Glenn Dangerfield in Wonderland

Published: March 22, 2010 at 11:06am
Glenn Dangerfield - the Great White Hope for Malta's future

Glenn Dangerfield - the Great White Hope for Malta's future

Strap yourselves to your chairs and get on board for a rocky and hilarious ride through Glenn Dangerfield’s leading article on today.

Bear in mind that this is the official organ of the Labour Party, the one through which it hopes to reach the English-speaking Mittilkless while gearing up to run the country.

Oh, and he clearly reads this blog, picked up the word ‘diglossia’ from the debate about Maltese and English, and chucked it in to impress his readers – without knowing what it means.

And in an earlier leading article (filed under – grip your sides – More Leader) he describes me as a ‘would-be journalist who hasn’t taken any professional courses in the subject’. Eh hija, m’ghandiex dikri fil-komjunikajxins u allura ma niswa xejn ghal tal-Labour.

Labour – a frigging farce on wheels.

‘The opposition to the open-air theatre with stilts….is gathering momentum’. Yes, and partnership won the referendum.

What can I say? At least Glenn Dangerfield took my advice about not saying ‘roofless theatre’ unless you want to be taken for a hick. For the first time ever, here we have somebody from the Astrid-Maltastar-Malta Today brigade calling it an open-air theatre. Progress is being made.

A proposal as stilted as the government

22 March 2010 08:48 – Maltastar

The opposition to the open-air theatre with stilts, and the Parliament on stilts in the supposed regeneration plan for Valletta is gathering momentum.

Public sentiment and impatience with the project is adding to the lack of popularity Dr Gonzi and his Government are suffering on account of their dictatorial ways.

A sure sign of this turn in Dr Gonzi’s fortunes is the stand being overtly taken by Professor Peter Serracino Inglott, an erstwhile supporter of the centre-right Government.

The practical sense of this well respected philosopher-priest came across on television while he expounded his knowledgeable approach to architectural means of turning spaces into ideal venues for artistic activities.

Fr Serracino Inglott’s elucidation was a tour de force which amply showed how practical even philosophers can be when they choose to.

Another personality that has demonstrated the inanity of architectural plans being pigheadedly pursued by a Government that has lost touch with popular feeling is Ms Astrid Vella.

The campaigning lady has lately mastered the Maltese language to an admirable degree in sharp contrast to the dismal diglossia her opponents can hope to command even after all exhausting efforts expended in this direction.

This was no mean achievement considering that the educational background Astrid shared with other female contributors to the great debate has made them look increasingly silly as they battle with the linguistic hurdles they must overcome to make themselves heard if not completely accepted by their peers.

More and more people are realizing that Dr Gonzi’s brainless preference for open-air theatres – the man is not known to be a theatre buff anyway – is simply another ploy to kick up a debate, any debate, to sidetrack the electorate’s attention from much more pressing subjects, like the increase in utility tariffs and other unjustified taxes that are making people literally ill with worry.

The popularity Ms Vella enjoys was shown during the demo recently held in Valletta. The pride she obviously took in brandishing the petition signed by 1,200 on television was justified and understandable.

46 Comments Comment

  1. La Redoute says:

    A graduate from the coconut school of communications.

    He obviously feels slighted that Charles Crowford (sic) hasn’t answered his questions (sic). That featured on a Super One News item again last Saturday.

  2. Twanny says:

    Bedingfield said “The opposition to the open-air theatre with stilts, and the Parliament on stilts in the supposed regeneration plan for Valletta is gathering momentum.”

    In an earlier post, you wrote “The tide has turned, public sentiment has shifted,”

    Six of one or half a dozen of the other.

    [Daphne – Who are you going to believe, Glenn who gets it wrong or Daphne who gets it right? ‘Partnership won the referendum’. ‘The 2008 general election is in the bag’. Famous last words.]

    • Mark C says:

      Tantx tifrah bl Eu daphne ghax lahhar rapport tal Eu stqarr li maltin li huma favur l Eu waqa al 45% issa gifieri kieku saret ir referendum issa kienu jitilghu PL flok Pn. U miniex niskanta ghax jien lewwel wiehed nippreferi pajjizna f idejna flok f idejn dittaturi tal Eu u afrikani akkost li nbatu hafna ekonomikament.

      • Stefan Vella says:

        Insular mentality – I hail thee!

      • Antoine Vella says:

        Mark C

        Your claim that Malta is in the hands of “EU dictators and Africans” betrays your far right background. I wouldn’t be surprised if you wanted a theatre (roofed, obviously) open only to whites.

