Stalin is alive and well in the Labour Party

Published: June 3, 2009 at 11:42pm

Labour’s little beavers (and no, that was not an innuendo) have combed carefully through YouTube and removed all traces of Joseph Muscat in his incarnation as a champion of Partnership, cheering Sant’s mad schemes and telling us to vote No in the referendum. At the time, they thought it was a brilliant idea to let them run.

Now, it’s not so brilliant.

Any video uploaded by Labour and its little beavers can be removed only by them. So what remains are those videos uploaded by others. Sadly, there aren’t many which include Muscat, because nobody had the prescience back then to think of him as Sant’s successor. He was just a Super One hack, the Labour Party’s pen-for-hire.

But there are some interesting videos that remind us of just how poor Muscat’s judgement was – like this one. It’s hard to believe that Marlene Mizzi actually owned up to voting for this nutcase, and even harder to believe that she was so weak-minded as to vote for him in the first place.

6 Comments Comment

  1. Corinne Vella says:

    They’ve also been through Anglu’s albums. That fabulous elephant photo’s disappeared from his website.

  2. John Schembri says:

    I thought you were referring to Dr Mario Vella who appeared on Super One appealing for the Laburisti to go out and vote next Saturday. He was ‘interviewing’ Dr Godfrey Pirotta about some tragic situations in history, like when the Labour Party lost the election in the UK … 1972.

    I was amused by some of Pirotta’s comments regarding the PN getting five seats, some people don’t know how to stay above politics.

    Vella claimed that it’s going to be a photo-finish and every vote counts, with Pirotta nodding in approval like one of those plastic dogs in a car’s rear window.

  3. Mandy Mallia says:

    Ah, Daph, but there’s still this one

    and Gonzi’s brilliant speech here:

    and, if anyone is still undecided about what to do come next Saturday, they should take a look at this one (Nationalist victory in 2003, confirming that the referendum result would be fruitful), and not let our past efforts go down the drain:

  4. Antoine Vella says:

    It’s a pity no one thought to save them and upload them again in their own name.

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