Our first HIV rape case – and they're not African

Published: June 11, 2009 at 12:31am


The racists and the bigots make a hell of a lot of fuss about the dangers of Africans with HIV. They might rape an unsuspecting housewife out doing her shopping, or some teenage girl on her way home, and what then?

Now we have our first HIV-infection-through-rape case, and guess what?

They’re English.

The Times -Tuesday, 9th June 2009 – 14:20CET
Briton accused of rape, infecting victim with HIV

A 41-year-old Briton this morning was charged in court with having raped a British woman at her residence in Gharghur, infecting her with HIV.

The incident allegedly happened early on Sunday morning.

Police Inspector Louise Calleja told the court that although the two had been drunk at the time, the incident could not be described as consensual, more so as the victim knew that the man was an HIV carrier.

It had since been confirmed, the inspector said, that the victim was now carrying HIV.

The accused pleaded not guilty and was remanded in custody.

19 Comments Comment

  1. GTX says:

    Daphne is at it again, manipulating stories to gain sympathy for illegal immigrants. let’s point out the facts, the women knew the man, she knew he have HIV, she was drunk and so was he, they ended up having sex and thought rape was involved but it wasn’t, to mention none of these individuals were Maltese.

    Daphne you forgot to blog about the teenage illegal immigrant who harassed a help care worker

    [Daphne – He was a lonely teenage boy far from home who asked the only woman he could see for a kiss, for God’s sake. What kind of an uptight tal-Muzew must she have been to run off to the police instead of brushing him off gently and having a bit of heart?]

    Daphne you forgot to blog about the two illegal immigrants who tried to rape a teenage girl in b’bugia

    [Daphne – They were in a bar. As a former teenage girl, I reserve judgement on that. The far right thinks of women as madonnas in need of male protection to safeguard their virginity and, once they lose it to their husband, their honour. We really aren’t, I’m afraid.]

    Daphne you forgot to blog about the Nigerian who exposed himself in front of an 8 year old girl at a playground.

    [Daphne – As somebody who grew up on the Sliema seafront, I was exposed to many times, the first at the age of nine on a crowded beach, and all the men were Maltese. Sliema was full of wankers – literally. You, on the other hand, probably grew up somewhere where public propriety is maintained and sheep are shagged in the garage, and failing the fortuitous presence of a sheep, one’s pre-pubescent daughter had to do instead.]

    as they say the truth hurts.

    • Corinne Vella says:

      GTX is at it again, manipulating stories to encourage the self-delusion that Malta is normally a crime-free paradise where no one is ever raped, no children are ever abused, and no men ever murder their wives or beat them to a pulp.

      Your obsession with sexual crimes points to an unhealthy mind, not that anyone here needed telling. Why don’t you go back to where you came from, or have VivaMalta banned you from their site?

    • Andrea says:

      -“…they ended up having sex and thought rape was involved, but it wasn’t.”-

      Harrumph…now that sounds interesting!
      Where do you know the ‘facts’ from, Mr GTX?

    • dery says:

      Spot on Daphne. However I wish that people would use the same circumspect and intelligent attitude when it comes to cases where age of consent ( for sex ) is concerned.

      In Malta men (they are invariably men and never women) of 18 or over have been dragged to court (and labelled paedophiles), by the same inspector mentioned in this case because of ‘sex’ (this could be anything starting from a longish kiss) with someone under 18 years. There are even cases of people accused of having had ‘sex’ with someone aged 18 year minus a few weeks.

      In Malta the age of consent for sex is 18 years. It is the highest in Europe. It is ridiculous when one considers that our law allows one to get married at 16 years and make babies….with another person of any age be s/he 17 or 71. But it is illegal to have sex!

      In Italy – 60 km away age of consent (for sex) is 14 years. In most EU countries it hovers around the 15 years mark.

    • V says:

      Jayssssus GTX get a grip –
      she didn’t fail to write anything. She writes what she thinks it worth writing. If you think there’s more to add, set up your own blog… and hope to hell it’s read as much as this one

  2. It’s as if we’ve become like fish in an aquarium. We protect our territory at all costs. Is the human being just another territorial beast? What I find most obscene however, is that we only reserve this treatment to those we judge ‘different’. Which makes us worse than fish.

