More mid-life crisis madness on Facebook
February 18, 2010 at 12:42am
It looks like there are rather a lot of prominent and insignificant people in the 35 to 55 segment who are choosing to document their mid-life crises on Facebook.
Here’s Sharon No2EU Ellul Bonici, Labour’s European Parliament candidate last June, giving us a load of her backside on her Facebook page.
The photograph is captioned: ‘My sister and I comparing our assets’.
So I was right then. She does think out of the seat of her pants.
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Aren’t they concerned that they’ll embarass their children with their behaviour?
Daphne. Some people are ‘assholes’ in every sense of the word. Totally clueless. The net is unforgiving. Please keep ‘probing’. So entertaining.
Speaking purely from an aesthetic point of view, those assets are way too pronounced. The discerning lech much prefers a trimmer derriere: these (forgive me) ladies are a soupcon too endowed.
Daphne, I think the one on the right is ‘bootylicious’ and looks rather ‘soghda’ (don’t know if I spelled that correctly) as said in Maltese.
[Daphne – I should have added a note pointing out that Sharon and her sister are actually very slim. It’s the camera-angle used that produces this effect.]
The photo says otherwise.
Thank you for clearing that up, Daphne, you’re an angel. In gratitude, I can send you two photos of you posing as a sKewlGal when you were well past that age. You might have received them already, because they’ve been going around for some time. I’m told they were taken by Spanky Charlie, but he usually prefers nurses, so the mystery persist while rumours run high.
[Daphne – I trust you don’t use them as screen-savers, Kevin, because it might upset your wife. They were actually taken for a published interview by a magazine when I was in my 20s – a good 20 years younger than your bottom-popping, Facebook-uploading wife. They are not in the least bit secret, but were published. You should have worked out that those photographs are almost two decades old from my schoolgirl complexion, flawless legs, and perfect size 6 figure. As for circulating them, what can I do except thank you? It’s excellent propaganda, given that I’ve got the Labour Party spreading the rumour that I am fat and ugly. Please don’t caption them ‘this is Daphne at 25’ or you’ll give the game away.]
Screensavers? God forbid, Daphne, no, I wouldn’t do that to my wife. But was Spanky Charlie still at school with you at 25?
[Daphne – Let me put you out of your misery, Sharon’s husband. The photographs were taken by Pippa Zammit Cutajar, a very well-known photographer who works for me quite extensively. Whoever Spanky Charlie is, he’s not of my acquaintance. You obviously mix with a more interesting sort of crowd than I do.]
So Pippa Zammit Cutajar is Spanky Charlie? This is getting more interesting. What class were you in at 25? Did the nuns ever find out?
[Daphne – Very amusing, Kevin. Surely you can’t be that bored. Not only were we not at school at the same time (Ms Zammit Cutajar is five years older), but we weren’t even at the same school to start with. I know you lead a very tedious life in Brussels, and hence feel constrained to come here to pep up your day – but if you’re really that mired in tedium, Sharon says on Facebook that she’s got some sex toys you could play with. So off you go.]
Oh my god, what a way to start the day! Hysterical. What is wrong with these people? You’d have thought that after all this drama with Consuelo Herrerra, anyone who is remotely in the public eye would have charged into their Facebook profile to ensure that any photos that could be remotely awkward are removed. The mind boggles……
The Ass on the right is gorgeous, she should be proud. You are only jealous as when you bend over there is a total eclipse of the sun.
[Daphne – Actually, Sharon and I are roughly the same size. It must be why Kev is always here.]
I am not even sure if they ever made it to their ‘middle years’. Is there actually an equivalent to the (male) Peter Pan Syndrome which applies to women who don’t want to grow up? These ‘bottom-sisters’ definitely live in Neverland.
Whips and chains on the way from a nearby BDSM club.
Guza says:
“Aren’t they concerned that they’ll embarass their children with their behaviour?”
No i’m not embarassed :) My mum is awesome and she has a life.
And Daphne
mid-life crisis ??
I’m sure you’re the one in Mid-Life Crisis, sitting infront of your PC attending this web-site 24/7… Daphne Get a Life.
