Labour grooms its new generation of uneducated twits
Nikita Zammit Alamango, who was elected to the Labour Party’s executive as its token woman (and they actually announced this with pride in their press release at the time), is hard at work in the grotto, plastering with her cries of anguish about the plight of Valletta in the hands of GonziPN and that rubbish architect Renzo Piano.
Nikita Zammit Alamango
My feelings towards this project are not political. Far from it.
We complain about lack of open spaces and yet we re building a parliament in the centre of one of the few squares we have left.
We complain that our opera house has been in ruins for over 60 years but now we decide to built blocks of glass instead.
I am in favour of rebuilding the site but as an OPERA HOUSE – as it was ! Not a roofless theatre because an international architect feels that its appropriate.
What about what the artists want ?
What about what the maltese people want ?
Are we aware that Valletta is close to losing its title of being a world heritage site because of the Tigne’ construction (amongst other reasons).
This is our history we are talking about. I am fortunate enough to know it as it is… what will our kids find ?
They’ll find a city gate, a parliament house and a theatre designed by one of the greatest architects of all time, Nikita. And if I were you, I’d make sure those putative children get a better education than you did, so that they can appreciate them.
Nikita Zammit Alamango
I regret living during this era to witness our historic Capital city being destroyed!
Monstrosity at its best!
And while the destruction of our capital city at the hands of the evil Renzo Piano and GonziPN begins in earnest, here’s somebody else to surf along with Nikita on this tsunami of stupidity.
Ray Mangion
Speaking from a non political point of view, this decision in favour of the Piano Plan is the sadest day of Malta`s history. Actually this is history in the making, but for the wrong reasons; instead of Valletta, our beautiful Heritage City, gaining popularity for its beautiful Baroque buildings, it will very likely lose its place as a Heritage City, it will become more of a ghost city in the evenings as more good businesses will move out, leaving the rubbish in. All this money that has be wisely spent on other buildings to enhance its heritage, all the effort to attract more locals and visitors, day and night will be lost due to this cancer that`s is going to be created. It`s like putting in a child`s painting in a Van Gogh exhibition.
A Renzo Piano building in Valletta is like a child’s painting in a Van Gogh exhibition. Indeed. Take me to your leader.
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Our generation has put up with the horrible city gate flats, with an even more ghastly shopping arcade inside it, cocked up by none other than Dom Mintoff to plant more socialist voters in Valletta to secure the 3rd seat in the 1st electoral district.
Such were the “briefs” by socialist governments of the seventies. Astrid who is an expert in briefs, please note. .
And just in case Nikita forgot, Alfred Sant during his 20-month spell in government wanted the private sector to build a shopping arcade instead of the Royal Opera House site – thankfully there no takers for this tender.
No need to go far david s. It was only two years ago that the MLP led by Dr Alfred Sant proposed to us gullible voters a sea passage for boats between Grand Harbour and Marsamxett Harbour with boats passing underneath Valletta’s main entrance bridge.
Oh, yes. That’s the one Victor Laivier rather fancied. I’m talking about the moat project, of course.
U issa mhux hekk jaqblilhom jghidu dawn. Dak kollu li jsir taht dan il-gvern qatt mhu tajjeb ghalihom. Ara li kieku jsir taht gvern laburista, kieku kollox perfett ikun ghamel Renzo Piano.
”They’ll find a city gate, a parliament house and a theatre designed by one of the greatest architects of all time”
What city gate? There isn’t going to be a city gate, just 2 slabs of upright concrete.
Who the hell wants to look at a parliament, honestly. Mind you there are so many suckups on this island they’ll probably camp outside it waiting for a glimpse of their idol.
The theatre looks quite good actually.
Greatest architects of all time. matter of opinion i guess.
“Greatest architects of all time. matter of opinion i guess”
You were saying, jfarrugia?
None of his projects have been in a UNESCO world heritage site, or an old city like Valletta.
His designs dont match the cities history.
Are you all for this project because it’s a nationalist one ??? turn off your blue blinkers and stand back for a second.
