Breaking Chav News: Joseph Muscat leaves prime minister waiting for half an hour

Published: June 2, 2009 at 2:33pm
To show how important I am, I will make the prime minister wait for me

To show how important I am, I will make the prime minister wait for me

The leader of the opposition is a chav. We knew that. He didn’t understand why he had to be at the commemoration of the 90th anniversary of Armistice Day (even Barack Obama, who had just won an election, took time out for that).

He didn’t see why he had to be at the prime minister’s farewell banquet for the president and went with Anglu Farrugia and Roderick Galdes to visit the mayor of Modica instead.

He announces on television that he is more comfortable in a hamburger joint than he is at a formal dinner (as though we couldn’t have guessed).

And now, he’s left the prime minister waiting for half an hour without fully understanding the significance of doing something like that.

The prime minister and the leader of the opposition were expected at the PBS studios this morning to record tonight’s Dissett (on TVM after the news – it should be worth watching). The prime minister turned up on time, was welcomed by the PBS chairman and other directors, and then they all sat around waiting for his majesty to turn up, between 30 and 40 minutes later.

Joseph Muscat breezed in without a hint of embarrassment and announced that there was no need for make-up (you know, because unlike the prime minister he has a glowing complexion) and that they could go straight in.

He probably thinks he’s playing mind-games and power-games. He’s probably read something in a book. What the book didn’t tell him is that this kind of behaviour makes him come across as even more of a chav than we think he is already.

78 Comments Comment

  1. M. Cilia says:

    May we know if he had the basic decency to apologise for being late, at least?

    • Libertas says:

      He didn’t. They have just shown him on Net news asking the Broadcasting Authority chairman “how do you do?” Unbelievable.

  2. Marc Antony says:

    Have been catching up on your articles. It sounds like Muscat could slip into my city of Glasgow with incredible ease.

  3. Jakov says:

    The arrogant twit who cannot wait long enough to be prime minister, leaves the one who already is, waiting.

    • CHESTERFIELD says:

      Jakov: That’s because, in his own mind, he already IS prime minister and the real one is just, well, fazul, as the previous twit-in-chief would have put it. Why else does he not appear alongside the Labour Party flag, preferring the national-flag-EU-flag combo instead?

      He’s probably got some minion reading this, so let me say it loud and clear: EVEN IF YOU WERE PRIME MINISTER, YOU SHOULD HAVE APOLOGISED ONCE YOU WERE LATE.

      • Mandy Mallia says:

        He probably thinks that – were he to be prime minister – ikun “lahaq” l-izjed li jista “jilhaq”, and would think that he would then be answerable to nobody.

  4. Ray Cassar says:

    Good manners cost nothing. Bad manners say a lot about you!

  5. Patricia Dimech says:

    I shiver at the thought of him being prime minister.

  6. Mandy Mallia says:

    Many people might be thinking of abstaining from voting, or of invalidating their vote, rather than voting for PN candidates on June 6th. I urge them to watch this video, which serves as a reminder of the inconsistency and poor judgement of Joseph Muscat and the Labour Party. We should NOT let these opportunistic fools take us back to the way we were under their previous administrations.

  7. Sufless says:

    Kien hemm in-nies McDonalds… Kellu jistenna biex jiekol il-hamburger.

  8. Dido says:

    Possible reasons:

    1. Got held up changing nappies
    2. Uncle Schultz called to wish him good luck
    3. Massive queue at the burger joint
    4. Was signing EU flags at Il-Kwartieri
    5. Gonzi can wait
    6. Mirror wouldn’t tell him he is the fairest of them all
    7. Coaching Profs Scicluna on politics of convenience
    8. Was practising his latest pose
    9. Door to door canvassing for poor Joseph Cuschieri
    10. Practising his victory speech

    [Daphne – 11. More hair came out in the shower; more time had to be spent gelling the remains into spikes around his forehead.]

    • Adam says:

      12. Could not button his shirt correctly. Labour MPs tried to help.

    • Jakov says:

      Hi Daphne, Dido,

      Am I allowed a further two entries, please?

      Soleil overslept. Remember he said she is his alarm clock equivalent.

      He had to dry himself thoroughly…since he is wet behind the ears.

      • David Thake says:

        There is much to criticise the Partit Laburista and its leader about.

