Quiz question on Robert Musumeci's Facebook wall: Ikollok terda lil Robert terdaw?

Published: February 23, 2010 at 11:38pm
I've gone for the Robert lolly. It tastes of pious sanctimoniousness.

I've gone for the Robert lolly. It tastes of pious sanctimoniousness.

Give me strength.

That’s a question from a ‘kwizz ghal Maltin’ on Robert Musumeci’s Facebook wall.

It translates as: if you had to give Robert a blow-job, would you?

I’m beginning to feel like I’m living in a lunatic asylum.

But I’m not, am I – because if I were, Noel Arrigo and Anthony Grech Sant would be down the corridor and we could have a game of draughts.

I’d just recovered from the pathetic spectacle of private-school teachers in their 40s playing Farmville on Facebook: ‘X is building a Horse Stable in FarmVille! X is building a Horse Stable and wants their friends to send them some construction materials! Y is hosting a barn raising and needs some friends to lend a hand! Z is trying to build a bigger Chicken Coop and they still need the help of 10 more friend(s)! Bigger coops can hold more chickens and more chickens mean more Mystery Eggs! X is giving away Valentines in FarmVille! Y is up to their eyebrows in Valentines and wanted to spread the love! Valentines can be traded in for limited edition items in FarmVille!’

Then I got socked between the eyes with the latest thing to go up on Robert Musumeci’s wall: ‘Kwizz maghmul ghal Maltin fid-dinja ta’ Fejsbuk.’

Here it is, complete with shoddy spelling.

tixtieq tinalaq go lift ma Robert?
Yes? No?
Mistoqsijiet Ghall-Maltin!!

ikollok tamel date ma Robert tamila?
Yes? No?
Mistoqsijiet Ghall-Maltin!!

ikollok terda lil Robert terdaw?
Yes? No?
Mistoqsijiet Ghall-Maltin!!

gieli kellek aptit tigdem lil Robert jew?
Yes? No?
Mistoqsijiet Ghall-Maltin!!

tahseb li Robert helu?
Yes? No?
Mistoqsijiet Ghall-Maltin!!

Taking a leaf out of his friend Ronnie Pellegrini’s book, Musumeci is now posting a ‘thought for the day’. There is an attempt to be profound, conciliatory and inspirational.

In return he receives a barrage of virtual drinks, cakes and bouquets from his Facebook friends.

But as this quiz shows, the dangers of keeping an open door on Facebook mean that you never know who or what might walk in. It could be somebody who asks the world, right there on your page, whether they want to give you a blow-job.

This place is a nut-house.

25 Comments Comment

  1. Gahan says:

    If they want to play Farmville, all they do is try the real thing at least in a big pot in their terrace and test their ability in real life or come to my field and help me build a dry wall which the hunters pulled down….now you won’t find that on Farmville!

  2. Ciccio2010 says:

    Daphne, this must be driving you up the Wall!

  3. Lollypop says:

    HA, HA, HA! That is so funny! Maybe the magistrate would care to answer the question?

  4. Daisy says:

    Malta’s one hell of a real-life Farmville – U bhal ma’ jghidu bil-Malti, kull baqra tinbiegh!

  5. Rover says:

    Never realised Robert’s wall is full of cocksuckers.

  6. Ciccio2010 says:

    Daphne, let’s go straight to the point. I understand that besides being the lover of a magistrate in private life, Mr. Musumeci is a Perit, Mayor of Siggiewi, a representative of one of the main political parties, not to mention that he writes on a weekly “rag” and goes live on RTK (tal-Knisja), if I am up-to-date.

    Situations like the above surely expose a person to ridicule, and not being a Facebooker, I suppose they are within a person’s control.

    How does the behaviour fit with the public profile? Investigations, resignations?

  7. Joe Fenech says:

    “This place is a nut-house…”

    Erm…you’re preaching to the converted, Miss CG!

  8. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Daphne, hemm interpretazzjoni ohra: Ikollok terda’ lil Robert (fi gvern Laburista gdid bla bla bla….), terdghu? U hawn kullhadd kostrett jghid, “Heqq, se jkollna nerdghuh.”

  9. Frans Borg says:

    I love this blog!

    At the same time, it is really sad to see to what new lows our aspiring politicians and ambitious supposedly-exemplary ‘leaders’ are stooping.

