crazy, crazy footage on Super One in a friend’s Tower Road flat while outside on the promenade everyone was going wild with joy. We were in the EU! Little did those celebrating know, and those of us who were watching television did, that the leader of the opposition was claiming – like a madman – that Partnership had won, sandwiched between two sidekicks.

The Labour Party is mad. Cracked. Insane. And because we have to live with it, we have normalised a situation that is intrinsically abnormal.

Six years ago they were burning EU flags. Now they’re under strict instructions to take them to party meetings and hold them up with the Labour emblem, like they did last Sunday.

Labour’s tragedy continues to unfold. Sadly, it is our tragedy, too.

21 Comments Comment

  1. Pat says:

    Isn’t the white bracelet an end poverty symbol?

  2. Anna says:

    As for Joseph Muscat, just look at him go. Is that a white plastic bracelet he’s wearing?

    I think that’s the identity bracelet that they put on his wrist when he was born, and his mother didn’t want to take it off him, just in case he ever got lost.

    [Daphne – Amazing: that’s exactly what came to my mind as well – the identity tags on my babies’ wrists in the state hospital.]

  3. B says:

    He said the Nationalists were “well aware” that with him elected an MP, they will not be able to “bulldoze on workers, pensioners, the middle-class, students, hunters, and the rest of the people”.

    Cuschieri explained that the only way the Nationalist Party had at its disposal to stop him from being elected to the EP on 6 June was by coming out with a huge lie on him.

    He clearly has a very high opinion of himself.

  4. Anthea says:

    Alfred Sant didn’t vote no in the referendum?

    Is he showing his voting document at the start of the video?

    [Daphne – Yes, he’s proudly showing his voting document and announcing that he abstained, after telling people to vote No.]

    Duh… “allahares nidhlu fl-Ewropa” then he didn’t even go to vote? Crazy…

    Or perhaps he did want EU membership after all? How confusing…

    • Andrea says:

      He was protesting since nobody was handing out a ‘partnership voting document’ to him.

    • Mandy Mallia says:

      What beats the bloody lot is Joseph Muscat campaigning against the EU, and then going out for electoin as an MEP five years ago.

    • Corinne Vella says:

      Yes. The point was to undermine the validity of the referendum and to then claim that ‘Partnership’ won.

      If you work out how a referendum that is invalid is legal confirmation of a vote on another matter altogether that never took place, please explain. I still haven’t been able to work that one out.

      • Andrea says:

        Corinne, I am not quite sure if you are referring to my comment. If yes: I was actually joking and now you are telling me that the truth is even funnier-or shall I say tragicomical ?

    • Jeremy says:

      The showing of the voting document was only a strategy since they knew victory was tough for partnership. The fact that the leader had his document makes it easier to come up with the phoney percentages and make the result look more realistic.

  5. Dido says:

    Up to last Sunday my strongest intention was to abstain from voting in this week’s EP elections. The waving of EU flags at last Sunday’s Labour Party meeting in Ta’ Qali nudged me to my senses. In 2003, if it were up to Joseph Muscat & Co. we would be in political and economic wilderness.

    Joseph Muscat squeaking ‘Malta fl-Ewropa’ is the epitome of deceit; it denotes inconsistency and smells of political convenience. On Saturday, I will be casting my vote for the party that toiled for a European identity and for political, social and economic progress. I am not in synch with the government’s political and administrative agenda. However, I will not allow this matter to come in the way of exercising my voting rights in a sensible manner.

  6. Andrea says:

    Oh, someone should show that video to Herrn Schulz.
    He won’t be very amused since he informs us on his homepage that he doesn’t like intolerance and racism.
    Burning flags do not exactly fit into that.

  7. George Azzopardi says:

    Unfortunately, the situation in Malta has become ridiculous. How low can we go? How can we have an opposition leader who suggested that people vote NO to EU and who was against the eurozone? And now he is preaching in favour of the EU? He must first apologise publicly to “the people” and then work hard to gain credibility.

    Apart from Arnold Cassola and Ms. Triccas, BondiPlus yesterday showed the low level of the candidates. Initially I was really entertained by their arguments, but then I felt miserable knowing that these greedy people would like to represent Maltese citizens.

    • Mandy Mallia says:

      @George Azzopardi – The man is a bloody opportunist, and unashamedly so. The people who vote PL deserve him and his “flexible” ideals, morals and principles; the rest of us don’t.

    • Ivan F. Attard says:

      Mr. Azzopardi, agreed 100%, Bondiplus was a real disgrace. Notwithstanding, the programme was useful. Instead of helping us making the right choice, it helped us to avoid making the wrong choice.

  8. James Sultana says:

    My mind had deleted these scenes from storage. It looks so long age, but in fact it’s not. How could these people have the nerve to even present themselves to represent us in the EU. They should all be red in the face and asking for forgiveness for what they wanted to do and the future they wanted to give us all. This YouTuve video should be distributed as much as possible so that those who had forgotten, as I di, will remember once again and do not let other matters hold them back from voting for the people who believed.


    The EU flag appears in Marlene Mizzi’s biography video too. Joseph Muscat speaks from the depths of a leather chair, flanked by the flags of Malta and the EU, not, mind, the Labour Party flag.

  10. CHESTERFIELD says:

    Oh, and Marlene Mizzi also refers to ‘Shubija Shiha’. It seems she hasn’t shaken ‘partnership’ out of her head.

  11. Ettore Bono says:

    Another barrel-bottom well and truly scraped.

    I suppose you think it’s worth trying.

    [Daphne – Are you hovering round this blog during working-hours, and is your salary paid for through our taxes? I have a feeling it might be.]

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