That’s not quite correct.
LYON, A WORLD HERITAGE SITE – At the confluence of the Saône and Rhône rivers, Lyon has been listed as part of UNESCO’s World Heritage since 1998. This former capital of Gaul bears witness to 2,000 years of history. The one-of-a-kind cityscape is constantly being enriched by works from top-name contemporary architects like *Renzo Piano*, Jean Nouvel, Santiago Calatrava and others.
Pritzker Prize-winning architect Renzo Piano designed and built his architecture “workshop” in collaboration with UNESCO.
Renzo Piano is one of UNESCO’s good will ambassadors.
You’re quite free to not like Piano’s designs but you’re giving yourself away as a presumptuous donkey when you question his standing.
” This is our History and I am fortunate enough to know it as it is” Well said, Nikita! You have never witnessed the dark days of the 70s and the 80s. You found a wonderful Malta thanks to Eddie and the PN.
Qas lahqu waslu fit-tieni sentenza li ma kixfux sormhom:
“My feelings towards this project are not political. Far from it.”
“Speaking from a non-political point of view..”
Dad-disclaimers ghala? U jekk hi esekuttiv fil-PL, il-ghala qed tesprimi opinjoni fuq suggett skottanti fejn intenzjoni politika dejjem se tinqaraha fi kliema? Tiktibhom xejn mall-ewwel, jew ghati spjegazzjoni, tipo’:
“Hey there, juicy-votes-in-waiting, I know I’m a PL executive and all that jazz, but please, whatever you do, don’t read any political intent in the following PN-roast. Ok? Pretty please. I really do have the best interests of my beloved country at heart and would never do anything to hurt it. Nuh-huh. Cross my heart and hope to die and what a friend we have in Jesus. etc etc etc”
Daphne now we will censure nikita so she can’t say what she thinks…which as a matter of fact are the same thoughts of a lot of Maltese but anyway are right as always….
[Daphne – Nikita can say what she ruddy well likes. It’s a free country and Labour isn’t in government. But what you people don’t seem to understand is this: if you voice an opinion in public, you have to be prepared for the criticism that follows. If you can’t take the criticism, then don’t plaster your views all over the media.]
Kemm hi helwa din Nikita. Hekk jigri fil-laqghat tal-ezekuttiv tal-PL? U dawn irirdu jitkellmu fuq progetti nazzjonali? Ahjar jitkellmu fuq dak li jifmhu l-iktar – kif ifottu l-proxxmu taghhom.
Enough already – from the number of comments, protests and letters in the newspapers one would think that we are forever flocking to the theatre.
Nuke Valletta.
Yesterday Maltastar ran an editorial titled “Let them eat cake”. Well, they should stop living in the past and learn something from Darling.
“I regret living during this era to witness our historic Capital city being destroyed!”
It will take too many words to really answer your tripe especially the part where you say that you were not around when Labour’s atrocities took place and you don’t have the time to look them up. Ask around and within two minutes you’ll find plenty of people who can come up with a list a mile long.
Your youth is evidenced by your lack of knowledge and by the way you have swallowed all that your party fed you.
When has the Labour Party accomplished anything?
Why didn’t Labour come up with something better? Oh! hold on a minute, Labour did: social housing and a shopping arcade.
Nice ass.
Daphne, you’re missing the capital L in leader.
Although it looks like the guy in the picture is copping a feel of Ms. Alamango’s sizable derriere, what he is actually doing is trying to silence her, as her derriere is unmistakably the source of her opinions. Why else would the MLP elect her?
Mobi dearest if you think that Ms Alamango’s derriere is the source of her opinions, I suggest you check out Ms Caruana Galizia’s derriere and you’ll understand better why she bears so many grudges :)
‘I regret living during this era to witness our historic Capital city being destroyed!’
Actually, I’m loving it!
I thank God that I was born in the 80s and not before. I saw the country grow economically to unprecedented heights, democracy consolidated, pluralism become the rule of the day, self-employed persons no longer threatened, no illiterate chavs bullying and threatening the country’s stability, projects such as this one decided upon by an independent board instead of by a minister with a brain size of a peanut. And much more.
