You really have to think like a chicken….

Published: June 5, 2009 at 5:08pm


Yesterday was the 20th anniversary of the student massacre in Tiananmen Square, when 3,000 people were killed by agents of the regime, most of them in their early 20s. Who can forget that young man standing defiantly in front of a line of tanks – a photograph that flew across the world – only to be led away by the police and never seen again?

I can’t believe so much time has passed since I put the two babies in a pram, stuck the three-year-old on a tricycle, and walked to the small protest meeting outside the Chinese Embassy in St Julian’s. I was 24 years old, the same age as most of those who died.

Last week in Beijing, The Sunday Telegraph interviewed some of the current generation of students. “People don’t care about it. It’s not relevant to us,” one of them said. “Society has completely changed since then.”

“I don’t think what happened 20 years ago is important,” said another. “Whatever the government did was necessary, because now people in China have good lives.”

The students failed to make the link between what happened then and what came afterwards. They live in an information vacuum. We in Malta know more about what happened in Tiananmen Square than they do. The events of 1989 are never referred to in China’s state media, and despite the ‘changes’ those students talked about, the state made it clear that there would be no tolerance for any attempt at commemorating this significant anniversary.

The Sunday Telegraph also interviewed Fang Zheng, who has been in a wheelchair since he was 22. He lost his legs pulling an unconscious friend out of the path of a tank. Another tank crushed him. He was smuggled out of China to Paris, and now lives in the United States.

He said: “We exposed the brutality of the regime and we woke the consciousness of the Chinese people with our beliefs and courage. The majority of young people don’t know what happened as there is no independent media. We seemed apolitical before the 1989 protests, but look what we achieved…..We were pursuing a new hope for our society; we were pursuing democracy, human rights, social justice and the rule of law.”

His wife, Chai Ling, also a student protest leader back then, said: “Before our movement, most Chinese had no idea of these concepts. Capitalism, personal freedom and individual rights were banned words, but now they are in the mainstream of life in China…..The spirit and mood of 1989 continues to this day.”

I thought about that article for a long time. What it was about, essentially, is how every 20 years the slate is wiped clean. A new generation of people are born and grow up knowing nothing unless they are told or have the curiosity to find out the facts for themselves and the intelligence to assess them in context.

That is why it is possible for the rotten to be resurrected. If the bad, the inept, the crude, the horrible and the downright corrupt can stay on the wheel long enough for it to spin round once – a process that takes 20 years – they can reinvent themselves for a new generation.

That’s why Anglu Farrugia is now deputy leader of the Labour Party.

That’s why he will be minister of justice in 2013.

That’s why George Vella is now Labour’s spokesman on EU affairs.

That’s why he will be minister for Europen Affairs in 2013.

That’s why Alex Sceberras Trigona now has an official post in Muscat’s party.

Sometimes, you don’t even need 20 years. Ten are enough. And that’s why, in 2013, the new generation of electors will think that Joseph Muscat was single-handedly responsible for pulling Malta into the European Union.

Erase and rewind.

I thought about it again this morning when I logged on to to check the status of Muscat’s eggs – have they hatched yet, and is he counting them? – and read this blog-post by Pia Micallef.

Jekk skont iz-zokk il fergha then… 04 June 2009 18:16

When Saturday morning comes about……

Pia Micallef, a 19 year old girl, for the first time in her life, will be voting on a national scale; it will be quick and painless; unlike the previous 19 years of her life under a nationalist regime.

Miss Micallef doesn’t know that she is living in clover. If she thinks that growing up under ‘the Nationalist regime’ has been hell, then it’s unfortunate I can’t load her into a time-machine and give her a taste of my experience: six years old when the Labour Party was elected and 22 years old with two children when the most corrupt and violent government this country has known, at least in the 20th century, was thrown out by a narrow majority.

Pia Micallef is the equivalent of those students in Beijing today. The difference is that she has no excuse. She does not live in China. She has access to all the information she wants, but she can’t be bothered to look for it – and clearly, her parents failed to do their duty and ensure that they didn’t raise a daughter with the analytical skills of a chicken.

Or maybe her parents did do their duty, and our Pia is one of those insufferable Contrary Marys who always want to be red, bad and look-at-me different. In my time they ran off to join the Moonies. In Italy they preferred the Brigate Rosse.

But here she is again, suffering from that self-distancing disease which makes so many people talk about themselves in the third person.

She must remember to take with her, her ID card and her voting document. She will walk in, give her voting document to the assistant commissioner and take the voting ballot paper from his hands. She will walk into a small cubicle and choose her favourite candidates.

But who to pick?

She has quite a few choices.

Shall she vote for the Libertas candidates? The liberal democrats, who propose nude beaches and divorce? Maybe, but they’re new and the fact that they prefer to make known their “transparent” proposals after the elections is a little off putting.

Shall she vote for Impreium Europa? No. just.. no. She is not an extremist right winger.

Will she vote for AN? The right wing, extra-conservative party who simply wants to ship illegal immigrants out of this country and have failed to argue anything else? No.

Will she vote for AD? The green party that come out with environmentally friendly issues and solutions to many things, but sometimes fails to focus on issues that do not have anything to do with the environment? Maybe. Honestly, maybe.

Will she vote for the nationalist party?

Well that’s a question. Shall she vote for the party that has been recently discussing making her pay for her health care? (

Shall she vote for the party that has apparently brought about 7000 new jobs, yet it’s Minister of Employment John Dali states that it is only 2000?

Shall she vote for the party that because of it’s ignorance decided to buy oil when the price was high and REFUSED to listen to anyone else when they told them to buy cheap oil now and split the difference in cost?

Shall she vote for the party with the WORST track record regarding the environment?

Shall she vote for the party that has caused me and my family financial frustration because of the 400 euro water and electricity bill we have recently received?

Shall she vote for the party who’s EU representatives did not attend to vote in favour or against an immigration agency, just because it was an opposition member of European parliament that came up with the idea?

Shall I vote for the party who has caused so many companies to make workers redundant?

No. She shall proudly not.

Even though it is easier for her to vote for, campaign for and support this party; she shall not. She comes from a middle class background where conservatism and economic capitalism perhaps makes more sense for her individual gain. But she turns to socialist values and ideals and progressive ideas in order to allow EVERYONE in her country to benefit and flourish and not just the selective few.

So who shall she vote for?

Shall she vote for the Labour Party candidates?

The ones who got rid of the departure tax?

The ones who came up with the idea of an immigration agency within the European union.

The ones who urged the government not to sign the illegal immigration pact as it did not force the other countries to be obliged to share the burden of massive illegal immigration across the Mediterranean waters.

The ones who voted in favor of mandatory burden sharing within the European union?

