A message from my father
Michael A. Vella
The lies and ‘qlajjiet’ by the pro-Consuelo factions against Daphne and other members of our family (I am her father) in blogs set up for this express purpose and, even more shamefully, in the Labour media, are getting worse by the day.
The increasingly low levels to which they are sinking in their sustained attacks are illustrative of the despair of these benighted persons in their futile attempts at defending the indefensible.
The situation has highlighted the extent to which a large part of this supposedly devout and Catholic population is driven by envy, hatred and ill will.
In trying to tear down those of whom they are envious and towards whom they are resentful for a great variety of reasons, these individuals remain totally blinded to the fundamental issues that are at stake: the defence of the right to freedom of speech and the assurance of having a fair, impartial, and trusted judiciary.
Here we have a case where a member of the judiciary, specifically Magistrate Consuelo Scerri Herrera, who was appointed to the bench to assure those rights and who has sworn an oath on the Crucifix to do so, has made use of the police and of the law court itself in a bid to stop facts emerging about her and, in so doing, has put the entire judicial system into public contempt.
Yet because of their political beliefs, because they see Magistrate Scerri Herrera as one of the Labour Party’s own and my daughter as the Labour Party’s arch enemy, these very people whose rights Daphne is standing up for are falling over themselves in trying – uselessly, I might add – to destroy her and cause harm to our family.
Well – I have a message for all you miserable people. You remain free to wallow in the filth that you are generating, but always to no avail since we, as a family, stand together and we stand fast. We have certainly been through much worse than this.
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Now they’ve got a problem: an hour with a dictionary and a grammar rule-book at least to work out what’s being said here, and then a day to produce a response with the help of the same tools.
So let me put it in language they can understand: up yours, wackos and weirdos and inbred jerks, and please don’t tell me a dictionary is required for that, too.
You must be very proud of your daughter, Mr Vella. May your family have a Blessed Easter.
I second that!
A strong unit.
It’s not political differences we’re talking about here so much as social, cultural and educational differences. You’re dealing here with people who think that an education comes in the form of a university diploma after a few years of skating the surface and leaving still unable to string a simple sentence together. You’re talking about people who think that materialism and scrounging about for the trappings of a ‘lajfstajl’ means they have arrived (but where?). And you’re talking about people who are so different from the milieu you are familiar with, and so cut off and separate from it, that they can never hope to understand it, just as they cannot see how very easy it is for others to comprehend the lanzit, hatred and envy which drives this particular level of society. To them, Consuelo and her brother Jose are models of achievement who lead a ‘lifestyle’ to which they themselves aspire. That just about says it all.
Consuelo and her brother are two louts who had better call it a day and quit their positions, one from the bench, the other from the House. Shame on the Labour Party for setting such low standards.
He sure has, Hot Mama, because they have the balls which most of us don’t have to stand up to these bigots!
Hekk hu Herbie
A rare and true gentleman.
Maryanne, it’s true that my father is a rare and true gentleman – something which even Lorry Sant was once moved to acknowledge in print – but the sort of people we are dealing with here have no access to this information because they live in a narrow world of their own and are completely cut off from it.
He is extremely well-respected by all who know him, as was his father before him, and any attempt at tarnishing his reputation can, because of that, only rebound on those who make it.
The fact that they don’t know this only reveals that they have just come out of nowhere, and spend all their time with people who have done the same.
They are ridiculous, and a danger to themselves and their political party more than to anyone else.
Michael Vella said it all. There is very little one can add except that all of us positvely contributing to this blog are all behind your family
Red-nose, Fully agree with what you say.
I must add though, that I found Corinne’s translation fitting for those jerks, who I hope will before long be brought to justice.
Michael, I am four square behind Daphne.
I am sure a number of people would be interested in seeing a transcript of the marks obtained by the Labour spokesman on justice when he was enrolled on the LLD course in the University of Malta. I am told he always struggled to pass his exams. Could any of your readers enlighten us?
[Daphne – Don’t believe all you hear. Over at the let’s-lie-about-her-children-to-stop-her site they’re saying (so sad) that I did badly in all my O-levels (this about a woman who sat for them 30 years ago) except English – when I left with an unprecedented special school prize for scoring 12 of them on the same certificate, rather than staggering them in stages over two years, and with top grades too – despite never having studied, never paying the slightest bit of attention in class, and spending whole lessons in the school corridor or the headmistress’s office, not for any wrongdoing like smoking or cheating, I hasten to add, but for taking the mickey out of the worst of the teachers in such a way that they knew I was doing something that made them uncomfortable but they weren’t quite sure what it was or how to deal with it, so they solved their problem by removing me from their presence. Baqa f’wicchom. I will never forget the expressions on some of their faces when I walked off with that prize and their ‘pets’ came in a close 20th.]
“spending whole lessons in the school corridor or the headmistress’s office” – mela studjajt barra.
Fuq ONE TV issa ghandna il-bandiera ta’ l-Ewropa fuq il-Monument tal-Helsien.
Is it possible to have a head-count of all those who support Daphne’s worthy cause?
