Will Claudette please stop spamming me?

Published: June 3, 2009 at 9:25am
Vote for me because Austin Gatt shouts

Vote for me because Austin Gatt shouts

Every day in my email in-box there’s spam from Claudette Abela Baldacchino. It’s not in my junk mail folder. It’s in my in-box. It’s just one more thing I have to delete, but today I decided to open it and take a look.

Here’s how she’s trying to persuade me to vote Labour in this election: because Austin Gatt shouts at people and Tonio Fenech won’t reveal details of the assistance package given to Toly Products to stop it succumbing to recessionary pressure, closing down and laying off all its employees.

And here’s how she tries to persuade me to vote for her in particular: because Malta needs a woman MEP (why. exactly?) and “for sure it should be Claudette….you cannot miss her on the ballot paper: she is the first candidate on the PL’s list.”

This is today’s bulletin from Claudette.

One of the best songs ever written was entitled “Words don’t come easy”. This does not seem to apply to Minister Dr. Austin Gatt that is known for his public blunders and outbursts especially when he has to face accountability. In fact during one of the sitings of the Public Accounts Committee, a House Committee of the National Parliament, he threatened the Opposition’s journalists to either go out or they would be arrested.

But for Minister of Finance Tonio Fenech, the song applies perfectly. During a European Elections campaign trail event, Minister Fenech failed to disclose how many millions the Government is pouring in a €13 millions investment by a local company in Malta. This is not the first time that Minister Tonio Fenech showed arrogance and refrained to disclose how taxpayers’ money are being spent.

This level of transparency makes a full mockery of democracy. The people deserve better and a change in their representatives at every level, including the European Parliament, is highly warranted.

Claudette Abela Baldacchino is contesting these elections and is calling upon yourself and your family to consider her as your preferred candidate in next Saturday’s election.

On a different point, from five MEP’s Malta deserves to have at least one female representative and that, for sure, should be Claudette. You cannot miss her on the ballot paper: she is the first candidate on the PL’s list of candidates. Make that box your first choice.

A vote to Claudette is a vote for you and your family !!

46 Comments Comment

  1. NGT says:

    How on earth do they manage to obtain private email addresses? This one appeared in my Yahoo Mail box –

    Il-biza’ ta’ Lawrence Gonzi

    minn Edward Scicluna, Kandidat tal-PL ghall-elezzjonijiet tal-Parlament Ewropew

    it-Torca – Il-Hadd 31 ta’ Mejju 2009


    M’hijiex sewwa-sew htija tieghi li hemm min, fosthom il-karikaturisti, ipingini bhala biza’ ta’ Dr Gonzi.

    Jiena dejjem ippruvajt nghid il-verita’ fid-dawl ta’ ricerka onesta li naghmel fil-qasam li nifhem fih, jigifieri l-ekonomija. Kif naraha jien, u ta’ dan xbajt naghti provi, il-pajjiz ilu jehtieg qawmien ekonomiku kif jixraqlu.

    Tistaghgeb li jekk Dr Gonzi ma jaghtix kas x’jghidulu l-esperti, l-esperti jkollhom iduru kontrih? lmma l-PN mhux din biss ma nizzilx dwari, imma li hrigt bhala kandidat ghall-elezzjoni Ewropea mal-Partit Laburista, il-partit li fdani, mhux biss bhala expert fl-ekonomija imma bhala briedem li jghid u jistqarr dak li tassew ihoss, bla habi u minghajr pregudizzju. Fuq kollox, il-Partit Laburista huwa mehtieg ghal Malta ghax minghajru u jekk ma jqumx wahda sew fuq riglejh, tbati s-sistema demokratika hawn Malta u mat-tigrif taghha jkollna herba ekonomika u socjali.

    Wara t-telfa li garrab il-PL is-sena l-ohra, il-PN beda jahseb li jista’ jaghmel li jrid fil-pajjiz. Huwa fatt sagrosant. Jafu kulhadd u ma jista’ jichdu hadd. Jekk il-PL ma jsibx 1-ghajnuna tan-nies kollha ta’ rieda tajba, pajjizna jitlaq b’girja wahda lejn id-dittatura. Jekk thares lejn l-imgieba ta’ xi ministri tal-kabinett ta’ Gonzi malajr tintebah x’qed nghid.

    lnsemmi ftit ezempji. F’Settembru li ghadda harget l-ahbar li 20,000 email passwords mis-server tal-gvern waqghu f’idejn nies li tqabbdu jisirquhom minn xi hadd li s’issa qed jahseb li mhux maghruf . Fost dawn kien hemm dawk tal-Pulizija, tal-Forzi Armata, tal-gudikatura u tal-parlamentari.

