Normal service will be resumed shortly

Published: January 31, 2010 at 8:14pm

As the magistrate said to the police force, because you’re all trying to get in at once, we’re having a little bit of trouble keeping it up and running.

The server which hosts this blog is getting more requests than it did on polling day two years ago, and that’s saying something.

Consie always wanted to be Malta’s most popular girl. Well, now she most definitely is.

9 Comments Comment

  1. John Schembri says:

    Sow the wind, reap a whirlwind.

    Izra’ rieh u ahsad riefnu

    Chi semina vento raccoglie tempesta

    Touch Daphne and you will wonder what hit you!

  2. robi says:

    Pity Veronique Dalli is not managing to get the same kind of popularity no matter how far she pushes her tongue up the magistrate’s crack.

  3. IN says:

    Cons, hemm xi cans jew….?

  4. eros says:

    Daphne, One News has brought out its artillery and you may rest assured they will use all their connections to counter attack you. Brace yourself for the onslaught. There is no doubt your blog is a great hit, and has courageously portayed a prominent magistrate as a person not worthy of her position. Keep up the good work. A retired judge who I know very closely, used to tell me that he avoided going to weddings and the like (imagine disco parties!) as you have to be very careful who you are seen with, and who talks to you. Perceptions are easily constructed. Unfortunately it seems that not all current magistrates have the same training.

    • Tal-Muzew says:

      U thabbilx rasek eros, qabel konna nghidu ‘Min hu bhal Eddie?’ u issa qed nghidu ‘Min hu bhal Daphne?’

      Min jipprova jxellef difru ma’ Daphne, hu jmur minn taht.

  5. Karl Flores says:

    Your writings are dynamite, Daphne. Some people must be getting shivers down the spine.

  6. jomar says:

    Give it a month or two.

    Joseph would have tired of paying Marisa for nothing….

    Is there a chance of hooking Consuelo and kicking Marisa’s ass?

    At 40,000 cracks (hmm) a year, the proposition would be very attractive to the magistrate.

    Oh, I forgot the ‘fringe’ (and lace) benefits on top!

    She can then party all she wants (and needs)!

    Let’s keep Charlon out of it, please. He was only there as a journalist albeit a bit tipsy, it seems.

    No wonder Super wann is upset.

    [Daphne – ‘He was only there as a journalist’. No, he was there as a guest. When you throw a birthday party, you don’t invite the press for coverage….well, that was an unfortunate choice of word, but anyway.]

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