Giving the game away

Published: February 13, 2010 at 4:56pm
"Cross the floor, Robert - your country depends on you"

Cross the floor, Robert - your country depends on you

Not like we hadn’t guessed it, of course.

Here’s a comment posted by arch-Labourite Charles J. Buttigieg (one of the party parrots) beneath the story that Robert Musumeci is contesting the casual election.

Charles J. Buttigieg
Dear Robert
If you pull this through do your bit and make it quick. Your country depends on you.

What they appear to be hoping is that, because of all the partying he’s doing with officials of the Labour Party and Super One (to say nothing of his choice of companion), Labour will get into government next week if Musumeci is elected, because he’ll cross the floor.

I must say that he really belongs with Labour, but he is going to have to start from scratch in the 2013 general election, not now.

28 Comments Comment

  1. A Zammit says:

    How sad hux…….

  2. S.Winwood says:

    I won’t be surprised if some of these parrots start dreaming of a snap election again.

  3. D Azzopardi says:

    What if you’re wrong, and he gets elected?

    • Whoa, there! says:

      Well, I think Daphne might have quite a bit to answer for to the backroom boys in Pieta’!

      [Daphne – Hardly.]

    • Charles J Buttigieg says:

      Dear Daphne

      A friend named Richard called to tell me that you tried to provoke me to meet you on this blog web. Looks like you’re out of sync because nothing pleases more than when I’m referred to as arch-Labourite. I don’t even mind you calling me a party parrot, much cleaner than being the prima donna within the PN’s mudslingers’ establishment.

      If you want to continue with this you’ll need to meet me on timesofmalta, if they let you in, I like a good audience and can’t get that here.

      [Daphne – You might be interested to find, Charles J., that right now you probably have a bigger audience here. You might also have noticed that literate people who are able to string two thoughts together are few and far between on All tHE SUBlitERAte PERitS hev SCERT DEM off!!!!!??????……]

      • La Redoute says:

        Well, well. Here’s some who is friendly with a self-declared fascist, makes jokes about old people going to the doctor for Viagra (oh, har har), is best friends with a canary and has garden gnomes.

        All we need to know is: does he have an inflatable Father Christmas dangling from Casa Blanca’s balcony at Christmas time?

        That puts his views into perspective.

      • Gahan says:

        Kif ma’ qallekx li int gutter journalist?

      • A Camilleri says:

        Ghandek tghid imnalla ma waqfitx wara li nharqed tletin sena ilu t-Times… Charles J Buttigieg ghandu forum min fejn jippontifika

      • Antoine Vella says:

        Charles J. Buttigieg

        A “friend named Richard” indeed. Don’t you think you’re too old to play with imaginary friends? Why don’t you admit that, like other Daphne-bashers, you can’t stay away from her blog?

  4. John Tabone says:

    who is that girl on the far right of the photo ? Hmm very nice.

    [Daphne – You would say that, wouldn’t you. Let’s test your loyalty to the party project: say the same about the one on the far left.]

  5. Mario says:

    Pity, he had a bright future ahead of him.

  6. J.Borg says:

    Jekk il-partit tal-Labour ser jibqa sejjer hekk li jaccetta lill min ghandu interess personali u butu, allura ikun ahjar jekk flok ibidel l-arma tal-partit jibdel ismu u jaghmlu partit tal-mitlufin jew ta’ laghqin. Joseph kun ghaf li ghal hafna nies inkluz jien, partit tal-Labour darba biss kien jezisti u meta int lanqas biss kont taf bih ghadek. Kien jezisti fiz zmien 1971 sa 1982 u min dak in-nhar spicca il-partit tal-Labour. Naf sewwa x’qieghed nghid. U hawn hafna li jaqblu mieghi. Illum uhud min dawk li qedin fil partiti qedin hemm biss ghall-interessi taghhom. Wahda nghid biss, li anke dawn b’xejn gew u b’xejn ser immorru. Jahsbu fuqu dan?

  7. Observer says:

    Is the lady on the right Lydia Abela or not? (l-ahhar skoperta ta’ Joseph)

  8. Mario says:

    Nahseb li dik fuq il-lemin hija t-tifla tal-president. Ara vera “Hokkli dari ha nhokklhok dahrek”! Il-Partit tal-Labour li sa ftit ilu kont naghmel parti minnu iktar jixraqlu l-isem tal-Partit tal-Laghqien! Qisek ghandek karozza antika u flok xtrajt wahda gdida mort ghand ir-regettier u xtrajt kocc imbarraz imwarrab minn haddiehor biex tirrangha! Min jonqos issa?

  9. Perrywinkle says:

    One can’t expect better from a Joe Grech Attard acolyte.

  10. Charles J Buttigieg says:

    @La Redoute

    The answer to your question is yes, only it’s Casablanca not Casa Blanca. Now that you ascertained my characteristics, stop being a pussy cat and reveal your identity.

    [Daphne – Charles, somebody sent me a Facebook photograph of your parrot in a cage. Quite amusing. Do you have a laptop small enough to fit in there, or does he use a Blackberry? And why would somebody your age be on Facebook, chatting like a 20-year-old?]

  11. Tom & Jerry says:

    Robert, the ladies are well dressed!! Why jeans and shirt bought from the Sunday monti?

  12. jomar says:

    @ Antoine Vella

    Casablanca is located in Libya’s neighbouring country.

    Make the connection? CJB would not name his home after Gaddafi’s Bedouin-style tent, would he? But I bet you he will be up front somewhere trying to press flesh with him on Gaddafi’s imminent official visit.

    Being familiar with CJB’s comments, I would not put it past him that Casablanca is a mere disguise for what he really had in mind – the White House, that is, and him as ‘El Presidente’!

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