Attakk fahxi fuq il-persuna ta' Charlon Gouder meta kien qieghed jaqdi dmiru bhala gurnalist ta' One News

Published: March 5, 2010 at 1:49pm
I'll pin him down while you get his wallet.

I'll pin him down while you get his wallet.

Here you are, honeys: the hot scoop of the week.

This photograph was taken by a vegetable vendor standing behind a curtain and using his mobile phone, in exchange for three weeks’ worth of qarabaghli and a black handbag.

20 Comments Comment

  1. Chris says:

    Mind you… he might be enjoying it. He does seem to have a grin.

    • Isard du Pont says:

      I’ve led a sheltered life, but I did hear that some men pay to have large women sit on their face – though I must admit that the hard chair is a bit of a novel touch. Shame we don’t get to see whether he’s wearing nipple-clamps.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Dan huwa attakk viljakk u fahxi, Isard. Insejt meta kienu jirkbu n-nies fuqek. Sa kappestru u brilja kienu jlibbsulek. Fetish fahxi.

  2. Alan says:

    I can hardly see the keybosrd bid-dmuh tad-dahq f’ghajneja

  3. Isard du Pont says:

    This must be another one. The Albert Town ho kienet liebsa ‘bermuda’.

  4. Tim Ripard says:

    Worse than Borat…

  5. Leonard says:

    One down; 68 to go.

  6. TROY says:

    Charlon under pressure! Daphne what happened to the blog-post with Julia’s picture? Did it hit rock ‘bottom’?

    [Daphne – It’s still there.]

  7. john says:

    It’s not his friend Consie is it? Those thighs look familiar.

  8. Antoine Vella says:

    Is that the new PL logo she’s sporting on her arm?

  9. JC says:

    Come on Charlon, give us the truth for a change.

  10. Ciccio2010 says:

    Recommended defensive position for women to keep perpetrators from reaching into their bra for cash.

  11. Lord Byron says:

    Da zghur hadu Byon Jo rega. Qed ninduna ghax hadu dritt din id-darba u mhux minn taht u ghallura giet bla ras.

  12. Harry Purdie says:

    Not much of a ‘bench’ for ‘your honour’ or ‘you’re offer’ thunder thighs.

  13. Christian says:

    As Rodney Dangerfield once said: “If it wasn’t for pick-pockets and frisking at airports I’d have no sex life at all.”

  14. Rover says:

    Charlon aggredit bl-ikrah. Halluni bi kwieti ghax ghandi depression kbira fuqi.

  15. Leonard says:

    Looks more dangerous than covering elections in Iraq. If she farts he’s dead.

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