The thrilling secret life of Glan Beninkfeel

Published: June 3, 2009 at 10:43pm
When I'm done holding this shield, I'll you down to M & S and get you fitted with a nice brassiere

When I'm done holding this shield, I'll run you down to M & S and get you fitted with a nice brassiere

From The Sunday Times European Parliament Elections supplement, 31 May:

Glenn Bedingfield
Labour Party
Age: 34
Occupation: MEP
Status: Married, one daughter
Favourite politician: Manwel Dimech

Q.Who is your strongest supporter?
A. Both my families.

Please don’t tell me that our Glan’s been out in Brussels exercising his droit de seigneur. One for the News of the World, I think.

11 Comments Comment

  1. Corinne Vella says:

    And here’s John Attard Montalto on what his friends think of him: “An enigma”. So the people who know him best can’t make him out. And he wants to represent everyone else.


  2. Mandy Mallia says:

    Seeing that he’s into opening restaurants, he might think you meant “brasserie”.

  3. Edward says:

    Second pulitzer!

  4. Edward says:

    Have the 3 wicked sisters from Milner Street forgotten the chest size of the Environment Minister?

    [Daphne – And has that bitter little runt Edward Fenech from Milner Street – but now living in some Godforsaken English suburb thanks to his EU passport and the Nationalist Party – forgotten that there are four and not three?]

    • Mario Debono says:

      He apparently forgot Helene, the idiot.

      [Daphne – Strange, given that she’s the one who’s roughly his age.]

    • Edward says:

      no the i didn’t! i just cannot allocate the same adjective to her…

      [Daphne – Oh boy, how little you know. Careful, or given the current shortage of toads we’ll stick you in our cauldron and turn you into some (very disgusting) brew.]

      • Edward says:

        by the way.. is bidnija a suburb of Mosta or San pawl il-bahar?

        [Daphne – I don’t know what that has to do with the price of eggs, but Bidnija is a hamlet and not a suburb.]

      • Mandy Mallia says:

        What went wrong, Ed? Did one of us spurn you without knowing? ;)

      • Graham Crocker says:

        Be sure to add a cockroach to enhance the flavour.

    • Corinne Vella says:

      John Attard Montalto lived in Milner Street too.

      There must have been some magic potion in the water.

      • Mandy Mallia says:

        Michael Falzon just round the corner at the top of Milner Street, and Harry Vassallo round the corner at the bottom.

        We’d better be careful, or we’ll soon have Angelik claiming that there have been sightings there to make up for all the evil.

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