Oh, how jolly! A teddy-bears' picnic of Old Edwardian felons at Mount Carmel

Published: November 27, 2009 at 9:19am
Hawn, Noel, nilaghbu loghba poker, jew?

Hawn, Noel, nilaghbu loghba poker, jew?

So Noel Arrigo has been taken to Mount Carmel to escape the trauma of the secure (secure from other prisoners, that is) prison wing. And guess who else is at Mount Carmel, also escaping the pressures of prison?

Tony Grech Sant
Godfrey Ellul

How jolly.

28 Comments Comment

  1. Joseph Mifsud says:

    Godfry Ellul huwa l-istess wiehed li inqabad idahhal id-droga mill-Brazil u qal li haseb li kien qieghed idahhal l-ezmeraldi. Kien tella’ l-qorti biex jixhed favur il-karattru tieghu lill-Dr.Arrigo li wara kien mahtur Imhallef. Dan l-istess Ellul li kien ghal ma nafx kemm il-darba gie mressaq il-qorti fuq kazi ta’ droga. Bl-istess Imhallef jigi promoss ghal Prim Imhallef. Fejn huwa l-iskrutinju li jsir. Nimxu l-quddiem u nitghallmu min din l-esperjenza orribli li ghadejjien minnha. Insibu mezz ahjar kif jigu appuntati l-gudikanti. Aktar skutinju u aktar trasparenza.

  2. John Schembri says:

    I think that the law has become like a piece of chewing gum. If a person has been punished with a prison sentence, the punishment has to be executed in full. Everyone knows that Corradino Prison is not the ideal place to be, hearing the cell door being locked brings shivers down your spine. mOne has to put up with the mental stress imprisonment brings with it. It should be part of the package. It’s one of the consequences.

    This is like when someone is condemned to be hanged and a doctor certifies that the convict suffers from asthma, so his death by hanging would never be executed.

    Imprisonment should mean closed confinement at Corradino for everybody.

  3. Mark Bonello says:

    You cannot be serious!

    According to TVM, Arrigo’s “cell” at Mt. Carmel was a manager’s office up to a few days ago … Should be very spacious I think!

    Excuse my ignorance in legal matters, but can a convict spend his/her entire jail time in another institution? Or is it usually something temporary? i.e. will this farce be over in a couple of weeks?

    Ahjar il-bambin itini il-pacenzja

  4. Joe Camilleri says:

    The suspicions I had regarding Camorra involving ex Edwardians is coming to roost. God knows what it is costing them (money wise) to get this special treatment.

    [Daphne – Let’s not be too hasty here. There was at least one Old Edwardian who wasn’t just kept in Corradino while serving a 15-year sentence for cocaine-trafficking, but in solitary confinement for much of that time.]

  5. Joe Camilleri says:

    ‘The court said it would not give any instruction on how Dr Arrigo was to be treated at the prisons and would leave it up to the prison authorities.’
    quote from The Times.

    Are we all missing something here.

    [Daphne – Yes, that sentence struck me at the time. I thought it was a reference to secure conditions away from other prisoners. Now I’m thinking it was about sending him to Malta’s new open prison, Mount Carmel – particularly when you consider that his room there was ready and waiting.]

  6. Joe Camilleri says:

    Are you referring to his room in Mount Carmel? If that is the case then they already knew he was mentally disturbed and therefore not fit to stand trial. In which case his is a mistrial. More grounds for appealing the sentence.

    I am beginning to think that we have been taken for a jolly good ride.

  7. john says:

    I would have thought that the genuine nut would be that other Old Edwardian ex chief justice, Mifsud Bonnici.

  8. Spiru says:

    @Edward Aquilina,

    judging by your level of English, lack of spaces, punctuation, etc, it makes me really wonder who has a problem. Tsk Tsk Tsk !

  9. Joe Vleggeg says:

    @Edward Aquilina

    Calm down Ed, you seem so hot under the collar. Could it be that this Old Edwardian theory is really getting to you.

  10. rita camilleri says:

    @Edward Aquilina,la verita offende forse? Thank God we are in democratic country and we say what we feel. And at the moment we all feel hurt and frustrated, because why should HE go to Mount Carmel? Why? Is he so different from the people he sent to prison? Why didn’t he send them to Mount Carmel? What makes him so special?? These are the questions everyone is asking, The negativity you are mentioning was not brought up by Daphne, but by the result of this so-called trial. So if you’re hot and bothered, just go and have a cold shower.