        However, I think that dragging his young children into the fray is not on. Do not stoop to levels that you yourself criticise.

        [Daphne – David, people who don’t want their children dragged into the fray start out by not dragging them into the fray themselves. Muscat has made a point of dragging his children into interviews, physically and by mentioning them. He has even told us that he wants to tell them where they were conceived. He has been photographed with packets of Pampers. His wife tells us that he changes nappies (ar’hemm, hej – really Maltese to think this is exceptional). You can’t do that kind of thing and then expect people to lay off. If he really wishes his family life to be private, he should start off by keeping it private himself. I think he’s beginning to understand this, which is why we are now hearing rather less of Soleil and Etoile and where – but thankfully, not how – they were conceived.]

    • David Thake says:

      Daphne, I agree 100% with you that JM has gaffed repeatedly.

      I disagree with many (not all) of his policies.

      I still think that the moral high ground is the best place to be. Children should not be dragged into this. If he doesn’t – we know better.

  9. Shannon Andrews says:

    Maybe he went for a burger and got stuck in a queue!

  10. Jakov says:

    …of gentlemanly behaviour…or otherwise

    Extract from:

    “In his speech, Dr Gonzi apologised for his tardiness – he arrived around 30 minutes late – but jokingly pointed out that it was the fault of Opposition Leader Joseph Muscat, who turned up around 30 minutes late for a televised debate which will be shown on TVM on Tuesday night.”

  11. Ethel says:

    The jerk does not know what basic decency is all about. He is too happy pleasing some of his uneducated followers.

  12. George Azzopardi says:

    Is he following the arrogant steps of the old architect, i.e letting people wait for him to show them his dominance? Let alone what he would do if ….

  13. Mary says:

    L-ahhar sforz Ms Daphne …. Isa try harder to invent more muck to write about as you are running out of time – you have only till Thursday to convince the hundreds of nationalists who are disillusioned by Mr Gonzi and entourage.

    [Daphne – It makes no difference to me, Mary. However, I do find the Labour Party’s message fascinating: Vote for Us to Spite the Others (and not because we’re worth voting for).]

  14. Jo says:

    I think it would have served Muscat right had the recording started on time letting the prime minister answer questions and put forward the government’s ideas re the EU. Then Mr. Maledukat would have walked in with half the programme over.

    • Tal-Muzew says:

      Kieku jien kont il-prim kont nibda u nhalli s-siggu tieghu vojt kif jaghmel ta’ Xarabank; ha nuri lin-nies x’tip ta’ bniedem hu.

      [Daphne – That’s exactly what the prime minister’s advisers insisted on doing: starting without Joseph Muscat. But the Broadcasting Authority bosses wouldn’t allow it.]

  15. Libertas says:

    People from PBS say he didn’t even apologize. It’s obvious that this guy thinks the world turns around him and we should all be kept waiting for his highness. Just imagine him as prime minister.

  16. Helene Asciak says:

    “If I have made an appointment with you, I owe you punctuality, I have no right to throw away your time, if I do my own. ” Richard Cecil.

  17. Fleur says:

    Maybe the Alfa broke down, miskin.

  18. Anna says:

    Let us, for once, give Joseph the benefit of the doubt. He might have been late because he stopped at the beautician’s salon to do his makeup and save PBS some time and money. So there.

    • Antoine Vella says:

      Anna, I hope the beautician told him to get rid of that pathetic excuse of a goatee and either grow a proper beard or shave clean. As it is it looks like he dipped his chin in Nutella and didn’t wipe it off properly.

  19. Sarah says:

    I’m too young too remember but I was told that Mintoff used to do the same. However, he was the prime minister whilst this guy is acting like this and his party is not even in power.

    • Mandy Mallia says:

      Sarah – Mintoff is a 92-year-old decrepit old fool now, and STILL does the same. He turned up at a court case – one he instigated himself, if you please – well over two hours late.

      Had it been anyone else, he would have been charged with contempt of court. As it was, nobody dared say anything to him when he tottered in with some paltry excuse or other. (One thing is for sure – He wasn’t late because he was having a shower, because the stench that wafted in with him was … better not go there.)

