You won't believe this, but….

I'll wear a pink tie and speak about gejSSSS while my people call others 'ja pufta'.
The first comment that came in after I uploaded Edward Caruana Galizia’s message was from somebody who said:
“Eh yes… pull the other one!!!”
I was so gobsmacked that I pressed Delete instead of Approve (bhal ta’ Glenn Dangerfield fl-Ewropa, din). After that, I sat still for five minutes trying to work out the reasoning behind this, though reasoning might be too kind a word.
The only conclusion I could come up with is that these people are so brainwashed by their own homespun lies and propaganda that when the truth is exposed they can deal with it only by convincing themselves, against all commonsense and rationality, that the truth is actually a conspiracy to hide what they believe to be real.
It’s either that or have to face the fact that they’re partially-brained suckers with completely impaired judgement and no knowledge of who’s who in Malta.
Or that the empty names they’re slandering in fact belong to real human-beings who are going to put a rocket under them, rather than the impersonal and distant cardboard cut-outs they see in OK magazine.
So let’s see how their minds work. It’s hard, but I’ll try.
They know I have son/s. They’re not sure how many or what their names are. They can sort of roughly work out the age group, but even there, they’re confused because they all seem to be the same age and gender (that’s right; they are).
The family habit of giving birth to batches of children of the same gender and roughly the same age has caused these headless chickens similar confusion where my sisters are concerned. Marelli, how many are there? Blink, and a different sister pops out of the woodwork. And in this case, the headless chickens are flapping even harder because there are all these sisters, they all seem roughly the same age, and – oh dear – they all have different surnames.
They make the amazing discovery that Caruana Galizia is my married name (no sh*t, Sherlock – massive clues: husband called Caruana Galizia and children ditto) and then hit on thrilling discovery Number Two. My maiden surname is Vella, ergo I must be a peasant who married above my station. Wrong on both counts, but I wouldn’t expect real peasants li saru nies bis-sahha ta’ dan il-gvern to know that.
Then they mistake the foreman at my father’s company for my father – the first one to do this was Sharon Ellul Bonici, who described him very insultingly – and use this ‘golden discovery’ about my humble origins for a lot of ‘min tahseb li hi’ mockery. Apparently, in the Labour Party it is not just a source of shame to be gay, but it is also a source of shame to be from il-klassi tal-haddiema.
Go figure.
I have to say I don’t blame them for their confusion. My father and I don’t even look like we belong to the same ethnic group, let alone the same family. I’m a Mamo, like my mother.
Desperate for ‘dirt’, the headless chickens cast about on the internet and they find somebody writing about gay rights who has the same surname as I do, and who appears, from his photograph, to be in his early 20s.
Bingo! They’ve hit gold. They’ve found my son, he’s gay and hiding it from me and others, so they’re going to expose him on the internet and discuss his ‘dirty’ secrets (the dirty secret turns out to be homosexuality – perhaps we should report them to LGBT Labour).
They discuss him, target him and behave maliciously towards him, rubbing their hands with glee because they think they are doing this to my son.
I point out on this blog that he is not my son – not because I wouldn’t be proud of him if he were, but because he isn’t, full stop. Their reaction? They think I am lying and they carry on.
Then Edward Caruana Galizia himself, sick to the gills of their stupid rubbish, writes a message to them and posts it on this blog: I am not her son. I am gay. It is not a secret. I go to Kloset. So what?
And the reaction of these morons?
I must have invented the message. Of course! That’s what I did!
‘Come on, pull the other one’.
They’re either very mad, very stupid, or so cut off from what they like to call the ‘mittilkless’ that they have no idea who anyone is and think that it is possible for me to have a son called Edward and pretend that I don’t.
Or more to the point, that it is possible for me to invent a message from a real person who happens to be my husband’s cousin’s son and to upload it on this blog under his name and without his permission, as a sort of decoy.
Totally crackers.
I have to say, though, that this illustrates perfectly why it was necessary for Joseph Muscat to get somebody like Sandro Chetcuti to pimp for him, so to speak, with businessmen and dinners.
How socially cut off do you have to be to depend on the good offices of a thug and his contacts to set up meetings with people in business, because you don’t even know yourself who they are and what they do?
It’s bad enough that the leader of the Opposition is such a backwoods bunny that he isn’t aware it isn’t necessary for him to know key figures personally to set up a meeting with them. He is the leader of the Opposition. All he has to do is instruct his personal assistant to get on the phone, ring X and say that the Labour leader would like a meeting. That’s all. No Sandro, no pimps, no go-between, nothing.
What total idiots. Honestly.
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This is how they run the opposition party. Let’s all vote PL to find out how they run a country.