  3. Ivan M Dingli says:

    Daphne, ghal kollox ghandhekk skuza. Impressjonanti! L’unika haga li Alla jbierek dejjem ghal istess nies ikollok xi skuza lesta, u tigix tghid li inti taghmel hekk ghax m’hemmx min jaqbes ghalihom.

    [Daphne – No, I do it because people who think as you do have no sense of perspective,.]

    • Corinne Vella says:

      Ivan Magro Dingl: qatt ma tikkundanna ir-razzizti. Impressjonanti! L’unika haga li Alla jbierek dejjem ghall-istess nies ikollok xi skuza lesta, u tigix tghid li inti taghmel hekk ghax m’hemm min jaqbes ghalihom.

  4. NGT says:

    I believe the first case of someone knowingly transmitting HIV in Malta involved an African (although not an ‘illegal immigrant’) who transmitted the disease to two teenagers and was later arrested for attempted manslaughter. It wasn’t rape, but the police were involved because he failed to tell his partners about his infection and did not use protection.

    I remember the case clearly as the online Times comments section was packed with the usual ‘you see, I told you so’ comments.

    • Simona says:

      The case you are referring to did involve a Nigerian man, though the women involved were one in her late teens, and another in her forties. They were involved in some kind of threesome, so let’s say they should have known better.

  5. Leo Said says:

    Was it really necessary to start a (comparative) debate and discussion of this kind (worse than tabloid niveau)?

    I beg your pardon Daphne, but do you really wish to emulate Xarabank Live standard?

  6. Steve Forster says:

    I am led to believe that HIV cannot be identified so early on infection?

    “How long after a possible exposure should I wait to get tested for HIV?

    Most HIV tests are antibody tests that measure the antibodies your body makes against HIV. It can take some time for the immune system to produce enough antibodies for the antibody test to detect and this time period can vary from person to person. This time period is commonly referred to as the “window period”. Most people will develop detectable antibodies within 2 to 8 weeks (the average is 25 days). Even so, there is a chance that some individuals will take longer to develop detectable antibodies. Therefore, if the initial negative HIV test was conducted within the first 3 months after possible exposure, repeat testing should be considered >3 months after the exposure occurred to account for the possibility of a false-negative result. Ninety seven percent will develop antibodies in the first 3 months following the time of their infection. In very rare cases, it can take up to 6 months to develop antibodies to HIV.

    Another type of test is an RNA test, which detects the HIV virus directly. The time between HIV infection and RNA detection is 9-11 days. These tests, which are more costly and used less often than antibody tests, are used in some parts of the United States.” Sorry for the cut and paste but I was sure I was right in this. I work in Africa where AIDS & HIV are a real problem!

  7. Steve Forster says:

    P.S GTX…… Have the balls (or grow some) to sign your name please!

  8. Ivan M Dingli says:

    Corinne Vella

    Jien mhux qed naqbes ghal hadd, kull ma ghamilt hu li enfazizajt il-fatt li ohtok dejjem ikollha skuza lesta. Jekk hawn xi hadd li jaqbes ghal xi hadd huwa inti u zgur li ma hemmx bzonn li taghmel hekk ghax Daphne nahseb li kapaci bizejjed.

    U bilhaq, il-fatt li ma nikkundannax ir-razzisti bil-kliem ma jfissirx li nkun naqbel maghhom ghax darba inti stess ghallimtni li affarijiet ovji ma hemmx ghalfejn tiktibhom.

    • Leo Said says:


    • Corinne Vella says:

      Ivan Magro Dingli: I did not say you’re speaking in someone’s defence. I said you don’t condemn racists. And I said that because here you are criticising someone for doing exactly that. What does that say about you? Think, please, before you shoot yourself in the other foot by making some other nonsensical reply.

      Racism is not something one agrees with. It is something one approves or disapproves of, so drop the facetiousness – and please don’t claim familiarity where none exists.

  9. Jo Vella says:

    Why are you arguning? This is a tragic event. I don’t wish HIV to my worst enemies – it is here to stay, so let’s be considerate and careful.

    Detecting the virus so early can only mean that she had it before.

  10. Chris Attard says:

    Daphne, I condemn rape whether it’s done by a white, black or whatever colour. However this case does not hide the fact that a number of illegal immigrants are HIV-positive. This poses a great threat for Malta.

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