Here's the proof

Published: March 30, 2010 at 11:19am


The inbred elves in Labour’s grotto are busy saying that it’s not true Marie Louise Coleiro Preca joined one of the ‘hate Daphne’ sites on Facebook.

Because Facebook does not permit hate sites, these people with nothing better to do call them by other names. This one is Sahhara Hazina, and the person who set it up has now used one of the tools available to ensure that it does not come up on an internet search – but not before a screen shot was taken of Marie Louise Coleiro Preca joining up.

61 Comments Comment

  1. Cannot Resist Anymore! says:

    The Party of Progressives, Moderates And Morons.

    • ciccio2010 says:

      Am I correct to understand that they first throw the stone and then they hide their hand? Like going underground?
      If so, make that The Party of Progressives, Moderates, Morons and Cowards…

  2. red-nose says:

    I wonder why all these progressives are trying to defend something which is essentially wrong, such as taking false oaths in court, adultery, swearing at the Prime Minister in parliament? I just cannot understand it.

  3. Sonia Dalli says:

    Who ever knows Marie Louise like I do will know that she does not know the meaning of hate. She is sweet loving caring and helpfull person.

    Who ever comes in contact with her she makes him feel good because she is that kind of woman

    So Daphne stop this nonsense because no one will believe you.

    [Daphne – No one will believe me? I have screen shots showing that she joined the group yesterday, before it went underground. If she joined it unwittingly, all she has to do is say so. Please ask her to contact me – I don’t have her number or email address – and I will send her these screen shots, then if indeed she joined without wanting to or clicked ‘accept’ without knowing what it was, then she can do the necessary. I too find it odd that she would join something called ‘Sahhara Hazina’ without first checking what it’s about, but there’s no explaining what people will do sometimes.]

    • Sonia Dalli says:

      Please give us the screen shots of the hate Daphne Group please.

      [Daphne – I have posted one here, but screen shots shrink when uploaded. Either use a magnifying glass or ask Mrs Coleiro Preca to contact me and I will email them directly to her. She has my word on this, and if she is genuine she will ask for them, as I would in her position.]

    • David Buttigieg says:

      Well, if memory serves, this “sweet, loving, caring person” was secretary general of the MLP when it was at its most corrupt and violent,

      Sweet, loving, caring people don’t do that – apologies if I’m wrong.

    • PhiliP says:

      Santa Marija Goretti!

    • Nikki says:

      I believe her. Why should she start lying now?

      Here are a few more ‘friends’ besides Marie Louise Coleiro Preca who chose to publicly associate themselves with this anti Daphne Facebook page:

      Maria Persico whose job description is “secretary of surgical consultants at Mater Dei Hospital”;

      Pawlu Bongailas whose job description is a salesman (or as he put it Sales Man) and claims his employer is Paolo Bonnici Limited;

      Ephraim Bezzina who claims to be employed by Mater Dei (and I can’t resist adding that his activities are “work and with my girlfriend” and his favourite books are “NOTHING” written in capital letters when the rest is all small case, including mater dei).

      There are others, too, but I can’t be bothered just yet.

  4. Alan says:

    Marie Louise Coleiro Preca is also friends on Facebook with Robert Musumeci.

  5. Cannot Resist Anymore! says:

    Ah well, Robert Musumeci seems to be friends and in cahoots with everyone, including God and Mammon, but surely not with Daphne and the TRUTH that is at stake here and which this blogger is exposing … eventually, in time, in a generation’s time, after the next election, maybe, the elves, dunces and morons and the moderates and progressives who are pulling the strings will understand this clearly. But not yet, alas!

  6. Generoso seychell says:


    How can an opinion against you is ”a hate group”.

    [Daphne – Freudian slip there: an opinion against me for being me or an opinion against what I write? It is definitely a hate group, and the name says it all ‘Evil Witch’.]

    • Generoso seychell says:

      Did MLCP comment or just accept a friend request?

      • Isard du Pont says:

        More to the point – why did she accept a friend request from somebody going by the name of Sahhara Hazina? Is she that intellectually challenged?

      • Charlemagne says:

        Mela m’ghandhomx x’jaghmlu dawn l-Onorevoli Membri tal-Oppozizzjoni, hlief li jehlu hin fuq Facebook? Forsi qed jilghabu Farmville?

