Ejja, go and vote

Published: June 6, 2009 at 9:54am


42 Comments Comment

  1. Lorna says:

    Already voted – and yes, I’m old and conservative – and extremely proud of it.

  2. Patricia Dimech says:

    I just did. No one votes for me!

  3. Tonio Farrugia says:

    Why wait in the queue when I can just breeze in later in the day?

  4. Mario De Bono says:

    Was the first to vote today, obviously for the PN candidates and my good friend, the one who Daphne will be giving a number 10.

    That, in itself, is already a victory!

  5. Charlie says:

    Who is Daphne giving a 10 to?

  6. J. Mifsud says:

    @ Charlie

    As far as I know Daphne is giving her no. 10 to Vince Farrugia. I totally agree with her because some people do not know when to call it a day…….

  7. Mario De Bono says:

    Vince Farrugia!

  8. John Schembri says:

    Daphne’s 10 is the one who wears a toupee’ but has fire in the belly. I really like his straightforward attitude. He believes in what he says and knows his business. He convinced me. He deserves one of my top preferences. I am spoiled for choice.

  9. amrio says:

    Going to vote now. I’ll vote for Simon (as he’s the only capable person out of the whole list of all parties) and for Roberta (as she’s cute and I know her father). And for the local council, I will vote for the Labourite mayor, as he’s a great guy and has done wonders ever since he’s been in his post.

  10. Shannon Andrews says:

    Ghamilt dmiri, ivvutajt mil-one sat-ten lill-kandidati kollha tal-PN.

  11. david farrugia says:

    Vote for everyone from top to bottom – Alternattiva facebook message.

    Alternattiva Demokratika IVVOTA! Is-sistema Maltija tippermetti li tivvota għal iktar minn partit wieħed. Dan billi taqleb minn partit għall-ieħor. Per eżempju, tista’ tagħti l-ewwel preferenza lill-kandidat ta’ partit, it-tieni preferenza lill-kandidat ta’ partit ieħor, u t-tielet preferenza lil xi ħadd ta’ partit ieħor.

  12. Leonard says:

    Not voting is voting.

  13. P says:

    I will be voting very soon. For the candidates who were/are committed, consistent, professional towards the European Union. For the candidates in whose loyalty I have no doubt. Of course, I simply cannot rely on the new converts, for whom il-partit jigi l-ewwel. I’ll be voting for Malta in Europe. Our wo/men in Europe.

  14. lino says:

    Her least preferred candidate, I suppose.

  15. Joe Borg says:

    How can I go & vote?
    I’ve been refused permission to built my private garage.
    MEPA(those bastards) REFFUSAL because street is not wide enough.
    My neighbour(a staunch labourite)street narrows by a whopping 7 feet.
    MEPA(those bastards again)PERMISSION GRANTED because the garage is in a part where there is a widening of the street.
    If you find this unbeleivable I will give the application no.

    • Corinne Vella says:

      You do not need a MEPA permit to cast your vote.

    • Mandy Mallia says:

      Is-soltu tal-Maltin – kulhadd jara x’jaqbillu. Kemm nifilhu nkunu njoranti?

      Mhux ahjar forsi m’ghandekx permess, imma ghandek serhan il-mohh, paci, ghazla … Insomma, taf x’irrid nghid.

  16. Leonard says:

    Looking beyond the Maltese shores the omens aren’t good. England lost at cricket against the fu***n’ Netherlands.

  17. Chris II says:

    Joe Borg – what does that have to do with voting in the EP election (or in reality in any other election). You do not vote one way or other just because you have had a permit or not or if you have street lamp or not, or for any other personal reason.

    You should be looking at the achievements of the party/candidates and their future plans, and then decide. Not voting means you have given others the opportunity to make your choice for you – punto e basta!

  18. Joe Borg says:

    To Corinne & Chris, yes I know you’re right but I have to take a stand. 15 months ago I been promised from a phone call that if I go & cast my vote, they will see about this anomaly & will surely help, but till last week,bla bla bla.
    Now the only reason that will leaver me out is a simple appointment with the bigcheese or else.

    • Corinne Vella says:

      So you’d cast your vote only as ‘payment’ for an appointment, would you? How could anyone be so cheap?

      For your sake, I hope Inspector Anglu Clouseau isn’t reading this or he might get his elephant to sit on you.

  19. Joe Borg says:

    OMG I give up

  20. Joe Borg says:

    “How could anyone be so cheap” because I wasn’t lucky enough to born with a silver spoon in my mouth.
    This permit means everything to me & my family.
    Well don’t you be furious if you’ll be treated with this injustice, while others have there permit granted to erect a farmhouse in an ODZ, come on be fair I’m not so cheap

  21. Corinne Vella says:

    I do not know any more about your particular case than what you yourself have said here in a transparent attempt to sell your vote at auction. Yet the facts as you present them suggest that there was no injustice in your neighbour receiving a permit (you yourself said he’s “a staunch labourite”), and no grounds for you to receive one.

    If there was anything wrong in this case, it was that phone call promising a permit in exchange for a vote and your agreement to the transaction.

    Please do not construe this as some sort of decision on your particular case or some kind of defence for its operating principles and methods. I am no fan of either, nor do I occupy – or wish to occupy – any position at the MEPA.

    Let’s just say you and I operate on a different scale of values, shall we? There are worse injustices than being denied a permit for a garage – being deprived of the right to vote, for example – and while there’s plenty that I and people close to me have been denied or deprived of, you won’t catch us trading in our votes in a pathetic attempt to buy it back.