The ones who constantly remind Gonzi to stop looking at the population as just the elite upper class section.

Yes. She will

She will vote for each Labour party candidate, starting from 1 and finishing at 12.


Because she loves her country.

And what is a country without the welfare of it’s citizens?

And she refuses to let Dr. Lawrence Gonzi believe that he can continue to make the lives of each and every Maltese person quite a misery nowadays because of the fact that he’s just too good to “do” fincance.

Oh, but why should all of the nationalist team suffer because of one man’s terrible mistake and incapability to take care of his country?

Heq, Dr Gonzi- Skont iz zokk il fergha, uwx?

The amount that this young woman doesn’t know is frightening.

105 Comments Comment

  1. Corinne Vella says:

    “Min hu Tian Anmen?”

  2. john xuereb says:

    Daphne……you mean that now we do not have corruption?
    You mean that we do not have nepotism? Daphne I am as old as you are……I am a nationalist like you…….but I still believe that we have a big brother watching what ever we do….the only difference is we went from far left to far right.

    [Daphne – Far right my left wotsit.]

  3. Corinne Vella says:

    Shall, shall, shall…

    We SHALL
    Everyone else WILL

  4. Dan says:

    She was in my philosophy class… how ironic.

  5. maryanne says:


  6. jomar42 says:

    She must be learning drama under the tutelage of Doktor Alfred Sant.

  7. maryanne says:

    Have you noticed that they have replaced the ‘eggs’ with the ‘chickens’? They must be working overtime, reading your blog and doing corrections.

  8. Ray Cassar says:

    Daphne, that is scary, but so true. People either don’t know or don’t want to know. When I think how we university students were beaten up by a mob of ‘workers’ because we dared protest in the late 80s. Does Pia know that?

    [Daphne – She comes from a staunchly Labour family, the one which furnished us with the cabbage-poet-president. You might as well ask whether Mao Tse Tung’s grandchildren got the correct version of events at Tiananmen Square.]

    If she is a university student, she should be thankful that she can actually write that rubbish and not be physically punished for it.

  9. Antoine Vella says:

    It’s not that Pia Micallef does not know things. She’s a Labour ‘elve’ (though she can spell at least) so the ignorance she displays is not genuine but politically motivated.

    • H.R says:

      I’m going to agree. She has a wide knowledge of certain subjects, but she is extremely close minded. The ignorance she displays is her being fed the wrong information by the the wrong sources. Enough said.

  10. Jason Casha says:

    liema hu l-veru Joseph Muscat ?

  11. mary says:

    Dear Daphne

    Pia or youngsters her age will not give their vote so easily to PL. The main reason is that they know only one government in their short lifetime.

    For them the rest is history. What might give Pia food for thought is either the way she is seeing her family stretched out because of the present high cost of living or because the breadwinner at home is now saddened by the fact that he might get redundant soon and her welfare is being threatened or because she is seeing her lovely island deteriorating and lost her faith in MEPA,or because she lives in the south where it is a hazard for her health and well-being OR because of the impact of what young Joseph Muscat might have made on her.

    [Daphne – Hardly. She’s Anton Buttigieg’s great-niece. But she doesn’t say that, does she. Instead, she pretends she’s rebelling against her roots, when what she is doing is the precisee opposite: conforming to them despite the pull of reason.]

  12. C Note says:

    Last minute tactic right? Rush. Rush.

  13. A. Attard says:

    I was at that protest outside the Chinese embassy. I was 16; summer of ’89. I was at 6th form.

  14. Yaneka says:

    Are you sure it’s a 19-year-old? Maybe it’s just a gimmick from Maltastar.

    [Daphne – I should hope it is. I’d hate to think anybody older writes like that.]

  15. Edward says:

    Take a break…the world will not come to an end because Labour wins…(your world might)….the only pity is if we don’t get the third party elected…..3 PL + 2 PN, or 2 PL + 3PN does not make one iota of difference, apart from the egos of Jason Micallef and Paul B.O.

    [Daphne – Sorry, ta, but aren’t you voting in the UK elections? Or have you caught a cheapo flight to Malta to vote for ARRRRRRNolt?]

    • Corinne Vella says:

      That’s flawed reasoning, Edward, and I don’t mean that solely because you’re assuming that “the third party” necessarily means AD (I don’t imagine you’d be elated if Norman Lowell or Emmy Bezzina were elected and AD’s candidates were not).

      Maltese party representation in the EP either makes a difference or it doesn’t. If it matters, then the number of Maltese party representatives is significant, whoever they are. If it doesn’t matter, then whether AD gets a seat is insignificant.

      Then again, one might take the limited world view that the EP elections are all about whether AD has a seat in any parliament anywhere, in which case logic may be substituted by magical thinking.

  16. Head Boy says:

    Pia Micallef, a Pulse activist who counts a president among her great-uncles (Anton Buttigieg), is the same girl who tragically claimed her family would move to Libya if the Nationalists were to be elected last year. Enough said.

    • Corinne Vella says:

      Clearly, some people find it difficult to distinguish between democracy and dictatorship, or to understand the importance of human rights.

      It’s telling that, in all the bumbling rhetoric, there’s plenty said about the things that money can buy but never about those it can’t. So much for citizenship and rights. It seems that it’s the ‘free’ in freedom that matters. What they really want is the spoils of free market capitalism, but they want it for free.

      • Andrea says:

        Makes you wonder if democracy just means free market capitalism for those ‘free’ citizens. As if consuming is the only achievement of modern civilisation. It takes a brain, effort and responsibility to be a democrat. But it is so much easier to be a sheep, following the shepherd who hopefully leads us to the green grassland-for free of course.

      • Corinne Vella says:

        Andrea: “Makes you wonder if democracy just means free market capitalism for those ‘free’ citizens”

        Of course it does. Why do they never speak of the things that money can’t buy?

      • Andrea says:

        Corinne:( I tried to translate a quotation from Bertholt Brecht -hope it works): First comes guzzling, then ethics.

      • Corinne Vella says:

        Andrea: I’m afraid I don’t agree with Brecht. Ethics don’t necessarily follow guzzling, though I do agree that sometimes that is the order of priority to some.

  17. Angele says:

    A person who couldn’t even handle first year at university (she dropped out) is calling the prime minister “ignorant”, when in actual fact, if it wasn’t for his leadership, she’d be queuing for a job that involves sweeping animal dung in a zoo..

  18. Leonard says:

    From 1998 … but the thinking hasn’t changed

  19. david farrugia says:

    Reading between the lines there is something which is in the air but will come out in the build up for the next general elections. Her choice of words for AD are no coincidence. To get surely elected, Joseph will work towards a partnership with the greens. This suits both parties as Labour will finally be in government and AD reaching its goals of having a seat in parliament.