  7. il-Ginger says:

    Facebook does permit hate groups, because a number of people including myself, have been reporting this group for a week now and its still up.

    Nio Adiamo Malta – We hate Malta

  8. John Vella says:

    Hi, the screenshot you posted is not that of a group or fan page.

    It is a facebook (personal) profile. The person who created the profile will send invites to others… and usually one just adds the person just to check who it is and if the person is unknown to them they can delete it. (especially if the person who sent the invite has some security options enabled which limits information)

    The person who created the facebook profile (illegal under facebook terms and conditions – as one needs to add a real name to a profile and I don’t think that is a real name [I hope])

    ( In facebook one can create 3 types of pages, a personal page, a fan page (for business/Arts) and a group. )

    I am not taking sides… but in my opinion joining a fan page/group would have been the problem.

    [Daphne – It’s a group masquerading as a personal account, hence the two-word name. This has the advantage of allowing the person to set it up to remain anonymous until Facebook processes reports made that it is a fake ID. There have been several such others and all have been reported and deactivated by Facebook. I think people are extremely stupid to click ‘accept’ before checking who and what they’re accepting, particularly if they are politicians of some standing.]

    • John Vella says:

      I apologize but I still can’t agree to it being a group. It`s still a fake profile though and as I explained before people will accept, check out the information on the person (as one will have more information after adding the person) and delete/keep the user as friend. I agree that it is fake and against facebook’s T&C so it must be deleted.

      On another note… Yes people are stupid, especially most of the politicians. They just love it when the friends count increase.

      • Yanika says:

        @John Vella.

        In this particular case, though, Mrs Coleiro Preca could have checked without accepting the invite. The profile of Sahhara Hazina was not exclusive to those who added ‘her’ to their friends at the time she was invited (or asked to be added as a friend).

        I have checked out the profile out of curiosity, and even though I was not ‘a friend’ because I was neither invited, nor asked to be, a friend (in Facebook terms) I could still see ‘her’ wall.

        It seems that now that Facebook profile has been either deleted or made inaccessible, so I cannot tell you to check it out for yourself. You’ll have to rely on my word for it.

      • Il-Cop says:

        @John Vella
        Really. Tell you what. Name a place and time for us to meet. Don’t worry, all you have to do is sign your name. I will pay for all expenses incurred at the meeting. When you go home you will have all the time in the world to read what you have signed for. Now tell me. Do you habitually vote Labour or are you a close relative of ‘Trigger’.

      • La Redoute says:

        First, you do not need to link up with someone to see who they are. If you don’t recognise their name, you don’t know them.

        Second, you can contact a person to find out more, before accepting their invitation to become friends.

        Third, and most important, Marie Louise Coleiro Preca clicked ‘accept’ and didn’t opt out once she – as you say – checked the information about the ‘person’.

        Yes, people are stupid, especially most of the politicians who are on Facebook. What sort of excuse is that?

      • John Vella says:


        If I know that I can freely drop the contract after I read it I don’t mind… (as in this example)

        We can meet at Park Hyatt in Tokyo – in a weeks time at 4pm. Thanks for the trip! Hopefully you are man enough to keep your word and set up the meeting with these conditions.

        And I’m not exactly into Maltese politics nicknames sorry so I don’t know who the trigger is.

        As per your other question I actually voted for both parties depending on their agenda. I`m not a fan of siding with a political party just because it`s in the family blood or because someone did something in the 60s 70s 80s 90s…

        @Yanika – The information on a facebook page is not displayed in the Wall tab but in the info tab. I think the profile was deactivated.

        I would have never linked someone with the name Sahhara Hazina with Daphne maybe that`s why I would have accepted just to check all the information.

  9. Jill says:

    The Sahhara Hazina wall has now been cleared. One word of advice to all you stupid, ignorant Labour fools: look before you leap, you twits.

    Think before you press “accept”. See who your “friends” are. Even better still, go and take a long, hard look in the mirror before you call anyone “ugly”.

    Unfortunately, however, the ugliness deep within you can only be seen by others who do not think like you do.

  10. Generoso Seychell says:

    The name of the title is ”Here is the proof” – and I am still waiting for the ”Marie Louise Coleiro Preca joined one of the ‘hate Daphne’ sites on Facebook.

