Charlon u Byon Jo jibzghu minn handbag iswed

Published: March 5, 2010 at 12:17pm
Jaqblihom igorru wahda bhal din, in-nisa ta' Albert Town, ghax minn jaf x'festa jaghmlu b'Charlon kieku.

Jaqblihom igorru wahda bhal din, in-nisa ta' Albert Town, ghax minn jaf x'festa jaghmlu b'Charlon kieku.

This just has to be the news item of the week.

My size 8 sister blocks Byon Jo’s camera lens with her handbag and both he and Charlon wet their pants and run for succour to Julia Farrugia and Charlot Zahra of Malta Today, at the Institute of Maltese Journalists.

Madonna, Charlon u Byon Jo bezghu mil-handbag vjolentissimu ta’ oht Daphne!

U le, tghidx li huma pansies – dak il-handbag kien armat sew b’xeba James Bond gadgets. U wara kollox, beza’ li se tisraqlu l-portmoni.

“F’dan il-ħin, persuna li kienet qiegħda takkumpanja lil Caruana Galizia ħebbet tliet darbiet bil-‘handbag’ fuq il-‘camera’ ta’ ONE News.

“Dan l-aġir hu kundannab­bli,” saħaq il-Kunsill tal-IĠM. “U anke jekk l-artikolista ħasset li ma kienx ġust li tiġi ffilmjata, bl-ebda mod ma jiġġustifika dan l-aġir vjolenti,” żied jgħid il-Kunsill tal-Istitut.” – L-orizzont

26 Comments Comment

  1. G says:

    I bet that they would get more than just his wallet…

  2. Alan says:

    Don’t forget today is Fridayand the IGM chairman will be back from his phoneless fondue frolicks.

  3. JC says:

    I feel he needs a testosterone booster.

    [Daphne – Or perhaps the sight of a woman approaching him in ‘threatening’ conditions brings on a Pavlovian response which sends him running to the police. He must have thought we planned to set about him and steal his wallet.]

    • Isard du Pont says:

      A bit of advice to Charlon Gouder: carry a decoy wallet with a few notes and some defunct plastic, so that when you’re mugged near Cafe Cordina by Daphne and her sisters and a black handbag, you can distract them with it before they notice that you’ve got away with the real thing. Then you can run off and feed them Byon Jo.

    • JC says:

      He runs to the police and also holds them by the arm – I wonder what he plans to do next?

  4. Antoine Vella says:

    This may all look funny but it is essentially sinister. What we have here are professional reporters lying through their teeth and twisting facts. They are falsely accusing someone of committing criminal acts of physical violence and assault – and then they have the gall to claim that they have been slandered.

    This is the kind of behaviour that got people arrested in the bad old days when Anglu Farrugia wore a uniform. People got manhandled and beaten up and were then themselves accused of “attacking a policeman”.

    Charlon Gouder and Julia Farrugia were not around in those days but they are clearly adopting the same tactics so those who say that we should move on from the seventies and eighties would do well to reflect that historical events could well be repeated if we forget them.

    [Daphne – Antoine, are you surprised? They were raised in the same households, with the same thinking, by people who went to Labour mass meetings in the 1970s and 1980s. And they obviously lack the intelligence to work things out for themselves or to analyse exactly what it is they are doing.]

    • john says:

      “Professional reporters”? I have always looked upon them as professional distorters.

    • Ciccio2010 says:

      Antoine, your second paragraph deserves some serious reflection. What we have here shows how easy, or should I say natural, it is for some people – who would undeservedly call themselves progressive and moderate – to accuse a person of acts which that person has never committed, and worse still, which they themselves may be guilty of. As you hinted, this then leads to a series of arrests, abuse, and breach of fundamental human rights. You know, these things happen in those countries where language such as “Traitors of the People” is fed to the people instead of proper nutrition.
      Let us never go back to the 1970s and 1980s.

  5. Ciccio2010 says:

    That handbag is part of the evidence of the crime. Keep it safe and store it in the right atmospheric conditions. Robert Musumeci’s brother has a nice picnic-cooler you could borrow.

    • Isard du Pont says:

      Charlon and Byon Joe need Joseph Musumeci’s picnic cooler far more: they’ve got a long wait outside the law courts on Monday and had better take some corned beef sengwiches with them and some luminata too.

    • jowsef says:

      Jew fil-lancboks ta’ Anglu Farrugia.

  6. Rover says:

    Headline news: Charlon Gouder Accosted by Large Black Handbag Near Cafe Cordina.

    I guess it’s safer in Albert Town.

  7. Chris says:

    Next time tell your sister to take a metal briefcase. I am sure the ONE reporters will be reluctant to even dare get in her vicinity.

  8. Robert Galea says:

    marida minn mohhok int…

  9. Noggy123 says:

    They are trying to destroy you mentally, Daphne. That is why they are all finding ways to take you to court. If we have a decent judge left on this island he would jail them for wisting public time and money. Your main task is to stay strong and beat them at their own game. Where there is a will, there is a way, babes. Go for it.

  10. Kelinu says:

    The root is that these people were fostered by a previous generation that had flourished unhindered and unchallenged under Mintoff and KMB – they could, and did, literally get away with murder.

    That anyone could react and hit back is an alien concept to them. Then when that happens all they can do is to repeat their act ad nauseam in an attempt to wear their opponent down.

    That could succeed when the opponent depends exclusively on the independent media to put across his viewpoint, and there is very limited scope for that.

    Blogs are a very useful tool in that regard – especially one such as yours which delivers hard hits with wit combined with humour – the latter being potent weapons in themselves, but which are attributes that these people and their supporters very evidently lack. Witness the type of comments appended to features.

    I am pretty sure that most of your barbs simply go right over their heads.

    In this particular instance, Cons displayed the same limited thinking. She clearly assumed that the mere sight of a policeman on your doorstep and/or that a ‘magistrat’ has spoken would be enough to gag you. Instead enough slime about her and her cronies has been dredged up to overfill a cesspit.

    The fact that she has stayed on in this situation is evidence enough of her unsuitablity to hold her office.

    Any person with the least fragment of dignity and integrity would have resigned and disappeared from public view very early on in this saga.

    Her attitude and actions are on a par with those of Noel Arrigo when his abuse came to public knowledge. But then, can you ever imagine Joseph Muscat voting in support of any motion in parliament to impeach her.

    It is funny, but sad, that every crisis in Malta tracks back to the MLP one way or the other. I do not know how we can ever break out of that.

  11. jomar says:

    “Or some Dove deodorant spray”

    Excellent idea! It will work wonders on camera lenses.

  12. Borromini says:

    ‘Dan l-agir kundannabbli’ – I assume the waving of the handbag at the camera – is on film, ostentatiously enough their own film.

    l-Orizzont said ‘hebbet’ i.e. assaulted the camera.

    I saw the news item on Super One and I can honestly say the she only waved the handbag at the camera affording at the same time a sweet smile to the camera lens. Far from being aggressive or menacing.

    Most others would have acted otherwise to that sort of harassment but the girls have style and…….guts, lots of guts.

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