  20. John Schembri says:

    “Quick and painless” . Has she become a consultant on suicides?

  21. david farrugia says:

    This proves my point: this is taken from evarist bartolo profile on Facebook:

    Evarist Bartolo Illum se nmur nivvota ghal-Louis Grech u nkompli fuq il-lista tal-PL u l-AD

  22. Mark Galea says:

    In 2013 when Muscat is prime minister we will hear of Pia again. The DOI will announce that he has made Pia his personal secretary.

    I am 100% sure.

  23. Jeremy says:

    Brilliant blog!!

    Pia, hmmm in all the years I’ve known her I can say that through this blog you have hit the nail on its head precisely.

    [Daphne – What do you expect? I’m a 44-year-old woman. I’ve known one hell of a lot of girls in my time. Every generation throws up the same types. Nothing new under the sun. She probably has issues with meat, too.]

    Imagine a person who tries to act and dress like a non-conformist, rants over and over on socialism, tries to be the notorious centre of attraction, hates the world and anyone living in it, is in the ‘elve’-production organisation PULSE (who claim to be independent) and tries to play the diva….

    As a matter of fact I am VERY VERY sure she is loving every second of this blog and the comments… She’s probably going to spend a couple of weeks chanting on about how she was the victim of Daphne Caruana Galizia and loving it all throughout.

    • H.R says:

      Jeremy, I don’t think I know you, probably as I was a close friend of Pia’s once, despite the empty threats and hollow lies she’d feed me. Anyway, ‘hit the nail on the head’ indeed. Well done, Daphne. I applaud you.

  24. Jeremy says:


    “Pia Micallef Is highly flattered that so many people know about her and her roots – off to vote for ALL of the LABOUR party candidates tomorrow morning, and extremely proud of it. Why? Because sadly the only effort any nationalists have made to make me think otherwise though, is to blatantly insult me. How very demo-christian.”

    – her Facebook profile message

    Pia, demo-Christian doesn’t exist. Christian Democrat, please.

    She implies she might have voted for Nationalist candidates hadn’t you written this about her. Yes, right.

  25. Head Boy says:

    The girl is deluded, and her issues also extend to hairdye and the atrocious colours she’s sported in recent years. Her Facebook status last year prophetically read: Merhba Malta Socjalista. Don’t you find it amusing that Maltastar felt the need to specify she attended a private school and lives in St.Julian’s?

    [Daphne – But felt no similar need to tell us of her Old Labour background.]

  26. Jonathan says:

    It’s people like Pia and arguments like hers that make me stick to my guns even more, and be proud to do so.

  27. Angele says:

    Shall Pia, vote for the party which has brought about Malta’s entry in the EU and the Eurozone, potentially keeping at bay, the worst effects of the global recession?

    Shall Pia vote for the party, which has introduced recycling and waste seperation, created National Parks, subsidized solar energy, and planned an offshore wind farm??

    Shall Pia vote for the party who fielded a brainless journalist in the EP?

    No the “hamalla socjalista” ( as she defines herself on fb) will vote for the Euro-sceptics who plan to return to their old ways, thinking that a change in adverts colour scheme (they’ve gone from the classic labour red, to purple and orange) and their own terrible English language adverts, can make people believe they’ve finally changed..

  28. Ethel says:

    If Pia is reading this – thank your lucky stars you were born in 1990 and with so many opportunities, the most important one being EU membership from which you can reap so many benefits (that is, if you want to) being a young student. You have taken so many things for granted – you do not know what it means to have to suffer and make so many sacrifices but I suppose you have been brought up to think that everything should come for free without any effort at all. I just think you are an ungrateful and selfish human being and if you want to remain in your own kind of world you are quite free to do so.

  29. Irene says:

    Anyone who knows Pia knows that she loves attention and that all this is exactly what Ms. Micallef would have wanted, i.e. more attention and people talking about her and her antics…I can assure all of you that she is loving every single bit of this…As we say in Maltese, “qeghdin tpaxxuwha”.

    [Daphne – Well, she has a lot of growing up to do. Some don’t, unfortunately. And nothing is sadder than a woman in her 40s or 50s who still thinks and behaves like Pia Micallef. At the newspaper where I work, there is a woman of almost 70 who still thinks and behaves like that.]

  30. CS says:

    are you suggesting that if labour are to be in power or dominant in the maltese mep’s that malta will revert back to the 80’s? i may be clueless as to what people suffered or gained under mintoff, but i do know what is going on right under my nose at this day and age not 20 years ago. i know that its the future that i have to think about… and do i really want to continue living under the rule of someone who only considers his very lavish lifestyle…. where he can afford the 1000euro bills?? or shall i forget what my granparents have said about not having tv’s and chocolate(oh what would this life come to if chocolate was taken away from my diet.. dare i lose a pund or two) and see what the opposition has to offer maybe just maybe mr muscat will provide the welfare and care and opportunities that us chickens *cluck cluck* need for our future.. a future which dr. gonzi so obviously has no regard for unless i am one of his elite puppies

    [Daphne – Why do i gat di feeling that u r Pia Micallef?]

    • Head Boy says:

      CS, I do not believe anyone here suggested the 1980s are back other than on the high street; what the more alert among us were merely pointing out is the fact that this government has guaranteed a future to all, not only to the so-called elite the Labour Party seems to so despise yet is so desperate to emulate (albeit unsuccessfully).

      No chocolate and no TV sets mean much more than the absence of relatively superfluous commodities; the non-utilitarian will most certainly agree that Mintoff’s import ban not only deprived the Maltese of their right to choose (yes, even between different brands of chocolate or shampoo), but effectively relegated Malta to the 2nd world, as our civics teacher used to so eloquently remind us.

      And it is thanks to Mintoff, those who followed him and their supporters, that class hatred still reigns supreme in this country.

      • CS says:

        but effectively relegated Malta to the 2nd world, as our civics teacher used to so eloquently remind us.

        seeing as malta was just coming out of 3rd world status i would say the 2nd world is a step up no??
        and how would you say that class hatred reigns supreme?? maybe you and I live in two separate worlds…. but i personally as do many of my peers can get along fine regardless of sex class race etc…. and I would like to add that anybody still believing in class hatred and lack of life opportunities is too narrow minded for the 21st century and should haul themselves out of the 1950’s where free health and education and welfare was non existent. thanks to mintoff we do have these systems which have brought about a more unified class as a whole… the only people who still seem to want this class division are the nationalists who want to return to the “dark ages” by removing parts of our greatly needed welfare system
        p.s if you wish still to criticize the class system please feel free to take this to the education board as this is what maltese students are being taught in sociology :)

        [Daphne – Oh dear. Patty Hearst. Look her up.]