    It’s beyond me how a magistrate could be ‘hanging around with’ such a ‘frog’, and she doesn’t seem to care about being associated with him.

    It speaks volumes.

    I hope that Gonzi takes some appropriate and effective action and that he takes some time to rid himself and the party of some major liabilities. It has never been clearer that the longer Musumeci hangs around the PN, the more damage he’ll be causing.

  10. pat says:

    Mistoqsijiet bla sugu, miktubin b’Malti fahxi ukoll. Wisq qed naqghu ghar-redikolu issa.

    U Robert, with all due respect, ghad ghandhu eta` ghad “date” jew? Apparti li anqas ghada tintuza daz-zmien. U jmorru jgharrqu gennhom.

    Kollox “le” kieku nghid jien, anzi I would add, “Il-bambin jilliberani”. Ghamluh qisu xi Banderas jew Clooney, u lanqas kieku kien, ghax dawn vavati zejda issa.

    Morna veru il-bahar. U jekk ikollhi nghaddi kumment fuq it-tielet mistoqsijja, zgur itini il-biki ghax dil-vulgarita` wisq inhobbu indahhluha bl-addocc, u tbaxxina bl-ikrah. Kieku ma rajjtx b’ghajnejja ma kontx nemmen zgur.

    Malajr ghamluh “sex symbol” issa, ftit iehor joffrulu job ic-Chippendales. Nahseb diga baghtulu email anzi ghax mhux se jaharbilhom ragel bhal dak.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Ic-Chippendales ghadhom jezistu? Ghax fil-kaz nibghatilhom ic-CV. One never knows. Nispera m’ghadux requirement ix-xaghar à la Michael Bolton.

  11. Another Andrea says:

    The funny thing is Robert Musumeci didn’t even bother to remove them from his wall.

  12. john xuereb says:

    Could it be they are referring to French kissing? In Maltese it has the same meaning.

    [Daphne – Bit of a myth, that, or rather a misnomer. Maltese never differentiated between kissing and French kissing, and this word here always meant ‘suck’ and was hence used to refer to….well, you know. There is absolutely no sucking involved in kissing, at least if we’re talking about anyone other than 13-year-old boys.]

  13. emanuel says:

    Daphne, ktieb wiehed nixtieq naqra kemm indum haj,il-biografija tieghek ghax vera ghandek x’tirrakonta fil-hajja u nassigurak li il-ktieb zgur li jinbieh bl-eluf u l-ebda mustaccun li hawn Malta ma jkollu is-success li taghmel int bil-biografija li jkollna x’naqraw. Keep it up. I really like your writing and have been following it for years.

    • AMA says:

      I totally agree… get your memoirs down, Daph. I’d definitely want to read them.

      [Daphne – They would be totally uninteresting.]

  14. Nat says:

    Daphne, I’ll say it again…YOU ROCK GIRL! This week I literally didn’t stop laughing, with Akbar Zib, Joseph Muscat and the C word, and now Robert Musumeci’s blowjob quiz on Facebook. Keep them coming, girl!

  15. Joe Boswell says:

    There was once a time when people switched on the box and watched an epi from The Thin Blue Line, Bread, Only Fools & Horses, Some Mothers Do Ave Them and the lot. Others would play a game of Monopoly. Others would even spend a couple of hours reading a book.

    Nowadays, it’s liaising with a mate over a virtual plot of land or saying “Hi, came in late from work today – rush hour traffic!” on a website for a thousand “friends” to read.

    What boredom. I bet Mark Zuckerberg must be having a laugh.

  16. Jerry says:

    Grazzi, Daphne. Id-dwejjaq li kelli nehejtomli ghax thgidx kemm dhaqt x’hin rajt dan l-artiklu.

  17. Melissa says:

    I’m glad some share my opinion about the ridiculous situation Facebook is creating in our lives. Or is it the other way round? It’s one thing that teenagers fool around on it, but I’m amazed at all the adults who seem to think it’s trendy to be on Facebook yet do not understand how ridiculous it’s making them look.

    As for the Maltese quizzes: what a disgrace to the Maltese language we try to be so proud of. And I thought reading badly misspelled SMS feeds on TV was bad enough.

  18. Hot Mama says:

    And how did I miss this blog post? I’m in paroxyms of laughter! Qed toqtolni bid-dahk!

  19. salvu says:

    the major liability for the pn is gonzi himself.

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