The magistrate is no longer on Facebook

Published: February 1, 2010 at 11:32pm
Consie will try anything to get close to a man, even if it means knocking Father Christmas out with Rhohypnol and nicking his suit

Consie will try anything to get close to a man, even if it means knocking Father Christmas out with Rhohypnol and nicking his suit

Oh, damn. I’ve spoiled your fun. Consuelo is no longer on Facebook and there’s been a mad scramble among countless others to knock traitors off the wall, or whatever they call it, and to restrict information.

So many photographs have been pulled that it makes you wonder why they uploaded them in the first place. Maltese ‘grown-ups’ with Facebook are like toddlers with guns.

I wonder what Father Christmas thought of Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi.

12 Comments Comment

  1. H. P. Baxxter says:

    I’m waiting for the “ATTAKK MOQZIEZ FUQ STEFAN ZRINZO AZZOPARDI” headline.

  2. Mandy Mallia says:

    Hasn’t anyone seen the one of Emy and Father Christmas at EuroDisney?
    (Give it a minute or two to upload, because it really is worth the wait.)

  3. Krista says:

    Daphne what can i say except…..You Rock!!
    We need more of your kind about….keep it up :)

  4. Arthur Hill says:

    People choose the to tie the noose on their necks themselves. So don’t point fingers at Daphne this time round. She was the object of a bit of sensationalism from the bitches on the other side of the fence and now she put paid to them with interest. And to their own detriment, because they were just cowards. In public they show one face, in private they have another devilish face.

  5. Loredana Gatt says:

    Thanks Mandy Mallia, the Emy pics are great! It’s such fun to watch certain Maltese “characters”, for want of a better definition, from a safe distance!

  6. karmnu says:

    D Caruana Galizia

    Private lives are private.
    Maybe one of these days somone will peep into your bedroom and then we can all have a laugh.

    [Daphne – I am neither a magistrate nor a politician. I am not accountable to the public. Private lives are not private where they impinge on one’s public role, when one holds public office or aspires to it. I neither hold public office nor aspire to it. You should learn the difference.]

  7. Dear Daphne,

    Mandy Mallia made my day !!!!,Emys pic, HA HA HA HA HA HA

    Vera mohh ta’ tigiega ippastardajata .Kemm jipretendija .

    Melita galea

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