  22. Antoine Vella says:

    Joe Borg, you are asking us to sympathise with you when we know nothing of your case. It is quite possible that your application was turned down because it went against planning regulations. MEPA may have many faults but it does not discriminate on the basis of political allegiance of the applicants.

  23. @Corinne Vella:

    maybe you shouldn’t be so arrogant with someone who is trying to make a point. Maybe he’s right, maybe he’s not. Yelling and screaming in his ears to go and vote will not work. I hope you get the message.

    [Daphne – Corinne does not yell and scream. She’s one of the few persons on this blog who employs reason and argues logically and unemotionally.]

    • Corinne Vella says:

      There is no yelling or screaming going on at my end. On the other hand, there seem to be plenty of tantrums going on in the Borg household and I detect the simmering of righteous indignation in yours.

      There is no ‘maybe he’s right, maybe he’s wrong’, I am not being arrogant and I did get the point – Joe Borg wants to trade his vote for a garage permit. He said this himself and then he put it up for auction right here on this site: he would vote, he said, only if he got an appointment with some big cheese or other, presumably one who would be able to guarantee a permit.

      It is the use of one’s vote as a form of currency to which I object, not the refusal to vote at all, though I have to say I cannot relate to such a capricious attitude.

  24. Joe Borg says:

    Antoine, Corinne: I was saying facts here,my neighbour even if he was blu I still would point it out, as I did when I mentioned the farmhouse in an ODZ, it belongs to a big head in the blu party as prob. you heard already.
    MEPA: although there are garages in this street, erection of another garage will conflict between vehicular & pedestrians. Than the last one, the icing on the cake.
    MEPA: We are seeking guidance to address this issue because of ambiguity. need I say more, I would be happy & give my EMAIL (if I’m allowed on the blog)

  25. Joe Borg says:

    My application is in line with the planning regulation & to be sure I even seeked guidance from two other A/CE & both agreed that I’m in line. that’s why I’m hurt & I call it injustice

    • Corinne Vella says:

      This brings the discussion full circle: you do not need a MEPA permit to cast a vote.

      [Daphne – Need? He’s talking about ‘want’ here. He wants a MEPA permit so as to cast his vote. Votes for pjacieri – lura ghall-eighties.]

      • Corinne Vella says:

        That is precisely my point. He’s speaking as though it is a necessity, when really it’s just something he wants. I’m glad someone’s registered the fact, even if it isn’t Joe Borg himself.

  26. Joe Borg says:

    Mandy: naccetta li jien injorant, no problem, imma ma naccettax li biex nghix mohhi mistrieh ikolli norqod go xi kaxxa ta xi fridge, mela ma fihmtekx.

  27. Joe Borg says:

    Forsi ma kontx car biz-zejjed, dan iz-zocc ta garage jinkludi dar fuqu li irridu nghixu fija jien il-mara u zewgt itfal.
    “He’s speaking as though it is a necessity”
    Daph, do I need,or do I want?
    Please,please don’t mention the eighties ghax qabbadtni Pelle d’oca

    • Corinne Vella says:

      You have to be wilfully blind to see that no one here – except you – is talking about permits and buildings. The discussion is about the right to vote.

      Let me say this again – you do not need a MEPA permit to vote. The two things are connected only in your own mind, and in a rather unsavoury way, I must say.

  28. Joe Borg says:

    Corinne: OK ghalik mhux necessita li jien ikolli fejn noghod, l importanti ghalik huwa il vot, u jien m’ghandix dritt nastjeni l-anqas, ghallura ma ghandix aktar x’naghmel hlif nitlob l-Alla johodni. u avolja imdejjaq u mwarrab, ha naghlaq fuq nota pozittiva, 2013 nivvota blu mhux ghax blu imma ghax ma nisograx nghix taht it-thugs.
    Good night to all

    • Corinne Vella says:

      Do not put words in my mouth. I did not say it is not important for you to have a home to live it. I said that you do not need a MEPA permit in order to cast your vote. I’ll repeat what I said earlier: it is only in your own mind that voting and permits are linked, and in a rather unsavoury way.

  29. John Schembri says:

    Ghaziz Joe Borg , jien nifhmek mija fil-mija. Inti kull ma’ qed tippretendi huwa dak li hu tieghek bi dritt.
    Il-ministri ghandhom dik l-attitudni ta’ “the buck stops here” (ara kif mexxew tal-Magic Kiosk) u ahna nippretendu li huma jimxu hekk ma’ kulhadd. L-attitudni tal-MEPA maz-zghir trid tkun l-istess bhal ma’ hi mal-kbir. Araw x’hinu jaghmel in-nutar Mangion fis-Siggiewi u Hal-Luqa.
    Hemm klawsola importanti li jekk tidhol , tibda tnaddaf ‘l-Mepa ftit ftit.

  30. Joe Borg says:

    Ghaziz John Schembri, grazzi ghax nehhejtli ftit mil ghoqda li kelli fi grizmejja, mhux ghax l’ohrajn ma femhux ta, imma kif jghid il Malti “il-hmar il-maghkus idur ghalieh id-dubbien”
    Huwa ‘unfair’ mieghi li min fuq li qed jichduli id-dritt tieghi, hawn min akkuzani li irrid inpartat il-vot ma pjacir.
    F’gieh is-sewwa nerga nghid dan dritt tieghi u mhux pjacir.

    • Corinne Vella says:

      The right being discussed here is the right to vote. You have not been deprived of that right. Rather, you have renounced it voluntarily,

      If you think of your vote as a commodity to be traded, then you support a system of patronage, and are in no position to criticise it.

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