Robert Musumeci is out of the race

He's out of the running
You can all heave a sigh of relief.
I’ve made a few telephone calls and it appears that Robert Musumeci stands no chance of getting John Dalli’s seat in the by-election.
Given that he will certainly be deselected in 2013 – the Nationalist Party would have to be insane to do otherwise, for a great variety of reasons not all of which involve his choice of bed-partner – the big question is:
Will he stand as a candidate in the Movement of Progressives and Moderates?
He no longer has any reason to stick with the Nationalist Party, and the Nationalist Party definitely no longer has any reason to stick with him, given that he is a liability and not an asset.
He majtezwel move to Labour immediately.
I don’t know about you, but to my eyes, the Movement of Progressives and Moderates is looking increasingly like a hoover-bag for the demimonde.
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And about time too. We don’t need people who think with their hormones to run the country.
Eh hormones hormones…..when hormones take over especially at these types of parties you can expect anything, trust me. And then these people have the guts to judge others for their misconduct. A bunch of hypocrites, that’s what they are.
A note to the Siggiewi Local council. You had the guts to move the MLP Club motion. Have the guts to move a no-confidence motion on your own mayor. He is a disgrace to the position he holds.
Life can’t be any more ironic in Robert’s case, yet any fairer than this. Robert, you thought you were clever, and yet, you were disloyal to your sweet wife. Did you think you could get away with all of this in ultra-conservative Siggiewi? You have paved the way to your own downfall. Set your priorities straight!
well said…he had such a lovely wife..
Well said, dear citizen, but people in the high echelons of the PN back in the nineties obstructed the way to other sincere and dedicated prospective candidates, to pave the way for dear Robert. They are still there. I hope they still have a conscience which is saying something to them now. You know what? I haven’t heard a single Nationalist defending il-Perit (as he likes to be called…..guess why).
Anyway, I really hope this will be the beginning and not the end for il-Perit. And yes why not side by side with Joseph Muscat et al. He is intelligent enough to rebuild his integrity. I do hope he has the will. I am sorry but Consuelo was a piece of bad luck for him.
For Musumeci, going over to the PL would have at least one positive aspect: it would likely get Astrid Vella off his back.
I wonder if Astrid Vella was used by Consuelo/MLP to attack Victor Scerri or whether she is willingly part of the game.
He lost any credibility he might have had, if he had any !
Ma Nafx.. why worry when the world will end in 2012? Ma nafx why the moviment tal-progressivi qed jithabat tant when the world will end under the PN.
A Siggiewi Citizen could not have hit the nail more squarely on the head.
It ain’t over ’til the fat lady sings
Don’t tell me Consuelo does Karaoke parties too?
Nice one, Chris !
@ Arthur Hill
Your suggestion is the most sensible next move but I won’t be surprised at all if the PL councillers will vote against the motion. This week I learned something: that to be progressive and moderate one has to be ‘partecipi in libertinagg u debuxar tal-ostra’. It is never to late to learn.
Musumeci l-moderat:
I just hope it’s true….
[Daphne – It is.]
Can’t he still stand for the by-election, despite the fact that the NP doesn’t want him?
[Daphne – Of course he can.]
So if he does contest and gets elected, we’ll end up with a hung parliament? Or am I missing something?
Nice work Daph! Though his political future was doomed the minute he decided to shack up with Consie.
Let this be a warning to those who think that one can take public appointments and then do as one pleases flying in the face of any sort of decency.
You are right, Hot Mama. I agree with you 100%. Let this be a lesson to all.
Sadly it won’t! We already had a warning a few years ago with two judges jailed – more warning than that?
Let he who is without sin throw the first stone I say .. judge Robert on his work and not his PRIVATE life.
Well, Paul, I don’t know about you, but it seems to me that only Consie can judge ‘his work’ and how ‘hard he works’!
I think his work in public office is there for all to see
To put it mildly he wasn’t very active in stopping the miżbla off Ħaġar Qim back then. I was there fighting for the public interest with many other honest citizens. Smelled really fishy.
In contrast, when we had the threat of a cement factory, the then mayor went all out in public. You want a longer list of achievements?
That’s true, but when the two mix, then that has to be judged
He has already been judged.. by his own irresponsible actions.
So if a magistrate mixes with the kind of people he/she is supposed to lay judgement on, would it be OK in your book?
I agree with you that he who is without sin should throw the first stone but I DO NOT agree that he should go with a woman knowing that she was still living under the same roof with her husband, same as he was still living with his wife. How could they go home knowing they are doing wrong and look their spouses in the face? Qoxra hoxna, that’s the right expression.
In a way you’re right. However I must say that he chose to become a politician and in so doing he should now learn to face the music and be prepared for this, especially in his case, where his private life is related indirectly to his public life – which with hindsight looks like being a mess on both fronts. It’s beyond me what envy can lead certain people to do.
Keep it up, Daphne – you have another admirer. They asked for it. Now let them have it! Now that’s what I call a woman with balls.
Hallina Pawl, when you enter politics you lose your right for a private life. Your character qualities your life-style, your integrity etc etc all contribute to one’s success or in Robbie’s case, one’s demise.
No Paul – we dont want scandals in these public figures. They either act in a decent manner since they are representing US, or they quit. These types of scandals lead to corruption and we don’t want corruption in any adminstration, do we? Or are you so politically blind that you don’t read the signs of the times?
Ironic, isn’t it – Robert was made chairman of the BICC (Building Industry Construction Committee) immediately after graduating from university and before he got his warrant to practise as a perit. Basically he was a deep-blue-eyed boy, a chosen one. The same applies to Marisa as chairperson of the Housing Authority, and yet they were not happy and content.
