After id-Duluri tal-Belt, this Friday Consuelo ghal-fuq l-Gholja tas-Salib ghal-mixja tal-Gimgha l-Kbira

Published: March 30, 2010 at 9:51am
U hawnhekk naghmlu l-mobile toilets ghall-party li Consuelo se taghmel ghal Dar il-Providenza....

U hawnhekk naghmlu l-mobile toilets ghall-party li Consuelo se taghmel ghal Dar il-Providenza....

Magistrate Herrera walks behind the statue of Our Lady of Sorrows in Malta’s most public procession, and now her adulterous lover – we’re using Catholic terminology here, given the religious context – plasters his Facebook wall with an announcement about the lighting of the Cross (not in the Ku Klux Klan sense, you understand) on the hill outside Siggiewi.

Are these people able to understand that religion is a chosen way of life and not an empty tradition to the outer trappings of which one must be seen to adhere?

Robert and Consuelo are like characters in a book by Graham Greene set somewhere in the remoter parts of central America.

Robert Musumeci

Viva Robert.

11 Comments Comment

  1. dudu says:

    Marlene Pulicino Orlando, another adulturer, will surely make herself seen there too.

  2. Mario Lanza says:

    High priest of hypocrisy

  3. Michael A. Vella says:

    The lies and ‘qlajjiet’ by the pro-Consuelo factions in ‘hate Daphne’ dedicated blogs, and even more shamefully in the PL media, against Daphne and other members of our family (I am her father) are getting worse by the day.

    The increasingly low levels to which they are sinking in their sustained attacks are illustrative of the despair of these benighted persons in their futile attempts to defend the indefensible.

    One thing that the situation has highlighted is the extent to which a large part of this supposedly devout and Catholic population is driven by envy, by hatred, and by ill will in general. They remain totally blinded to the fundamental issues that are at stake: the defence of the right to freedom of speech and the assurance of having a fair, impartial, and trusted judiciary.

    Here we have a case where a member of the judiciary, specifically Magistrate Consuelo Scerri Herrera, who was appointed to the bench to assure those rights and who has sworn an oath on the Crucifix to do so, has made use of the police and of the law court itself in a bid to stop facts emerging about her and, in so doing, has put the entire judicial system into public contempt.

    Yet because of their political beliefs, because they see Consuelo as ‘belonging’ to the Labour Party and Daphne as the Labour Party’s enemy, these very people whose rights Daphne is standing up for are falling over themselves in trying to destroy her and her family.

    Well – I have a message to all you miserable people. You remain free to wallow in the filth that you are generating, but always to no avail since we, as a family, stand together and we stand fast.

    • Philip says:

      ”Well – I have a message to all you miserable people. You remain free to wallow in the filth that you are generating, but always to no avail since we, as a family, stand together and we stand fast”

      Prosit Mr Vella. And with your family, so do many of Daphne’s friends.

  4. Dem-ON says:

    Those attending, please do not forget to bring along your picnic coolers. A candle light supper by the cross will be held after a speech by the Mayor. A magistrate will be present to acquit you from all your sins. Entertainment will feature the Easter bunny…

  5. Riya says:

    The PL have been trying to destroy Daphne for quite a long time. Now they are also attacking her family. This behaviour by Labour is not unusual because Labour tried to destroy many families and even succeeded in some cases. But I think with Daphne it’s a bit difficult, even if they try to invent stories like we heard recently, and this was not the first time either.

    To all the family Vella – keep in mind that ‘iz-zejt jitla’ f’wicc l-ilma’ and ‘is-sewwa jirbah zgur’. You are not alone in this story.

  6. Andrew says:

    The Power And The Glory!

  7. Nikki says:

    Now this is what I call irony.

    From Robert Musumeci’s Facebook wall in reference to the above post:

    Manuel Cutajar: perit stenna xi blog wara din ;)
    20 hours ago

    Manuel Cutajar: bingo!! told you perit ehh……anke profeti ghandha r-rahal mela mhux sinners biss kif qed jghidulna ;)
    5 hours ago

    I just love the the way Manuel Cutajar wrote ‘bingo!!”

    Unwittingly he used the same expression which you did when you wrote about Magistrate Scerri Herrera presiding over the case of her lover’s brother (tal-picnic cooler biex niftehmu) –
    “Bingo! Joseph Musumeci is Robert’s brother”

    Manuel, besides sinners as you put it, since we here refer to adulterers, fornicators, a magistrate who lies under oath, you may also add vanishing picnic coolers.

  8. Zorro Malta says:

    This is the guy who preaches, advocates and sings the praises of compromise. No wonder he is so miserably compromised.

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