If Nikita were born earlier, she would have witnessed the building of social housing and a shopping arcade.
Nahseb li jaqbadulha il-patata lil Nikita waqt li tkun qed tikteb kummenti fuq it-Times, ghax ma tkunx mohha hemm.
Din ohra li dejjem taghmel re-sits.
Nikita, Nikita: 200 lines – ‘I must not have my arse groped in public.’
When the project was first announced I had no particular views but the more I got to know the details of the project the more I liked it. In Architect Plattner’s presentation of the project made before the MEPA board, certain aspects of the project became more evident.
The underlying concept of the project is to create a place for people. The area is already conducive for cultural and educational activities (held within temporary structures) because of its strategic location within the city. The Piano project design includes a number of interesting spaces. For example, Plattner refers to the two ramps on either side of City Gate where people are likely to stroll and sit watch other people go by. (This brings to mind the sloped piazza adjoining Pompidou centre in Paris).
The architect chose NOT to have a heavy building on the opera house site so that as far as possible the views and appreciation of the surrounding historic building will be retained. Hence the architect’s preference to retaining an open air performance space, rather than roof over the area. Plattner also showed images of an open air theatre in a French city. The theatre is popular and used intensively.
Mr. Plattner also pointed out that when the performance area is not in use, the area within the ruins will be used as an urban space. People can stroll, sit and watch the surrounding historic buildings of Palazzo Ferreria, St. James Cavalier, Chapel of Sta. Caterina d’ Italia, Our Lady of Victory Church and the side of Auberge de Castille.
It is a pity that to date the discussion on the project has reduced itself to a discussion on whether or not there should be some form of theatre on the site and whether the open air theatre should be roofed over.
There are some aspects of the project of which I am not entirely convinced. There needs to be more of an informed debate where the various aspects of the project are discussed properly and where possible improvements made.
The authorities should also seek to communicate the project better. Those who have taken a definitive opinion against the project will not be convinced but there are many who have an open mind who would be able to understand and appreciate what is being proposed. The presentation by Mr. Plattner would be a good basis to communicate the project.
The guy must be sifting through N’s brain for more enlightening insight . . .
Now how can she appear in public again and not imagine people laughing their heads off while looking at her back-side? I sure as hell wouldn’t be able to keep a straight face. Auguri for your next ‘executive’ meeting, Nikita.
I can understand – and, up to a point, sympathise with – someone being disappointed because they had their own idea of what should be built and found that Piano’s vision was different.
There are, however, two things I really cannot stand: the comical melodrama, illustrated here by Nikita’s hyperbolic lament, and the abuse, the hate language, directed at Renzo Piano and the PM.
Mhux ovvja? L-aqwa li kontra l-PN jew kontra Daphne. Inkella ma’ jatrattawx nies biex jaqraw iz-zibel, hrejjef u fantazijji li jiktbu.
The more they emphasise that their opinions are not political, the more it comes through that these people are just passionately blinded against anything which the PN promotes for the good of the country.
Can’t they understand that you don’t have to be a Laburist to disagree with the Piano project, just as much as you you don’t have to be Nationalist to agree to it – politics has no place in the appreciation of architecture. Any design on this scale is bound to create discussion and a myriad of opinions, but ultimately someone has to take the decision and we should be thankful to Gonzi for pushing his vision of removing this scar once and for all.
You mark my words – within five years, the entrance to Valletta will be a European landmark and all visitors to Malta will make it a point to visit. The French have shown the way, first, way back, with the controversial Eiffel Tower and more recently with the I.M.Pei building in the Louvres grounds, which have become architectural icons, and synonymous with Paris.
The derelict port area of Genoa was redesigned and rehabilitated by Renzo Piano. It now attracts people and it is a very
important landmark. That is what will happen in Valletta in the near future.
Daphne…how the hell do you find these photos?