Note to Chris Agius ta’ Soho (studying in London, ha!) who follows everything I write here keenly but is conspicuously devoid of grey matter:
the fact that I am 45 does not mean my father is ’80 something’. He is 71.
The ‘bag lady’ is Corinne; the ‘lice one’ is Helene – and not the other way round.
Imbasta ghandkom xeba ‘informazzjoni’ fuq kullhadd, meta lanqas biss tafu min hu min u tahsbu li ghax xi hadd kunjomu Caruana Galizia allura bilfors jigi t-tifel tieghi. Qabda brainless – turu kemm intkom maqtughin mis-socjeta li tghidulha ‘mittilkless’ u li ma tafux xi tfisser (hint: mhux dawk b’xi Alfa armata u xi maisonette u xi sjut tal-polyester).
Ma, kemm jien antipatika, u kemm niehu pjacier inkun antipatika maghkom ghax il-vera nies redikoli u injoranti, qiskom xi peasant revolutionaries ta’ Chairman Mao.
I suppose Sandro Chetcuti, who sports a Ferrari, must be upper class.
Kollu arja u ma jiswa xejn. Issa nehha dak ir-ritratt li kellu biex rega kixef wiccu.
U x’wicc dak, ukoll.
Sur Vella, ta’ min jghidlek prosit. Hallihom il-kritici tieghek iperpru ma’ kull rih. Forsi xi darba taslilhom it-terrimot li weghdilhom Muscat.
Bless you … I understand you completely.
Well said, Michael – and it’s admirable how you and your other daughters are solidly backing and defending Daphne. We will never let the filth and the hatred of the PL obstruct the dissemination of the truth about these frustrated w****ers who still can’t get over losing ANOTHER election.
Get it into your head, you bunch of losers – the PN will govern this country at least for another three years, and, if you don’t like it, you can always consider emigrating to North Korea.
Well said, Michael and well done for standing up for your daughter…no wonder she is what she is!
Well done, Michael.
Nationalist MP wins libel damages
Nationalist MP David Agius was awarded €2,500 in damages today after a court concluded that he had been libelled by an article published in It-Torca in February 2008.
Mr Agius claimed that the article entitled “David Agius: iva hemm il-korruzzjoni fil-PN” was libellous and he requested the Magistrates Court presided over by Magistrate Consuelo Scerri Herrera to award him damages.
Mr Agius told the court that he had participated in the programme “Ir-Realta'” on Smash TV in which he had said that if there any hint of corruption, action had to be taken. The newspaper had however claimed that Mr Agius had said that there was corruption within the PN.
In its judgement the court said that a balance had to be maintained between an individual’s reputation and the right to freedom of expression. The newspaper had a duty to inform the public of matters of public interest but it could not damage an individual’s reputation by saying that corruption existed.
In order for a defence of fair comment to be successful, the newspaper had to prove that the facts in issue were substantially true.
Good on you, Michael, and well said. We all know that what your daughter is reporting is the truth and that’s why we support her on this blog.
They will try to stain your daughter’s reputation (as sewer rats do) but they will fail, as your daughter is one of the most sincere persons that I’ve ever met.
You must be a proud father. Happy Easter, sir.
This is my first encounter with your father through this column. Let me express my support also as a father who sees his daughter standing for and defending her principles/opinions fearlessly in a democratic and civilized manner. Truth will prevail at the end. May you and all your family enjoy a Blessed Easter.
Trying to besmirch an honest and upright man like Michael Vella shows the depths to which these people have descended. It is a clear message to all those professional and business people (some of whom are FAA supporters) who are openly declaring that this country needs a change irrespective of what that change might be. This is the dirty and obscene alternative which awaits us.
Dear Mr. Vella,
It has been a shock to many to hear of the level to which certain individuals will fall in their futile endeavours to silence those who fight on despite having to face a continued and callous opposition.
You have a daughter to be proud of as she fights for all that is right but above all for freedom of speech.
I wish you and your family health, happiness and fulfillment.
Labour has now attacked four consecutive generations of our family, and this has been going on nearly forty years. It started off with the take-over of the National Bank of Malta and hasn’t stopped since.
Being almost forty myself, it is what I have known all my life, and I have strangely become accustomed to it, and expect no better.
I have great admiration for all the members of my family who have come under attack, from those who are now gone, to the youngest, targeted horribly at the age of 19 by Super One in the midst of a general election campaign, for no political crime greater than being his mother’s son.
Not only are they blessed with great intelligence and courage, but no matter how bad people tried to make things for us, we always carried on and rose above it.
I know I am very lucky and privileged to have this man as my father and I have a profound respect for him.
He stands by what he believes in and never tries to impose his opinions on any one of us. He is always there when we need him no matter what.
He has always provided for us and given us a very happy childhood even in the roughest of times, and always with a great sense of humour.
Others have not been quite so lucky in having a decent and correct man for a father and the results, unfortunately for them and for the rest of us, are quite obvious.
For a father to hear these lovely words from his daughter must make him feel so proud. Sadly, the poignancy of the message is totally lost with so many of the cretins on the ‘other’ side.