    Il-Ministru responsabbli minn dal-qasam, l-Onorevoli Austin Gatt qara rapport fil-parlament li kkonferma li s-serqa sehhet b’success u damet ma nkixfet tliet xhur shah. X’sar minn dakinhar ‘1 hawn biex tissewwa dil-qaghda tal-biki? Ftit wara kellna incident iehor marbut ma’ dit-teknologija. Is-segretarju generali tal-PN, Pawlu Borg Olivier baghat, bi zball, messagg elettroniku lis-segretarju tal-PL, li fih kien hemm xhieda cara u tonda ta’ kif il-gvern ta’ Gonzi jahdem b’mod mhux xieraq mal-PN bhala partit politiku. X’gara wara dan l-iskandlu? Ittiehed imqar l-icken pass biex tissewwa l-qaghda?

    Li ghandna llum hija diskriminazzjoni sfaccata kontra nofs il-poplu, jigifieri dawk li ma vvutawx lil GonziPN u preferenzi daqstant iehor sfaccati favor dawk ta’ gewwa nett. Saqsi lil min trid u tara jaqbilx mieghi. Din hija aghar mill-kazi l-ohrajn, ghax din m’hijiex kaz imma attitudni li tlewwen il-politika kollha u r-relazzjonijiet pubblici kollha tal-gvern. Aqra l-gurnali, ifli dak li jiktbu l-propagandisti ewlenin ta’ GonziPN u tara b’liema mod degradanti jitkellmu dwar dawk li m’humiex maghrufin bhala segwaci ta’ GonziPN. Kieku kienu qieghdin jiktbu dwar nies ta’ razza differenti kienu jitqiesu bhala qieghdin jikkommettu reat razzist.

    Il-htija ta’ din id-diskriminazzjoni klassista hija kollha tal-magna propagandista ta’ GonziPN immexxija minn nies li lanqas biss kienu eletti mill-poplu u ghalhekk m’ghandhom l-ebda qima lejn is-sistema demokratika. lr-rwol tieghi fil-Partit Laburista hu li nghin biex din id-diskriminazzjoni tingheleb u pajjizna jerga’ jibda jara d-demokrazija tahkem fl-oqsma kollha tal-hajja u tghin, kif taghmel dejjem fit-trawwim u t-tkabbir ekonomiku.

    Jiena staghgibt kemm laqghuni l-laburisti, minn fuq s’isfel, malli saru jafu li jiena lqajt l-istedina li nohrog bhala kandidat ghall-elezzjoni Ewropea f’isem il-Partit Laburista.

    Din il-laqgha sabiha li tawni jiena nfissirha bhala x-xewqa tal-laburisti li jharsu ‘l quddiem b’tama li pajjizna ghadu ma tilifx kollox bhalma qieghdin ibassru xi osservaturi politici. B’rieda tajba nistghu nahdmu id f’id ghall-gid tal-pajjiz u tac-cittadini kollha bla distinzjoni u minghajr diskriminazzjoni.

    Fl-istess hin, jekk il-laburisti ferhu bil-kandidatura tieghi, hekk ghamlu wkoll dawk kollha, mhux bilfors mill-kamp luburista, ghax jafuni bhala bniedem li jqieghed l-ewwel u qabel kollox il-moderazzjoni, il-komprensjoni, u l-gid tal-pajjiz kollu.

    Ma nistaghgibx, izda l-ahhar fehma tinkwieta lill-propagandisti horox ta’ GonziPN li mohhhom biss biex ipingu lill-Partit Laburista bhala wiehed maghmul minn qatta’ xjaten kif kien irnexxielhom ipinguh fl-imghoddi. Lil dawn ma nista’ nghidilhom xejn ghajr li l-pajjiz mhux lilhom jehtieg imma lil min, b’serjeta’ u b’dedikazzjoni jahdem u jhabrek biex kemm jista’ jkun malajr nohorgu mill-krizi ekonomika li ninsabu fiha. Bla dubju, mod kif ma nohorgux mill-krizi ekonomika jkun dak li noholqu aktar krizi socjali u politika biex innessuha u ma nhallux il-poplu jahseb fiha u jfittex lil min tabilhaqq jista’ jghinu jeghlibha.

    • Mario De Bono says:

      Haven’t you heard of email harvesting? Believe me, I know, the MLP has the best harvesters in the business.

  2. Mario De Bono says:

    As we say in Zurrieq, “X’qatt hareg tajjeb mil-Qrendi?” This is a perfect example of that age-old adage.

