Hi, I'm Joseph, I'm a zaghzugh, and now I've kept the King of Spain waiting

Published: November 26, 2009 at 6:25pm
I am an important man with an important set of chips. The King of Spain can bloody well wait for me.

I am an important man with an important set of chips. The King of Spain can bloody well wait for me.

My God, he’s so crass and common. One of my colleagues over The Malta Independent on Sunday wrote recently that it’s a damn shame how people look down on Labour as being the party of social inadequates, and that for this reason those who are not socially inadequate are embarrassed to be be associated with Labour and keep their support secret (like a dirty underwear fetish, I would imagine).

She then went on to chastise the ‘snobs’ roundly for thinking and speaking like this. But it’s not about snobbishness, is it? It’s about common courtesy, basic good manners, and how to behave in a wide variety of situations.

But where would Joseph Muscat have learned all that while growing up – from his Mintoff-mass-meeting-going nanna? I hardly think so. He’s the product of his upbringing, but while brighter people shed all their chips about ‘snobbery’ and ‘sinifiteti’ while climbing the ladder of success, in Malta chips are worn like badges of honour and then you get people in important positions in business and politics who just don’t know how to behave. They are completely minn wara l-muntanji. They go to Brussels, come back, travel here and there, presumably mix and mingle, and it’s just quite unbelievable but they don’t notice that their behaviour is different and if they do, they think it’s an endearing cultural quirk rather than just plain boorishness.

Here’s what you do when you have been asked to meet a king, Muscat: you turn up 15 minutes early. And YOU wait for HIM. Only a person with a huge chip on his shoulder, like Dom Mintoff and Joseph Muscat, would turn up late on the grounds that ‘Min hu r-re, mhux persuna bhall-ohrajn? Hallih jistenna.’

So our painfully crass leader of the opposition turned up 10 minutes late for his meeting with the King of Spain this morning and – you won’t believe this – said ‘Sorry, but I was stuck in traffic.’ At least the king got a risible apology; the prime minister, left waiting for half an hour in another of the twerpy prat’s power-games, got none. And then he asked the king: ‘Did you sleep well?’ Oh, for crying out loud.

And yesterday evening, Muscat condescended to go to a state banquet in the king’s honour, instead of eating hamburgers in Sicily with Anglu Farrugia and their respective missuses as he did when he was invited to another state banquet, for the retiring head of state. He was expected, like all the other guests bar the guest of honour, 15 minutes ahead of time, and what did he do? He made a point of arriving precisely with the king.

The only thing Marisa Micallef is capable of advising him on is manners and protocol (she knows nothing about political communication). And even here, it’s bleeding obvious that the Labour Party majtezwel be flushing her pay-cheque down the lavatory.

25 Comments Comment

  1. Anton says:

    Now Michelle knows what Joseph needs for Christmas.

    [Daphne – Oh my god, not a penis ring from NM Arrigo, surely.]

  2. John Schembri says:

    So we’ve got two Old Edwardians in jail and an ill mannered old Aloysian representing half of the population.

    [Daphne – As opposed to the well-mannered one, you mean. And oh, if only it were just two Old Edwardians in and out of prison, but there are more. And all their crimes are drug-related.]

    • Cassandra Montegna says:

      What is it about St Eds and drugs? I’m surprised none of them has ever toppled off the bastions face first into a cow pat. Though they’d probably snuff out a few magic mushrooms soon enough.

    • NGT says:

      Well John, we also have an OE who is the UK’s Lord Chief Justice and another who has made a pretty good name for himself internationally (although DCG may object to his choice of socks). As for Old Aloysians, I can think of one prime minister in particular (who also represented the entire population as president) who made us proud.

  3. Anton says:

    Maybe some erotica books for Xmas would teach him how to come on time.

  4. Renata says:

    You make me shy saying I am Maltese. Maybe Michelle should send him back to school with their children to learn some manners – that would give Maltese people a big Christmas present.

    • Mandy Mallia says:

      Manners are not learned at school, but at home; they can only be reinforced at school, but that depends on the school environment.

  5. Anne Callus says:

    This is arrogance at its purest state and I could not believe what I was hearing on the news when they said the the Hon Dr Joseph Muscat arrived late…..yes, late…..for the meeting with the king. What was he thinking? I shiver when I think that this nitwit could once become our prime minister.

  6. Jason Casha says:

    Min jaf lil min qed jikkopja meta qed jasal tard :)


  7. Harry Purdie says:

    Twit! Keep digging Joey.

  8. Mandy Mallia says:


    Zammit Johann (2 hours, 41 minutes ago)
    “The best thing of this article is to mention Joseph Muscat arriving late.

    The king arrived one hour late leaving students and everybody waiting under an unpredictable heat.Two soldiers fainted for the long wait.

    L-aqwa li Muscat wasal tard.”

  9. Chris Ripard says:

    er, I don’t fink Joe wen’ to S.A.C. – it was Stella Maris wunnit?

    I wonder if whichever sect running Stella Maris is as bad as the Jesuits? (Not all of them, to be fair – but definitely most).

    [Daphne – Muscat was at St Aloysius’s.]

  10. Marcus says:

    Besides what you wrote Daph, , didn’t anyone notice JM’s body language? I mean the way he made the King of Spain move every step towards him (JM) to shake hands as an official greeting! JM didn’t even take one single step to close his distance to the monarch. What does this say about the man who is tipped to represent me in the near future? Is this a case of superiority complex (which we all very know is inferiority complex reversed due to one’s attempt at compensating for one’s very own inferiority complex)? Anyone correct me if I’m wrong please . . .

  11. Joe Camilleri says:

    Now once you mentioned Old Edwardians. Am I correct in thinking that that school produced a Secret Society in business related circles where, as you know, the only overriding factor is money,money,money. Hence all this mess.
    And, Daphne, as you said I know of a lot more ex-alumni of that school who have been guests of the Director of Prisons.

  12. When do you think “majtezwel ” will make its way into a Maltese dictionary?

  13. rita camilleri says:

    I cringe when I read what this twerp is doing. The image he is portraying is beyond belief. So it seems he didn’t learn anything from St. Aloysius, certainly not good manners. I think for Christmas he needs a crash course in protocol and manners.

  14. Ernest Baldacchino says:

    The sad part is that I am quite sure that the majority of our leftist population will not see how JM has humiliated us in public with an important head of state. Instead most people will probably see him in a better light saying that he’s one of us, a humble man who does not conform to such patrician customs. A case in point are some of the above comments trying to excuse him by saying that the King himself was also late for another function. My only doubt is whether this is a political tactic to appeal to such masses or a simple lack of tact and basic manners.

  15. Kelinu says:

    Delayed arrival might have been simply a case of need for a last minute nappy change – and not necessarily by either one of the twins.

  16. Philip says:

    Probably posturing for a police escort. Can’t wait to be on par with the big boys.

  17. Alfred Mangion says:

    Someone referred to “Dr Joseph” as “a schoolboy politician”. Joseph is neither a schoolboy (because they all arrive on time for school or else they are left out) nor a politician (because politicians know what protocol demands of them0. Joseph is just wearing shoes which are far too big for him and he is far too young to lead and/or to govern.

    The slogan we used to hear years back of “AHLEB GUZ” should be changed to “AGHGGEL GUZ”.

  18. LUCIA says:

    It is very ridiculous and I am ashamed that I am Maltese. Veru ma ghandux zejt f’wiccu. Some things never change.

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