      • Joachim says:

        You know…. Catherine, I’m reading your comment about Mintoff, your ‘hero’ who provided your beloved welfare system, and I’m really starting to think that you shouldn’t belong to my generation. You should belong to the generation of the 1930s, who in the 1950s started to admire the communists and demanded their governments begin providing them with everything for free. So I think YOU should haul yourself to the 1950s where your mentality belongs. Because to my knowledge, nowadays, your mentality has already been tried, chewed and spat out.

    • Corinne Vella says:

      C S: If you wish to know what the main opposition party would “provide” when in government – and work out whether it’s really what you want – then it’s best to ask for its electoral programme, how the party expects to implement it, and at whose expense. This is not a sarcastic comment. It’s a friendly piece of advice.

      I doubt that you’d believe it, but many people who do not vote for the Labour Party would prefer to see it develop a feasible electoral programme and the capability of implementing it – the two are not necessarily synonymous, and, currently, the Labour Party cannot seriously claim that either of those two factors are in place, let alone both.

      Government is not a laboratory experiment. A bullet-point wish list is not an electoral programme. And rhetoric that veers between pomposity and vulgarity, but which always remains empty of meaning beyond appealing to people’s real or imagined frustrations, is no substitute for thinking things through and planning properly.

    • CS says:

      haha so wrong….

      • Corinne Vella says:

        I know you are. That’s why I gave you some friendly advice.

        I’d imagine you’re in favour of engaging one’s brain before speaking, so why would you wish to elect a party to government before it thinks?

      • Corinne Vella says:

        Incidentally, what are your views on the 1989 Tiananmen massacre and the current government’s attempts to suppress any commemoration of the event or expression of dissent?

    • Joachim says:

      ”….maybe Mr Muscat will PROVIDE the welfare and care and opportunities…” You see …..this is precisely what I hate about Labourites! This attitude that the government is there to provide!
      In my view the government is there to govern, legislate, open new doors for society and create the possibility for society to PROVIDE FOR ITSELF, and not to spoon feed the people. For heaven’s sake!
      CS, you’re right, you are chicken.

      • CS says:

        in response to Joachim,
        I’m sorry, I thought a government was democratically elected by the people, for the people, to provide for the people on essential needs. Is education not a necessity? How about health? I am in a fortunate position, that I was able to continue my education, which will hopefully lead me on to a good carreer. Had Mintoff not introduced these institutions I might not be in the position which I am in today.

        [Daphne – Mintoff made your university education possible? Go back to bed, and stay there. What ignorance. Unbelievable. You don’t even know your own country’s recent history.]

        Mintoff is NOT my hero, but I will always give credit where it’s due, that is why I thank him, for moving the country out of it’s 3rd world status (a process which has to take place rather slowly not how many greedy people thought fit hence the tv saga).
        Have I made myself clear now? Or have I not *clucked* enough?

      • Joachim says:

        Oh dear! CS, I cannot believe you gave credit to Mintoff for your univeristy education when everyone knows how successful he was in keeping the Maltese people as stupid as possible! If you were living in Mintoff’s days you would be the first one to suffer a dismal education and no prospect of a career. But of course you don’t know this, since you’re still living in the 1950s and Mintoff hasn’t yet quite ascended to power.

        About the ‘goverment providing things’ argument. We can never agree on this one since we’re so clearly separated by several decades.

    • H.R says:

      Because it probably is her – haven’t you noticed by her “sly” remarks and trying to act like a complete and utter smart ass, when in reality she knows nothing?
      *cluck cluck* <- You’re not 12, sweetheart. I suggest you start acting your age.

  31. Head Boy says:

    P.S. Mrs. Caruana Galizia, if the spelling and grammar are atrocious, there’s a good chance it’s her.

  32. Jeremy says:

    She wrote the *cluck cluck* just like her profile message I posted earlier hahaha cs definitely her

    • CS says:

      jeremy just like i said to daphne i am not pia micallef… i wrote *cluck cluck* because if daphne is going to call us 19 year olds chickens just because she doesnt agree with us… then i will cluck also and corinne i didnt write that so wrong to you i wrote it regarding daphne’s reply to my post mistaking me for pia micallef…..
      for all of you who would like to know, my name is Catherine Sultana hence the CS :)
      or is it too hard for you to believe that two girls of around the same age who have been brought up in the same society can have similar opinions??

      [Daphne – I don’t think all 19-year-olds are chickens. Had you and Miss Micallef been five years old, I wouldn’t have remarked on your writing or thinking skills. It is precisely because you are 19 that they are remarkable – for the wrong reasons. I have vast experience of 19-year-olds. I was one myself and had many friends of that age. Only recently, there were three 19-year-olds in my household and they have many friends that age. And that is why I find your writing and thinking more than a little backward – because I know through experience, direct and indirect, that it is.]

      • Corinne Vella says:

        Thanks for your clarification. Now, how about an answer to my question.

        What are your views on the 1989 Tiananmen massacre and the current government’s attempts to suppress any commemoration of the event or expression of dissent?

  33. Chris says:

    Whoever knows Pia…knows what a blinded Labourite she is. Her words are nothing but cold rocks which she throws one after an another. She is an attention seeker, and worst of all she is immature when it comes to politics.

    A drama queen, or as she calls herself, ‘pixy princess’.

  34. Head Boy says:

    CS, please do enjoy your gap year; you may want to revise your sociology, your English and possibly learn how to see reality for what it truly is. Cluck cluck indeed.

    P.S. Did you mother get fired by the Nationalist regime? It seems to me you still haven’t moved to Libya.

    • CS says:

      head boy.. just shows what you think you know?? my mother has nothing to do with Maltese politics… she’s English!!! and yes my English has been criticized for being too colloquial i do sincerely apologize for not being bothered to put the caps lock on and speaking in a way which an entire nation finds fit to speak
      regarding the sociology part… were you there when my sociology lecturer was teaching social stratification??… maybe if you put your name I’d know

      [Daphne – It’s not your ‘English’ that’s being criticised. It’s your writing, and your inability to spell, punctuate and use capital letters at the start of proper nouns.]

      • CS says:

        DAPHNE is this my o-level exam??
        have you honestly nothing better to criticize me on except my grammar?? i’m sure that you have been understanding me without difficulty
        i do apologize so sincerely for offending anyone for not dotting my i’s and crossing my t’s, however i did not know that my grammar was the argument in question… i thought it was regarding young labourites and their strong opinions with regards to how their future’s may unravel depending on who is in government

        [Daphne – Oh, I see. You reserve grammar and punctuation for O-levels, which means that you never have to punctuate or spell again after the age of 16.]