  20. Mario De Bono says:

    This is very rich. He arrives three quarters of an hour late. I’m sure this is a ploy just to frustrate the prime minister. As if Gonzi isn’t astute enough to see through this charade. I’m sure he wasn’t even a bit ruffled. As for Joseph, it says a lot about him. The man is uncouth. He has no manners.

    But Labour will get more seats than the Nationalist Party come Saturday. Didn’t you see Claudette Abela Baldacchino yesterday? . A while ago she was a hack from the depths of Qrendi. Now she is representing Malta on the so-called Kumitat Tar-Regjuni.. Come off it. She was also a member of the Users Committee of MEPA. She didn’t attend a single meeting. Of course, it wasn’t in Brussels or Strasbourg. It was here. No gravy here. Is that who we want to represent us in Brussels?

    What about that clueless guy from Gozo? Ghandu arroganza go fih ha tieklu. He came across as Mr Knowitall, mentioning the names of long defunct hotels in Malta and Gozo that closed not because of tourism downturns, but because the owners decided to do something else with them.

    He couldn’t even mention the number of better, bigger hotels that took their place. Who is he trying to fool? Does he think that people were born blind and stupid and remain that way? They have been taught well by the master. Foment hatred and envy, and you will get elected. You will get far with those methods, because we have a population with a large proportion of gullible guppies who can’t see the wood for the trees. These people want a picnic in Brussels, as Vince said. That’s the message on their billboards. Ibghatuna hemm halli npappu.

    The Minister of Propoganda during the No to EU campaign was none other than Joseph Muscat. Now the Minister has supplanted the Kapo, and he and his acolytes have taken over the Crystal Palace.

    It seems common decency and values have gone in this country, to be replaced by jet-setting chav leaders who generate so much hatred and envy that they have sickened this country like never before.

    • Helene Asciak says:

      Mario, 30 minutes is three quarters of two hours !

      [Daphne – Mario might be right. Some reports put Muscat’s tardiness at 45 minutes.]

    • Mary says:

      But Labour will get more seats than the Nationalist Party come Saturday. Your saying Mario. Can you give me a good reason why? Don’t let me think that these same people have now become gullible and stupid?

      • John Schembri says:

        And why till Thursday?

      • Mandy Mallia says:

        Mary – The facts are simple. It is only the PL supporters, frustrated as they are – for no reason, because they’ve never had it so good themselves, even if they, like you, refuse to admit it – who will go out in droves to vote PL next Saturday.

        Everyone else is complacent, or simply doesn’t give a toss.

        The result? It’s obvious the PL will win because of the above, not because they believe in the EU, but because they have been duped into thinking some puffball from some obscure place can reduce their water and electricity bills or have their road tarmacked. Ic-cwiec kullimkien issibhom.

      • A Camilleri says:

        No Mer. Because people like me will use these elections to send a message re illegal immigration. In my books I can afford to vote AN, without caring much who is on the gravy train. Come general election time, I hope my party listens to the message. But meanwhile people like you would be thinking that Labour’s on a winning path again. It happens every time.

      • Graham Crocker says:

        Is it me or does this look really screwed up. 4 PL, 1 PN and 1Ad?

        [Daphne – AD can’t get a seat given the current figures. The results are going to be Labour – 3 and PN – 2, and if we get a sixth seat, it will go to Labour.]

      • Neil Dent says:

        ALWAYS the case – PL supporters thrive on voting no matter what it’s for. PL in opposition will always ‘win’ EP elections and, generally speaking, local council elections. The bulk of the no-shows on Saturday will be from the PN camp.

        Are there any PN supporters in any doubt of the outcome on Saturday? I’m not, that’s for sure, but even so I will definitely be casting my vote.

        Had the PL machine acted more appropriately during their campaign maybe I would have given it a miss.

      • Josephine says:

        @ Neil Dent – Maybe the fact that “PL supporters thrive on voting” has something to do with the fact that they loved queuing up for “freebies” as in, for example, the possibly now defunct “Kwiksave” scheme.

  21. John Schembri says:

    Mary, Labour will get more seats because they happen to be around when people are fed up with with the same (good) party for the last eleven years. It’s like when you’re on a one month cruise eating in a five-star environment and when you come back you’re dying for a “hobza niexfa bil-kunserva” or a hamburger.

    • Mary says:

      I never happened to die for a hobza niexfa after I went on a cruise. Always came back dreaming for more of the same.