She has often said that these are sent to her. Usually they are uploaded on the internet by the protagonists themselves. Anyone with a Facebook account has access to them. Have a look for yourself.
Take your pick from any one of 400,000,000 active users.
Daphne, love the photo and thanks for pointing out Nikita on the left. Somehow I didn’t think she was the red-eyed arse pincher.
Nikita was elected to the Labour Party’s executive on the women’s quota – to represent women.
dik tkun il party tad-Duluri,
Isn’t Nikita a man’s name?
[Daphne – Yes, but her parents thought otherwise because it ends in A. They wanted a Soviet name ghax twieldet fiz-zmien il-hbiberija bejn Malta u r-Russja.]
Elton John’s fault.
Elton’s song was written for a man. But they put a girl in the video a la l-love songs ta’ George Michael.
Incidentalment, Isard, hemm duo Ukrain azzardat li jsejhu lilhom infushom Никита. Minhiex se nitfa’ l-link ghal Верёвки ghax Daphne tkeccini. Forsi l-bniet Maltin semmewhom ghal dan id-duo favoluz.
Yes, she was named after Nikita Khrushchev, the Soviet with a backside the size of the rear of a bus, who died in 1971.
This must be the guy who ‘was found guilty of holding two Dutch women’ and of ‘snatch and grab.’ Now I understand what was meant by those phrases.
Snatch and grab? As Daphne said, it’s a case of bag-snatching – but the bag is stuffed somewhere down the back of her wajt ginns.
When enquiring about Labour’s Red Touch, be sure not to go to
Mark C. mhux se toghgbu din.
Din tajba ghar-Ronnie P, mela. His Facebook profile tells us he’s a fan of ‘Intimate Malta’, a site that sells – and here I clear my throat – undergarments and, if you search long and hard enough, sAx toySSSS.
Forsi minn hemm hadu l-ispirazzjoni ghall-isem.
Memo lil funzjonarji nisa PL
Mahrug mid-Dipartiment tal-Kowkownazz
Suggett: nazz tu ju
Hi ir-rieda tal-Leader li jezercizza id-droit de seigneur fir-rigward tal-membri nisa PL. Kull funzjonarja ghandha ghalhekk tissottometti ghal ezami qasir minn persuna kwalifikata.
Kurt Farrugia said “we did a PBO” – since when does the “rieda tal-Leader” become a Royal We?
Thousands of people flocked to Valletta for the Our Lady of Sorrows procession….conspicuous by her presence was Consuelo.
Where was Nikita, what a classy name, when a historical tower was turned into a pig farm by ‘il-Qahbu’? Not to mention Comino, now a fund-raising venue for Super One, It-Torri L-Abjad in Armier and an endless list of other sites leased for peanuts by Labour to Labour.
What I cannot understand is this however. Why is a 50 something woman (or am I guessing wrongly Daphne?) picking on a young lady who is trying to do something about the issues in the country?
I mean, we might be uneducated, and some of us are, I meen we not all did reeseev Duffnees addyoucajxin. But one thing is for sure, unlike our lovely PN counterparts or for that matter, yourself, Daphne, we grab ass and not kiss it.
At the end of the day, could you please explain what does an individual’s personal life have to do with her comments about a VERY dodgy project that will ruin our capital city?
I believe that you must lack the ability to post criticism without ridiculing your subject, as otherwise your criticism would be weak.
Apart from that, I have to admit, I did something silly …
So I went on Google, clicked on images, and searched for the name “Daphne Caruana Galizia” and lo and behold, the image of a Cher look-a-like. Now seriously love, who’d wanna grab your ass? Unless they were chucking you over a CLIFF?
Yes Daphne, the real truth is that you look horrible. A man must be very desperate to reach for your glutes. But you might be lucky, they might actually grab your face as I have to admit that it looks a little bit like someone’s posterior, so worry not.
And because of my extremely uneducated background, and given the fact I am putting comments on a very smart individual’s website, (hence I want to sound witty) … I wanted to include a quote as they usually make an article sound more effective (for some reason) … these are the words of a very famous man …
“Blessed is he who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness for he is truly his brothers’ keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengence and furious anger, on those who attempt to poision and destroy my brothers, for you will know my name is the lord, when I lay my vengence upon thee (or is it D? … I’m sorry I forgot I’m uneducated.)
