The sort of spirited defence Consuelo is getting on this blog

Published: February 1, 2010 at 2:34pm
I'll see you in court

I'll see you in court

james micallef
[email protected]
Submitted on 2010/02/01 at 2:16pm

hamalla bhalek tan nejk iktar minn kejk

Somebody (or a group of them, and they’re all rotund and female) is posting abusive comments on this site, the milder sort being the one above.

Given where they work, they must be insane to think that I don’t recognise the IP number.

I suggest they stop wasting company time and drown themselves in a few jars of Nutella. That’s going to be about the best sex they’ll ever have – though I’m sure Consuelo hasn’t thought of it yet.

62 Comments Comment

  1. Arthur Hill says:

    Sock them a beauty, Daphne. They are real pea brains. Do they agree with this scandalous behaviour of this Magistrate?

    [Daphne – No, they just hate me. So anyone I criticise, even if it’s somebody as despicable as Consuelo, they stick up for.]

  2. David Buttigieg says:

    Well, a simple ns lookup shows that is the mail server of XXXXXXXXX.

    [Daphne – Yes, I know.]

    • David Buttigieg says:

      I just read Balzan’s comments about “The woman from Bidnija”.

      Speak not the devil’s name.

      Kind of cute really, like everybody in “Harry Potter” calling Voldemort “You know who”.

      [Daphne – If English were his first language, he would know that I am from Sliema and in Bidnija. He’s getting married by the way.]

      • Shaggy says:

        “He’s getting married by the way” – Really? Is the woman desperate?

        [Daphne – No, she’s bisexual.]

      • shocked says:

        You mean Balzan is marrying a bisexual? This is really unbelievable. Does the poor asshole know or is he too busy stuffing his face?

  3. Kurt Mifsud Bonnici says:

    Hahaha .. pure class Daphne. This country has more plonkers than I ever imagined.

    All things aside, what really gets to me is the mystery behind how half-wits like Consuelo ever manage to land a high profile job such as a magistrate. If ass-kissing is that effective than maybe I should read more into the subject.

    [Daphne – She’s rabidly Labour and the sister of a Labour MP. She is also a woman. When Alfred Sant the PM decided he wanted to be modern and progressive by appointing women to the magistrates’ court, he said to himself: “Why not Jose’s sister?”]

  4. davidg says:

    Ha nghidlek they are very short of intelligence to post a comment like that from an office like that. I traced it immediately. It is XXXXXXX.

    [Daphne – Yes, I know what office it is, which is why I didn’t put the name down. But the Nutella ladies, who are roughly the size and shape of their favourite jar, will know that I am aware of exactly how puerile they are. Quite frankly, it’s more than enough that they spend most of the day gossiping and bitching about me over mugs of tea, and producing perhaps one article a week while downloading hafna Amerikanati to fill the supplements they’re paid to work on.]

  5. Stephen Forster says:

    What makes me laugh is that these people do not have a clue how the net works and how easy it is to trace an IP address?

  6. edgar gatt says:

    These wankers who are posting abusive comments should be named and exposed.

    [Daphne – I won’t, because I work in partnership with their employer, which gives them another reason to hate me. We’re talking politically motivated hatred combined with professional and personal envy here. Their penchant for abusing me publicly has been dealt with internally, so now they are resorting to abusing me – or so they think, with their limited intelligence – covertly.]

  7. Rover says:

    James Micallef go back to your pond and leave our Daphne alone. We have a member of the judiciary who is clearly not fit for purpose and you vent your frustrations on Daphne rather than call for the magistrate’s dismissal. Consuelo can carry on with her sordid shenanigans as long as she stays well away from the law courts.

    • maria says:

      I would strongly recommend that Consie stays out of the Law Courts. I mean, has anyone of you studied the look in her eyes in this pic? They have a kind of haze that comes after too much booze. Just imagine what people say when they are in this situation. In her position she just cannot afford it.

  8. john says:

    Nutella? They’d get more of a kick out of a few jars of Gentleman’s Relish from Fortnum and Mason. The store where the redoubtable Australian actress Coral Browne (Mrs Vincent Price) was greeted by the floor manager with: “And what might be Madam’s pleasure this morning?”
    “Well, dearie, my pleasure would be a good fuck, but I’ve actually come in for a pound of grapes.”

  9. maryanne says:

    Is Lino Spiteri (The Times, today) going to be accused of attacks on PL? Or is it a question of from where criticism comes?