      [Daphne – Not only do you have private medical insurance, but you take many cruises, too. And you joined this comments-board to chunter on about the cost of living under GonziPN.]

      • Mandy Mallia says:

        U probabbli mort il-cruise ma’ corma tfal, ghax it-tfal imorru b’xejn. X’gost!

      • Mary says:

        No darling Mandy I didn’t even go on those of that tfal b’xejn – anyway mine are grown ups

      • Mary says:

        And Mandy one last thing – this is where your intelligent PN supporters are cwiec mela. – dhaltu fl-EU, temmnu fl-idejal tal-partit li m’hawnx bhalu u mbaghad u do not give a toss -enough to let people from the opposite party represent you for the next 3 years or so. U ejja!!! I can hardly believe you said that. I think you will be the ones running to vote and not the other way round.

      • Mandy Mallia says:

        Mary – I must admit that I was one of the complacent ones until a couple of months ago. The more I saw the crass ignorance and cockiness of all the people who were anti-EU in the first place, however, the more determined I became to vote, no matter how busy I may be that day.

        For heaven’s sake, my 97-year-old grandmother went out to vote “Yes” in the referendum six years ago – not for herself, but for her great-grandchildren, my children included. And no, she was not dragged there, but was determined to go herself. Sadly, she did not live to see Malta’s accession to the EU.

      • John Schembri says:

        Sorry ma’ wegibtekx qabel, imma mindu qalbet kollox Daphne ghadni ma’ qbadtx art hawn gew. It-tort huwa kollu tieghi.
        Jien kull meta sifirt, dejjem gejt bil-lublieba ghal-bicca hobz friska tal-Malti biz-zejt u t-tadam imhawra tajjeb.

        Xebbaht lin-Nazzjonalisti ma’ mawra bil-vapur fejn thallas tajjeb u tiehu l-ahjar, u lil-Lejber ma’ bicca hobz niexfa bil-kunserva, li nghidlek il-verita darba kiltha wara mawra fil-Koreja ta’ tlett gimghat fejn ma’ ssibx bicca hobz imgiddma.
        Hekk nisthajjilna hawn Malta – j’Alla n-nies jibqghu “dreaming for more of the same” bhalek .

  22. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    He swoops up in his Elfa with Jason Micallef and greets the PBS chairman with ‘Hello, Claire, kif inti, kollox sew?’ and not a word of apology for his vulgar behaviour. Watch the footage.

    • Corinne Vella says:

      No ‘Dr’, then?

    • Mandy Mallia says:

      Unless his car is a left-hand drive one, he’s calmly coming out of the passenger seat, with Jason coming round (too late) to open the door.

      [Daphne – Are we to assume that the salary of the Labour Party’s secretary-general is being paid by the state, with his name put down as chauffeur to the leader of the opposition? I must find out more.]

  23. Graham Crocker says:

    The Laburisti that infected are blaming Dr. Gonzi for this.

  24. Pierre Farrugia says:

    Even ten minutes is considered late. Time is very precious. We can never make up for lost time.

  25. Brian*14 says:

    @ John Schembri

    Till Thursday midnight because one’s got till then to pick up his voting document.

  26. Tino says:

    Since when is this news worthy? Picture this… a packed Air Malta flight ready for take-off from Catania airport. The pilot tells us that we have to wait for the final passenger about three times, each time sounding more irritated than before. After more than 30 minutes (by which time the plane should have landed in Malta), Dr. Guido Demarco shows up, smiles (more than Muscat does), walk all the way to his seat and we leave. No apologies were heard, no embarrassed looks.. and he had already finished his term as president of Malta. I was on that plane and this news was never published on the papers (your blog wasn’t on when it happened).

    [Daphne -Guido de Marco was legendary for his rudeness in leaving people waiting. He upset many people and was reviled and mocked for doing it. He once arrived more than an hour late for a lunch given in honour of Lord William Rees Mogg and at which, if you please, he was the unofficial host as chairman of the Strickland Foundation. There was a lot of tension as we all stood around waiting trying to make small-talk, and then a decision was taken to sit down without him, because Rees Mogg had a flight to catch right after lunch. I’ve always thought Guido de Marco belonged with the Labour Party. There was always something so chavtastic about him.]

