Id-deputat mexxej tal-progressivi bil-lencboks

Published: February 24, 2010 at 12:09am
Naqa senwigg tal-kornbif u daqsxejn luminata

Naqa senwigg tal-kornbif u daqsxejn luminata

Mrs Anglu Farrugia prepares her husband’s ‘lench’ every day and packs it away carefully in a cosy container to brighten up those long parliamentary sittings.

17 Comments Comment

  1. La Redoute says:

    Maybe he’s off to feed his elephant.

  2. John Schembri says:

    That’s a hamper he got after taking part in some TV programme nobody watches.

  3. Ciccio2010 says:

    He is off to “Reception Class” – remember that from 2008?

  4. pat says:

    LUMINATA! hahaha kemm ilni ma nismaghha dil-kelma. Jien ma norqodtx kmieni u nghaddi nofs iljieli fuq il-laptop, inqalleb u naqra il-gazzetti u x’ naf jien. Imma dal-blog “addictive” wisq, qisu droga. Kif insib l-ewwel cans ghal hawn sirt, addio kollox. Hawn hafna entertejnment varjat u bla flus. PROSIT TAL-BLOG, DAPHNE, LILEK, U LILL-CREW KOLLHU TIEGHEK.

  5. Matthew Schembri says:

    The photo caption had me in hysterics. Pure genius.

  6. Joe Vleggeg says:

    Lest ghal xi xalata.

  7. Rita Camilleri says:

    Ghadu gej min xi “party” tal-hbieb.

  8. Mark C says:

    Maybe it’s the new model of Power Rangers or Spongebob.

  9. Anthony says:

    There is a spelling mistake in the caption. It should be sengwigg.

  10. a. grech says:

    Tghid m’ghandux xi Kinder Sorpresa fil-lunch box?

  11. TROY says:

    Jien niftakru bhala spettur fejn l-Istamperija wara r-rebha tal-87, pero ma rajtlux lench box dak inhar.

  12. Christian says:

    Well at least Mrs. Farrugia knows her place :)

    Here’s her valentine’s Day Poem:

    My love for you is always there.
    All consuming and ever present.
    Knowing you were there for me.
    Ever present in my life.

    Making me smile with your smile.
    Ever present on your face.

    Always when I need you most.

    Sad days turned around.
    All in touch of your hand.
    Never judging me, always helping me.
    Doubt never crossing you.
    Wisdom always filling you.
    I cannot list all reasons.
    Cannot find the words.
    Hoping you just know.

    Lots of love, I hope you know your place with me.x

  13. Paul Bonnici says:

    I heard people pronounce it: ‘sangwich tal-KONbijf’.

  14. Joe Boswell says:

    “NAQA SENWIGG TAL-KORNBIF…” Shouldn’t that be:


  15. J Azzopardi says:

    I thought he would be more inclined to have a SANGWIGG with BULUBIF and a CEWINN-GUNN for the aftertaste..

  16. Mark C says:

    You all got it wrong. It’s…’lancboks bis sangwiciss tal-bulibijf u halip tas-sansejxan’.

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