    [Daphne – There’s a screen shot here. If you give me your real email address, I will send it to you as an attachment and you will be able to see and read it more clearly.]

    How can a different opinion is a hate group,who conclude that ?

    [Daphne – Oh let’s see now. Marie Louise Coleiro Preca became a Facebook friend of Sahhara Hazina because she thinks there actually is somebody with that name – or that it’s a networking page for practitioners of black magic. If I were on Facebook and somebody called ‘Evil Witch’ sent me a friend request, you can bet your last cent I wouldn’t press Accept.]

    From the information given, I am note seeing any abnormal postion from MLCP. Is true that she applied(only as a friend),but it is not true that MLC hate anybody.Can someone show me different,please!!!
    How can a person hate someone,and at the same time she gain the most votes after the leader !!!!

    Sorry,but this dust was throw to a wrong person and direction also.

    [Daphne – I don’t think you understand how these things work, or what they mean, though I do see that you are genuinely perplexed.]

    • Tonio Farrugia says:

      Rather than genuinely perplexed, I would say utterly dyslexic.

    • Generoso Seychell says:

      If you think that Marie-Louise hate,you are completly wrong and also you want to check this first.
      You must show us how Marie-Louise hate you ?,
      You are twistng things,and worst taking advantage of them to throw dust.Can you tell me how you conclude this ”That somebody stole her iPhone and sent messages to Vince Farrugia by mistake?”

      How you conclude that I am not ” genuinely perplexed ”,and at the same time you are twisting things to gain your political mileage!!!

      [Daphne – Generoso, when our house was set on fire with us asleep inside it, Marie Louise Coleiro Preca was one of those who actually took the trouble to get my number and call me rather than emailing or sending a text message, and I thanked her for it publicly. Now that she has joined a Facebook page called Evil Witch (Sahhara Hazina) dedicated to spreading lies, rumours and malice about me, I have said so publicly too. Maybe she didn’t know what she was joining. Maybe an assistant clicked ‘Accept’ on her behalf. If she or her assistant didn’t accept out of malice, then they did so out of sheer naivety and political ignorance – and those factors are just as bad in a politician of that stature. Marie Louise Coleiro Preca is a senior politician and one who tried to become leader of the Labour Party. How can you not see that she cannot in any way afford to have her name linked with a Facebook page called Evil Witch, dedicated to lying about a journalist who criticises the Labour Party? It was a strategic error, and a major one – and now, because the page has gone ‘underground’, she cannot remove her presence without deactivating her entire account. Her face and name are still showing up on Sahhara Hazina even though Sahhara Hazina does not show up on Mrs Coleiro Preca’s Facebook page. Those who know how to navigate the internet can still find it.]

    • Alan says:

      What is there to be perplexed about, Daphne?

      The comments/posts in that Facebook space are full of hate and spite directed at you.

      Marie Louise Coleiro Preca joined that group of people as a friend on Facebook. Period.

    • La Redoute says:

      People voted for Dom Mintoff, Generoso. They even voted for Norman Lowell. So what does gaining votes prove?

  11. Riya says:

    Kemm jiehdu zbalji dawn in-nies Alla jbierek! Missom qedin fil-Gvern! Jirrangawna!

  12. Charles J Buttigieg says:

    Daphne, please for the love of God, Marie Louise Coleiro deserves better than what she’s getting here. She is a politician with a heart of gold. You had cleared the Imperial Band Club after they explained to you that they were totally ignorant of the fact that the club’s name was on the group’s list, I had alerted them myself. I can assure you that Louise is above these silly things too.

    • Alan says:


      The Imperial band Club is a Facebook space open to the public. In other words, you don’t need their permission to become their ‘fan’. Note, ‘fan’, not friend. All you have to do is go to the Club’s Facebook & click ‘Become a Fan’. The Club does not need to ‘approve’ you to become a fan.

      The club heard that a ‘fan’ of theirs was Sahhara Hazina, and duly removed ‘her’.

      It is quite different for Sahhara Hazina. She does not have fans, only friends.

      ‘She’ has to send you a request to be ‘her’ friend, which you must ‘approve’ in order to become friends.

