Oh, he went to duttrina? That's strange – I don't think.

Published: June 6, 2009 at 5:11pm
Duttrina made me a man

Duttrina made me a man

From the current report on www.timesofmalta.com:

President George Abela and Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi cast their vote at Marsascala Primary School this morning. PL leader Joseph Muscat voted in Burmarrad in a room where he used to go for Catechism lessons.

The point being….what, exactly? Surely it isn’t that Joseph Muscat went to duttrina, like every other person his age who was raised in a village environment, and many others besides.

Presumably, everyone who was raised in Burmarrad and still lives there would have had the same experience of voting in the room where they taught catechism.

This evening, I am going to vote in a place where I didn’t go to MCAST classes – because in my day, there was duttrina but no MCAST.

4 Comments Comment

  1. Joe Borg says:

    Other than duttrina & MCAST, we have this dreaded MEPA as well.

  2. C Attard says:

    “Presumably, everyone who was raised in Burmarrad and still lives there would have had the same experience of voting in the room where they taught catechism.”

    Challenge: There’s a missing word somewhere. Can you tell me where it is?

    I guess you’re spending too much time on Maltastar…

    [Daphne – WERE taught catechism. Too much speed (not that sort….), so little time….]

    • Lino Cert says:

      To be fair that’s only Daphne’s third ever mistake on this blogs, which is as many mistakes you would probably find in just a single sentence on maltastar.

  3. Yaneka says:

    I voted in my ex-year 4 class. I have soo many memories of that class… I remember it was the only year when I got extra work because of misconduct. And who can forget that incident of the guy who lifted a girl’s skirt? Ah yes, and when the student teacher came and all the girls tried to impress him, despite being, like, 8 years old? Then all those times when we had to take our work to the teacher’s desk so she would correct it for us? I just went down memory lane today.

    But it DID NOT make front page news. I think I should sue…

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