Yawn, more 'arrogance' – find a new word, please
A cursory glance at today’s newspapers gives me the General Workers Union describing the government as arrogant, and a businessman who backed Marlene Mizzi in the EP campaign (and who was sitting across the aisle from me at the Renzo Piano project unveiling last Saturday) accusing the government of arrogance for failing to consult him over the future of his shop in the soon-to-be-blitzed arcade below St James Cavalier.
“This is arrogance, and I am against arrogance from whatever quarter it comes,” he told a reporter.
Compare this to Alfred Mifsud’s response – he, too, has premises in the same arcade. “I do not believe that the rights of a shop here and there should supersede the rights of the public. Even so, it must be noted that shop owners also have rights that must be respected. The project is still at consultation stage, and I am sure shop owners will be consulted.”
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These people arrogate to themselves the ability to divine the nation’s true interests.
Incidentally, if the shop owners who will be affected didn’t know that there were to be changes in the area, then they must have been living under a rock. Or else are so arrogant that they think that their interests come before anyone and anything else. Some of them fit both categories.
timesofmalta.com – Victor Laiviera (1 week, 2 days ago)
Why is it so hard for certain ideas to penetrate?
The Maltese people have repeatedly expressed themselves, in their vast majority, for a restoration of the Opera House to its old pre-war glory.
Who is so arrogant as to reject that in favour of his own ideas?
“in their vast majority”
By what measure?
@ Tajba ukoll
Had that comment come from other than Victor Laiviera, I would have bothered to respond.
They can always take a stall on the Monti.