[Daphne – Almost everyone thinks their mother is awesome, Zakk, but it’s very nice of you to stick up for yours. Perhaps you don’t have the perspective yet to understand that having a life in your 40s does not involve the same things as having a life does at 20. At what age do you stop behaving like a 20-year-old? The things that just about pass muster – depending on your point of view – in your 40s will beyond dispute be ridiculous at 60, possibly even raising questions about one’s state of mind. Is a 60-year-old who pops their bottom at the camera and then uploads the result on Facebook somebody who has a life? I am not in the least bit religious, but I think there are lots of people around who need to print out Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 and stick it to the fridge. The reason that people in their 40s and 50s behave as though they are 20 – I can’t even say ‘in their 20s’, because by your late 20s you should be out of that stage of development – is because they are terrified of being their age, and even more terrified of growing old.]
Zakk, so according to you, someone who publishes and edits Malta’s three best quality magazines, runs a public affairs business, and is behind Malta’s most influential website needs a life. Please tell us what your mother does 24 hours a day, because we cannot wait. And by the way Kev, ma tarax li mhux se tlahhaq ma Daphne? That will be the day.
kev’s doing well – Sharon appears to have a sizable portfolio.
At 40 years old you can photograph your asses as much as you want to in jeans shaped like a tanga at the back, but please don’t put them on Facebook – you disgust us.
Then don’t look at the picture if it disgusts you. Use your mind.
[Daphne – Come on, Zakk. Your mother is a politician. She’s obviously going to be up for discussion. It’s not a good idea when offspring enter the equation, especially when they’re deliberately kept out of it (by me). So please – your father is here and that’s enough. I’m not going to upload any more comments from you because I don’t think sons and daughters should be drawn into their parents’ battles.]
You don’t have to feel bad. I’m taking the piss.
[Daphne – I don’t feel bad, Zakk. I just think it’s wrong. That’s because I’m not 16.]
X’jaghmlulek, tal-Labour, meta ma ikunux kapaci ilahhqu mieghek jibatulek ir-razza u r-radika forsi igibuha zewg.
Iktar milli mhux ghax kapaci ilahqu maghha, “dawn tal-Labour” qishom qed jisparaw fil-ghama bit-tama li jolqtu xi haga. Per ezempju, dan Spanky Charlie, min hu? Jigi minn Frans ta’ Caqcaq?
Jekk Kev ghandu xi haga johrogha bil-provi. Mhux biex naqbez ghal Daphne ghax bejnietna ma tantx iddoqqli imma dil-bicca ta Cali ta’ Werwer il-veru imbecilli. Jien sthajt naqraha.
Jekk ma tafx min hu tghid xejn ghax iktar taqa’ ghan-nejk, kif jghidu l-Francizi.
U billi kif qed tghid int, sur/sinjura Muscat igibu r-razza u r-radika? Jekk ic-cinga tkun qasira jista jkun hemm mitt kelb jinbah ghax xorta mohhok mistrieh li mhux se jigdmuk.
Affarijiet bhal dawn iwaqqghu kull ghamla ta’ kritika u difiza ghal-livell dilettantesk li mishutin bih hafna Maltin li jridu jidhru fl-isfera pubblika.
Jisghob bija jekk forsi dhert li hrigt qatta’ bla habel kontra das-sur kev, li ma nafux minn Adam, imma tiddejjaq li kull diskussjoni fuq kull mezz ta’ xandir trid issib lil xi hadd li johrog b’xi haga li semaghha min ghand Leli li semaghha min ghand Wenzu li qalielu Gori tal-laham.
Pajjiz tas-seksieka li ninjuraw il-fatti u l-istharrig.
[Daphne – Kev huwa r-ragel ta’ Sharon Ellul Bonici.]
Staha jaqraha! Irid ikun jaf min hu Spanky Charlie. Irid il-provi, issa! U sammarni, ha nghidilkom. Dan is-Sur Scicluna mhux nejk. Bla ma gietni f’mohhi, akkuzajt minghajr provi. Izda nispjega li dak li naf qaluli Faqmi Roy, li jigi hu Spanky Charlie.
I wish I were like Kevin: she works and I do the housework, and then go to do what I like. Pity Maltafly is no longer on the net. Now why was that? That was a 24/7 job.
I think Kev needs a new chincilla to play with, because he seems to have too much free time on his hands.
[Daphne – Would a chinchilla qualify as a sex toy, do you think? Maybe we should ask Consuelo.]
Daphne, put your feet up, light a spliff and chill out woman. Times have changed and yes people in their 40’s post silly pictures on facebook, some parents dress like their kids, and 50 year old men buy harleys.That’s the way it is now. Embrace the change instead of fighting and ridiculing it.You remind me of the shy girl at the disco bitching to her friend on how badly her mates are dancing whilst deep down wishing she was dancing too. Bob Marley is dead. Puff Daddy is king now.