      • Marku says:

        You made your point. Now run off like a good boy to your buddy Norman Lowell.

  3. Kelinu says:

    So now they can not only write in ‘joined’ and ‘fuq pitazz tar-rigi wiesghin’, but they are also using big words.

    “.. brandishing the petition signed by 1,200 on television was justified..”

    Yes, so convinced and determined were those who signed the petition that of the 1,200 who did so, only 10% bothered to turn up at the rally.

  4. emanuel says:

    WOULD-BE JOURNALIST WHO HASN’T TAKEN ANY PROFESSIONAL COURSES IN THE SUBJECT. Am i understanding this right that these words were meant to Daphne? Oh how i wish i had the ability of writing good English and Maltese like this woman.

  5. Ian says:

    Maybe we could suggest some lessons in writing short sentences? A certain Crawford comes to mind…

  6. Seguccio says:

    L-inbid ta’ Glenn qed jaghmel tieghu. Ghax bahnan hu, jahseb li kulhadd huwa bahnan bhalu. Jista jzomm it-tikketta ghalih innifsu. Ghax kull fejn mess, falliment kellu. Anke n-naqra li mar jaghmilha man-nies fl-Ewropa. Ukoll nizlitlu velenu.

  7. Hot Mama says:

    Silly me, I thought you wrote “the great white whale”. It must be my lack of caffeine…

  8. Brian*14 says:

    Vera mohh ta’ tigiega, bir-rispett kollu lejn it-tigieg.

  9. Ann says:

    Since when is it a degree that which determines your capabilities? I think the number of hits on this blog show that you’ve more than surpassed what you could ever gain by following any course…

    [Daphne – A doctor, architect, engineer….but certainly not a journalist. What next – a licence to practise?]

  10. Carmel Said says:

    Wow….0.3% of the population signed the petition. Not much to be proud of is there now!

  11. red-nose says:

    If Dr Gonzi proposes anything then be sure that the envious people who occupy the opposition seats in Parliament will say No. There is never a “yes” to what Gonzi proposes. Perhaps the Maltastar people can propose something that people can examine and say Aye or Nay to.

    At least Gonzi took the initiative of bringing a world famous architect to produce plans for the rehabilitation of what at the moment is a disgrace. I cannot really understand why there is such opposition to the plans. Is it envy? I wonder.

  12. Genoveffa says:

    “Fr Serracino Inglott’s elucidation was a tour de force which amply showed how practical even philosophers can be when they choose to.” – ?!?!?

  13. ciccio2010 says:

    Come 2013, with a Parliament on stilts – as Glenn Dangerfield puts it – a new Labour government would have no excuse to have our democracy “suspended” sine die.

    • Isard du Pont says:

      So now we’ve got clowns on the opposition benches and in three years’ time we’ll have clowns on stilts.

  14. gomu says:

    The cabinet should take a decision and go ahead. I think, after watching bondi+, that the project is fantastic and makes a lot of sense.

    The government should have invested some money to explain it better. Now that I know the concept I think it is the best thing that could happen to Malta: an open theatre that can be enjoyed by the general public. They can invest then in the Mediterranean Conference Centre, which makes sense.

  15. maryanne says:

    “The popularity Ms Vella enjoys was shown during the demo recently held in Valletta.”

    Is this irony?

  16. jomar says:

    Ah, somehow the issue of the utility tariffs had to be worked in somehow. The Labour Party has managed to imprint the issue into every Mintoffian mind which still believes in “Jew b’xejn, jew xejn”.

    The seeds were sown thirty plus years ago as was, even before that time, the Brigata which recruited children as young as five and who today as adults, throng every Labour meeting. They are the same ones who with gaping mouths listen and swallow each and every piece if deceitful misinformation their idol, the carbon copy of the failed predecessor, spews at them.

    Yet Labour gurus never reveal their plans simply because they never were leaders and when they tried to imitate, they screwed up royally.

    Joseph had a fifteen year plan, he said. Where is it? Two years ago he had a model for MEPA. Where is it? Joseph’s book is a borrowed dog-eared copy of Sant’s dismal ideas which included CET, the famous ‘reception class’, cutting the surcharge in half while cutting taxes, and let’s not forget the war against EU membership, adoption of euro and every single Nationalist government initiative which has elevated this country’s standard of living to newer heights never even contemplated under Socialist rule.