    Here is what he wrote: “(Joseph Muscat) is striving to build a movement of ‘moderates and progressives’. That contains inherent contradiction. On certain things you cannot be progressive and moderate at the same time. It is not just that a Labour Party without a radical element in it will not be completely whole. It is also the fact that one cannot be all things to all men. With Labour various negatives need tackling, especially its media, which cannot penetrate with its negativism and contradicts the reaching out to non-Labour support. The way criticism is made – often giving hostages to fortune – also needs to be reviewed.”

  10. Antoine Vella says:

    All those concerts, art exhibitions and refined cultural events they go to and yet they can still speak like a charabanc driver.

    Are you sure it’s a portly Nutellaholic not a stuttering ginger?

  11. Neil Dent says:

    How naive and utterly pathetic! They obviously thought that creating a free gmail address for the purpose then they’d have full anonymity. Oh dear me, how sad!

    By copying and pasting the IP into a search box and pressing ‘Find IP’, in under a second I had their registered name, location, internet provider, and even their long/lat coordinates!! More accurate than Google Earth or even GPS!

    Reminds me of my old school reports…….’Must try harder!’

  12. Clive says:

    This just keeps on getting better.

  13. Tony Pace says:

    well, so ‘Nutella B’ is being nasty, is she? well what’s new, she is nothing but a woman of low intellect, tons of bitterness and a ridiculously high opinion of herself. Most of her column pieces are actually hilarious when she doesn’t mean them to be. Her pseudo-intellectual approach to most issues is a joke in itself. I wish she could just construct a simple sentence in English.
    Actually forget even that Nutella B, and just get yourself a life.

  14. Harry Purdie says:

    Leading male Labourites have amply demonstrated their below average intelligence over the years. Now, it appears that Labour bitches are vying for the same honour.

  15. Andrea says:

    Just cause it rhymes it doesn’t mean it makes sense, ajma.

  16. jomar says:

    @ Maryanne

    What you don’t know is that only Joe Grima is privileged to comment on Lino Spiteri’s article.

    I sent the following TWICE but so far it has not appeared:

    Will someone set music to this latest piece by Lino Spiteri?

    Aria: Nevertheless, his four successful years as an MEP turned him into a convinced European. (Opening piece, in hindsight)
    Duet: He is striving to build a movement of “moderates and progressives”. (Toni Abela & Stafrace)
    Solo: The biggest change came at the top. (Joseph sings)
    Lament: That was a Dom Mintoff legacy which lingered. (Sant moans)
    Closing Chorus: Dr. Muscat will not take chances. ( CEO & Jason and choir)

    Lots of fun these days!

  17. johnson says:

    you are so cool daphne, hope you die of cancer.

  18. Antoine Vella says:

    All those concerts, art exhibitions and refined cultural events they go to and yet they can still speak like a charabanc driver.

    Are you sure it’s a portly Nutellaholic not a stuttering ginger?

    [Daphne – No, miskin, that other one just has the IP officially registered to his name. Anyway, it’s not one person, but a klikka of them. The Labour gang. I don’t know why they don’t just up and leave for or KullHadd. I guess they’re just sticking around for the salary, because unlike Wenzu Mintoff at the Labour rag, they can’t hoover up a salary from a government agency while working for the Labour media.]

    • Grezz. says:

      You are also overlooking the fact that nobody is going to want to employ a woman of 70+ unless she’s good at what she does. Well, she’s good at bitching, but what good is that, except to very few like-minded sorry souls?

    • P Shaw says:

      I thought that non party media do not keep old and useless teletubbies on the payroll. What about the bottom line, isn’t that what shareholders care for, unless it’s Malta Today. They can always send her back to Mauritius.

  19. emanuel muscat says:

    SHAME X Johnson. You need a lot of prayer.!

  20. Oscar says:

    Johnson that was below the belt and really out of place in such a christian blog full of love and peace towards fellow human beings

    • Ivan B. says:

      I could hazard a guess that despite the fact that DCG writes about people warts and all, she would certainly not wish any of them ill, let alone for them to die a cruel death.

      For “johnson” to state that he wishes she dies of cancer is not only a horrible thing to say – even to one’s worst enemy; it is also inconsiderate, seeing that many people viewing this blog may be suffering from cancer themselves, or may have recently lost somebody dear to them to the dreaded disease.

      You really should be ashamed of yourself, johnson.

    • il-Ginger says:

      Animals who wish cancer and capital punishment on others are not fellow human beings.

  21. Rover says:

    Shame on you johnson. You are clearly nothing but a lowlife and your place is under the rock where you came from.

  22. Big Mama says:

    “Johnson” jaqaw spiccajt bla job ghax waqfu l-parties ta’ Consie u ma tafx fejn ha troxx it-terra?

