Such fun – more books

Published: July 1, 2009 at 11:24am


My day has been brightened somewhat. The man from the parcel delivery service has just been at the gate (and narrowly missed having his arm snapped off) with two parcels from Amazon.

This is what was in them:

The Pleasures and Sorrows of Work – Alain de Botton
Sugar: A Bittersweet History – Elizabeth Abbott
Salt: A World History – Mark Kurlansky
Cod – Mark Kurlansky
The Big Oyster: History on the Half-Shell – Mark Kurlansky

7 Comments Comment

  1. Darren says:

    I know the feeling: when I get home and a parcel from Amazon or is waiting for me.

  2. David Buttigieg says:

    Have you tried So much more efficient and cheaper! (At least to Malta)

  3. mariac says:

    Salt: A World History is a very good book, which gives the reader an unusual view of world history through the process of salt harvesting through the years.

    I started reading it out of curiosity as my father-in-law still harvests salt in the old way at Xwejni. He is so passionate about it that he manages to get everyone involved.

  4. David Buttigieg says:

    did you see this?

    [Daphne – Konsulejxin prajS. Back to the future with Muscat’s earthquake and collation of change. Tal-biki.]

  5. tony pace says:

    I was getting slighly concerned that tal-lejber se jaqilbuwinna (probably spelt incorrectly), but folks, with characters like Beddy et al, let’s just sit back and enjoy the show. It is painfully obvious that Joe Muscat knows sweet Fanny Adams about the importance of team selection, and that’s for starters.

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