    But Labour trudges on, unrepentant, vision-less and needing the GWU’s prop for every anti-government campaign. No matter how much Joseph is challenged, he will never offer alternatives let alone solutions. He craftily, as his predecessors, uses people like Glen ‘Dangerfield’, Jason Micallef, Charlon Gouder and others of the same IQ level, to do the dirty work for him while he takes his sweet time to trim his goatee, arriving late but well trimmed, at every important appointment.

    The shallowness of the man and his party are astounding and his substantial following only demonstrates the similar shallowness of his admirers.

  17. Joseph Micallef says:

    For a start, has anyone taught him how to change the vocabulary setting on Word from English (U.S) to English (U.K)!

  18. gugu says:

    Ah, so nowadays Professor Serracino Inglott is practical, respected and knowledgeable (is this Glenn?). Ms Astrid Vella is popular because she gathered 230 people in Valletta to hear her voice.The only thing that makes Glenn professional is that he is paid for his so-called articles.

  19. rupert says:

    ‘dismal diglossia’: Glenn clearly has a penchant for alliteration as well as difficult words. However, alas, diglossia itself may not be described as dismal. A person living in a community with two official languages (one definition) or which utilises two languages (another definition) may have a poor command of either or both languages. In this context the proper use of ‘dismal’ may be illustrated as follows: Glenn’s English is certainly dismal and probably his Maltese only marginally better.

  20. Il-Cop says:

    So half the electorate and possibly even more, as is being subtly implied, do not have faith in Renzo Piano’s plans for city gate even though Mr. Piano is one of the greatest, if not the greatest, architect. At the same time these same people have full faith in Joseph Muscat’s ability to run the country and remedy all the ills and worries of the Maltese nation. It is frightening to say the least.

    Mr. Bedingfield wants us to believe that all this fuss is a ploy by the government to distract the people from more pressing and urgent matters. Anyone who mutters anything against the government or its plans, even if its four stray cats a long as they have a vote, are quickly backed by Labour as a sign of solidarity and because they are correct in what they are saying and protesting about.

    How dare you even think that Labour is doing all this to catch votes, any votes? Some more foul-mouthed people say that Labour does this to derail attention from its plans for the economy, education, health, pensions etc. Or should I say the nonexistence of these plans.

    I still have faith in that fascia of the electorate which usually has the last say as to who gets elected to govern. Who knows, maybe come 2013, Labour’s victory is not as signed, sealed and delivered as many seem to think. Only time will tell.

  21. Corinne Vella says:

    It’s 4.50pm, the power’s out, and the comments board on is littered with grouches and whinges. They were posted, presumably, by those who have access to electrical power. Any excuse will do for a good grumble, I guess.

    • Twanny says:

      They could have been posted from laptops running on battery power and using “internet keys” which access the net through the mobile phone network.

      • Isard du Pont says:

        Yes, Twanny – aren’t the Nationalists brilliant?

      • Twanny says:

        You mean Gonzi invented the internet?

        You lean something newe every day.

      • Corinne Vella says:

        What comes out of a battery, Twanny? A piping hot pot of minestra?

        I’m impressed that so many people burn up battery power and costly 3G internet access just to grumble about not having access to…what?

  22. Tonio Farrugia says:

    Sad, very sad.

    • N.L says:

      The Nationalists even in Oppostion in the 80s made use of computer technology. Perhaps you don’t remember the the news broadcaster from the PN club in Valletta.

  23. me says:

    This one must be sick, I mean really sick.

  24. Antoine Vella says:

    There is a significant detail which disproves this editorial: Joseph Muscat is still sitting on the fence because there’s no anti-project bandwagon to jump on.

    “dismal diglossia”? Perhaps they think it’s some kind of pixxikalda.

  25. freefalling says:

    Mr. Dangerfield has got it completely wrong.

    Instead of lying low he stands high making him an ample target to be shot at and laid to rest.

    One questions why no mention is made to the majority who are in favour of the regeneration (possibly the word majority does not make any sense to him).

    He forgets that it is not the prime minister who has the final say but Renzo Piano who is far more competent than Peter Serracino Inglott or Astrid Vella in such matters.

    He has fallen head over heels in love with English-speaking Maltese people – wonders never cease!

    Well, what are we to expect from a so-called journalist who was bypassed by his own in the last MEP elections and is now desperate for attention.

  26. H.P. Baxxter says:

    How exactly has Astrid Vella “mastered the Maltese language to an admirable degree”?

  27. H.P. Baxxter says:

    P.S. Note the not too subtle hint: Labour is now reaching out to the hardcore pépé.

  28. Overestimated Shakespeare aka Nostradamus formerly Avatar says:

    This guy is quoting me! I’m overwhelmed with joy…

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