  23. N.L says:

    Malta onesta, kburija bik Daphne.

    @Johnson habbat rasek mal-hajt ha tinsa d-dwejjaq li ghandek

  24. Barma says:

    aqta minn fejn gej dan il-kumment daphne sahhara tal-bidnija!

    • Arthur Hill says:

      Tant ghandhom mibgheda li sahansitra holqu Facebook page bl-isem WE HATE GONZI and PN. U biex jilghabuha tad-dojoq tnejn mill-MPs Laburisti qalu li mhux veru li huma approvaw il-mibhgeda, ghax nahseb jien ir-ritratt taghhom jien poggejtu hemm, mhux huma. Il-gideb tat-terrini Laburisti. Idejhom imcappsa fuq il-Facebook u jghidu li mhux huma. B’min tridu tghaddu z-zmien. Sieheb l-iehor l-ewwel jghid li huwa favur l-abbort anke taht certi cirkustanzi u wara 24 siegha jibla kliemu u jghid li huwa qatt ma kien favur l-abbort.

  25. Julie says:

    are you people really sitting here talking about peoples weight? im sure all of you sitting behind your computers donnt have the smallest asses or fit into a size 6, the more i read into this the more i want to throw up all over dear Daphne’s blog. you sick bitch- get a life.. oh and by the way .. get a back bone and actually post the comments that come in that are not all FOR YOU . grow some balls, dont just talk like you have them.

    [Daphne – Julie, the vast majority of the comments that come in ‘against’ me are composed of semi-literate insults and swearwords, which is why I don’t post them. You will notice that I do upload the ones that are not like that. It is not my fault that they are so few in number. Look at your comment, for example – is that any way to put up an argument? You do understand, I trust, that using the internet to make malicious threats and accusations is covered by the same legal provisions as using the telephone or the mail for the same purpose. There is no difference. It is precisely because so many people fail to understand the internet that they think they can sit behind a keyboard and say the things that, 15 years or so ago, they used to say via anonymous telephone calls from phone-boxes. I used to get lots of those; so did many other people in the public eye. Then the fashion somehow evaporated and the internet has taken over. But both are illegal. I am under no obligation to upload malicious libel made in my regard. Why would I be? I certainly couldn’t be bothered to report them to the police. My skin is too thick for that. But in the case of one spate of extremely malicious comments which came in yesterday, I thought it best to make it known to their employer that the office computers were being used for this purpose, particularly since I have a working relationship with the same company, to whose bottom-line my work contributes significantly, enough to pay for the salaries of those people who make it their life’s work to denigrate me.]

    • Alex Saliba says:

      Daphne this is the result of the hatred that you are injecting by your comments and accusations… toqghodx tilghaba tad-dejaqa, ghajjejt tghajjar Laburisti low class, ghajjet tidhol fil-hajja privata tan-nies, ghajjejt tizra mibgheda??? issa gej kollox f’ wiccek … and yes you are the most hated person in Malta not from Labourites only but even from staunch PN who feel that your comments and accusations smell worse than sh*t !!!

      …and although I don’t wish any sickness to fall upon you I wish only 1 thing.. that you face up criminal charges for all the bullshit that you have wrote on others.. Shame on The Malta Independent and The Malta Independent on Sunday for letting you remain a regular columnist in the newspapers!!

  26. brian says:

    Iblah min jaghti kasek. Vera int bniedma vulgari u hammalla, ghax ma jaqblux mieghek taghajar xjaten xadini, timaginakx xi porno star Daf?

  27. Melly says:

    I’m finding all of this highly amusing! I cannot believe how much I am missing iz-zekzik in Malta! Ajma qabbattuni in-nostalgija!

  28. SPTT says:

    @brian & @ Alex Saliba

    I cannot for the life of me understand why people like you, instead of bringing forward their argument (assuming you have one), resort to attacking the columnist. Grow up and get a life.

  29. Nicky says:

    I really cannot understand where this country’s moral and Christian values are heading. So much resentment and hatred… it’s a real big shame! At times I’m shy to say I’m Maltese.

  30. TROY says:

    The untouchables are now touchable thanks to you, my friend.

  31. Frans Borg says:

    Daphne has accomplished in two years what others took a decade to sort of manage to do. Much kudos to you for pulling it off.

  32. pippo says:

    Lanqas jidhru li huma mahruqin dawk tal-ahhar. Daphne, keep it up.

  33. john doe says:


    Don’t take heed of the ones that hate you. Take heed of the ones that love you.

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