Hot from Claudette – in your In Box now

Published: June 4, 2009 at 2:29pm
Hrabt mis-sett ta' Gensna ha nivvota ghal Claudette

Hrabt mis-sett ta' Gensna ha nivvota ghal Claudette

Today’s email offering from Claudette Abela Baldacchino: instructions on how to vote, just in case you’ve never done it before.

At least she hasn’t got her instructions mixed up and reminded us to use a condom or to wash our hands afterwards. For small mercies, we should be grateful – though you never know, that might be next in your in-box.

1. Mur fil-post tal-votazzjoni kif għandek indikat fid-dokument tal-vot li l-pulizija ġablek id-dar.
2. Hu d-Dokument tal-Votazzjoni u l-Karta ta’ l-Identita miegħek.
3. Ippreżenta d-dokument lill-Assistenti Kummissjonarji.
4. Hu l-polza tal-vot mingħandhom.
5. Agħżel il-Kandidat preferut tiegħek u ikteb in-numru 1 fil-kaxxa ta’ ħdejn ismu.
6. Kompli agħżel il-kumplament tal-kandidati skont il-preferenza tiegħek.
7. Meta tikteb in-numri toħroġx barra mill-kaxxa ta’ ħdejn isem il-kandidat u tikteb xejn aktar ħlief in-numri.
8. Jekk tieħu żball waqt li qed tivvota, informa minnufih lill-Assistenti Kummissjonarji u dawn jagħtuk polza ġdida.
9. X’ħin tlesti itwi l-polza tal-votazzjoni u itfagħha fil-kaxxa tal-voti.


13 Comments Comment

  1. Rita Camilleri says:

    Qisa qed titkellem ma’ tfal tal-iskola tan-nuna. Does she think people are morons?

  2. eros says:

    @ Rita Camilleri
    For all you know, Abela Baldacchino’s catchment area could be overflowing with them. What she failed to add is to make sure you don’t vote for her – she stands out as one of the least desirable (not in that sense) candidates of the PL. Give me Marlene any time (still not in that sense).

    • john xuereb says:

      F’dak il-kaz nipreferi lil Sharon anke isimha sabih wisq………..(still not in that sense)

  3. tony pace says:

    If her attitude was not so pathetic, it would be hilarious. Or maybe it is. God, these people so deserve each other. It’s a wonder they do not all come in one box, marked ”lethal, dispose of contents WITHOUT opening.”

  4. Joachim says:

    Talking about Claudette and morons. Does anybody remember Claudette doing the ‘vagina symbol’ with her hands while reading One News? Oh, how I used to laugh!
    (If anybody has a video of this, please post)

  5. Anna says:

    She should have switched instructions No.1 and No.2. Picture this scenario. Joey Public prints Claudette’s instructions, and come Saturday, he looks at No. 1….mur fil-post tal-votazzjoni. So he goes. When he arrives, he checks what he has to do next. No.2….hu d-dokument tal-votazzjoni u l-karta ta’ l-identita’…..”Iz-z**b, allura ghalfejn ma qaltlix qabel haqq ******** “.

  6. Tonio Farrugia says:

    I would change No. 6, to read

    “Kompli agħżel il-kumplament tal-kandidati Laburisti u ikteb in-numru wiehed hdejn l-isem ta’ kull wiehed u wahda minnhom, biex b’hekk tistmahom kollha ndaqs.”

    Now if I could obtain the email addresses of Labour supporters, I would spam them all with the revised instructions to help them along their way.

  7. Marc Ellul says:

    Missing instructions:

    8.1 Go to #5
    10 End
    11 Reboot system

    • Rita Camilleri says:

      @marc ellul…please don’t confuse them even more. It’s enough they have to deal with 10 points.

  8. Mandy Mallia says:

    She must have … erm, sorry … be a dick:

    “5. Agħżel il-Kandidat preferut tiegħek u ikteb in-numru 1 fil-kaxxa ta’ ħdejn ISMU.”

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