[Daphne – Another up-and-coming member of the Labour intelligentsia, I assume. Qisek tifhem f’who wants to grab my ass, nigi ommok. Ah jahasra, msieken. Chickens breeding chickens with no respite in sight. Free education, tertiary education open to those who can’t write, stipends, living at home with mummy, internet, everything at their fingertips, EU passport, u xorta bl-istess mentalita tal-genituri taghhom li kienu imorru fil-mEssmeetinKs iwersqu ‘MINTOFF MINTOFF IS-SALVATUR’. Unbelievable.]
“..picking on a young lady who is trying to do something about the issues in the country?”
If that someone is daft enough to pose for a photo while having her arse gropped, then all credibilty she is trying to portray goes straight out of the window.
Daphne – Again you are showing the level of your intelligence against us inferior sub-species. However here is my reply …
Ijja ta nifhem f’min who wants to grab your ass, ghax biex inghidlek – I am a guy u ifhimni, when I saw your photo I have to say – I was not impressed. Yet I do not want to go down that route as I do not want you to feel REALLY bad, I just want you to reflect on what you do.
With your superior intelligence and highly developed brain, you must have heard of the English saying “Empty vessels make most noice”.
Based on your comments it seems that your assumption is that I am a unviersity student? Hmm … Actually I am married to a wife who has succesfully managed to balance a strong career and a good family. I am father to a 3 year old son. I have a fantastic job in the financial industry as an analyst with above average pay. I never attended university, dropped out of Junior College, still have a MALTESE passport and not one that says European Union on it, live in my own apartment, never said “Mintoff is-salvatur” (but definitely see him as the man who made Malta), and every single stipend I got, I used to spend at White Arrow on beer & wine.
You are bang on when it comes to the internet bit however.
Now the difference is this Ma, when my chicken parents bred, they laid an egg. This egg hatched and out come a little chick. The chick grew, and became one fine rooster. The rooster made a lot of friends and became a very well known rooster. One day he met this fine chicken, and they moved into the hen-house and had an egg of their own.
When your chicken parents bred, they laid an egg as well. And out of that egg another little chick came out. But this is the difference my dear … that chick grew up to become … a cock.
[Daphne – Profile of a Labour voter. Lovely.]
They had a chick and wanted to name it Yakov but spelt it Yakof. And this chick received a good education because it lived under a PN government but, for all its formal instruction, it remained basically uneducated and, faithful to its origins, never loses an opportunity to show off its bird brain.
Damn right it’s lovely Ma.
My chicken parents worked their ASS off to give me some sort of direction when I was young – the lovely PN nuns used to make a big fuss if my dad did not hand out the mizata when it was due, and still did, when KMB said church schools were to be free.
When I started working for the Nationalist Government at one of the departments, it was fantastic how I ended up (18 yrs old at the time) speaking to Hon.Dalli together with my Dad, near the Coca-Cola building, about how backwards the public officer exams were – typewriter ??? This is the era of Pentium 3 mate …
Incredible how having 30 something points when I applied for 10 maisonettes and as a last resort, 1 flat – under a social housing scheme – qualified me for the flat, when my neighbours who applied at the same time, got the same bloody thing with 2 points.
Unbelievable how I was told by the Secretary of Hon.Tonio Borg in St.Venera, that I could not join the police force after having done the medical & the interview, because my parents lived in Ta’Xbiex across the road from the MLP club.
And these Ma, are nothing compared to other experiences, that I have lived through, thanks to some of the hbieb tal- hbieb within your circle.
They are nothing compared to the fact that I received an electricity bill for 1074 Euros, when my wife and I work from 9-6 daily.