    She spams me as well. I have put her on my blocked list. Maybe I should have read this gem. And by the way, the photo shows that judicious use of makeup and Photoshop can do wonders.

    [Daphne – She really does have beautiful eyes.]

    Now we discover that there’s not much going on in the top storey. As I sad, its a gravvvyyyy train and she wants to be on it.

    Another thought, aren’t there another two female candidates in the MLP lineup? Last I looked, there were Marlene Mizzi and Maria Camilleri.

  3. Joe Mamo says:

    Malta DESERVES to have an MEP with beautiful eyes. That, and the unparalleled command of the English language …

  4. Helen says:

    X’affarijiet dawn. Issa nieklu mill-Ewropa b’ghajnejn Claudette. And is that why she puts Abela in her surname…..to be first on the list? Well she won’t be first on my list for sure and neither will any of the PL candidates. There’s a lot more going on in my top storey and in my memory disc.

  5. David Ellul says:

    Daphne, any comments about yesterday’s debate between the two leaders?

    [Daphne – I’m writing about it for my column tomorrow.]

  6. Leonard says:

    There we go again with the “female”. Is the European Parliament a zoo?

  7. M. Borman says:

    One of the world’s best songs was entitled “Words don’t come easy” – I can identify three things wrong with that.

    Firstly, how can anyone call that one of the world’s best songs? It’s a nice song – but one of the world’s best? Are you kidding? What about “Hey Jude”? Is F.R. David being compared to Lennon/McCartney?

    Secondly, it “wasn’t” entitled, it “IS” entitled… the title hasn’t changed. It’s still called “Words Don’t Come Easy”.

    Thirdly, why is the “W” of “Words” the only capitalised letter? It should be written as “Words Don’t Come Easy”.

    • Joe Mamo says:

      And fourthly, it is entitled simply Words.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      “Hey Jude” is complete tripe.

      But what is “calling upon your family” supposed to mean? Getting granny, the kiddies and Fido to vote for her?

      I also noticed that that dreadful phrase “Maltese and Gozitans” has inveigled its way into English as well. Alas, and so the darkness spreads.

      • MikeC says:

        Hey Jude is complete tripe? That’s a bit rich, coming from someone who uses the psuedonym h.p.baxxter!

    • john xuereb says:

      Miskina, qatt ma semghat bl-isem ta’ Bob Dylan……veru tas-Super 1……..sorry One xi haga!!

  8. Graham Crocker says:

    How does the voting system work?
    Say I vote for Candidate A from party X, and say 50% of Malta votes for the same candidate (i.e. priority 1), but the rest of Malta voted amongst Candidate B, C, D from party Y equally.

    Does that mean (A,X), (B,Y), (C,Y) (D,Y), (_,Y) or do the votes carry on to ( A,X ), (_,X), (_,X) ,(B,Y), (C,Y),(D,Y)?

    • J. Mizzi says:


      This might be helpful: http://www.maltadata.com/maltavot.htm

      • Graham Crocker says:

        Ah thanks, but I think that’s for general elections. Aren’t the EP elections different?

    • A. Attard says:

      The system does not consider parties, only candidates.

      • Graham Crocker says:

        Ok, (X,1) (X,2) .. say X,1 has enough votes they transfer to X,2 no? Or am I confusing things? Because somebody told me 1 is for the first seat, 2 is for the second etc .. but that doesn’t sound right :S

      • A. Attard says:

        Look up Single Transferable Vote. It is quite a complex system but once you get the hang of it you can follow. Looking at results of past elections also helps you understand how it works.
        Basically once a candidate gets a quota the “extra” votes are transferred according to the next preference candidate. It is designed so that one can choose candidates across the party spectrum

  9. Mary says:

    Yesterday Dr Gonzi did not look tired but he needs to feel more relaxed. He was on the defensive but at least his arguments were good. Joseph was sharp in replying though and he never lost a beat.

    • Tal-Muzew says:

      Of course he was on the defensive. He has to defend us all from someone who WAS against the EU, someone who IS now for the EU, someone who…. who knows what will he do in the future?

  10. kev says:

    Hey Dwart, Merline, Xerin… quick, Daphne is publishing PL candidates’ spam advertorials. She’s in a good mood. Spam her now!

  11. davina sullivan says:

    Couldn’t she at least have written in Maltese? Her English is awful.