  11. Tony Pace says:

    Hey guys, stop putting all Old Edwardians in the same boat please. There are a lot of them out there (including my dear son) who are decent law-abiding citizens, unlike this loser Edward Aquilina who somehow always manages to put both feet in it.
    Seriously Mr Aquilina get off your high horse and get a life. Daphne analyses an issue, and calls a spade a spade,… punto e basta. How many people (including our so-called journalists) are gutsy enough to do that?

  12. Joe Vleggeg says:

    Hi Daphne, how funny, I taught it was the other Edward Aquilina.

    [Daphne – It’s not the father, as if. It’s the son.]

  13. Mark Bonello says:

    @Edward Aquilina

    Edward, I truly admired your guts to reform yourself from the horrible drug addiction, get yourself on track and write an article to open the eyes of those who can fall in the trap of all the drug dealers around us.

    You can be a perfect role model for youths, given you talents, to show how one can make a mistake in life but then make amends and shine once again….but you need to cut off from all the shackles that have nearly ruined your life and that of those around you.

    What you shouldn’t do, in my humble opinion, is to stick your neck out in a case like this because rest assured that if, god-forbid, you were strewn on a pavement overdosed, none of the drug dealers running around the island would help you out :) …it’s all, and only, about the money.

    I have learnt that it’s not worth fighting other people’s battles.

  14. Stanley J A Clews says:

    I am glad the air has been cleared regarding the correct Edward Aquilina – the father is an honourable man and I too thought it was he who had written. Daphne, you chose the right wise words in reply to EA the younger and hope he will accept them. Life is too short and wherever Arrigo is it will not take away the fact that he is a criminal and will have to live with it for the rest of his life. But we have to sympathise with his family, particularly his mother. By the way my son is an Old Edwardian…….

  15. John Schembri says:

    Edward , jien nigi missierek mill-eta. Li kont ibni kont nghidlek aqbez ghal min dahal fil-vizzju mhux ghal minn idahhal in-nies fil-vizzju.

    Indirizza l-energija l-ghandek fid-direzzjoni t-tajba. Taqbez ghal min ixxahham biex inaqqas il-piena ta’ min redgha flus familtek u forsi ghamlek kriminal? Taqbez ghal min xehed favur drug pusher li dahhlek f’hofra li hrigt minnha u li imma dejjem tibqa’ dejjem hemm miftuha quddiemek lesta biex terga tibilghak?

    Nassigurak li Daphne qed tigdem ilsienha ghax zgur taf iktar u qed toqghod lura.

    Minn naha tieghi bhala missier ma’ rridx nara barunijiet ijassru lil xi tifel bhalek fl-ahjar ta’ zghozitu. Jisthoqqilhom iktar minn dawn l-erba’ kelmiet li tikteb Daphne u vacanza a la` Big Brother Monte Carmeli.

    Tal-familja jgawdu u jbatu skond x’jaghmlu l-ulied u l-geneturi: jekk il-missier ikun rispettabbli lil-familjari kulhadd jurihom rispett, u bil-kontra. L-istess jghodd ghal li jghamlu t-tfal; jekk jigradwa il-familja tifrah u n-nies jifirhu maghha. Jekk jghamel xi wahda kerha jigbed l-istmellija ta’ kullhadd fuq familtu. Jekk jerga jaqbad it-triq it-tajba isib lil kulhadd jifrahlu u jinkoraggieh.

    Kull ma’ naghmlu huwa b’ghazla taghna. Il-konsegwenzi nafu xi jkunu.

    • emanuel muscat says:

      Sur Edward Aquilina, jien la naf lilek u l-anqas lil Daphne. Pero naf sew li, minn dak li ghidt int, li mimli rabja, bl-ingliz ‘anger’ which is one letter short of danger. Read and heed between the lines what DCG is saying. Keep an open mind and stop and think. Mr Schembri also gave valid advice. It is not healthy for you to get involved in any polemics, let alone like this one. You should know this by now, and very well. Wish ou the best. Just a reminder, “Pride cometh before a fall.”

  16. Andrew Borg-Cardona says:

    I’m not an OE, but my later father was, as is my son – the school has nothing to be ashamed of if some of its students fouled up. It was Arrigo who brought up the school connection, as DCG said, so it’s him the multitude of honest OEs should thank.

  17. Hi, i’m the witch from bidnija, my gut is full of hate.

    [Daphne – Drop in one of these days and we’ll have coffee. Meanwhile, you should find stewed prunes useful in solving your problem.]

    • Anthony Zerafa says:

      I have just been advised that prunes might have prompted the hate syndrome, instead I`ve been prescribed MATURITY.

  18. Alex Mizzi says:

    I don’t see any relevance in the constant references to St. Edward’s College…

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