  35. Ethel says:

    Tell CS and her friend Pia to bugger off. Don’t let them fill the page with absolute rubbish. Try as they may, they cannot change history. They are quite free to go on being what they are – nonentities. But I digress – this is a democratic society and all can express their views, unlike in the Mintoffian era where you got clobbered or killed if you did not agree with their views.

    [Daphne – Or forced to study Pia’s great-uncle’s hideously bad poems for Maltese matriculation exams because he was a Labour big cheese. How can I ever forget reading Keats’ Ode to a Grecian Urn one minute, then turning with a sigh to Il-Kabocca ta’ Anton Buttigieg. Kind of like China, don’t you think?]

    • CS says:

      Tell CS and her friend Pia to bugger off.
      oh how democratic. I’m so sorry i didnt know this was a page reserved for right wing nationalists…. btw daphne sorry about the grammar please do slap my wrists .. i shall hence forth leave all the journalisty fuddy-duddy rules you love so much to you and your clan of followers who are doing all they can to get 10/10 on their DCG exam :)

      [Daphne – Now I know why you’re clinging to a political party’s coat-tails. With that kind of attitude, you’ll never get anywhere otherwise.]

  36. Corinne Vella says:

    Here are two 19-year olds who wish to change the world exercising their right to free expression but ignoring the fact that so many others are not afforded the same privilege. Isn’t self-absorption frightening? I wonder what kind of world it is they look forward to living in.

  37. Corinne Vella says:

    Here you are, CS and Pia Micallef. This is an article worth reading, and that’s not just because the author has a PhD from Harvard university.

    • CS says:

      would it come as a shock to you if I told you I know what happened in China in 1989? Would it be even more shocking to you that I do find history especially political history extremely interesting?

      [Daphne – Yes, it would, because you don’t know what happened in your own country in the 1980s.]

      Thanks for your help on helping me refresh my memory on what I already knew.
      I do have a question though, why are you pressing me on a topic I had not commented on. I was merely commenting on Daphne’s personal attack on Pia Micallef, or had you missed that vital part (or only part) of my argument?

      [Daphne – ‘Personal attack’. I love it. First people parade their crass stupidity around and then if anyone points it out, it becomes a personal attack. If Pia Micallef doesn’t want ‘personal attacks’ she can get out of the kitchen, starting now.]

      • Corinne Vella says:

        That’s a strange question, C S. I’d be shocked if you *didn’t* know about Tiananmen in 1989. I posted those links because you had replied selectively to my earlier posts, ignoring the bits where I asked for your views on what happened in Tiananmen in 1989. You’ll notice that I asked for your views, and not whether you knew what happened. I’m genuinely interested but I still do not know what those views are, as you’re still not telling.

        No, I hadn’t missed the fact that you zoomed in on Pia Micallef. That is precisely why I asked about your views on the Tiananmen anniversary. The whole point of the discussion here is not Ms Micallef herself, but that it is lacunae in people’s knowledge that allows history to repeat itself. Ms Micallef’s blog was only an example of that principle.

        The Tiananmen incidents are not interesting because they’re history. They’re significant because the same problems still exist today. It’s precisely because I assumed you’d have some knowledge of those incidents that I asked you for your views. You may know what happened there in 1989, but do you know what happened in 2009 and what that means, not just for China but for people everywhere? Do you ask yourself when and how you found out what happened and whether there is anything that you don’t know? Do you think about who decides what you can get to know, what means they employ and why they do that?

        There really is no need for a defensive and public response to that question. I’m not accusing you of anything. I’m just asking you to think.

    • H.R says:

      Please, she wouldn’t know PhD or a degree if it hit her on the back of her head. Stating how she “dropped out of university” and got a job offer in Munich to become a social worker. Fascinating really.
      Please enlighten me as to how you can get a job as a social worker in Munich, when you don’t have a degree, or speak a word of German.

  38. Corinne Vella says:

    And in case you’re wondering “Min hu Tian Anmen”, take a look at this:

  39. S Briffa says:

    Was nannu thinking about the future (presumably) arrival of Pia when he penned Il-Kabocca? I wonder.

  40. Beth says:

    I prefer to address your blog bearing a nom de plume, not out of cowardice, but I would feel it would be better if I remain solely to you as an individual expressing her opinion.

    Curiousity Daphne, why all this interest on Pia? She is very much a Labourite, and hates anything to do with Nationalists, and Christian democrats (demochristians – as she calls them).Yet don’t you think that maybe it is rather ‘ambiguous’ to dedicate a whole blog against the opinions of a 19 year old?

    Yes she has the right to vote.

    Yes she spends most of her time and energy in elections campaigning against PN and even making some falsely based accusations.

    But don’t you think that dedicating your energy and sharp writing pen (yet blunt) to criticising the actions of this girl is a slight waste of time?

    She won’t change her opinion.
    She won’t change her mind.
    Because she’s proud of being a Labourite, as you are proud of bearing your own political agenda.

    Hmar tond ma jmutx kwadru.

    [Daphne – It’s always a bad idea to ignore people.]

  41. Dirk Urpani says:

    This is a disgrace, attacking a 19 year old girl… so now you are going to stay mentioning the 80s good morning we are living in 2009!!! NOT 1980 and if you want to mention the 1980, mention the 1960s as well cause we teenagers know about 1980s and even about the 60s mrs caruana galizia. You attacked a 19 year old girl who is active and who sticks up for her rights, you want her to be like one of the puppets you brainwashed or someone like pia who even though is very labour leaning has a mind of her own and knows how to analyse well what is taking place… with your reasoning daphne should the international community isolate germany cause they destroyed Europe and the world in 40s or is germany now a fully democratic country… times change, parties change, people change but not Daphne Caruana Galizia…
    A mature teenager NOT a brainwashed headless adult
    Dirk Urpani

    [Daphne – What can I say? Thank God I have loads of experience with people your age. If 19-year-old ‘girls’ – actually, they’re women at that age – don’t wish to be criticised, they should refrain from writing political blogs on the official website of a main political party. I wasn’t much older than Pia Micallef when I began writing a political column for The Sunday Times (though of course, I could spell and punctuate, which helped) and I don’t remember ever telling people not to attack me because I was a ‘girl’. Yes, times change and people change, but you miss the point. After World War II, Germany wiped its slate clean of all Nazi officials. The Labour Party, however, is doing the opposite, and bringing the awful people from its past into its present. Your friend Pia does not have a mind of her own. She was born into a staunch Old Labour family and she has staunch Old Labour views. I was not born into a Nationalist family nor raised in a pro-Nationalist environment. I am in my 40s. You are a teenager. You cannot presume to know whether I have changed or not. You haven’t been around long enough.]

