You look fabulous, darling

Published: June 3, 2009 at 4:50pm
I won't wait forever. You have to decide: it's either me or her.

I won't wait forever. You have to decide: it's either me or her.

Half an hour late, and still everyone has to wait around some more while Jason straightens Joseph’s tie. He seems more attuned to the role of valet than he is to that of party secretary-general.

The earth may be moving for Jason, but it sure as hell isn’t the earthquake that Muscat told us about.

30 Comments Comment

  1. Adam says:

    Jason, gently with that knot please.

  2. james micallef says:

    You are obnoxious, darling – so bloody repetitive and tiring maaaaa. Having an affair with NET?

    [Daphne – Is that what people do for fun in your experience – screw television channels?]

  3. Bonzo says:

    ‘il-lajfstajl ta’ brassils’ ghamilni aktar liberali….anke sesswalment!

  4. Patricia Dimech says:

    How pathetic those two are.

  5. Anna says:

    Are you sure that’s Jason? He doesn’t look like Jason to me.

    [Daphne – I am positive. Perhaps he’s had work done to keep himself looking fresh.]

  6. Leonard says:

    The Godfather Part IV.

  7. Jakov says:

    The groomer tending to the poodle…

    …or the horticulturalist tidying-up the cabbage patch?

  8. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    Shame Jason never fixed this one’s knots:

    • tony pace says:

      Hey D, I’m getting nightmares because of you. How pathetic………and how quickly we forget. Monkeys !

  9. Graham Crocker says:

    Now I know what Ettore Bono meant by ‘getting in Bed’.

  10. Mario De Bono says:

    I don’t know…there is something there. I can’t put my finger on it now. It’s an almost……..dare I say it……….intimate gesture on Jason’s part. Are we missing something here or what?

    • Ettore Bono says:

      Deleted for the 100th time.

      [Daphne – If you carry on with this harassment, you will leave me with no option but to take certain measures. You clearly have a neurotic problem. Go and work it off elsewhere. Anglu Farrugia might have a spare elephant.]

  11. dery says:

    Brill photo how did you get hold of it? This beats the local band club bar for gossip. How can I put this? Are you implying that Jason’s relationship with Joseph Muscat is akin to that of Mr. Smithers with Mr. Burns in ‘The Simpsons’? If you are not familiar with the characters in ‘The Simpsons’ you can look them up.

    [Daphne – I’m not implying anything.]

    • M Debono says:

      I am.

    • dery says:

      This is what is written beneath the photo above: “I won’t wait forever. You have to decide: it’s either me or her.”

      [Daphne – It’s called a frigging joke.]

      My question put more bluntly is this: are you saying that Jason is gay? Are you saying that he is infatuated with Joseph Muscat? What news that would make. I mean that in a good way. Don’t worry it is not slanderous to say that someone is gay.

      [Daphne – Yes, it is, if that person is married with children. So lay off.]

      I know nothing about Jason apart from the fact that he used to present a good programme on house-plants and flowers.

      Come on – I told you all about my hair problems.

  12. Slimiza says:

    One of the speakers “taht it-tinda” at Ghar id-Dud this evening said that, till today, 2800 votes remain uncollected from the Sliema/St. Julian’s area. I don’t think I heard wrong.

    This very clearly means that we are going to have a re-run of the “poxxtizmu” / “coccutizmu” of the bloody usual petty lot. The silly thing is, they are probably the same people who turn their noses up at anything to do with Labour, and yet it will be because of them that Labour will thrive in most elections.

  13. Ivan F. Attard says:

    Pawl, immagina trid tirranga l-ingravata tal-prim. X’differenza!

  14. Joseph Micallef says:

    I long for the press conference “tar-rebha”. I wonder what phrase Jason will come up with to describe Gonzi….surely not serial loser. If so, maybe he can footnote it saying…except when it counts.

    One question? If this ‘blond’ can’t do his tie properly are we sure he can govern a country?

    [Daphne – Sorry, but I thought the ‘blond’ was the one doing up the tie.]

    • Joseph Micallef says:

      In that sense, you are getting really but really nasty about “blonds”!

    • Joseph Micallef says:

      Not that the mannequin is brighter. Was just listening to him on One. He was telling his audience that he is a Laburist because he approached politics with a “free mind” and chose Labour for its values.

      Among the values he listed: Labour never asks who children’s parents are, nor what their surname is, nor what background they have. In my experience, the only party which actually asked exactly that was the Labour Party……and I paid a heavy price for it, too. What’s miserably immoral is that my father was a simple civil servant.

      Rather than a “free mind” I would say an “absent mind”…..or even better a total absence of mind.

  15. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Thirty minutes late. And that satisfied, sated smile as he stepped out of the car. In shirtsleeves.

    Now we know.

    [Daphne – You’re going to have to explain to the Labour beavers on this blog the significance of stepping out of the car in shirtsleeves. If I do it myself, I might say things I’ll regret.]

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