  12. George Azzopardi says:

    I heard her on BondiPlus, and her arguments were terrible. She learned one statement by heart before the programme. To every question Lou Bondi asked her, she started her reply with “ghax Gonzi qed jidhak bin-nies … ”

    1. Why should people vote for you?
    “ghax Gonzi qed jidhak bin-nies”

    2. Are you giving a guarantee that you will open the hunting season as in previous years?
    “ghax Gonzi qed jidhak bin-nies”

    3. What is your name?
    “ghax Gonzi qed jidhak bin-nies”

    4. Where do you come from?
    “ghax Gonzi qed jidhak bin-nies”

  13. eric says:

    I’m recieving shameful emails about Edward Scicluna, this guy is really on the PN’s target list but i bet they’re doing him more free advertising then anything less. The PN never learns they shoot the messenger instead of the message.

    [Daphne – What do these shameful emails say?]

  14. eric says:

    If I had to phrase them in one word the emails say that he’s corrupt…enough said.

    [Daphne – That’s fascinating. It’s almost as bad as putting my 19-year-old son on a loop on Super One during the general election campaign, because the Labour Party has a problem with his mother.]

  15. Mary says:

    Yes Eric, you should copy and paste one for us to see.

  16. eric says:

    I deleted them right away first because they’re libellous, second because they’re in bad taste.

    [Daphne – If you’re so damn keen on good taste, why do you support Labour?]

    • kev says:

      Can’t you dig them up from your deleted folder, Eric? The sender could be identified, and with you not being a “hamallu” I understand your deep concerns about these emails, poor thing. But you have come to the right place. Daphne is the best agony aunt on the island.

      [Daphne – Shouldn’t you be out there harvesting votes for your wife?]

  17. eric says:

    Is it a sin to support Labour, Daphne?

    [Daphne – Ask a Catholic. I’m not au fait with what is and isn’t a sin.]

    Yes, I support Labour but I’m moderate and decent u mhux hamallu. And to be completely honest I voted Yes in the referendum and didn’t vote in the election which was held afterwards.

    [Daphne – Gosh, that was smart.]

    Another thing, Daphne, this country badly needs a change.

    [Daphne – I’m not sure I’m with you on that one. I’m not into change for its own sake, but only change for the better.]

    I agreed with you when you used to say that Alfred Sant was a non-starter. I never liked him and wrote various letters about it in the newspapers. One time Il-Mument made my letter front page news with the three monkeys. Dunno if you remember that.

    [Daphne – No, because you haven’t told us who you are.]

    I was called to Hamrun for some explaining. I went and told them what I thought but I don’t care; I told them what I really thought at that moment and the facts proved me right.

  18. eric says:

    I can’t write my full name here for obvious reasons but I don’t think that’s important – who cares anyway ? If you think I should not write in your blog because I’m not Nationalist I won’t write anymore but I think its good for your blog to have different opinions as long they’re decent, don’t you think?

    [Daphne – I think that question is redundant.]

  19. davina sullivan says:

    Eric – what obvious reasons? I use my full name. What’s so special about you?

  20. Michael Falzon says:

    Can anyone tell me what Claudette will be doing in the EU Parliament in order to make ministers change their ways?

  21. EPF89 says:

    Claudette’s litany;
    Gonzi dahaq bin-nies, ora pronobis
    Gonzi dahaq bin-nies, ora pronobis
    Gonzi dahaq bin-nies, ora pronobis
    Gonzi dahaq bin-nies, ora pronobis
    Gonzi dahaq bin-nies, ora pronobis
    Gonzi dahaq bin-nies, ora pronobis
    Gonzi dahaq bin-nies, ora pronobis
    Gonzi dahaq bin-nies, ora pronobis

    Nitoblu, O Alla, int li taf li Gonzi dahaq bil-haddiema tal-Go u tat-tarzna, u taf li gholla id-dawl u l-ilma, u ipprovdejtli hafna karti u dokumenti b’hafna sticky notes, aghmel li nhar is-Sibt 6 ta’ Gunju il-Maltin jivvutaw Labour. Amen.

  22. dery says:

    I seem to remember seeing a photo of Claudette and Daphne together recently and both looked comfortable with each other. But then again I am not a good reader of body language.

  23. Antoine Vella says:

    She has just emailed me too, to remind me about Father’s Day. It does not occur to her that my father might have died recently so she ends her email with this exhortation:

    “Make June 21st a SPECIAL DAY for Dad. He deserves the best.
    Make June 6th a memorable day for Claudette by giving her your first preference in the European Parliament Elections.”

    Who is she? My surrogate father?

  24. Paul says:

    Eric ma jistax jighd min hu ghax nahseb jibza mill-Qahbu.
    Viva l-Labour.

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