I don't think middle-aged people should be allowed anywhere near Facebook

Published: January 31, 2010 at 3:50pm
Consie's shag, Sharon 'No2EU' Ellul Bonici and a couple of other maskerati

Consie's shag, Sharon 'No2EU' Ellul Bonici and a couple of other maskerati

Here’s Consie’s shag at a masquerade with No2EU Sharon Ellul Bonici. No wonder our Sharon is tearing me to shreds right now even while her husband is commenting on this blog (not in favour of Consuelo).

People our age shouldn’t be allowed within a million miles of Facebook. They just don’t know how it works, how it exposes them, and that conversations and photographs are not private even when you restrict viewing to ‘friends’.

I am not on Facebook myself – I can’t think of anything more ridiculous at my age – but from the links and photographs people are now sending me (which is how I came by the pictures of that 45th birthday party, and this one), I am amazed at the way people in their 40s and even 50s are conducting conversations on the equivalent of an open telephone line.

They must be insane, most particularly because, unlike an open telephone line, anything that goes onto Facebook stays there, unless you have the option of removing it yourself.

6 Comments Comment

  1. Il mingell says:

    The other one is Sharon’s brother.

  2. Cettina says:

    A bit like Sharon’s stint with posting a pic of herself in her G-string on Facebook.

  3. Hubert Paul Farrugia says:

    You can remove it but I’m pretty sure that 1. there’s a cached copy somewhere; 2. someone who loves you dearly (with the Home – Live Feed page as his/her browser homepage) has saved it a few seconds before you have second thoughts and remove it.

  4. Arthur Hill says:

    Ara veru ghandna klassi marmalja, jmexxu l-amministrazzjoni tas-Siggiewi, tal-Qorti u tal-Ewropa. Pappu pappu. Xi darba tibku tridu.

  5. shagger says:

    Hi Connie,

    I do not mind what they say about you. I will shag you till it hurts even though you can be my mother for your age.


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