      Or you can send ‘her’ a request to be ‘her’ friend, and ‘she’ must approve you.

      It is not an automatic thing like the band club.

      That is the difference between what happened with the club and the situation with Marie Louise Coleiro.

    • The Bus Conductor says:

      I guess you are the same Charles J Buttigieg who a few weeks ago said ” a friend called Richard called to tell me that you tried to provoke me to meet you on this blog web” and ended your non argument by saying “If you want to continue with this you’ll need to meet me on timesofmalta, if they let you in, I like a good audience and can’t get that here.”

      So what exactly are you doing now? Did your friend Richard give you another tinkle?

    • PhiliP says:

      “She is a politician with a heart of gold”
      Ghidilha biex tmur ghand Said tal-Belt li qieghed jixtri id-deheb antik u tinnegozjha.

  13. DM says:

    @ Isard du Pont – she is
    @ Sonia Dalli – you must be joking

    • Sonia Dalli says:

      Sorry but the link does not work. If you want to read MLCP’s note type ‘Il-‘Hate’ links u Daphne Caruana Galizia’ in the search box and click on ‘posts by everbody’.

      • The Bus Conductor says:

        If she wishes to make up excuses as to how she happened to become a Facebook friend of Sahhara Hazina, the best place would be on this blog. An apology might be nice, and she seems to have upset Sonia.

      • Alan says:

        @The Bus Conductor

        She has no reason to make any apolgy on this blog. She made a statement, and a very honorable one at that. I have learned something over the past two days about MLCP.

        When the matter concerning her affiliation with sahhara hazina was pointed out, like many others, I was already on the band-wagon, saying that was no different from the rest etc etc.

        However, I took a a step back when I saw Daphne mentioning that she was amongst the first to call her and offer her support when fire was set to her house.

        Other subsequent comments in defense of MLCP made me take another cautious step back. The comments in her defense seemed to come from the heart, mghux bid-dwiefer as we are used to by certain elements who post here.

        I for one started to feel like a little rat, as I am not in the habit of speaking out against someone who does not deserve it.

        Still, I called a few acquaintances who have an extremely in-depth historical knowledge of the Labour Party, both Nationalists and Labourites.

        The feedback I obtained was unanimous, from both sides, and can be summed up as

        “She is a shade redder than the reddest of them all in her political beliefs. But she has a genuine heart of gold and is incapable of harming anyone. Her desire to help people is limitless, and she has even gotten into the party ‘bad-books’ quite a few times for even helping PN supporters. Regardless, she trods on, because that’s the way she is.”

        Her subsequent statement sealed it shut for me.

        The fact that she was, and still is, a member of the LP, does not make her a thug, liar, cheat etc.

        I am sure she is not lilly-white, as nobody can be that in politics.

        My point is : picking blindly on a member of the LP like Marie Louise Coleiro Preca, just because she a Labourite, is being no better than those twisted members of the Labour Party the likes of which we have seen come to light over the past 7/8 weeks.

        I am still feeling a little ‘guilty’ for rushing to premature conclusions, and have been eating my hat since.

        Let’s lay off Marie Louise Coleiro Preca, and stick to criticising those who deseve it.

    • Alan says:

      For all who can’t see it

      Prosit Mrs. Marie Louise Coleiro Preca.

      You have just joined the ranks, in my eyes, with another honorable member of the labour Party, Mr. Evarist Bartolo.

      Innehielhek il-kappell bl’akbar unur Mrs. Coleiro Preca.

    • Snoopy says:

      Sonia, she is in fact implying that she does not examine these requests thoroughly. I think that this is a very serious statemnet coming from a prominent politician.

  14. taxpayer says:

    Daphne, can you give me your e mail address, please?

    [Daphne –]

  15. taxpayer says:

    could be important

  16. mario borg says:

    Do you really believe MLCP did this? Do any one really believe she has time to surf the net for fun and spare time to waste on social networks?

    probably none of you know her.

    If any one wants my (not so important) opinion, here it is: one of her helpers maintains the social network on her behalf, and he/she was naive enough to fall for this.

    • Snoopy says:

      Sorry Marion, but that is no excuse.

