Goodnight. Sleep tight.

Published: March 15, 2010 at 11:47pm
Jason Micallef, Omar Cucciardi and a nice glass of whisky to warm the cockles of their heart.

Jason Micallef, Omar Cucciardi and a nice glass of whisky to warm the cockles of their heart.

Isn’t this sweet? Jason Micallef – somebody on this blog said he really looks like an old-fashioned ventriloquist’s dummy, with sleek black hair, staring eyes and a rictus smile, and I think it’s a perceptive observation – and Omar Cucciardi, glasses of whisky in hand, get ready to retire to their dinky-winky tentie-wentie on Comino.

They were there to raise funds for Super One last December. Everyone drew lots to see which lucky man would get to spend the night in a tent with Julia Farrugia, the only woman there (was she armed?) but Jason drew the short straw and got Omar Cucciardi instead.

Here he is, putting on a brave face, and looking more like a ventriloquist’s dummy than ever.

30 Comments Comment

  1. edgar says:

    Looks like Jason has his willie warmer geared up.

  2. louis borda says:

    Daphne, I need your email address.

    [Daphne – [email protected]]

  3. Rover says:

    Rather an over-long scarf. This was Comino for God’s sake not Whistler. Who are they trying to impress?

    • Nostradamus formerly Avatar says:

      Isard du Pont: may I ask you a personal question?

      What does your Nickname mean?

      Mine (the new one, that is) refers to Nostradamus, He-Who-Sharon-Is-Not.

      And yours?

  4. The Bus Conductor says:

    Here he is, in Two and a Half Men:

  5. Frans Borg says:

    What I like about this blog is not just that it reflects D’s nimbleness, but more importantly this person’s honesty. Blog on, D.

  6. Charlie Bates says:

    Omar was one who was hit by a bullet sometime last year when a disgruntled Labour supporter shot at the PN club in Mqabba.

  7. Brian says:

    I thought you had me there for a moment Daph. ‘mistook’ them for the advance scouting party of the Challenge 8000 team to Mount Everest.

  8. NGT says:

    Confucius say: Woman who go camping must beware of evil intent.

  9. yet another john says:

    Don’t you have a mirror at home?

  10. Louis Xerri says:

    Maybe the coconut can try for a place in the Guiness book now.

  11. Louis Xerri says:

    @ Nostradamus

    Isard du Pont was the name of a very fast horse, which for a long time always came first at the Marsa races. The French name of course comes from the fact that the Maltese buy horses mostly from France.

    Listening to a horse race commentary in Malta is ever so amusing, especially when the commentator has no idea of French and he has to say all these French horses’ names, and very quickly as the horses are running past him.

  12. Gianni Xuereb says:

    MISS Information or misinformation ?

  13. vaux says:

    Dawn mhux il-boxxla sociali biss tilfu, imma anke mohhom. Issa bil-whisky u cuddly nights go kamp (no pun intended) fuq Kemmuna.

  14. Anthony Farrugia says:

    Hi boys and girls. What does one have to do to get a comment uploaded on Certain subjects seem to be taboo and The Times is being extra politically correct as regards certain topics and people. Even its proof reading has gone down the tube given the number of corrections being published.

    • La Redoute says:

      Correction. Criticism of certain people is taboo. Did you notice the wall to wall coverage of magisterial disgrace?


    • ciccio2010 says:

      You should comment about those news which have no value, like for instance some Attard cats (16 March 2010).

  15. MarioP says:

    Why are you guys saying that it’s whisky in those glasses? Isn’t it obvious that they had just relieved themselves? The smiles says it all.

  16. Bormliza says:

    Daphne, tas-Super One qed jghidu li inti qed taqbad ma’ tlett deputati Nazzjonalisti JPO, Mugliett u Arrigo. Lil habib tieghu Stephen Spiteri ma semmihx Glen Bedingfield, ghax sikwit imur jippranza fil-hanut tieghu mal-pogguta Mariella (by the way skoprejt li hi minn Hal Ghaxaq u mhux mill-Gudja).

    Ara x’forcina u widna se jkollu Glen Bedingfield bit-tabib Stephen Spiteri fil-Ministeru tal-Familja.

    • ukolll says:

      U min hi din Mariella li semmejt?

      • PAL says:

        Mariella is Stephen’s girlfriend, not pogguta, because they don’t live together. He’s separated, and I believe so is she. He has his own home and so does she.

  17. Carlos Bonavia says:

    I don’t think Jason got the short straw at all – he probably got his wish come true.

  18. Insahhu l-Familja says:

    Ukolll, mela mhux qed tghix f’Malta? Mariella hija l-girlfriend ufficjali u pubblika ta’ Stephen Spiteri it-tabib li jahdem fl-Sptar St James ta’ Josie Muscat, dak li jrid ihaddan il-valuri.

    Stephen Spiteri ghandu zewg familji: il-mara Claire in-nutritionist li toqghod Marsascala, waqt li hu joqghod il-Cottonera u ghandhu girlfriend hairdresser li jisimgha Mariella. Festi, parties u anke attivitajiet ufficjali tal-Partit Nazzjonalista ma’ Mariella jattendi.

  19. ciccio2010 says:

    The Tent(h) Commandment: Thou shalt not covet (or desire) thy neighbor’s wife, his manservant, or his maidservant, his ox, or his ass.

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