And now, a message from the man those crass idiots think is my son or my husband (they can't decide which)
![alex-saliba-of-fzl Alex Saliba of Forum Zghazagh Laburisti: nice one, Alex, you messed up royally there. Imbasta bl-LGBT Labour u l-'gay rights' ta' sidek.](
Alex Saliba of Forum Zghazagh Laburisti: nice one, Alex, you messed up royally there. Imbasta bl-LGBT Labour u l-'gay rights' ta' sidek.
Members of the Labour Party are spreading the rumour that my husband and/or my son/s is/are gay.
They can’t decide which or what, or whether my husband is having an affair with a man or a woman or both for good measure, because obviously he doesn’t want to have sex with me because I’m a trans-sexual – which means he either married a trans-sexual or he was somehow able to marry a man who then became a woman, and God alone knows how I gave birth.
Oh I know, because they suggested how I might have done this, showing great knowledge of the human reproductive system: by IVF. It’s the other way round, sweethearts: trans-sexuals can have sex, but they can’t have babies.
Labour’s spokesman for justice, Jose Herrera, was overheard spreading just this rumour in a coffee-shop in Valletta.
And no, he didn’t say ‘F’gh*xx il-prim ministru, ir-ragel taghha pufta.’ But almost. Well, what can I say? In their world, it seems, if you’re not a nymphomaniac or a man who’s putting it about all the time with any slag who crosses his path to prove his masculinity (ghax hawn Malta l-irgiel macho hekk: jieklu mal-mummy u jahxu ma’ min isibu wara nofs in-nhar), then you’re not normal.
Because that’s normality to them.
The same sort of things are now being said on the website run by Christopher Agius, a rabid Labour supporter, and promoted by Alex Saliba, secretary-general of Forum Zghazagh Laburisti, and Pia Micallef, who writes for Maltastar and reads out emails on Miriam Dalli’s show TX on Super One.
Pia Micallef even posts this sort of thing on my website here, under a false name – but I have her IP number and she’s far too dull to work out how I got it.
Inherent in all of this, of course, are the Labour Party’s true feelings about homosexuality. Beyond all the hogwash about LGBT Labour and ‘gay rights’ and civil partnerships, this is the true reality of Labour: one in which ‘pufta’ is the ultimate insult and homosexuality is a dirty secret which others try to keep hidden lest their mothers find out.
I am not surprised. It is exactly the sentiment one would expect of Malta’s most doggedly conservative political party, one which is supported by Malta’s most doggedly conservative citizens.
The real reason that Muscat won’t put divorce in his general election manifesto and is talking instead of a private members’ bill is that he knows what his backwoods-bunny supporters think of it.
They think it’s evil, just as they think that homosexuality is something to be ashamed of, and that the proper response to a homosexual is ‘ja pufta’ followed by a thorough washing of hands lest they get Aids, followed by disinfecting any surfaces he might have touched.
Now here’s a message to put them straight.
From Edward Caruana Galizia
I’m not quite sure what it is that I was being accused of, or why I was mentioned in their ridiculous ramblings anyway. Yes, I comment on articles that are connected to Gay rights, and I stand by what I say. If anyone would like to know my views then they can contact me.
What’s their point exactly? And do the followers even read what they write themselves? First they talk about me like I’m your son (going behind your back?) and then they talk about me like I’m your husband.
And they did all this thinking I wasn’t going to find out. Ha! I found out straight away: someone sent me an anonymous email telling me about it.
I’m not sure, but from what I understood this is what they have come up with.
Edward Caruana Galizia, Daphne’s husband/son (they still haven’t decided on which), is having homosexual relations behind her back, which we will expose should she not stop writing.
Did I get that right? Did I miss anything out? Allow me to clear things up and, in the process, put a damper on these idiots’ hopes.
To whom it may concern:-
I am not Daphne’s son, nor am I her husband. I am the son of her husband’s cousin. If you can follow that, you can now see how even if you did have dirt on me it really wouldn’t affect Daphne.
My sexuality is no secret. If it were, I wouldn’t go to Klozet every Saturday night, and say so on the internet.
So there you go. So much for your threats and leverage, whatever it was supposed to be. I have no secrets, so if you claim to have something on me it’s definitely a lie.
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Every time they think they’ve got a scoop you manage to shut them up. Well done.
Some mastermind also tried to impress by giving your number out. It has been out on this site for ages so no Sherlock Holmes thing going on there.