But actually, who cares, as long as it gets through to the ones who really matter.
Where is Twanny – cowering in shame, perhaps? Or maybe he has one of those computer malfunctions to which Labour appears to be prone.
“Twanny” is probably cowering in shame because I have a very strong suspicion that he knows my father very well and would thus also know that all the supposed dirt that Labour is “exposing” is just that.
Twanny’s real name is Victor Laiviera.
Hey Daphne. I’m up in the Swiss Alps doing some spring skiing and just caught up with last week’s shenanigans.
Looks like you’ve got them by the short and curlies.
Would like to meet your dad. He comes across as a true gentleman and a father of whom, I am sure, you are very proud.
These brainless idiots are not even ‘ denji ‘ to tie your shoelaces, Mr.Vella. May GOD bless you and all your family.
You and your family are in our prayers. Kuragg u kif dejjem kien jghid Fenech Adami, is-sewwa jirbah zgur. Shame on them.
Imma dawn jahsbu li xi darba iridu jiggvernawna? Kemm sejrin zbaljati.
Komplu sejrin hekk tal-Labour, u c-cens hu PERPETWU.
Anzi, grazzi hafna talli qeghdin tifthu ghajnen xi whud li forsi huma maqrusin u jghidu li ma jridux jivvutaw meta jasal il-waqt. Grazzi ukoll talli b’ghemilhom qeghdin juru l-eletturi z-zghar xi jsarfu.
Sur Vella, haga wahda hemm tajba, “li Malta zghira u n-nies maghrufa”.
Daphne, keep it up and thank you for your work.
Skond iz-zokk il-fergha, ghandha ‘l min tixbah Daphne! Veru dan m’hu xejn hdejn li ghaddejtu, imma xorta inkwiet jibqa’, u dan m’hu tajjeb ghal-hadd. Nixtieq l-Ghid it-tajjeb lis-Sur Vella u l-familja kollha tieghu.
Mr. Vella, go after them in court, sue them and take them to the cleaners. Challenge the Opposition leader on national television to rebuke and condemn these people. Dare him to kick them permanently out of his party. Don’t stop until he is pressured within his party to do so.
Your courageous daughter has become a member of my family. She is the voice of decency and transparency.
Sir, all the best to you.
@ The Hon. Dr. Joseph Muscat
And to think that I was actually thinking of voting Labour in the next elections. After all these sexual scandals, hypocrisy and violence at the GRTU, the threats made to Daphne are the last straw. That’s one vote you can kiss goodbye, I’m afraid.
I would rather eat my vote than give it to you so that such filth can rise to positions of power.
I’d hazard a guess that your real name is not Astrid.
Well spoken.
Mr. Vella, you have brought up your daughters well. We are all with you.
I agree. You are.
Allow me to copy these two comments which are relevant to this post.
Philip says:
”Well – I have a message to all you miserable people. You remain free to wallow in the filth that you are generating, but always to no avail since we, as a family, stand together and we stand fast”
Prosit Mr Vella. And with your family, so do many of Daphne’s friends.
Riya says:
The PL have been trying to destroy Daphne for quite a long time. Now they are also attacking her family. This behaviour by Labour is not unusual because Labour tried to destroy many families and even succeeded in some cases. But I think with Daphne it’s a bit difficult, even if they try to invent stories like we heard recently, and this was not the first time either.
To all the family Vella – keep in mind that ‘iz-zejt jitla’ f’wicc l-ilma’ and ‘is-sewwa jirbah zgur’. You are not alone in this story.
In a few words, a man of integrity.
You don’t mean the one in the picture, I take it.
Well said, Mr Vella. To all others: the change this country needs is of the leader of opposition, who cannot even control the ‘educated’ few in his party, still less the rest.
Further up someone asked for credentials for the LL.Ds at present in the Labour Party. Do you remember the Students’ Selection Board during the years of terror? Or are you still tooy young to remember? Enough said!
I don’t always agree with Daphne’s “journalistic” tactics however I back her up to the hilt on this one.
We have had enough of some glorified bums who are appointed to the bench for no other than political reasons. I start to agree that the Commission for the Administration of Justice is yet another commission of eyewash, just there to reassure people that everything is being done according to the book.
Well! I congratulate Mr. Vella for standing up for his family. He is a man of integrity if there ever was one – in the footsteps of his own father, who I had the fortune to encounter when I was younger than his great grandchildren are today. He epitomised the word “gentleman” and was admired by all.
Daphne, it seems that only journalists of integrity have the power to rid the bench of scum. Unfortunately, in a free world there are also those journalists who pile up the crap. But, “is-sewwa jirbah zgur”, jew hekk suppost.
This blog seems to have succeeded in ridding itself of such scum as Twanny – good – it already sounds cleaner.
[Daphne – I don’t think Twanny is scum. I think he is embarrassed to be associated with the Labour scum who are maliciously attacking members of my family, especially when he knows them to be perfectly straight (in every sense of the word) and decent. He’s probably not too happy about the rampant homophobia, either, or the progressive and moderate descriptions of trans-sexuals as creatures of shame.]