    • Dirk Urpani says:

      Maturity does not come with age.. grow up and try to be impartial in your comments.

      [Daphne – That is exactly what I am: impartial. When in my 20s I took an impartial decision to support the Nationalist Party, and later on I took an impartial decision to join the Yes campaign for EU membership. My vote is still impartial. I still find the Labour Party deeply wanting and the Nationalist Party more deserving of my vote. Take my advice: a boy in his teens should never instruct a woman of 44, with sons older than he is, to grow up. It’s a sign of deep immaturity.]

  42. Dirk Urpani says:

    You are impartial? We had better ask the Maltese population about that I am sure no one will say you are not impartial. I am a student on the Junior College board and I am very active and open minded and mature. This is my last comment not cause I find it hard to counter you arguments actually they are pathetic most of the time but I am wasting my time because no one can convince you to tell you the truths about all the Maltese parties. I am very neutral and find no objection to voting for PN, PL, AD or any other party if I feel they are proposing something valid and good for Malta.

    [Daphne – I’m exactly the same, but I’ve been around 25 years longer than you have and this has given me a better handle on things. I distinctly recall saying the same sort of things when I was 18, though of course back then voting Labour wasn’t an option, and still isn’t. The thing is I would have liked to see George Abela lead Labour. I would have been comfortable with that. Some people who previously voted PN or AD are comfortable with Joseph Muscat, Anglu Farrugia and the rest. I’m not. Neutrality, you will eventually discover, is not a virtue nor something to be proud of. It is expected of all decent adults that they take decisions and adopt stances on major issues. To be alive, engaged and switched on is by definition to be not neutral. Neutrality generally amounts to little more than indifference.]

  43. Aaron says:

    Pia, representing a growing number of young people, has decided to use the internet to spread her heavily one-news-bombarded opinion rather than re-inform it; whoever insists that anything written in this blog is disgraceful might as well not reply to this blog in the first place. Anything put up on a web-page is open for criticism – welcome to the internet.

    • Il-Molla says:

      I don’t think so because my comment was not allowed on this blog so i don’t think you’re right there.

      And Mrs.Caruana Galizia jekk ma hallejtx il comment tijaj jidher ax hammigt ara xint tamel int taa.

      [Daphne – Here you are, your comment is ‘allowed’. Be proud.]

  44. Gianluca Scicluna says:

    im sry Daphne! and i said Daphne not Mrs. Caruna Galizia because you dont deserve any respect!!

    its very depressing to see that in malta there are still people like you Daphne that dont have any arguments!! they are only capable of attacking other people!! and just to make it clear Pia Micallef did nothing wrong to deserve does words i think the only person that did something wrong is your son infront of a camera during a dibate in university!


    [Daphne – Let’s see now. By your way of reasoning, a 19-year-old student and private citizen who tells a cameraman to fuck off after he’s been bothering him for half an hour should be put on a loop on Super One for several days and made a target for the Labour mob, just because the Labour Party has a problem with his mother. But a 19-year-old drop-out (and public person with a public political agenda) who writes a blog for the Labour Party is off-limits and even a bit of criticism on somebody else’s blog is construed as a terrible personal attack. I don’t think so, sugar. As for the son you refer to, I just thank God he’s not like Pia Micallef, or I would be up all night wondering where I’ve gone wrong. He’s only a few months older than Miss Micallef, but in September he’ll be at one of the world’s top-ranked universities – as a postgraduate student, not a freshman, at the age of 20. Meanwhile, Miss Micallef sits and writes ill-spelled messages and blog posts with barely any punctuation. I just thought you should know.]

    • Jonathan Portelli says:

      So an independent journalist has no right to criticise a 19 year old’s article on a political site yet a political news station has the right to air a loop of that journalist’s son (whose claim to fame was that he did not do anything extraordinary, his mother did). I think you’re the one without an argument, Gianluca.

      Daphne, God forbid you should not feel proud when you think about your son flipping the cameraman off. I would have done the same without a doubt, and not out of rudeness, but out of frustration.

    • H.R says:

      With all your respect Gianluca, it’s a blog, a place to express your opinions. Secondly, if a cameraman was in your face for half an hour you’d flip him off as well. And stating that Mrs. Caruana’s son was wrong to do so is clearly idiotic.

      And please, keep in mind, it’s called freedom of speech – meaning Mrs. Caruana and her son have the right to say whatever they like regardless of who is gonna ‘loop’ them onto a Maltese channel for simpletons who can’t even speak English without sounding ridiculous.

      Yes, he could have asked politely to be left alone, but in a moment of frustration you would yell ‘fuck off’ to anyone as well.

  45. another john says:

    First of all i think that it’s rather ironic that most of the time we use the english language to express our thoughts. I mean, i know it’s also an official language, yet i prefer to use maltese and preserve the true basics of my identity.

    Daphne din hija l-ewwel darba li qed naqra l-blog tieghek, u biex nghidlek id-dritt impressjonatni r-reqqa tal-pinna tieghek. Madanakollu daqs kemm impressjonajtni, iddizapuntajni. Jien qieghed l-ewwel sena Junior College u nammetti li bhal hafna zghazagh daqsi, ghad baqali hafna x’nitghallem fil-hajja, izda dan ma jfissirx li jien injorant jew li ghandi mohhi maghluq bil-mentalitajiet hziena ta’ familti.

    Int ghidt li z-zghazagh tallum ma jafux il-veritajiet kollha u ma jimpurtahomx mil-passat.

    [Daphne – I’m afraid you’ve got it wrong. That’s not what I wrote. I was addressing a particular group of people.]

    Izda billi tippunta subajk xse tiehu Daphne? inti lesta tippunta subajk lejk u tghallimni dak li ma nafx, minflok tikritika l-injoranza ta’ hadiehor?

    [Daphne – I’m sorry, but that’s not my job. It was your parents’ job, now it’s your teachers’.]

    Daphne fil-hajja tista’ titghallem minn kulhadd, tkun xi tkun l-eta’ u l-esperjenza. Jien nista’ nitghallem minnek u int minni……jekk trid merih dan li qed nghid imma imbaghad kif tistenna li ha nemmen lilek…… jekk ma tridx titghallem ta’ 40sena mela kif nista’ nemmen li taf daqstant?

    [Daphne – I think I am a living example of somebody who carries on learning. If I don’t meet with your expectations, what can I say?]

