Crazy story no. 1
These have just got to be the ‘parents-in-law’ from hell. “Where’s daddy?” “Nanna and nannu got him thrown into prison for having sex with me and procreating you, honies.” Unbelievable.
It is impossible to defile a 16-year-old girl unless she is mentally retarded. Over and above that, it is quite clear that these two have some kind of positive relationship, and whether or not they stay together – probably not – they are going to be bound together in parenthood and grandparenthood for the rest of their lives.
So I really don’t know what these parents are thinking of. Maybe it’s the full horror of dealing with the fact that their little girl is not so little, after all?
They should get a grip and ask the police to drop the case. Talk about compounding your problems. Friday, 26th June 2009
Man charged with defiling girlfriend
A 21-year-old man from Siggiewi this morning pleaded not guilty to defiling his16-year-old girlfriend and participating in sexual acts with her between last year and this year.
The girl is expecting his twins and the two are still a couple.
It was pointed out in court that the girl’s parents asked the police to take criminal action against the boyfriend.
The case has been deferred until October, by when the girl should have given birth.
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Daphne I totally agree with you and in my opinion this is utterly and completely ridiculous. This is a clear case of personal vendetta against the boy and a case of the parents wanting to have a ‘clear conscience’. If they wanted their 15 year old daughter to go around with a 21 year old they should have a least given her the ‘birds and the bees’ talk and not cry over spilt milk and try to put their souls at peace by pressing charges against the poor boy.
I only hope that our judges give an exemplary judgement on this otherwise this type of ‘personal vendetta’ cases will multiply beyond control.
I don’t know the facts of this case and I do not go into its merits. If a minor, however, already has had sexual experience before the act for which the defendant is being prosecuted, there is a principle that “corrupta non corrumpitur”. Who is already corrupt cannot be corrupted. As far as I know, our courts recognize this principle.
It is not so clear cut as the ‘corrupta non corrupitur’ principle was challenged in a Maltese court when it was claimed that an already corrupt person can be made more corrupt. That is why we need clear lines here and I stress that we need to bring down to the age of consent to what is logical and correct. What is correct to me is when puberty starts as we will always have some precocious 12 year old girl who shares a longish kiss with a 14 year old boyfriend and as has just happened he was arrested and pleaded guilty to defilement/corruption. What were his lawyers thinking!
Lowering the age of consent is not about promoting sexual activity with young people but protecting older people from (often) malicious vendetta style cases such as the one above.
I think that the court case is the tip of the iceberg. Could it be that the parents never wanted the girl to go out with the boyfriend? I know of cases where the girl wanted a pregnancy from a boyfriend whom the parents never wanted.
[Daphne – Do you know any parents who want their 16-year-old to get pregnant, even if they adore the boy/man? Now that the children are on the way, they have to control themselves.]
The girl gets pregnant so that she marries HER man which their parents do not want as their daughter’s husband.
[Daphne – Not every girl who falls pregnant does so because she wants to be married. Most girls who fall pregnant are horrified.]
Our laws on the age of consent are being used abusively as a form of vendetta by parents who do not like one of their offspring’s partners. My vote will go to any politician who has the guts to lower our age of consent law. Dr. Franco Debono is a PN MP and his defense of this case shows me that at least some people in the PN are seeing the light. But when is the legislation going to change?
I am pleased to see that the man in question has pleaded not guilty. I agree totally because even though our archaic laws state that the age of consent (the age at which a person knows what a yes means if s/he says yes to sex) is set at 18 – she definitely knew what she was doing and it is interesting to note that they are still partners.
Seeing that the lawyer and his customer have filed a not guilty plea I wish Dr. Franco Debono MP to raise this issue in parliament so that our age of consent is lowered. I am sure that he is a man with the strength, logical frame of mind and moral conviction to carry this change in legislation through.
The 21 year old man knew that by having sex with his minor girlfriend he was breaking the law. This stands true irrespective of the couple’s perception of the acts they were doing.
In my opinion, the law was wilfully disobeyed and therefore the punishment must be met out.