      • Alan says:

        I think you are being a little too harsh Snoopy. The fact that she issued that statement shows what kind of a woman she is. Everybody makes mistakes, and nobody is perfect. And no, I’m not going to throw a bible at you. But at least she is not like the others who denies, lies, cheats, goes to the police and makes a fool of herself in general.

        If the Labour Party had more like her, then we would have a real democracy in this country, with two decent sides to choose from.

        But that is an impossibilty, so the way I see it, its good that at least there a few who survived the rotten apple spreading in there.

      • Snoopy says:

        First, apologies to Mario – have difficulty in typing – fingers bandaged at the moment – and by mistake an “n” got added to your name.

        @ Alan – if I was a politician and had assistants to keep up my net presence, I would either choose well or else get off the net completely – whatever you write on the web under your name is yours. That is why it is very important to be extra vigilant not to have your identity stolen.

      • Alan says:

        My point exactly Snoopy, I agree with you. Mistakes are made by one and all, but that does not imply evil intents every time.

  17. ganni borg says:

    Kienu ghadhom u jibqaw cowards, pulcinelli, u laqijn tal-Labour. Basta ser jghamel terrimot l-iehor u l-uniku terrimot li ghamel kien li nehha lill minn ma jaqbilx mieghu. Ha nerga nghida: intom tal-Labour kollha pulcinelli.

  18. Gahan says:

    “…..networks, u qed naqghu fin-nassa, ta’ dawn it-talin. Hekk gara lili u jiddispjacini li kien hemm min hassu offiz.” MLCP

    Hawn min ghandu rieda tajba.

    [Daphne – If Marie Louise Coleiro really had good will, she would have left the Labour Party in the 1980s, but she was its secretary-general. Quite frankly, I can’t see how any person of true good will can associate himself or herself with such rubbish. The natural conclusion must be that either their morals or their judgement is suspect.]

  19. red-nose says:

    If MLCP’s roots are Labour – it is difficult for her to get away. Perhaps she has a dream that someday, Labour will change to “HER” way of thinking, which in my view is very positive.

    • Alan says:

      My thoughts exactly. The PN would be trembling in their boots with more people like her and Varist in their ranks.

      All Joseph Muscat has achieved to date, with his rhethoric of national unity, is a pathetic bunch in, as Daphne so aptly put it, a “Technicolour Dream Bandwagon”.

      Dak il partit, sploduh, u ergew ibdew mill-bidu, Joseph. The rotting foundations are buried too deeply to reach and repair.

  20. Leonardo says:

    I’ve never had as much respect for Marie Louise Coleiro Preca as I have today, now that I heard this piece of news!

    Prosit Louise.

  21. rose says:

    To all comments for M’Louise those ‘loving, caring’ coming from ironic people and to Daphne most of all’.
    I am lucky to know M’louise very well indeed. All I can say is that ‘shahar ‘ do not exist in the Bible and during these times one should think to read THE MESSAGE of the Bible between the lines.
    I think one should speak not of M’louise but the people that elect her.She is always the female first to be elected through candidateship during main elections.
    A word to whoever think bad of M’Louise during when she was a secretary of the MLP, as being behind the ‘uncomfortable actions of the party’; well all I can say is that various actions are definitely not done by one person. So what the man says in the previous comments is excuse me, very ridiculous!
    M’Louise is one political person envied by many, as whoever knows her well, vows for sure, the spirit of wellness.
    During these times of lent, I think of Jesus Christ. He too was blamed from me and you, no?
    N.B. M’louise keep up the good work. Knowing you, these unjustly comments will surely not impress and worry you. The true rightfullness is always from the clouds above!

  22. Brian says:

    @ Il-Cop

    Re. John Vella. Kindly explain where I fit in the picture as to your previous comment regarding Mr. Vella?

    • Il-Cop says:

      Which picture am I supposed to have fitted you in?

      • Brian says:


        Most probably it’s my mistake, and if so I duly apolgise. I have my e-mail acc/ named as trigger ( in a different way). Putting the cherry on the cake, two days ago someone tried to get into my comp. Had to reformat and change everything. Again I apologise if this was not meant for me. Is there a trigger in here?

  23. Il-Cop says:

    No problem mate. Trigger is a character played by Roger Lloyd-Pack in the comedy Only Fools and Horses. He is a hilariously stupid street sweeper. And no, the comment was not meant for you.

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