It looks like Edward Scicluna is mejjet bil-guh

Published: June 2, 2009 at 8:09pm
Silvio Parnis wants the tax back on his whizzy blue convertible - to buy some more chav clothes

Silvio Parnis wants the tax back on his whizzy blue convertible - to buy some more chav clothes

Labour’s list of thousands has been gone through with a fine-tooth comb, and it transpires that among the plaintiffs seeking to get back their VAT on car registration tax there are eight Labour MPs, two Labour MEP candidates, Labour’s secretary-general, Labour’s head of communications, and as we all know by now, the party leader and Lil Din.

They’ve all bought new cars while whining about the cost of living. And they’re all trying to bum their tax back – without paying for the court case themselves. Laqwa li nisolhu kemm nistghu.

These are they.

Christopher Agius
Stefano Carlo Buontempo
Christian Cardona
Justyne Caruana
Helena Dalli
Michael Falzon
Michael Farrugia
Saviour Parnis
Prof Edward Scicluna
Claudette Abela Baldacchino
Jason Micallef
Kurt Farrugia

30 Comments Comment

  1. Ettore Bono says:

    A vote of confidence in the LP initiative. Good for them

    I am also on the list, if it is of any interest to you.

    [Daphne – Not at all interesting. You’re a nobody.]

  2. Roma says:

    The prospect of a Labour government gets more scary every day. I can just imagine them…..they’ve been in opposition for so long that they’ll act like someone who’s been on a diet for ages then suddenly visits the buffet table.

    I am sure that the tidal wave that will hit Malta will take years and years to be overcome. Everyone will have a hand in the cookie jar. And yes, I’m sure such things happen now too but with one crucial difference – that at least the people, whatever anyone may say, the people are living OK now. Not perfect but people want to grind their axe. Of course you hear things that make you mad. It’s a government not a tea party. But when you weigh everything, you just know that the long term investments are being taken care of and that Malta is a modern country – no thanks to Labour for sure.

    Right now there’s a major smokescreen about these MEP elections. Yes, Labour MEPs will do everything once in the EU….the same EU which was supposed to count for nothing. Yet they will not be in a position to solve all your problems…..from your electricity bills to the climate change. Armchair warriors.

    I just hope that if people ‘want to send a message’ they do it now and get it over with…..because if they do it in the general election they will be making a big mistake. The Labour government should never win by default but because they have some idea of governing.

    A government is not an ice cream flavour that you change when you’ve had enough of it. But like those who voted No are enjoying the benefits of the EU…..some even more than those of us who voted Yes, ironically, we will all have to suffer if people decide to do what they did with Alfred Sant and ‘try him out’.

  3. Spiru says:

    Ettore Bono – xi karettun nizzilt jew?

  4. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    I didn’t know that Joseph Cuschieri can speak and write English.

  5. Edward says:

    WOW, big scoop….I’ll nominate you for a Pulitzer!!

    [Daphne – Typical MLPAD reaction. Imagine if the National Party were to appoint a CEO seconded from Air Malta on paid or even unpaid leave, after having tried to put him on the state pay-roll as a personal assistant to a former prime minister who is currently an MP. You and that Harry would be vomiting blood.]

  6. antoineg says:

    There is an interesting twist to the story. I think it was David Casa who said today that their conflict of interest in the matter is greater, since according to Joe Muscat, a future Labour Government will refund the VAT paid even if the court does not rule in their favour.

    [Daphne – Yes, but don’t you see: it’s all right for Labour people to sponge. All others are not allowed. They even tried to sponge their CEO’s salary off the state or Air Malta, for heaven’s sake. And the CEO got his job kept open for him on the understanding that he was taking leave of absence to become personal assistant to the ailing Sant. Having secured that agreement, he popped up two weeks later as CEO of the Labour Party. And picture the reaction if Air Malta severs the agreement on the grounds that he hasn’t kept to his part of the deal.]

    • Ettore Bono says:

      What about the fact that the PN is sponging a civil servant to act as PA for Mrs Gonzi in her “official diuties” – when she doesn’t have any?

      [Daphne – The PN isn’t. This is an OPM employee we are talking about.]

      • Ettore Bono says:

        Exactly – an OPM employee (a civil servant) is being paid to do work which benfits solely the PN – so it is the PN who should be paying.