Cara ‘l ghala. Iridu bilfors jitilghu fil- gvern, u m’huma se jhallu XEJN (wisq inqas xi haqa fugaci u negozzjabbli daqs il- ‘verita’) tinsabbjalhom il- pjanijiet.
Silta minn – 1984 ta’ George Orwell:
The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness: only power, pure power… We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power.”
Recitate e decifrate, kif kien jghid Vittorio Gassman.
Ghal naqra ma hasbuhx Michael Cassar ukoll.
If they couldn’t believe it, then they cannot understand how stupid they are.
Joseph Muscat decides to befriend the business people who do not normally vote Labour. Well and good. Worth the try. BUT who does he pick and choose for his Business Forum? A woman who has two small shops selling baby clothes, a criminal lawyer who made his money defending the worst criminals we ever had, and then that thug of Sandro Chetcuti – who coincidentally is now being defended by that very criminal lawyer. Oh and I almost forgot the 40,000 EUR mercenary, Marisa, in this humble list. Now if this is the best that Muscat could find to help him build links with business, then help us God.
Labour elves at work. Much too stupid to understand.
And again – more tips for Marisa.
Haddt gost, Marisa hi, meta l-bierah fuq it-television Muscat qal li ghandu lilek, u Bondi rrispondih, ‘Zommha’?
Tajba kienet dik, u Muscat mohhu biex idawwar lil Bondi ha jivvota lil Labour,miskin u jahasra dal bniedem. Allahares ikollu jiehu l-pajjiz f’idejh.
You forgot one thing: LGBT Labour was set-up as an advocacy group, because apparently we need the Labour Party to tell us what advocacy is.
Can’t you see that Muscat is fake? And moreover tonight in his speech he said that ‘qalbi tokrobni’ to have a united society. Well, Fenech Adami gie qablek, hanini.
I just love your comment.
“All he has to do is instruct his personal assistant to get on the phone, ring X and say that the Labour leader would like a meeting.”
Y-e-s-s! But then most people who would say no to that request when relayed by a ‘personal assistant’ might reply differently if the same request were to be personally delivered by a thug – the preferred method honed and polished by Labour as experience over the better part of the past 60 years has amply demonstrated.
True. The “Gonna make him an offer he can’t refuse” approach is not as effective over the phone.
Daphne, you have taken them all on and I won’t say you’re winning, I’ll just say you’ve already beaten the sh_t out of them.
I know so many people, including decent members of the judiciary, who were apprehensive about your writing style, but never doubted the content, or the courage it took to open Pandora’s box.
They have all changed their mind. They now realise yours was the ONLY style that could work in dealing with these incompetent, decrepit sleazebags.
PL’s latest hate site only shows they are so stupid they couldn’t organise a piss-up in a brewery. They really are their own worst enemies and have made themselves the PN’s best asset.
Philip, well said. This chickie is a toughie.
Simple, straightforward, elementary English illustrating the worldview (no that is too difficult to begin to imagine), rather than the Maltaview through which these dunces perceive reality. But do you think they are going to get it? St. Jude, patron of all impossibilities, improbabilities and unlikelihood start doing something, please.
Looks like the PL is using ‘1984’ as their handbook.
I’ve known Ed for a couple of months now. He is a perfectly decent guy and doesn’t deserve to have his privacy destroyed in such a manner. He may well be comfortable having his sexuality exposed before the entire country. It is very unfair, however, that a semi-official Labour blog did it in such an indiscreet and sensationalistic manner.
Coming out is a very delicate and trying period in a gay man’s life. I believe he was fortunate enough to have told some members of his family before any of this opprobrium on TYOM about him was exposed.
Irrespective of this, it is very unfair that the life of a private citizen was used to target Daphne or to make a political point.
TYOM has every right to employ cynical tit-for-tat tactics. It’s for their readers to decide whether this is acceptable to them or not. What is not their right is to use lies about members of her family or even facts about others who happen to share the same surname to counter the exposing of details on the conduct of public figures.
Consuelo Scerri Herrera, Jose Scerri Herrera, Robert Musumeci, and all the others mentioned on this blog are public figures. They are magistrates, politicians, trade union activists, or media personalities.
Daphne’s husband and children are not public figures. Edward is even less so as he’s not even related to her.
I wonder what LGBT Labour’s beliefs on discrimination and hate crimes on sexual orientation are, and whether bullying a private individual (or anyone else for that matter) on his sexual orientation should be made a criminal offence as in all developed countries.
Dr. Scerri, for his sins, married Consuelo. He had the good sense, though, not to wed her sibling as well.
My mistake. Apologies for that.