They are absolutely insignificant when you see that some guy, decided that MY capital city is not nice enough and would like to change it – and my Prime-Minister decided to oblige instead of trying to find out how to induce a surge in business for the City’s retailers. Mela il Maltin imorru il belt biex jammirraw l-arkitettura? Dik issir meta tkun ghadek l-iskola biex tibda tapprezza, ahna imorru hemm biex nixtru jew ghal xi qadja – ovvjament wara li nqattghu nofs siegha inkazzati ghax ma hemmx parking. Nahseb is-sur Pjanu tghidx x’car park ippreparalna – Ma nghidux xi naqra lic-caqnu itina daqqa t’id fil progett?
Daphne – as 1 commentator said in relation to Nikita’s comments, I was not born in the 70s and neither do I recall the early 80s with very much detail – but why do I need to? Malta is as screwed up as I ever experienced it – I do not need to time travel.
You are right Mummy – the profile of a Labour Voter.
Without any doubt in my mind, with whole-hearted conviction and with encouragement to all those who are reading this lovely debate between an established “journalist” & a 28 year-old chicken – A Labour Voter.
You have a fantastic job in the financial services sector with an above average pay and you scrounge a flat off the social housing department?
You’re a disgrace to the workers’ party.
Your family’s out from 9 till 6 every day and you still burn up 1074Euros worth of utilities?
Here you are complaining about how hard your life’s been, yet you earn an above average income, you got your home for free or had it subsidised, and it’s so choked with gadgets and gizmos that you run up extraordinary utility bills, and you’re still only 28.
You’re either exaggerating or you’re a wastrel as well as a scrounger.
You say your life’s been difficult, yet you have a fantastic job with an above average pay, your own home which you didn’t pay for or had subsidised and which is so choked with gadgets and gizmos that you run up extraordinarily high utility bills in the few hours that you are at home, and you’re still only 28.
You’re either lying to impress, or you’re a wastrel as well as a scrounger.
Yakof – Do yourself a favour and get yourself a crash-course in English. You also seriously need to brush up on your spelling, as do your fellow elves.
Here goes another bigot quoting the bible u tinqeda bir-religjon.
How come a young (under 30) able-bodied employed person is eligible to apply for social housing and actually manage to get a flat!
I think the government should rectify this situation – I also know a number of university graduates who as students applied for social housing and actually were awarded property on the basis that their income (stipend!!) was below the minimum wage (or something along those lines). And these people are now earning big money compared to cikku l-poplu as they are lawyers and doctors!! And they’re all Labourites – basta ingergru kemm huma hodor in-Nazzjonalisti!
Ok Miss Daphne ‘Educated’ Caruana Galizia, besides the fact that she is representing a sizeable proportion of the population who think the same way as she does. You have a knack for criticising up and coming political people obviously with an agenda that differs from yours, just one suggestion I have for you, try be constructive in your criticism…so much for ass grabbing it seems to me jealousy at its best ;)
Take it from one who knows, Dirk: Daphne at 22/Nikita at 22 – absolutely no contest. Nikita would have been one of those large lasses gazing in envy at the white bikini.
And let’s face it: Daphne at 45/Nikita at 22, no contest either. But I underdstand that you’re way too young to be able to see that.
” …criticising up and coming political people obviously with an agenda that differs from yours…”
Oh come off it Dirk. Red or blue is not the point at all in this photo. It is precisely because of this photo, that she should not be into any kind of politics in the first place. Ghada mohh ir-rieh, and she should stick to Paceville et al till she grows up a bit more. I said in post further up, that if someone is daft enough to pose for a photo while having her arse gropped, then all credibilty she is trying to portray goes straight out of the window.
Dirk Urpani
If Nikita Zammit Alamango is representing “..a sizeable proportion of the population who think the same way as she does”, it doesn’t say much for that population, sadly.
@Dork – Why all this sudden pro-Labour? Hadn’t you said a year ago had you been old enough to vote, then you’d vote AD? Oh, I’d forgotten – MLP/AD: one and the same.
Nikita take a hike – and stop kissing ass.
@ dulur – yes sure mlp/ad hence the fact that in the referendum for EU we all know what happened haha…