[Daphne – They’re totally ignorant. I laughed myself sick observing their internet discussion of how best to find my number. ‘Oh look, she gave it out on her site’ – sorry, ‘ara Vladi he gave it on his sajt now i try fetch it’. God knows how much hunting through the internet later, and they came up with it. And meanwhile, all I could think was ‘Look in the effing phone book you frigging morons, or ring 1182 or 1189 and they’ll give you my mobile number and my home number.’ Il-vera prizi, jahasra.]
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This is the no. 1 link from that blog – brace yourself. I don’t think you know who you’re dealing with. LOL.
Another one down the drain!
They’re falling one after the other like a pack of cards but now I know their real beliefs about gay rights. Parole si, fatti no!
You could just as easily have been her son, Edward – it wouldn’t matter and who cares?
What matters is what you would be doing were you to be a public person using the tax-payer’s hard-earned cash and lying to the people who pay your salary in the name of justice.
” Labour’s spokesman for justice, Jose Herrera, was overheard spreading just this rumour in a coffee-shop in Valletta. ”
Tkellem Jose Jalapeno hej …. on a stiiiiiiiick !
This guy Edward has delivered a broadside to the blackmailers. Unfortunately they are too stupid to have much insight and do not realise they have been exposed as utter fools.
We will probably get more of the same from them. They do not know any better.
Fi kliem iehor, regaw waqaw ghan-nejk.
What a bunch of amateur wankers. Room temperature IQs, the lot of them. The Labour media’s HR manager (assuming there IS one) sure is your secret weapon.
Keep on hiring ’em! Gives me a new laugh each day.
The Labour Party’s director of communications is Kurt Farrugia.
Who is in charge of the “dirty tricks” department? There must be somebody to co-ordinate the onslaught of bile and lies.
I think you mean professional wankers. Amateur doesn’t even come into it.
Will they ever learn to stop digging their own grave? By now, the MLP/LP elves must be the world’s most talented and experienced grave diggers.
Another thing which really proved their true feelings about LGBT people – and just why they corralled LGBT people into a separate section in the Labour Party instead of treating everyone the same way – was deciding that calling Daphne a trans-sexual and referring to her as ‘he’ and ‘it’ would be a wonderful insult and a great joke.
Fortunately, to Daphne homosexuals, bisexuals and trans-sexuals are just the same as anyone else, so she isn’t bothered. But their behaviour begs the question: is this how they would taunt a trans-sexual? By jeering, mocking and calling a human-being ‘it’?
For shame.
So much for ‘moviment gdid’, ‘moviment progressiv’, and Joseph Muscat’s hypocritical words at the recent marathon Labour Party conference: “Min huwa kontra l-gays jew l-omossesswali mhuhiex postu maghna”. It’s all fake.
Even this air of tolerance and acceptance towards homosexuals is sickening. What is there to tolerate and accept – are homosexuals criminals or diseased, there to be ‘tolerated’ and ‘accepted’ like some kind of act of special charity?
‘Let’s make a big effort and set up an LGBT group and see what we can do for these special needs people.’ Terrible.
Labour was never really credible in the first place. All these pulcinellati are proving it all the more.
“Min huwa kontra l-gays jew l-omossesswali mhuhiex postu maghna”.
When Joseph Muscat said that at the Labour Party general conference, he even stood up from the chair he was sitting on, to emphasise what he was saying.
Will he now stand up for Edward Caruana Galizia, and give those Labour people at the TYOM a severe telling off?
No, he won’t. He does not even take responsibility for what’s said and done by Super One and Maltastar, let alone tasteyourownmedicine.
I’ve had a look at the ‘tasteyourown’ site – I just cannot find the right words to describe it and much less the warped mentality of whoever runs it and most of those who post there.
The first word that came to mind was ‘childish’, but that would be much too kind.
What exactly do they intend to do with the phone number when they finally succeed in getting to the bottom of that deep mystery?
I get the impression that they intend to harass by calling non stop but surely they aren’t that stupid. Or are they?
[Daphne – They won’t, for two reasons: 1. phone calls cost money, and 2. they might get me at the other end of the line.]
LGBT Labor now have a very important teachable moment which they can use on behalf of and for the benefit of “gay rights” in general.
This horrid victimization of a private individual on the basis of his personal sexual orientation is just not tolerable anymore. Maybe either they or LGBT Malta should make a statement publicly condemning and denouncing this wicked, if not criminal, type of behaviour.
Maybe, after all, the Labour Party, the Party of Moderates and Progressives and (I cannot resist, Morons) do need a full time, resident LGBT pressure group, to work within that party 24/7. I suggest they should be employed full time.
