Alex Saliba of Forum Zghazagh Laburisti: promoting a homophobic blog while pretending to be supportive of gay rights

Published: March 31, 2010 at 12:32am


While heavily promoting, which is replete with homophobia and contempt for trans-sexuals, on his Facebook account, the secretary-general of Forum Zghazagh Laburisti promoted a gay rights event called ‘MOVE Opens Up the Closet: Are Gay Rights Still An Issue?’

Gay rights may or may not be an issue. But the contempt that legions of Labour supporters and – as evidenced by the secretary-general of FZL, even Labour politicians – have for homosexuals and trans-sexuals certainly is an issue, and a major one.

On the surface, you have Joseph Muscat mouthing off about geJJJSSSS and making sure that his token gay couple friends come knocking when – oh, happy coincidence – there just happens to be somebody on his sofa interviewing him and eating Michelle’s gingerbread men.

And barely beneath the surface, there are all these Labour people who think homosexuality is a dirty secret, who speak of trans-sexuals as ‘it’, and for whom the greatest form of slander is to call somebody gay.

Qishom hargu mil-gherien il-bierah u qabdu u libsu tal-mittilkless bhala cunning disguise, imma baqaw bil-mentalita tat-troglodytes.

What are the odds that, within the Labour Party, LGBT Labour is known as ‘Is-sekxin tal-pufti’?

‘Il-lejla ghandhom laghqa ghall-pufti u nisa-irgiel, ras! Tghid immorru naraw x’hemm?’

12 Comments Comment

  1. Nikki says:

    It gets better. One of the two people who clicked “likes this” is Alex Saliba himself.

  2. Cannot Resist Anymore! says:

    Surely, this Alex Saliba is sending out some mixed messages big time! What I find odder is that he is not even aware of his inconsistencies.

    But then again, how can you fully blame him and his like in that cave, if in all likelihood, he is rooting (not in the Australian sense, although one never knows) for a certain magistrate who can shag a married man behind her husband’s back, lie under oath in court at least twice, goes to Catholic processions but does not follow the moral teaching of the Catholic Church…how is that for some mixed and confusing messages?

  3. Jill says:

    “Labour leader Joseph Muscat said this evening at a Freedom Day commemoration that he longed for the day when the Maltese people enjoyed the freedom of having demolished the barriers that divided them.”

    Put your money where your mouth is, Joseph Muscat. You can’t say that FZL people setting up a hate site are doing so as private individuals. (Unless, of course, you’ve caught a form of “magistratitis”.)

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      X’divided l-ostra? Xorta huma snobs inkalliti. Dal-pajjiz dejjem mexa bil-klassijiet. Ilbieragh kienet mod, illum mod iehor. Ja qabda bastards, jew bastits.

  4. Hibernating from Malta says:

    This is just the beginning of homophobic attacks… One TV already have programmes filmed and edited to be shown when the time comes slandering gay PN politicians and activists, according to (ironically) gay and ‘progressive’ people at One TV. Bring it on One TV, then tell your LGBT Group to comment about it.

  5. Hibernating from Malta says:

    Ah yes… just remembered that when Alex was 16/17 (round 2003/4) and still at Junior College, long before he started wearing cheap suits biex juri il-mummy fejn wasal, he used to refer to a very respectable openly gay student, active in student-affairs as ‘dak il-pufta’.

    • Robbie says:

      But people’s opinions can change, can’t they?

      • jomar says:

        Imma min jitwieled tond, difficli biex imut kwadru. L-opinjoni tista tinbidel imma l-karattru jibqa l-istess.

      • salamander says:

        NO – what one used to say yesterday – if he is honest with himself- he has to repeat it today. that’s consistency for one and all. Saying one thing today and doing another thing tomorrow is what Labour did in government.

  6. red-nose says:

    What is important is that all (repeat all) those who have second thoughts about voting PN in 2013, get to know of all these hnizrijiet.

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