Another shot to the foot
Today, the Labour Party’s Sunday newspaper Kullhadd continued with Labour’s battle for the virtue of Consuelo Scerri Herrera.
It’s not true that the magistrate consorts only with Labour politicians and Labour media ‘peRRRRSSSSins’, it told its readers. At her 45th birthday party – the one with the tacky photos of naff people – there were no less than four ‘deputati Nazzjonalisti’. So there.
I didn’t even need to read the names to know who they were. I guessed out loud and then checked against KullHadd’s insider information to make sure I’d got them right. And I had.
Stephen Spiteri (into whose home Cons and Robert were recently seen disappearing with some bottles of wine)
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando (whose dream dinner guest Cons without Robert apparently is)
Robert Arrigo (lots of pot-stirring prospects for our Cons, there)
Jesmond Mugliett (ditto)
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Jekk dawn l-onorevoli li semmejt ma jichdux dak li inti ktibt, allura nohoda li hu minnu u kull ma nghid hu “Ma Nafx!”
Stephen Spiteri feautred on Malta Today a week ago. Stopping by the offices of Media Today is becoming compulsory for Consie’s friends.
I thought he was a new neutral persona on Malta Today for a change. I could not be more mistaken.
Ghidli ma’ min taghmilha u nghidlek x’int.
Ma min rajtek xebbahtek.
Jekk taghmilha maz-zopp f’gheluq is-sena ssir zopp bhalu.
Birds of a feather flock together.
…U minn jghamila mal-Akhbar Zib isir Zib bhalu?
Illum se taghmel hafna xita, u sal-hdax tkun naqqset. Nissugerilek issaqsi lil-Perit minn fejn xtara l-ilbies ahdar u z-zarbun tac-cfales biex tkun trendy iktar mill-ahhar darba. Hsiebek hemm!
and who where the labour MPs present?
Wishing you well during this troublesome period.
Forsi ghalhekk Tony qal li hames membri tal-gvern kienu sejrin jivvutaw favur il-mozzjoni tal-lejber. Forsi kien sar xi diskors fil-party. Min jaf min kien ser ikun il-hames wiehed?
We are going downhill fast. Why should it be Daphne to tell us about these things?
Ghazziz Prim Ministru, hu hsieb naddaf il hmieg taghna wkoll.
Could there be more than one Omar Cucciardi? With a name like that I doubt it. So he must be one of the MEPA planning techinicians.
And how does Omar Cucciardi come into all this? Am I missing something here?
He’s in the photo on this page.
Anthony Briffa – forsi kellhom ix-xewqa li jitla il-Bobby flok Dalli u kienu jaghqdu is-sigill.
Iva veru il-perit u l-habiba dehru dehlin ghand it-tabib Spiteri il-hadd ta xi tlett gimghat ilu . Kien ghall habta ta 1.30p.m. u hargu ghall xi 7p.m? Kellhom flixkun inbid kull wiehed f’idejhom.
With regards to Stephen Spiteri, which home, the one in Marsascala where his wife and children live, or the other one in Cottonera where he lives with his girldfriend the Gudja hairdresser. By the way, is he separated?
[Daphne – If you’re asking which home Consuelo and Robert were seen entering with bottles of wine and emerging several hours later, it’s the one in the Three Cities area. And Consuelo, if you’re reading this – no, you are not being followed. Malta is small and you’re not invisible.]