And, curiously, the LGBT lobby group – not the Labour one – haven’t even come out to make a statement about the hate site’s harassment of gays and about the constant mockery of a trans-sexual Italian man.
Any legal action that can be taken by Edward Caruana Galizia against those morons for invading his privacy when he is not a public person?
Oqbra mbajda! Farizej! The Labour LGBT is just a gimmick. Tra dire e il fare c’e’ di mezzo il mare. You call their bluff and put your money where your mouth is and that is why these people hate you so much. But then, what do you expect from people who just fire blanks, like Saviour apparently. I’m just sayin’, eh Salv.
They somehow remind me of pre-pubescent boys playing with Pokemon cards, or else those caps.
Thank you, I hope you like your medicine, too, because I really had a good laugh.
Edward, thank you for helping to out these awful people who thought they were “outing” you for the sole “crime” of being Daphne’s son/husband (they were even too stupid to decide which you were, still less whether you were either one at all).
Overheard this comment: Din Daphne qisha Tevez ta’ Manchester City……MUTUR!! Tlahhaq ma kollox! What an accolade. Well done and keep it up.
Edward is a wonderful actor and a great friend. We have worked together in the past and I have no problem saying that I would work with him again should the occasion arise.
There! Am I a closet homosexual now? Because I have friends who are? So much for LGBT Labour. But that’s completely beside the point anyway. What if someone is gay or not? What difference does it make?
I find such mud-throwing immature and revealing – revealing what pigs these mud throwers are. I really have no patience for them. Ed, if you read this, come and audition for me. Let’s work together again.
I am a guy born and bred in a Labour family.
I condemn these immature would-be attacks on Daphne.
I have gay friends.
When I work with someone, I never take note of his sexuality because it is beside the point.
I will stand up for Edward any time, any place.
So crucify me.
So get onto your friend Christoper Agius, and plaster this across his mouth.
Sorry, but I don’t have the honour of knowing who this Christopher Agius is . . .
Check your Facebook friends list. Then check this out:
You seem to be another one who clicks ‘accept’ without thinking.
That was a rather amusing demonstration of the clickety-click syndrome.
Other friends of Christopher Agius are Jose Herrera, of course, Robert Musumeci … and wait for it … Astrid Vella.
Oh, we knew that already. The funny thing is, she didn’t know that herself.
Well, that’s one in the eye for their pathetic campaign and their silly PR stunts.
Daphne, you cannot imagine the amount of times I read your blog and laugh my head off. You expose these amateurs for what they really are and what they represent.
Unfortunately there are times when, clearly because of their complete and utter incompetence, they cause you pain. Just remember that there are thousands of us who support you wholeheartedly.
As for the concept that Labour supporters are the most doggedly conservative, I have to admit that it never crossed my mind but, looking back at some Labour acquaintances, I have to agree with you hands down.
This of course makes LGBT a complete mockery and alien to ‘Cikku ta’ Bormla’ whose pleasure it was to call a gay person ‘ja pufta’. If they truly believed in gay rights there would not have been any need at all to set up such a group.
A classic smear campaign. They’re not breaking any new ground in the Slur-and-Run Department.
I’m glad you’ve got enough fight in you to see yourself through it all.
Just keep exposing their yellow journalism with nervy determination, and everything will come together in the end. It’s inevitable. I really can’t see how anyone reading your blog can keep taking their side for long.
“Inherent in all of this, of course, are the Labour Party’s true feelings about homosexuality. Beyond all the hogwash about LGBT Labour and ‘gay rights’ and civil partnerships, this is the true reality of Labour: one in which ‘pufta’ is the ultimate insult and homosexuality is a dirty secret which others try to keep hidden lest their mothers find out.”
Now, that is what I call a million dollar observation.
Do these morons seriously think that their pathetic site has any bearing on any of the issues you have addressed, D?
The site’s nothing else but a hate site manned by imbeciles.
They think they’re fighting fire with fire. But the fire here’s articulated argument.
They haven’t picked that up.
These people are utterly useless. I am convinced that Joseph Muscat’s dream (and Michelle’s ) is Malta having the EU presidency for six months for all the show and razzmatazz on Euronews. How does Labour come up with these leaders? Mintoff the megalomaniac, Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici – hawwadni ha nifmhek, Alfred Sant – scary u ta’ rasu, Joseph Muscat – tad-daqqiet ta’ harta ghall-injoranza spjetata u vojt, completely out of his depth.