[Daphne – In my world, the sort of person you describe is called a loser or, in the more appropriate language of an earlier generation, a bum. They put their feet up, light a spliff and chill out because they are not capable of doing anything else and so find it easier to drop out of life and pretend to themselves that they are living it. To each his own. I wasn’t like that at 18, and I’d be really a sad case if I were to become like that at 45. ‘the shy girl at the disco’ – are there still discos? Careful, you’re showing your age.]
Its called poetic licence Daphne. Do you really think I expect you to put your feet up and smoke a spliff for God’s sake ?
I’m just trying to tell you to relax and accept that “oldies” live their lives differently to when you were young. I didn’t expect you to be such a reactionary in the face of fast changing attitudes and values.
[Daphne – They don’t, Nick. Malta is a sociologist’s heaven. Because of a concert of factors peculiar to my generation in this island, many adults of this age group have been emotionally/psychologically/educationally arrested somewhere around the age of 18. I have experienced it nowhere else. It’s still a revelation to me, going to a party/meeting outside Malta and having a proper adult conversation instead of being surrounded by a sea of flapping women in tight hipsters, black tops, six-inch heels and identikit blow-dried hair going ‘Ma! U ejja! Guess what! You know what she said? As if! You know he’s leaving her, eh? U ejja! Serves her right. But have you heard that she really fancies Joe? U yes! Joe! Ma, you know, yesterday I was at the gym and on the way out there was this blackie and I thought he was going to rape me.’ X’disperazzjoni.]
Also, tying in with my reply to E.Muscat, above. I visited Sharon Ellul Bonici’s Facebook page and found the photo. The first comment is by one Willie Grech and it says: “poooooh what a smell … ”
Don’t take my word for it. Go feast your eyes.
I mean, really, who wouldn’t delete such a comment? It’s embarrassing to be associated with anyone who thinks on those lines. Her own “friends” are undermining her “authority”.
Daphne, this time I beg to differ with your comments. You firmly believe that people over 40 should not use Facebook and expose their private life. This time you decided to comment on Sharon’s sister, who does not hold a public office. You indirectly attempted to ridiculed her. The fact that Sharon Ellul Bonici was once an MEP candidate, doesn’t necessarily mean that she is still a public figure, let alone her sister. I still can’t figure out why you pick on Sharon and now even on her sister! There are currently more than 400, 000, 000 Facebook users, and most of them are over 40. If you don’t agree with the idea of people over 40 using Facebook, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re right. Many believe that women your age should not spend so much time on the internet, as they might get frustrated! I disagree with them, but nevertheless that is how you are being perceived right now. With the amount of daily posts on this blog you must be spending your day in front of your PC. Is that normal for a women of your age? I am commenting in this manner as I saw nothing wrong in Sharon’s pics! It appears that she is living la vida loca and there is nothing wrong in that!
[Daphne – Look, I need convincing that people who vote Labour can think. I don’t need to be convinced further in the opposition direction. It’s getting tedious.]
I don’t see anything wrong with this.
Li jkollok hamsin sena mhux dnub jew xjuhijja. OK, granted. Li tipprova izzomm maz-zmienijiet tajjeb ukoll, ghax la qed tghix ma tistax tibqa seklu lura.
Li taghmel mill-ahjar biex tidher presentabbli kemm possibbli, haga tajba ukoll ghax hadd ma jiehu pjacir ihares fil-mera u jara il kruha. Anki Facebook…..ghaliex le….jista jintuza b’ mod tajjeb.
Imma li tmur taqa ghan-nelh b’ certi pozi u certi kummenti u certi ritratti, dak lea. Mara ta’ certu eta` (u anki ragel), iktar ma tipprova tagixxi ta’ wahda ta’ xi ghoxrin, iktar tidher xiha purtroppo.
Apparti li tidher anki “cheap”.
Trid izzomm id-dekor tieghek u tammetti li kbirt u li m’ hemm xejn hazin. Zmienek tkun ghamiltu, u tibda stadju iehor tal-hajja, dik kollha. Nahseb li kulhadd jibza jixjieh, imma kulhadd jrid jghaddi minnha, allura l-ahjar, kif jghidu l-inglizi “age gracefully”. Sabiha kemm int sabiha, l-eta` hemm tkun u ma tistax tahrabha.
Good morning.
I am in my early fifties. I differ from your views. I wouldnt mind showin my bum on facebook, i.e if i had a nice one.
Good day
Fire-branding comes to mind