Attakk fahxi fuq il-persuna ta' Charlon Gouder meta kien qieghed jaqdi dmiru bhala gurnalist ta' One News
March 5, 2010 at 1:49pm
Here you are, honeys: the hot scoop of the week.
This photograph was taken by a vegetable vendor standing behind a curtain and using his mobile phone, in exchange for three weeks’ worth of qarabaghli and a black handbag.
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Mind you… he might be enjoying it. He does seem to have a grin.
I’ve led a sheltered life, but I did hear that some men pay to have large women sit on their face – though I must admit that the hard chair is a bit of a novel touch. Shame we don’t get to see whether he’s wearing nipple-clamps.
Dan huwa attakk viljakk u fahxi, Isard. Insejt meta kienu jirkbu n-nies fuqek. Sa kappestru u brilja kienu jlibbsulek. Fetish fahxi.
I can hardly see the keybosrd bid-dmuh tad-dahq f’ghajneja
This must be another one. The Albert Town ho kienet liebsa ‘bermuda’.
Worse than Borat…
One down; 68 to go.
Attakk fahxi fuq n-numru tas-sexual position preferut ta’ Charlon Gouder.
Charlon under pressure! Daphne what happened to the blog-post with Julia’s picture? Did it hit rock ‘bottom’?
[Daphne – It’s still there.]
It’s not his friend Consie is it? Those thighs look familiar.
Ajma, as if Consie has that tattoo!
Is that the new PL logo she’s sporting on her arm?
Come on Charlon, give us the truth for a change.
Recommended defensive position for women to keep perpetrators from reaching into their bra for cash.
Da zghur hadu Byon Jo rega. Qed ninduna ghax hadu dritt din id-darba u mhux minn taht u ghallura giet bla ras.
Not much of a ‘bench’ for ‘your honour’ or ‘you’re offer’ thunder thighs.
As Rodney Dangerfield once said: “If it wasn’t for pick-pockets and frisking at airports I’d have no sex life at all.”
Charlon aggredit bl-ikrah. Halluni bi kwieti ghax ghandi depression kbira fuqi.
Looks more dangerous than covering elections in Iraq. If she farts he’s dead.