Labour aims to beat AD

Published: February 22, 2010 at 10:07am
At this rate, we'll soon make it past AD

At this rate, we'll soon make it past AD

The Labour Party isn’t renowned for setting the bar too high, but this Facebook Group takes the biscuit. It’s aim is to find 5,000 people who will vote Labour in 2013.

The name of the Facebook Group is:


Joe Grima has just joined up. So that makes one.

8 Comments Comment

  1. Frans Borg says:

    Bongu! And keep blogging – we love it!

  2. Helen says:

    My memory may be failing, but something had happened to his radio station and he had resorted to Radio 101 and Net TV in days not so long gone by. Can anyone confirm please?

    [Daphne – Yes, you’re right. He and his brother: pezza wahda.]

  3. Antoine Vella says:

    To be fair to Joe Grima, he always declared and insisted that he was still a Labourite even while producing programmes on Net TV and speaking out against Alfred Sant. Whatever other faults he might have, he was at least open about his sympathies and never tried to pass himself off as neutral, which is what Godfrey claims to be.

  4. Ciccio2010 says:

    I am sure there will be some good photos to source from this site.
    On a different note, did Labour not get much more than 5,000 votes in each of the recent elections?
    Initially I had thought they were looking for 5,000 lost sheep.

  5. Ajma zaqqi says:

    Imma kif ma jigbghux jaqaw ghan’nelh? Izjed l-iehor jimbotta biew hu zgur ikun ta’ l-ewwel fil-lista. L’anqas biss induna ghal-xiex kien qed jiffirma? Insomma, veru sharp il-man, eh. Ser tkun interessanti l-lista tal-firmatarji.

  6. La Redoute says:

    Don’t mock. They might make it by 6am in the morning.

  7. Yanika says:

    Il-goal ghamluh 5000 ghax jafu li mhux kulhadd ghandu Facebook account: hafna nies ta’ eta ‘il fuq minn 40 m’ghandhomx (ghallinqas in-nies ‘normali’), u ghalhekk jekk jaghmlu l-goal iktar minn hekk qatt ma jaslu ghalih. plus mhux kull Malti li ghandu facebook se jivvota Labour.

  8. Clive says:

    Taken from the info section of the Facebook page above:

    The more friends we invite the more the group grows so please invite all friends and tell them to do like you by the end of this month i wish we have a new target to reach !!!! thanks to all for your support and be proud that your MALTHESE… proud to vote LABOUR !!!!!!!!!!!

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