I remember reading in the press that Marisa said that the government is only for a chosen few. Does she suffer from a serious form of dementia?
If it was just a question of Robert leaving his wife due to some unfortunate reason, I would agree that it should not be our concern…..BUT…..for a PN candidate to literally sleep in the PL’s camp, and to lead such a life…wake up, Paul.
You forgot to tell him to “smell the coffee”.
Smell the consieeee? Yuck!
Well i guess i’m naive but I believe if a person believes enough in the cause of the P.N. then i don’t see an issue in who he dates … I know of other P.N. and Labourite couples .. and Robert has done a lot of good work bar this circus …
If someone is not competent in their job then by all means fire them .. I can not honestly say there is no hidden agenda or corruption but all I can say is until it is proven I would only judge him on his work and nothing else.
It’s not about where you slide your John Thomas, it’s about SLEAZE. This crowd has “sleaze” written all over it.
Even if one believes fervently in a political party, one cannot act on one’s ideology when living The Lifestyle, so far removed from everyone’s worries and preoccupations.
And while I’m at it, I’d like to pay tribute to Fr Philip Demarco, who died last Thursday. Just about the only priest with balls, and he suffered for it.
Meta r-ras iz-zghira tkun fil-glorja, il-kbira titlef il-memorja!
Taf xi tghid Silverbug!
Jien nghid “ghal-kwart laham xtara baqra”
Nahseb qaluha digà, imma qatt ma nistghu nghiduha bizzejjed:
Min hexa mexa, min ma hexiex inhexa.
*Baxxter jiddissocja ruhu kompletament minn kull pregudizzju li jista’ jigi mahluq minn dan il-proverbju u jiddikjara li ghandu fiducja shiha fil-klassi politika u l-gudikatura Maltija.
Yes I agree with you, Paul.
Yeah, he’s a real piece of work.
He who lives by his dick, dies by his dick.
Music to my ears. When I get home this evening, I will pour myself a glass of Black Label to celebrate, and perhaps light up a big fat cigar too.
I must confess I liked the person before all this surfaced. It’s a question of understanding if it was the result of a mistaken or calculated judgement. If it was the former than it’s human, if the latter it’s diabolical. I honestly hope it’s the first.
@Joseph Micallef
Il-Pink Floyd ghandhom song “A Momentary Lapse of Reason”. Maybe that’s what happened to Robert.
I’m not so sure the PL would welcome Musumeci with open arms. They may figure that when he gets tired of Consie, he may cast his eyes on Marisa, or …?
[Daphne – As if. She’s old enough to be his mother. Marisa is in her 50s. Robert is in his 30s. Even Consie is pushing it, in her 40s. He may like older women, but he’s hardly a gerontophiliac.]
He will do well to stay away from the by-election, enter into a period of rehabilitation and maybe resurrect his political ambitions ten years down the line.
Oooooh! Daqxejn ahrax dan il-kumment, Defni. Gerontophiliac jekk ifaqqa’ l-Marisa! Lol! There’s always Arrigo’s lubricants in any case…
I just love Harold And Maude:
Tista xorta tidhol fil profile ta’ Consie. Jekk tmur fuq il-hajt ta Giannella issib messagg ta’ awguri ta’ Consie. Tista mbaghad tidhol fil-profile ta’ Consie li ghadu hemm.
So all this was a means of getting him out of the way. How come something similar didn’t happen to JPO, who is also from Siggiewi. The place seems to be a hot spot for scandals.
[Daphne – Electors got him out of the way, not this blog.]
What’s wrong with being in your forties? I thought – life begins at forty. I am nearing the big 4 O and all these comments are really depressing.
Ja Xieh! :P
@ Joseph A borg
Well re mizbla near Hagam Qim, Robert at the time was chairman of BICC, and that falls under the Works Ministry, which was headed by Ninu Zammit, so obviously Robert wasn’t going to go against his minister.
I found this blog during the last general elections. I hadn’t realised it had just started. Anyway, Daphne thanks for keeping us up to date with what’s happening all around us. Lots of us don’t have contacts and such a vast knowledge/memory so just rely on the media.
When you decide to enter into politics your private life becomes anything but private. That’s why so many wives/husbands try to dissuade their partners from starting on a political life.
Could you honestly imagine Robert as a PN MP leading the life he is leading? Who could possibly trust him?
There is unwritten rule that the judiciary should be very careful who they mix with in their social life. It could lead to a very dangerous situation. Remember the Profumo saga – it started off with Profumo mixing with call girls and ended up with Russian embassy staff.
Rightly said, Daphne. Musumeci must leave PN.
Can you believe Consie gives Musumeci work from court. See who has taken care of her court architectural outsourced works, and you will know what I mean.
I also think that Musumeci should also be joined by Victor Scerri, a close associate of his.
People! Why is it that all you people to Criticize a person, you need to get dirty and attack his private life. I am sure that Robert Musumeci is no saint, like most of us but hey, get serious this type of criticism happens when people are short of solid arguments! Live and let live!
How do you all sleep at night
anthony: With great difficulty, knowing how lady justice undermines the very principles she’s supposed to uphold.
I think Mag, Consuelo Scerri Herrera should do the most decent thing and resign. Unless she does so, the Government should seriously think about impeaching her.
[Daphne – The government cannot impeach judges and magistrates. Only parliament can do that, with a two-thirds vote.]
Do you Honestly think that Malta needs to be governed by this kind of RUBBISH. Shame on Robert Musumeci…………………