    • absinthe says:

      someone in this blog said before, even if he was probably joking , in 2013 , Pia should become the secretary of PL

      knowing Pia personally for some time , i know that she would be a hard worker , and instead of you people that can’t even write their name right, she voted and she made a difference , apparently it’s not only Pia that thinks like that , but 55-57% of malta thinks that, and the ones that know they are wrong , and still keep on bluttering in front of a monitor, well they should try find a hobby

      U ghal dawk kolla li qed jippruvaw jghaffgu bl’ingliz , “stick to maltese” , ax jekk ghandkom lingwa ta pajjizkom li suppost thobbu u tridu tkunu patrijottici, tkellmu bil malti.

      illum stess jien rajt kummiedja u hamallata pura fuq tal linja , fejn minhabba partiggjanizmu ta driver li qad idur toroq fil vojt ( fejn kellu jdum 10 minuti minn birkirkara, ghal hamrun, dan kwazi 50 minuta) hafna nies , inkluz jien , tlifna diskors eccellenti ta dr.joseph muskat.

      ma nafx min hu it tigiega jien

      imma xihadd bhall pia zgur mhux.

      Absinthe, min jafni jaf min jien.

      [Daphne – Have you been drinking it, too?]

  46. Dan says:

    Seems like Pia (aka CS) has been asking some of her fans to back her up.

    • CS says:

      excuse me Dan but I have already stated my real name before. I am not Pia Micallef, or do you find it so hard to believe that two girls of around the same age who have similar backgrounds can actually have similar opinions?

  47. Head Boy says:

    What I learnt when I was in sixth form was that once you get on stage, you’re automatically exposed to criticism. The same applies to making your thoughts public via blogs, speeches at party rallies and everyday life. What I find terribly amusing is how the sixth formers posting here confirm my suspicions with regards to their inability to think objectively, express their opinions coherently or spell (l-anqas bil-Malti).

  48. Beth says:

    Oh well- seems for one reason or another you won’t approve my post. Doesn’t matter, no need to approve this one – I’m just writing this personally to you.

    One day I would also like to pen articles in a magazine or even find the courage to write in a newspaper. Hence why your style of writing is something I somewhat admire, even though i sometimes consider quite blunt, I understand that that is what is necessary for a journalist. And I look foward to meeting you one day.

    I tried to express my opinion here in an impartial matter, as I can honestly state that I dislike politics and think of it
    as simple a dirty game of poker, as corruption is its throne.

    Oh – Im a 17 year old student by the way – who has just completed her A’Levels. Thought that might interest you, as I am definitely not the classic stereotypical (in your opinion) 19 year old :)

    Best regards.

  49. C4z says:

    Funnily enough anyone who doesn’t agree with what Galizia has said, or indeed with what the vast majority of these bloggers have said, were accused of being “a fan of Pia” and/or possess the unfortunate “inability to think objectively [and] express their opinions coherently”.

    Nassigurak li l-Malti tieghi tajjeb daqs jew ahjar minn tieghek :) Ma wegibtekx bil-Malti ax kienet iktar konvenjenti nuza l-Ingliz ladarba kont ed inwiegeb post miktuba bl-Ingliz.

    [Daphne – Your Maltese isn’t that good, sorry. And my name isn’t Galizia.]

    There are people who bask in praise, but criticism tends to bounce right off these people.

    • C4z says:

      You amaze me :)

      1.)Skuzani darb’ ohra nikteb “Mrs.” qabel Galizia, la int daqshekk sensittiva.

      2.)Ma nafx kif tista tiggudika l-Malti tieghi minn zewg sentenzi li huma grammatakiment korretti (H).

      Good day to you.

      • Head Boy says:

        C4z, ha niktiblek bil-Malti biex tifhimni zgur u ma jkollokx fejn tinterpreta dak li nikteb. Jiena u inti, ghalkemm it-tnejn ghadna zghar, gejjin min dinjiet differenti hafna. L-ewwel nett, jiena nindirizza lil Daphne jew ‘Galizia’, kif issejhila inti, bhala Mrs. Caruana Galizia ghaliex ma nafhiex personalment, u ghalhekk, m’ghandi l-ebda dritt insejhilha b’isimha, jew aghar, b’kunjomha. It-tieni, nixtieq infakkarek illi meta niktbu fuq dan il-blog, ahna qeghdin naghmlu uzu mil-propjeta` tas-Sinjura Caruana Galizia, illi ghaldaqstant, izzomm kull dritt li ma tippubblikax kummenti vulgari, stupidi jew li frankament, ma joghgbuhiex. Jiena cert illi jekk tfisser il-punt tieghek bla vulgarita` jew sarkazmu zejjed, is-Sinjura Caruana Galizia tippubblikah. Isma’ minn xi hadd harira akbar minnek u uza l-manjieri dejjem u kullimkien. B’hekk, anke min ma jaqbilx mieghek ikun jista’ jirrispettak.

  50. Mallu-Lowell says:

    Ergajt m’accettajtx il-comments? Do you really want to test me? Do you know who I am?
    Dan jaqa’ taht abbuz ta moderation.

    I could easily close your so-called blog.

    [Daphne – If you expect me to publish insults against members of my family, you are insane. I have no doubt you could sabotage, rather than close (this is not China, and you are not a dictatorship) my blog. After all, somebody did it on polling-day last year, and I don’t imagine it was a supporter of the Nationalist Party. The attitude you demonstrate is one I am long familiar with, and which I associate 100% with the Labour Party: complete intolerance for views that are considered ‘dangerous’ to your own, and the belief that you can suppress them at the first smell of ‘victory’. I have already copied your comment and IP number to the web-hosting company, and tomorrow I shall contact the police. Using means of communication like the telephone, the internet and the post to exert threats is a criminal offence, and it is not taken lightly. I really don’t care who you are, but with an email alias like ‘allahackbar’, you can’t possibly be normal.]

    • Absinthe says:

      Punt numru 1.)

      x’nixrob jien , int ma tindahalx

      Punt NUmru 2 )

      accettajt post tighi u qijsek bzajt twegibni fuq kollox , u ikkummentajt kumment stupidu fuq il laqam tieghi , nice life.

      punt numru 3)

      ghadni ma fhimtx il punt ghalfejn qed tipprova twaqqa ghac cajt ( hemm kelma ohra ta bil-malti) tfajla li ghandha hsieb (wara kollox bhall 55% ta malta) u qed tesprimih. allahares kulhadd bhalekk ax nispiccaw muntanja niess taht il pont ta putirjal.

      punt numru 4)

      imsahtom sew id dmugh il bierah miss.daphne?

  51. Dan says:

    @ C4z…. Ma nafx kif tista tiggudika l-Malti tieghi minn zewg sentenzi li huma grammatakiment korretti.

    What about spelling?

    1. ghax mhux ‘ax’
    2. qieghed u mhux ‘ed’

    Sorry, I couldn’t resist.