Razzmatazz. Kelma li ili ma nismagaghha. Joseph Muscat jifimha zgur ghax ghandu hafna French gay friends.
@ Daphne
Dawn in-nies tal-Labour veru patetici. Sabu l-blog tieghek tas-sena l-ohra, bhal llum ezatt, u taparsi ghamlu ‘scoop’ fuq il-blog mahmuga taghhom.
Qalu li jafu minn qabel x’kont ser tippublika llum fuq il-blog tieghek. Incidentalment kienet fuq il-hamburgers u l-BBQ tal-Gholja tal-Helsien.
U tghidx kemm minghalijhom ghamlu trovatura, ta. Is-soltu msieken li jikkumentaw fuq is-site mahmuga taghhom, tghidx kemm qalulu prosit lil Chris Agius. Ijwa possibli ma ndunawx?
Ara veru patetici dawn in-nies. Tal-biki.
@ Edward Caruana Galizia
Prosit tal-kuragg. Nammirak. U prosit ukoll tat-talent li ghandek fl-acting. Keep it up.
Favur wiehed: ara tkellimx wahda lil xi hadd mill-ufficjali tal-LGBT Labour, ha naraw ghandhomx il-guts johorgu stqarrija ta’ kundanna ghal dan l-omofobizmu tal-Laburisti. Pero ma tantx nissugerilek li thambaq wisq, ghax wisq probabbli jkunu busy jahdmu fuq il-pjan tal-Labour ghall-gays, bisexuals u trans-sexuals.
Edward, like many others I couldn’t make out what they were going on about – more so because, unlike them, I don’t think that being gay is something to be ashamed of or that it should expose anyone to insults, least of all from the Labour Party which is trying to promote itself by using gays.
I hope you have a great Saturday night.
I honestly thought they were trying to create a negative buzz for some hilarity at Daphne’s expense and it backfired. I didn’t realise they were targeting a real person for being gay.
They’re even less intelligent and smart than I thought.
Having leadership positions makes them doubly dangerous. I can tolerate a wacky passenger on a flight but wouldn’t like anyone in the crew to go cuckoo.
Their lack of sophistication makes me weep. I can only assume that these whippersnappers’ mentors are clueless, spineless or nowhere to be found.
Ara veru Partit tal-Loonies.
If they are honest about themselves and their voters, they would keep the initials and rename it to this.
I have been following this blog for about a month, I rarely comment but I felt the need to do so.
I come from a family who all are Labour supporters. My elders are Mintoffiani, but I am what they call a floater. The reason I am that is I keep updated with what is going on out there in the real world contrary to the rest of my family who only read Torca and L-orizzont and all they read and hear is that of the Labour media.
When Joseph Muscat took over from Alfred Sant I thought he was a breath of fresh air and that he was someone I could actually vote for. I think I was wrong. Maybe my expectations were too high.
I expected Joseph to change the Labour Party into a people’s party, which is not going to happen because instead of running the party, the party is running Joseph into the ground.
Daphne, thank you for opening our eyes to plain, truthful reality.
SDS, “they are not running Joseph to the ground” – they don’t need to. He is doing it by himself. He is not in control, his strings are still being pulled by you know who, and he is clutching at straws. The Labour Party will always have the core of Mintoffjani, the illiterate and the ones who are always ready to swallow all the lies and misinformation fed to them by the Labour media.
So much for Joseph Muscat’s Code of Ethics. I suppose it went the same way as his famous 15-year plan and the promised recommendations regarding the MEPA reform.
It took him more than two years to change the party’s logo. It-torca is still on the flag and the same warped people from the 1970s are hanging around waiting to pounce.
So much for a new movement. So much for being progressive. They are anchored in filth and corruption, the same as they were in the 70s and 80s.
We should stop saying that this government has three years to go as if we have already conceded to them come 2013. We must soldier on and make sure that come next election the Nationalist Party will win again.
Labour is no more fit to govern than it was 30 years ago.
Why should Ricky Martin’s statement that he is gay be headline news for example? Why should it be news at all? What difference does it make?
I too, for the sake of a healthy democracy was hoping for a change in the opposition, but as you say ‘the party is running Joseph into the ground’.
Where’s Twanny?
Illum busy fuq l-Gholja tal-Helsien jizbor il-bajtar tax-xewk.
@ Edward C.G.
“The real man smiles in trouble, gathers strength from distress, and grows brave by reflection.” (Thomas Paine)
….and truly you are such a man. I wish the best for you in your acting career.