Oh look, there's even more on the record
No turning back now, Astrid. You’re in no position to start up with your squeaking about a garden or shoving parliament into “a palace” (what, with the tapestries?).
Astrid Vella (on 24/2/09)
“Thank you Gerald. I am confident that this time the Authorities will take public opinion into account – with the Malta Today poll showing that 83% of the population is against the project to build a parliament house on the Opera House site, there is no doubting the wishes of the majority of the electorate. I am sure that an FAA campaign will not be necessary especially in the light of the fact that Renzo Piano has already indicated that two sites are to be built, both the Opera theatre ruins, and Freedom Square, which of course gives the possibility to accommodate both buildings. As with most projects, with a bit of goodwill, a solution can be found.”