Astrid's on Super One again – right now
In my column in The Malta Independent today, I wrote that perhaps Astrid Vella is feeling deprived of the limelight because not even Super One are giving her much space.
Bingo! She’s on Super One right now, wearing a bright pink jacket from Zara – an extremely ill-advised choice for somebody who has dyed her hair that particular shade of red favoured by ladies of a certain age (though at least it isn’t that horrible purplish plum).
She’s being ‘interviewed’ by Brian Hansford on Realta, and there’s Herr Flick sitting next to her, trying to get a word in edgewise.
Eh hija, daqsxejn publicity ghall-protesta tas-Sibt, forsi jmorrulha salt Laburisti minghalihom ha jwaqqaw il-gvern. Mur ara x’ iz-zikk jifmu f’ Renzo Piano u t-teatru.
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I would have said xiz-zobb jifmu f’Renzo Piano u t-teatru and anything that would involve thinking and reason.
The weather and flight information channel (on channel number 106 tal- Picnic Cooler provider) is far more interesting,
Tell me you’re kidding – she didn’t say THAT on Super One, she couldn’t have. Hansford would have wet himself (apart from getting brain-strain trying to understand it)
Now where’s that fly-swatter?
Had it not been for that other comment about a Ferrari owner doing burnouts at the Junior College, this would have been the Star comment of the day.
Jesus, she’s taken to talking in parables and metaphors, like a Labour politician preaching to the simpletons at rallies. Even Brian Hansford found it necessary to urge her on with an ‘Astrid, fejn qed tipprova tasal b’dak li qed tghid?’
To make her point that good policies can be unfit for their purpose, she painstakingly explained that you can have good food but it might be bad for your body if your dietary requirements are X and you eat Y.
Give me strength.
And I don’t know about you, but don’t you find something really ridiculous about somebody like Herr Flick sitting there and talking about his party boss as ‘Joseph this and Joseph that’?
Min hu Joseph – the cat’s father?
Mela anke Leo Brincat sar chav issa?
Thank God I don’t have access to Super 1 … tghid ma jergawx iqajjmu l-issue fuq it-teatru?
We want another conventional theatre in Valletta! Il-Manoel, l-MCC u St James dejjem full house u performances ikollna tnejn kuljum.
I just saw 30 secs and turned.
Can you imagine, she is justifying a theatre so that the cruise-liner tourists can come to Malta an attend concerts.
Doesn’t she realise that cruise liners enter harbour at around 9.00am and leave at around 3.30pm. Is she living in this world?
Din minn fejn giet? Din f’kollox tifhem? L-aqwa l-imqaret tal-Belt. Il-Laburisti ihobbuhom.
Tghid se tghidilna li trid tejatru bis-saqaf ghax inkella jintela bit-trab iswed? Din ma tiddejjaqx tisma lilha innfisha?
Grezz, did you find that fly-squatter? Or shall we borrow Daphne’s Raid?
tiskanta kemm din il-bniedma tiflah tghid cucati.
Turned for a a few minutes to the show. She is very worried about it-trab, but doesn’t seem to be worried about where it is coming from, as “m’ ghamilniex studji teknici”. Oh, and she does have a shrill voice, and sounds like a pixxikalda all right.
Daqshekk. Issa ser tfajjarlek libell talli ghajjarta pixxikalda.
Pixxikalda tghidula lil din in-nofs kedda? She’s just a snob.
Hey! I think purplish plum is a great colour… but then again, I’m a hairstylist who thinks streaks of bright magenta would be awesome!
I’m loving this blog. Never a dull day!
Kont sejjer ghal-protesta, bil-bieb tieghi b’kollox (mhux fuq Bieb il-Belt din se ssir?) imma se jkun rih isfel u irxiex u xita, uu imsemmijja wkoll is-sajjetti.
Issa mmur ghal-inawgurazzjoni sentejn ohra minnflok.
Gahan, you can stay comfortably at home this Saturday, door closed and everything.
I believe that by the time the project is inaugurated in 2013, Astrid will be a small comma lost somewhere in our political history.
Kulhadd espert f’dak li qieghed jigri – barra jien. Gie Renzo Piano, arkitett ta’ fama mondjali, arkitett suprem, u f’Malta nies li qatt ma qabdu lapes biex ihazzu trianglu jew kaxxa sabu l-intellet biex jikkritikawh u jmaqdruh. U jgibuhom fil-gazzetta, wkoll, qishom dak li qeghdin jghidu huwa on par ma dak li qal Renzo Piano.
Mulej, ma stajtx ittini ftit mill-wicc tost ta’ dawn in-nies?