This was only last year

Published: June 6, 2009 at 11:55am

Alfred Sant says that the Labour Party in government will seek to ‘reopen the EU accession package’. Joseph Muscat has yet to declare himself against this. Instead, he has made George Vella his shadow minister on EU Affairs.

6 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Jekk l-impossibbli naghmlu “fil-qafas”, u “f’dak il-kuntest”, isir possibbli.

  2. Marcus says:

    Towards the end of his leadership of the Malta Labour Party Alfred Sant came out with this ludicrous statment to add to his collection of crazy proposals for Malta. Mind you, it could have been just a cheap and expedient political trick to feed to his gullible sheep who never question anything objectively simply because they have never tried to improve themselves on all levels including intellectually.

    Whatever it was, it clearly demonstrates that Alfred Sant never learnt from his own mistakes. Just as much as the political structure (the infamous ‘Delegati’) never learnt by keeping him there all along!

    A clear example of this is the way they elected Muscat instead of the infinitely better-suited person who should have become the leader of the MLP (acronym intended) – George Abela.

    The MLP never learns and so does not change or renew itself according to the ever-changing socio-political scenario. With such a structure in any significant position of influence over our society wrong decisions and negative consequences will be the result.

  3. ChavsRus says:

    Daphne says Joseph Muscat has yet to declare himself against this.

    Where have you been living? Muscat has said publicly and repeatedly the EU membership is a closed issue. Whether you beieve him or not is you business. But you cannot say that he “has not declared himself”.

    [Daphne – If he thinks of EU membership as a ‘closed issue’, he wouldn’t have made George Vella shadow minister for European Affairs. And if he thinks membership is a ‘closed issue’, then he’s either cracked, an opportunist, or both. People don’t swing from one extreme position to another if they are normal.]

  4. Pierre Farrugia says:

    I have no idea what the result will be today. But I am getting a feeling that we are witnessing a damage limitation exercise on this blog.

    I just hope that the best candidates will be elected. Simon, Louis. With respect to the other 3 (+ 1), I’m still very much undecided about who are the better ones to represent us in the EP.

    [Daphne – Damage limitation? Hardly. I’ve told you exactly what the result will be, and it’s been predicted by every published poll for the last six weeks or so.]

    • Pierre Farrugia says:

      Why count the eggs before they hatch. Oops where did I read this before.

      Anyhow this reminds me of the question: what evolved first, the chick or the egg?

      The answer is in the question.

  5. C Attard says:

    It was indeed another one of Sant’s famous gaffes. However, one can hardly expect fellow PPE members to speak differently on the eve of an election.

    On a different note, whoever uploaded this video on youtube should take some time off to go back to school and learn proper Maltese spelling.

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