    Now, I don’t understand why someone should vote a PN candidate because Muscat arrived late and because Gonzi was, for once on time. If Dr. Gonzi pretends an apology, he should lead by example. If the PN media need something to gather more votes, they should look for something better. I think they are missing Dr. Sant’s speeches.

    [Daphne – Joseph Muscat is a vulgar man. Nobody leaves the prime minister waiting.]

  27. David S says:

    If I was left waiting for 30 minutes I certainly would not be all smiles like Dr Claire Thake when he greets me “Kif int, kollox sew?”, but would have said something like, “Ma tantx. Il prim ministru ilu hawn jistenniek nofs siegha.” And perhaps that would have ruffled him a bit.

    When I am late for an appointment I make it a point to call, and for important meetings you ensure you arrive 10 minutes early. But Muscat has so much (hamallu) attitude, he really crossed the red line yesterday.

  28. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    An aide said there was no particular reason for the delay – so they’re just a bunch of chavs, then:

  29. Rita Camilleri says:

    @Tino.. you do not say “Dr. Gonzi pretends and apology” , you say “Dr. Gonzi expected an apology”. And no I am not going to vote for PN because that idiot Muscat arrived late, but because I believe in what they represent, and don’t want anti EU people “pretending” to be working for my country.

    • Graham Crocker says:

      They’re not against the EU anymore … not with all that MEP money.

      • Tino says:

        Dear Rita,

        Thanks for the English lesson… please get a life.

        You will probably vote PN for ever…. what I wrote was a sarcastic way of asking why such an issue is news worthy…is it meant to persuade those that are undecided or those that will vote PL to vote PN? You may know your English grammar but you don’t know how to read between the lines.

        If you need to correct any of my grammar, please do so and continue wasting your time.

  30. Marinton says:

    The man is dangerous because his head has grown bigger overnight.
    Ir-ragel perikoluz ghax kibritlu rasu f’daqqa wahda.

  31. Motyl says:

    I sincerely had hopes Joe would bring a new flavour to Labour. He was a fairly good MEP, but clearly being ‘il-Leader’ has got to the guy’s head and made him a pompous arse sitting on an imaginary throne. This, and many of his previous actions, are ludicrous, and he wants to bring his children into it. His nanna ought to be ashamed, as should St. Aloysius College.

    To my mind it also very much begs a multitude of questions as to how his entourage is advising him, including the prat plants-man, who spends most of his time on Facebook Gestapo-ing any one who breathes a word against him, including people of his own ‘partit’.

    No offence meant to half the Maltese population, but Labour requires a following of stupid, really stupid people. I am ashamed to say it, but it is a black-on-white fact. A word to the wise, if any, and particularly if involved in said ‘partit’, remove you shackles now.

  32. Fanny says:

    Daphné, just out of curiosity, was the G de Marco/Strickland Foundation story before 2003?

    [Daphne – Yes.]

  33. john xuereb says:

    Is this a reality show? Kif thallu zewg kummiddjanti jitnellhu bikhom……..gideb biss…..ghaliex ghamielnihom allat lill-politikanti taghna……tpaxxuhomx……tivvutawx…..hemm jiehdu risposta iz-zewg partiti tal-qamel li ghandna……..forsi fl-ahhar jibdew jistmawwna ta’nies mhux ta’ pupazzi!!!!!!

    • topaz says:

      Il-labour lilek m’ghamillek xej….il-labour jaqbez ghalik qieghed f’kollox sahha, edukazzjoni ghat-tfal tieghek,flus tar-registrazjzoni tla-karozzi li serqulek minn butek, qawma fuq l-immigrazzjoni illegali, kontijiet mhanzrin dawl u ilma etc etc. Mur ivvota u aghti risposta lil dak li qed iweggghek!

      • john xuereb says:

        Zgur ma nivvuttax partit li l-injoranza li ghandhom hija parti mill-istatut tal-partit.

  34. topaz says:

    @ john xuereb

    what do you mean? …substantiate your argument. thanks.

    • john xuereb says:

      U turns……………wahda kontra l-ohra + l-element estrem tas-snin sebghin u tmenin ghadu hemm.

  35. pat says:

    sinjal li kien busy

    [Daphne – Ma nahsibx li kien iktar busy minn l-prim ministru, qalbi.]

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