        [Daphne – The more you rant on about this, the more you reveal that you have a personal problem with it, and then it’s only a matter of asking why. Mrs Gonzi’s charity duties and opening of this and that does not benefit the PN in any way. These are her duties as prime minister’s wife, and not as party leader’s wife. What is a waste of money, on the other hand, is having somebody who is almost certainly an OPM employee spending his working hours on this blog, arguing against an office colleague he resents.]

  7. Antoine Vella says:

    “Silvio Parnis wants the tax back on his whizzy blue convertible – to buy some more chav clothes”

    All that hair gel must cost him a fortune too, and now he’s having to lend some to Joseph Muscat as well.

    [Daphne – And neither of them gets the message that hair gel causes hair loss.]

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      It also seems to affect the brain cells, especially the grammar areas.

    • dery says:

      Daphne – are you serious about hair gel and hair loss? No, really where did you get this info from? Don’t make me ditch my trusty yellow Keune gel too now! (Almost all the men of my generation use this brand).

      [Daphne – Yes, I am serious. When used liberally, on a daily basis and close to the roots, it weakens even the abundant healthy hair of teenage boys, let alone that of men in their late 20s and early 30s. My hairdresser used to hector my sons endlessly about it when they were at that stage some years ago when gelled spikes were fashionable. If you’re using it only to keep your hair in place rather than to shape it or spike it – neither of which is fashionable or suitable when you’re older than 16 – then use a wax-based product instead. A good hairdresser will help and most of them stock professional ranges. Gel also affects the scalp, making it flaky. But really, a general rule is that if you need something to hold your hair in place, then it’s not well cut. You don’t see many women gelling their hair back, and most of us have long hair – though I must say Maltese women are prone to another form of weakening their hair, with all that bleaching and blowing, which means that by the age of 40 they’re left with dead rats’ tails which don’t reflect the light.]

      If hair is not shaved one has to keep it in place with something Daph….. I find that a pea sized dollop is enough…. but wot’s ‘is name the one who is so friendly with old ladies…… must use fistfuls.

      • Albert Ellis says:

        Keune is one of the worst gels around according to my hairdresser. It leaves a film like plastic on the roots that takes some time to get rid of. And yes, it weakens the hair. I use Nioxin that is supposed to be much better-suited for hair, since I hate using wax products.

        [Daphne – And now I find myself running a beauty advice blog.]

      • dery says:

        I don’t want to be pedantic but I need to see scientific research to believe that gel causes hair loss. There are so many different types of gels with so many different chemicals. The thing is that hairdressers, well at least the ones I’ve met, say lots of stupid things and they don’t exactly have tertiary level education.

        [Daphne – Ask a trichologist or dermatologist then.]

        But you’ve got something there about the hairstyles of men in their 30s – you know what? I never stopped using gel – because it became a habit in my teens. I wash my hair everyday and this afternoon after washing my hair I did not put in any gel and guess what it still looks kinda fine… so you were right, it’s not needed. I’ll send you a cheque made out to the charity of your choice with the money I’m going to be saving.

        You might even want to use it to buy Joseph a bottle of Minoxidil… but he won’t be able to get it from his hairdresser because it’s a chemical that actually works unlike all the other stuff that they sell.

      • Corinne Vella says:

        Why bother with gel at all, when there’s hardly any hair left? Why not just chop off the fluffy bits, and have done with it? There’ll be more time on your hands in the morning, and more money in your pocket too.

      • john says:

        Hair, beyond the root(like nails), is dead tissue. All the muck people dollop onto it for aesthetic reasons, and that seeps into the root pores, can’t be doing much good.

  8. Inspector Clouseau says:

    Is there anywhere we can see this list online?

    [Daphne – No.]

  9. Mandy Mallia says:

    They must all be doing pretty well under this government. Why the hell do they want Labour to be in power?

    [Daphne – So that they can do even better.]

  10. Shannon Andrews says:

    Quoting from
    “Bħalissa, Joseph Cuschieri qed isegwi kors ta’ Master’s fil-Liġi tal-Unjoni Ewropea mal-Università ta’ Londra.
    Għandu għal qalbu u attiv fl-oqsma filantropiċi, sportivi, soċjali, reliġjużi u kulturali”

    All rounder il-boy!

  11. Wenzu says:

    Tghid hallietielu xi xiha dik il-convertible lil Silvio?

  12. dery says:

    Who is ‘Stefano Carlo’?

    [Daphne – Labour MP]

  13. @dery says:

    As with all else, you can’t take things at face value.

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