Give a chav some cash, and….

Guests at the party organised by Marcel Mizzi tal-GRTU and Magistrate Consuelo Herrera to raise funds for the kappillan of Siggiewi.
The Times, today
There exists a “new class of consumer” who is abusive, arrogant and at times violent, according to the Malta Chamber of Small and Medium Enterprises (GRTU).
“We receive daily reports of verbal abuse, where consumers think they can abuse of their rights and take the law into their own hands, verbally abusing the cashier, for example, who wouldn’t even have a say in the running of the business,” GRTU chairman Vince Farrugia said yesterday.
Mr Farrugia said that while in Malta this trend was not yet widespread, it was a growing concern across Europe, and Eurocommerce, an organisation of which the GRTU forms part, is organising itself against it.
“We’ve even had reports of shop staff being physically attacked and ending up in hospital,” the GRTU president said, commenting just hours before he was coincidentally beaten up inside the chambers’ offices in Valletta in an unrelated incident.
GRTU vice-president Marcel Mizzi said things had come to the point where people were increasingly reluctant to take on sales jobs because of these occurrences: “Whereas before the inconveniences associated with working in a shop were that people had to work till late and on weekends, now there is also this phenomenon,” Mr Mizzi said.
Marcel Mizzi should know all about chavs. He’s Consuelo Scerri Herrera’s party-organiser sidekick. They promote their parties together on – you’ve got it – Facebook. ‘Hi Consuelo, thanks for the invitation! Wld luv to cum. Lkng 4ward. Alex.’
Little Britain has nothing on this.
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If they organise these parties in aid of Dar Tal-Providenza we will soon see Mons.Michael Azzopardi out of his grave.
Now where do I know that face? Oh yes … and I think I’ve seen her name somewhere on this blog.
My god, is that Sue Fenech, the recording clerk in Magistrate Micallef Trigona’s courtroom, where the Consuelo defamation suit is being heard?
X’tahwid. That’s Malta for you.
Then I guessed right. Malta zghira wisq.
Xi trid taghmel. Malta zghira u kull hadd jaf lil kull hadd.
Naqbel mieghek imma hemm limitu ghal kollox.
Dik ta’ bla maskra tkun ukoll ma’ Miriam Hayman?
Saqsu lil Charlon Gouder jew lil Jason Micallef. Ma kienux hemm qabel ma tefghuhom il-barra mill-awla?
Daphne se thawwadna. Daqt niggojnja l-LGBT Labour.
Dawn min huma f’dan ir-ritratt? Xi hadt jista jghidli u xinhu xogholhom?
Sa’ kemm m’ghandhiex tewmija (li sa fejn naf jiena m’ghandhiex), dik fuq il-lemin tar-ritratt tahdem il-qorti, fl-awla tal-Magistrat Micallef Trigona.
Marcel Mizzi would probably luv to cum.
“Wld luv to cum.” LOOOOOOOFL
how much is the ticket??
I’ve been wanting to ask this for a long time and this post seemed the right place to ask …
I’ve worked at 4 – 5 places. In every company I’ve been, I met a manager (typically middle management, but in one case top) who comes from what many would probably call working class. (But what I really mean is “coming from a family where the breadwinner’s contact with management was bottom to middle management”)
For some reason such people tend to quit education before they take their A levels. For obvious reasons they start their working lives in the bottom rungs.
A common feature of these people is that they can sell themselves well and climb up the ladder in a very identifiable pattern, which is:
bottom level at company A
(bottom level+1) at company B
(bottom level+2) at company C
and so on…
The interesting aspect of all this is even though they have become middle managers themselves, they still perceive a manager as “someone who issues orders” rather than “someone who processes information reaching him from various sources”
I put this down to their poor education level.
Further identifying features:
a) car: some biggish Peugeot, Alfa, VW or an Audi, BMW from the UK
b) accent: their Maltese becomes “cropped” – short vowels and barely moving lips
c) English: I can’t explain this, but their English is very “affected”, but it’s not spoken with a “Maltese accent”, if you know what I mean
d) attire: shirt, tie, no jacket
e) they have to have an underling to whom they write/dictate letters for the underling to key into a word processor
f) ditto emails
Is this something I have been very unlucky to experience alone, or does such a “class” really exist?
In case you’re wondering I’m outside the management loop. I work in QC so …
Maybe this will help:
You are lucky and not unlucky as every experience in life is beneficial, be it good or bad.
Class goes beyond a level of management, money, dress-code or the pronunciation of English and is subjective.
It is the ambience in which people are brought up (often topped-down from the parents and grand parents) to appreciate the better and often simple things of life.
Eyes wide shut – is the blonde Nicole Kidman?
No, a hairdresser.
Maybe it’s Zorro.
Does he know that ‘come’ and ‘cum’ have completely different meanings?
The amount of sexual posturing in this country is beyond description.
Speaking of which (cf. “wld lv 2 cum”), here’s a little clip to ease the national tension.