  52. Dan says:

    And Absinthe… ha nirrispondik bil-Malti halli fl-istess hin nuri lil C4z li ghallinqas hawn xi hadd li ghandu Malti ahjar minn tieghu/taghha. Ghala tahseb li ghandna nibku? Ilbierah ma kinitx telfa. Id-dmugh nizlu x’hin rajt dawk il-laburisti kollha jifirhu fil-vojt li il-maggoranza taghhom kienu minghajr bandiera ta’ l-Ewropa. Bejn ridt nidhaq u nibki, imma minflok bkejt, spiccajt nifrah li jiena ma kontx parti minn dik il-folla.

  53. john P says:


    What is so wrong with being a freshman at 20?

    [Daphne – Nothing. It’s normal. I was a freshman at 29. But then it is exceptional to be a postgraduate student at 20. I remember Alfred Sant listing the fact that he was one in some ‘User’s Manual to Sant’.]

    People today face more choices then they did before and choices naturally weigh on people and create delays..the more choices there are creates paralysis in people.

    I don’t understand your arguments that your son should be considered better to Pia because he’s going to be in ‘top class’ university as a post grad.

    [Daphne – Comparisons are odious and I think it’s crass to make them, but since you ask: yes, I do think he’s made the better choices.]

    If he is it’s because he scored fairly well at a degree in the university of Bulemia. I am a student myself and there is simply no place to argue about the credentials of our university which just bend a student’s back, teach to bow and vomit on his exam paper.

    [Daphne – I’m afraid I don’t think you’ll go very far with that kind of attitude, and if I sound like somebody’s mother, then you’re right.]

    And even if the university of malta was a very good university that still doesnt give any more value to a person. academics, as im sure youre aware, is a football match for adults to play with books and pens.

    well yes, thats my argument, academics is not a measure for anything but the stamina of stress levels one is ready to take.
    and people who lack the stability of your household(here im presupposing from the assertivess and certaintity of your character and the pride you take of your sons) find it difficult to make choices which they can stick to. you can think of it as the stress capitalism puts on people who constantly struggle with expectations they impose on themselves to survive.

    I dont mean this of pia though..i know her personally and she is far from a socialist in real life..shes the epitome of matter.
    I hope you can now reassess your positions on people and value and such.

    I hope i gain your respect at least for the presentation of arguments. and excuse the spelling..i dont consider it that important in such a context.

  54. C4z says:

    F’dawk iz-zewg kazijiet naccetta li ktibthom hazin, izda nahseb bhali tuza mezzi ta “online chatting” fej jintuza vokabularju imqassar, ghaldaqstant nahseb taqbel meghi li dawk iz-zewgt ikliem ma jaghtu’l hadd dritt bix jejdli li ma nafx nikteb bil-Malti.

    Having said that, nammetti li jmissni kont izjed attent ax dan blog differenti minn hi5 u facebook so messni ndunajt bihom.

    Skuzawnu, u bonswa.

    P.s. Headboy, ma nahsibx li l-posts tieghi kienu vulgari imma msomma. Jidher li l-fatt li irreferejt al Mrs.Caruana Galizia b’kunjomha ta fl-ghajn. Fil-fehma tieghi la bord fitt bhal tal-Matsec jaccetta li student jirreferi ghal diversi poeti b’isimhom, minkejja li ma jkunx jafhom personalment, ghandek tittollera li jin nindirizzaha b’dan il-mod. Nassigurak li ma kinitx l-intenzjoni tieghi li nkun… bla manjieri.

    • Head Boy says:

      Fil-fatt, l-uzu tal-kunjom biex nirreferu ghall-kittieba huwa eccezzjoni. Nispera li tinduna wkoll illi l-board tal-Matsec huwa maghmul minn ghalliema, u whud minnhom m’ghandomx idea ta’ x’inhu accetabbli u x’m’huwiex (emminni, naf x’qieghed nghidlek). Il-fatt li l-intenzjoni tieghek ma kinitx dik illi tkun bla manjieri hija sinjal tajjeb. Ikolli nammetti li din l-ahhar post tieghek kienet civili u matura. Ghalhekk, ‘I rest my case’ u nerga nibda nikteb bl-Ingliz kif dejjem ghamilt.

  55. lor says:

    Ara veru mandkomx xejn ahjar x tamlu ta!! Min ma jaqbilx maghkom teqirduh minn wicc id dinja!! U le…. dik zgur il vera injoranza.. thossukomx il professuri ta Malta wkoll. Morru saqqu l hass tal Marsa ja Maltin taparsi…. haha messkom tisthu tghidu li intom Maltin hlief tghawwig bl Ingliz ma qrajtx hawn. U ghaziza Mrs. Caruana Galizia ahjar taghti ezempju tajjeb lil dawn iz zghazagh taghna milli qeghdha xxewwixhom kontra xulxin. U nixtieq narak tikteb bil malti lilek sinjura know-it-all minghalik!!

  56. Dan says:

    Lor, I can assure you that right now I am busy as hell. In only a few hours I’ll be at university sitting for an exam.

    If you can’t distinguish between proper use of English and ‘Ingliz mghawweg’, it’s your problem.

    And I am not Daphne’s “puppet” as you are in other words implying. Hadd mhu qieghed ixewwixni.

    *Sigh* I hope I wouldn’t have to answer to any of these absurd comments again.

  57. lor says:


    Ma nahsibx li inti daqshekk okkupat/a ta meta qieghed/qeghdha tahli l hin fuq kummenti bla sens u tilhaq salib in nies flok tikkoncentra fuq l ezami!! Jekk huwiex ingliz uzat tajjeb jew le ma taghmilx differenza ghax nippretendi li la ahna Maltin nitkellmu b Malti pur.Barra min hekk la hassejt il-bzonn twegibni sinjal li indunajt li qed nirreferi ghalik ukoll imma dejjem stajt tinjorani. Nawguralek ghal ezami.

  58. Dan says:

    Dear Lor, I don’t like letting people getting away with some things that I totally disagree with. Thus I don’t consider this to be a waste of time.

    Ma kontx qed nilhaq salib in-nies. I was only replying to what some others had said. That is what blogs like these are made for.

  59. Seventy-7 says:

    Stop this rubbish, guys! Ms. Pia Micallef should have not commented on Malta Star if she did not want to be criticised… it was obvious this was coming. I am not posting as a brainwashed Nationalist.

    On the other hand, if you really do want to watch some “Tfiegh it-Tajn,” ONE News can satisfy your needs.

    This is not the opinion of a Nationalist, I repeat. I am a floating voter who evaluates the past, the present and the future…and I believe that GonziPN is the best choice for our country.

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